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In this Debate

Is it Possible to have only 1 Prejudice?

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We usually know a racialist prejudice person when he says some thing like I'm not racist but etc etc. Or I know some one who says that blacks etc etc. And you know that this guy has some thing going on in the gray cells. So you start thinking that if a prejudice person is so ignorant of all the facts to be a racist then may be he has this pattern going on about other things.
Then sure enough you dig deep and find out that he has other prejudices such as hating gays or hating religions or other religions. 

So has it ever happened that any one has ever had only one prejudice?

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  • DeeDee 5396 Pts   -   edited December 2023
    We usually know a racialist prejudice person when he says some thing like I'm not racist but etc etc. Or I know some one who says that blacks etc etc. And you know that this guy has some thing going on in the gray cells

    So how do you explain your rabid hatred of the Irish?   .......I'm waiting........
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