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Will Biden answer for his crimes?

Debate Information

Biden openly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine for being corrupt. Problem is that guy was looking into Biden jr's illegal business dealings in his country. Should Biden be charged for racketeering? ;

"At the time he was removed, Shokin was investigating the corrupt energy company Burisma that was paying Biden’s son Hunter $1 million a year to sit on its board."

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  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    When Donald Trump get's re elected, some people within the corrupt US Justice Department, the iRS, and the FBI are definitely going to be prosecuted, for tampering with evidence, perverting the course of justice, misleading Congress, and election interference.        But I doubt if Biden will be prosecuted,     Republicans are aware of how damaging to US prestige will result from a series of criminal conviction of a man who was once the President of the United States.   My prediction, is that Biden will escape prosecution, and the excuse will be his obvious advancing senility.    
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited January 9
    Argument Topic: Will Biden answer for his crimes?

    Hello F:

    It's coming down to that isn't it??  Guilt or innocence has little to do with it.  If Trump wins, Biden is in trouble, as will be democracy..  If Trump loses, he'll be in trouble, and democracy will be saved  

    Personally, I'm having a hard time believing a guy, who for 40 years took a train to work, is guilty of anything..  The only one truly guilty, is Loser J. Trump.  As a holder of a "Confidential" security clearance (who is STILL keeping his mouth shut), I can't abide anybody treating our nations secrets like toilet paper..


  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Hello F:

    It's coming down to that isn't it??  Guilt or innocence has little to do with it.  If Trump wins, Biden is in trouble, as will be democracy..  If Trump loses, he'll be in trouble, and democracy will be saved  

    Personally, I'm having a hard time believing a guy, who for 40 years took a train to work, is guilty of anything..  The only one truly guilty, is Loser J. Trump.  As a holder of a "Confidential" security clearance (who is STILL keeping his mouth shut), I can't abide anybody treating our nations secrets like toilet paper..


    Evidence suggests that Biden received $40,000 under the table from a Chinese company that he did not report giving him money. ;

    Biden has been caught in repeated lies about his involvement with Burisma and has changed his story time and time again

    Justice should be blind and only concerned about the action taken.  We should not treat someone differently because they are part of a group we are a part of or because they aren't part of a group we are part of.  That goes for Biden or Trump.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    Evidence suggests that Biden received $40,000 under the table from a Chinese company that he did not report giving him money.
    Hello again, just:

    Wow.  That much??  Du*de.  If you're gonna throw away a 40 year career, you'd think he do it for more that $40,000.

    Du*de again.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Evidence suggests that Biden received $40,000 under the table from a Chinese company that he did not report giving him money.
    Hello again, just:

    Wow.  That much??  Du*de.  If you're gonna throw away a 40 year career, you'd think he do it for more that $40,000.

    Du*de again.

    Jack, the Department of Treasury has tracked over 50 payments to Biden through shell companies.  None of which he reported.  And since when did a $40,000 bribe become a non-issue?
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  

    Jack, the Department of Treasury has tracked over 50 payments to Biden through shell companies.  None of which he reported.  And since when did a $40,000 bribe become a non-issue?
    Hello again, just:

    The suggestion that Biden threw away a 40 year career for $40,000 is ludicrous on its face.  The suggestion that the Treasury department is in bed with Biden, is also ludicrous on its face..

    You'd think if he was a crook, SOME prosecutor, SOMEWHERE, in SOME state or federal prosecutors office would have charged him.. UNLESS you think the entire government is corrupt.

    I don't hold such wacky views.

  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    With Biden openly bragging in front of a video camera about bribing the Ukrainian government to have a Ukrainian prosecutor sacked who was investigating a Ukrainian oil company who was paying Biden Jr a million dollars a year (to do what?).   And with the US Congress discovering that the Biden family had 50 shell companies that were obviously involved in money laundering.  And with Joe obviously owning assets which his government job could never have paid for.   And with the FBI studiously refusing to hand over any already known evidence that they obviously hold about Biden family corruption to the US Congress.  And with his own business partners testifying before Congress that Biden was taking bribes.     Jack is still trying to pretend that reality is not real.     It is just amazing the lengths that some people will go to protect a crooked politician who they support for (?????) whatever reason.     I can only conclude that jack is somehow involved in the Biden gravy train..  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  

    Hi Jack. On the contrary, guilt or innocence has everything to do with it. I've made it perfectly clear on another debate that trump must pay. However I'm afraid you're correct in assuming it's going to come down to who wins the election. It just shouldn't be that way. I do not think Biden to be a mastermind criminal, he's just an opportunistic buffoon who opened his mouth about something at a time when he believed he and his party to be invincible. He and certain aliases then tried to cover up Hunter's white collar crimes in Ukraine. They thought they'd hidden the correspondences that would prove certain things, but not well enough. Hunter's laptop to his dismay showed up. Often times the simplest answer is the correct one.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    Nobody suggests he "threw away" his career @jack. After all he is the puppet installed president. He threw away his legacy.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: With Biden openly bragging i

    @Bogan said: With Biden openly bragging in front of a video camera about bribing the Ukrainian government to have a Ukrainian prosecutor sacked who was investigating a Ukrainian oil company who was paying Biden Jr a million dollars a year (to do what?).   And with the US Congress discovering that the Biden family had 50 shell companies that were obviously involved in money laundering.  And with Joe obviously owning assets which his government job could never have paid for.   And with the FBI studiously refusing to hand over any already known evidence that they obviously hold about Biden family corruption to the US Congress.  And with his own business partners testifying before Congress that Biden was taking bribes.     Jack is still trying to pretend that reality is not real.     It is just amazing the lengths that some people will go to protect a crooked politician who they support for (?????) whatever reason.     I can only conclude that jack is somehow involved in the Biden gravy train..  

    The perfect Gish Gallop tactics that Bogan may possibly have learned from the master himself - Trump. A multitude of misinformation spewed out in a rapidfire succession. 
    - you can´t just drop a bomb like that and say night night.
    PROOF please.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: And so it begins

    This may or may not lead to corruption charges. The lap top was damaged by liquid and was tampered both prior and after the fbi seized it. Of course Al Capone never faced corruption charges either...That said interesting hunter gets appointed on the board of a corrupt oil company in 2014 while daddy was still vp. joined the board of,of Burisma several months prior.

    No one disputes Burisma was corrupt, do they?

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    @Openminded quote      PROOF please.

    Have you been living in a cave with no internet access for the last 2 years?

  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: With Biden openly bragging

    With Biden openly bragging in front of a video camera about bribing the Ukrainian government to have a Ukrainian prosecutor sacked who was investigating a Ukrainian oil company who was paying Biden Jr a million dollars a year (to do what?).   And with the US Congress discovering that the Biden family had 50 shell companies that were obviously involved in money laundering.  And with Joe obviously owning assets which his government job could never have paid for.   And with the FBI studiously refusing to hand over any already known evidence that they obviously hold about Biden family corruption to the US Congress.  And with his own business partners testifying before Congress that Biden was taking bribes.     Jack is still trying to pretend that reality is not real.     It is just amazing the lengths that some people will go to protect a crooked politician who they support for (?????) whatever reason.     I can only conclude that jack is somehow involved in the Biden gravy train..

    Bogan, I´m waiting for proof, at least the most credible you can provide in this alarmingly, quickly developing AI technology world weŕein, but links to credible, unbiased sites, to all of the above statements - the series of unverified untruths. Post links and credible sources please. 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    I am a little confused as to how actions of someone's child constitute a crime they are responsible for. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and deeply corrupt prosecutors trying to extort money from wealthy Westerners are very common there. The fact that one was fired for investigating Biden's son does not mean anything. What could Biden have done, threatened him with assassination if he does not quit, or paid him a larger bribe?
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  

    Not living under a rock. Just watching, reading and listening to more than one news station.

    Let´s go over all your assertions one by one shall we? 

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -   edited January 12

    If he did threaten to have someone assassinated it would probably make the case against him easier, that's for sure. 

    Money laundering is probably one of the hardest crimes to prove. As it's very existence is to hide crimes. Lots of times it takes years of criminal investigations to uncover the truth so these hearing will only be the beginning. Daddy is likely too old and senile to ever be charged, though we can hope! But the government has already arraigned hunter for tax evasion which is a lot easier to prosecute and joe's brother jim? It'll be interesting to see where that investigation goes. The thing is if joe hadn't been so cocky and bragged, his son and would not be in the messes they're in. Which is good because when we move pass this whole mess we might be resigned as a nation not to vote along party lines only. And not embarrass ourselves by electing people like the last two clowns (joe&don) we voted into the presidency again. 
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    @Openminded ;    Post links and credible sources please. 

    I did just that, moron.    Even with the evidence staring you right in the face,. you won't see past your ideological blinkers.      I find your ignorance and unequaled ability to deny self evident reality to be just amazing.   
  • JoesephJoeseph 1124 Pts   -  
    It's truly astonishing that Americans attack each other non stop over who voted for which  president, doesnt matter who's voted to the the post the opposition will instantly claim that the new guy is corrupt.

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: UNLESS you think the entire government is corrupt.

    Bingo. It does appear that most Trump supporters actually believe the entire government is corrupt. Remember, ¨Only I can fix it.¨ Trump. If he did one thing right, it was to manipulate the gullible, vulnerable and ignorant. He stoked suspicion, fear and anger in his supporters. Don´t trust anyone but me - even before he was elected. He set up his foot soldiers to fight for him right away. Well done Trump.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    @Openminded quote      PROOF please.

    Have you been living in a cave with no internet access for the last 2 years?

    Kind of hard to argue with Joe Biden's own testimony that he was involved in a quid pro quo.  
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited January 12

    This may or may not lead to corruption charges. The lap top was damaged by liquid and was tampered both prior and after the fbi seized it.
    Hello again, f:

    The laptop is of no value in criminal proceedings because there's no "chain of custody"..  It's true, the Chinese, or the Iranians, or Jim Jon Un, could have manipulated the laptop.  Or, maybe not..  But, without a chain of evidence, we'll never know. 

    Here's what the chain of evidence actually IS:

    A process and record that shows who obtained the evidence; where and when the evidence was obtained; who secured the evidence; and who had control or possession of the evidence. The “sequencing” of the chain of evidence follows this order: collection and identification; analysis; storage; preservation; presentation in court;

    In the real world, evidence WITHOUT a chain of custody, is as good as dirt.


  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I did just that, moron. Even with the evidence staring you right in the face,. you won't see past your ideological blinkers. I find your ignorance and unequaled ability to deny self evident reality to be just amazing.


    @Bogan said: With Biden openly bragging in front of a video camera about bribing the Ukrainian government to have a Ukrainian prosecutor sacked who was investigating a Ukrainian oil company who was paying Biden Jr a million dollars a year (to do what?).

    He had the Ukrainian prosecutor sacked for not investigating corruption. Biden did use 1 Billion to persuade Ukraine to fire Shokin, a top prosecutor (a move supported by our European allies) . It was NOT because Shokin was investigating Burisma and Hunter. It was because Shokin was not looking into rampant corruption in politics. You fell for a false meme that has been distributed thousands of times. If you read this article it explains that Ukraine was trying to rid their country of corruption that they blame for Russia´s political and economic power.  If you read further, you´ll note that the prosecutor, Shokin, was not even investigating Burisma at the time Biden called for his removal.

    And with the US Congress discovering that the Biden family had 50 shell companies that were obviously involved in money laundering. 

    ¨The lion’s share of the $20 million went to Biden family business associates; about $5 million went to Biden family members. The records show no evidence that any payments went to Joe Biden, who was vice president when some of the payments occurred. The records also do not reveal that Joe Biden engaged in wrongdoing.¨

    And with Joe obviously owning assets which his government job could never have paid for.

    Speculation on your part Bogan.

    And with the FBI studiously refusing to hand over any already known evidence that they obviously hold about Biden family corruption to the US Congress

    ¨The Bottom Line

    There is no evidence to suggest that Joe Biden, or the Biden family, received money in exchange for political actions. That fact remains unchanged despite the inconsistent and logically incongruous assertions of evidence presented by both Grassley and Comer, as well as Giuliani. ¨

    And with his own business partners testifying before Congress that Biden was taking bribes.

    While undoubtedly corruption runs rampant in politics, there is no proof that Devon Archer said Biden was taking bribes. The below are quotes from the Committee Member, Goldman after the Archer interrogation.

    "There is no evidence connecting President Biden to anything related to Hunter Biden. We have been told by the Republicans repeatedly that this is an investigation into Joe Biden, there is no evidence that connects Joe Biden to any of this, and we've now had witness after witness come in and they have testified to the same thing," Goldman said later.

    "The witness repeated over and over and over again, that the President Biden never discussed any business dealings of hunters with Hunter or anyone else," Goldman said.

    Goldman added, "So, the implication that because Hunter put his father on the speakerphone with people that Hunter was doing business with, had meant that President Biden had any discussions about business is false."

    Jack is still trying to pretend that reality is not real.     It is just amazing the lengths that some people will go to protect a crooked politician who they support for (?????) whatever reason.     I can only conclude that jack is somehow involved in the Biden gravy train.. 

    Bogan - you are in fact a Gish Galloper - you post a series of unverified claims hoping no one will dispute them. All your above assertions were sloppily put together with minimal proof except a couple of sketchy videos. Also used were direct assertions and speculation from the Republican led House Oversight Committee website. It´s kind of like the Fox protecting the interests of the Hen House isn´t it?

    It´s obvious from your sloppy, lazy post that you have much emotional investment in this. Why? Do you reside in Australia? What´s your motivation? Did your team trump lose and you cannot reconcile this? Your boy, Trump, is a loser and will likely be in prison by this time next year. You, , are unable to live in reality. And your support of Trump is more proof that he has in fact built up his army - his foot soldiers - to continue to do his bidding while he places himself as King.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    It is just amazing the lengths that leftists will go through in order to deny that their chosen candidate and his entire family are obviously corrupt.   It is as if leftism is a cult where continued devotions to their false God is mandatory, and the deflecting any criticism of their religion and it's leaders, regardless of the weight of evidence against them, is just another way of displaying how devoted you are to your leaders.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  

    BAM. First were the lies, then the gaslighting and then the projection.

    If there were a Badge for B_U_L_L_S_H_I_T Bogan would have ´em.

    You are a Bogan. A sad, pathetic, pitiful .
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: It is amazing


    We shall see Bogan. What exactly is your interest in American politics?
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I am a little confused as to how actions of someone's child constitute a crime they are responsible for. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and deeply corrupt prosecutors trying to extort money from wealthy Westerners are very common there.

    I am a little confused as to how actions of someone's child constitute a crime they are responsible for. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and deeply corrupt prosecutors trying to extort money from wealthy Westerners are very common there. The fact that one was fired for investigating Biden's son does not mean anything. What could Biden have done, threatened him with assassination if he does not quit, or paid him a larger bribe?

    The Republicans are trying desperately to link Joe Biden with his son´s crimes. Can you imagine if the Dems did this to Trump using his offspring? Ukraine is one the most corrupt countries. And yes, Biden leveraged one billion US dollars to encourage Ukraine to oust Shokin, their leading prosecutor, as he was not doing his job of investigating the corruption in Ukraine. At the time, Shokin was not even investigating Burisma. And I agree, using the offspring of a president to get to the president is an abomination just as the republican party is.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  

    Respectfully, Hunter Biden has been charged with tax evasion and has paid his back taxes. He is also a recovering drug addict and is working on his recovery. This has also been revealed. What Bogan is trying to do, as the Republican led House Committee is doing is trying to get at Joe Biden. A kind of tit for tat use of our tax $s. They want blood.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -   edited January 12
    I am a little confused as to how actions of someone's child constitute a crime they are responsible for. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and deeply corrupt prosecutors trying to extort money from wealthy Westerners are very common there. The fact that one was fired for investigating Biden's son does not mean anything. What could Biden have done, threatened him with assassination if he does not quit, or paid him a larger bribe?

    The Republicans are trying desperately to link Joe Biden with his son´s crimes. Can you imagine if the Dems did this to Trump using his offspring? Ukraine is one the most corrupt countries. And yes, Biden leveraged one billion US dollars to encourage Ukraine to oust Shokin, their leading prosecutor, as he was not doing his job of investigating the corruption in Ukraine. At the time, Shokin was not even investigating Burisma. And I agree, using the offspring of a president to get to the president is an abomination just as the republican party is.
    They did exactly that. For 4 years straight (and for a while before and after that) there was no break in Democrats looking into businesses and political meetings of Trump's wife, daughter and son-in-law. People looked into Trump's businesses now run by his family and tried to link their increased success to Trump's position. Trump himself was claimed to have received assistance from the Russian government in his election campaign, based on nothing more than a couple of meetings he had hold with people who had had a couple of meetings with members of the Russian parliament.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  

    How do you know what taxes he's paid and what he hasn't? If he paid them why was he still arraigned?
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: They did exactly that. For 4 years straight (and for a while before and after that) there was no break in Democrats looking into businesses and political meetings of Trump's wife, daughter and son-in-law.


    Well I´m sure they did. If you´re running against a populist candidate who bamboozled millions with his B_S rhetoric, was well-known in NYC to be a greedy businessman and a tax evader, it would serve well. The difference between the two candidates Trump/Biden is that Trump has always broken tax laws, ripped his workers off by not paying them what was negotiated (under the guise they did terrible work), and continues to pilfer off vulnerable Americans. I´m not doing the tit for tat here. 

    And yes, it has been proven that Russia in fact interfered with the 2016 election. This has been proven. Why? Putin wanted nothing to do with a tough President, he wanted Trump, the weakest candidate, and one he knew he could manipulate. He knew Trump was smitten with dictators.

    I´m betting you know this though don´t you Caesar? 
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  

    I´m sure you could look that up.

    Sometimes, I´m not sure who I am actually debating with - the totally ignorant or the mind F_C__KRS.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -   edited January 12

    Well I´m sure they did. If you´re running against a populist candidate who bamboozled millions with his B_S rhetoric, was well-known in NYC to be a greedy businessman and a tax evader, it would serve well. The difference between the two candidates Trump/Biden is that Trump has always broken tax laws, ripped his workers off by not paying them what was negotiated (under the guise they did terrible work), and continues to pilfer off vulnerable Americans. I´m not doing the tit for tat here. 

    And yes, it has been proven that Russia in fact interfered with the 2016 election. This has been proven. Why? Putin wanted nothing to do with a tough President, he wanted Trump, the weakest candidate, and one he knew he could manipulate. He knew Trump was smitten with dictators.

    I´m betting you know this though don´t you Caesar? 
    Right. In one case "it would serve well", in another "using the offspring of a president to get to the president is an abomination". Perfect consistency, yes?

    As far as I know, Trump has never been found guilty of tax evasion. Similarly, Biden has never been found guilty of employing coercion against inconvenient prosecutors.

    I was talking specifically about accusations of Trump collaborating with the Russian government in the election process. Whether Russia has intervened in the election or not is not relevant to this discussion. I will add that you must have some unique inside information to understand Putin's motivations so well: having lived under his rule for 15 years before bailing out, I still cannot say that I understand the man that well.
    Something worth noting though is that Trump was the only president during Putin's rule to not witness Russia initiate an expansionist war during his presidency. Putin attacked Chechnya during Clinton's rule, Georgia during Bush'es rule, Crimea during Obama's rule, and Ukraine during Biden's rule. How exactly does all this align with the claim that Trump was the weakest candidate?
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -   edited January 12

    Nice dodge with an insult to boot. That story is two years old. I couldn't read it because I don't subscribe to liberal rags. (or conservative rags) Biden was arraigned yesterday, why? I have looked it up that much is true. I'm just seeing what you know and are willing to admit.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -   edited January 12

    No collusion between trump and Russia has been proven. Only that Putin tried to meddle into our elections which he has tried in other western countries as well. If you had watched the entire foreign relations counsel interview where he bragged about interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation, you would have known that. Biden said so when he explained why putin does what he does. Putin is strongly opposed to the "liberal world order". Which about half of America is as well. That's what trump failed to articulate in his speeches when he talked about putting America first and restructuring the financing apparatus for NATO. Trump is slimey, no doubt. But he did put America first where as liberals are only interested in their world aspirations. Btw, what liberals are doing by trying to force the liberal world order agenda on the world, (why biden bribed ukraine) is called racketeering and hostile take overs when civilians do those things.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;    That's what trump failed to articulate in his speeches when he talked about putting America first and restructuring the financing apparatus for NATO. Trump is slimey, no doubt. But he did put America first where as liberals are only interested in their world aspirations. Btw, what liberals are doing by trying to force the liberal world order agenda on the world, (why biden bribed ukraine) is called racketeering and hostile take overs when civilians do those things.

    As usual, Trump was right.     For decades, unreliable "allies: like Europe, Australia, and New Zealand have bludged off the US taxpayer for their defense.     Europe is rich enough and powerful enough to defend itself, but all it ever does is sneer at the USA in their superior way, then run to the US whenever there is s war that they don't want to fight themselves.  Examples, Bosnia, Libya, and now Ukraine.      Australia's defense policy since WW2 has always been to fight to the last American.     Australians spend more on gambling and our pets then we do on defense.     Because of this, our army is a joke, which during the Gulf war was so small and poorly equipped that we could not contribute anything to the coalition forces in Kuwait.     Recently, Australia joined AUKUS which is supposed to be an alliance between Australia, The United Kingdom, and the USA, to prevent Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.

    The first test of AUKUS and Australia failed it miserably.     Our socialist labor government refused to send a warship to join the coalition (which even included tiny Bahrain) on the spurious grounds that we had no ships to send.     Which is complete and utter bull-sheeet.     Australia has eight frigates which are set up as sort of anti air frigates, and three brand new AEGIS equipped Air warfare destroyers which were perfect for the job.

    But the problem is, that our socialists have imported hundreds of thousands of near useless Muslims into our country who are very much disproportionately represented in serios criminal behaviour and welfare dependency.      Since socialists have a soft spot for violent criminals, and welfare recipients are their primary electors,  you can understand why the Socialists do not want to upset the Muzzies.     The Muslim suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne and now the Labor Party's heartland.      Upsetting Muslims when they are chanting "gas the Jews!" right in front of Sydney's Opera House, by arresting them for Incitement to violence, would only get them more angry. towards labor.  And angry Muslims, are capable of doing anything.      Like setting off bombs and voting for our useless and crazy Greens.  

    I hope that when Trump gets back in, he cancels the deal where the USA will sell Australia nuclear submarine technology.      We are an unreliable ally, we won't lift up our end of the log,  we are chock a block full of people who hate the USA.     And we would rather waste our money on anything other than our own defense.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  

    Sweet J_E_S_U_S. You think a clip that you post with no named source is proof?
    And even more ridiculous is the FOX News clip. Most Americans do not trust FOX News especially after its defamation lawsuit against it.  Fox News paid over $787M for lying about the Dominion Voting Systems over the election lies. 
    FOX News is NOT a credible news source. Think Bogan.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: It is just amazing the lengths that leftists will go through in order to deny that their chosen candidate and his entire family are obviously corrupt. I

    It is just amazing the lengths that leftists will go through in order to deny that their chosen candidate and his entire family are obviously corrupt.   It is as if leftism is a cult where continued devotions to their false God is mandatory, and the deflecting any criticism of their religion and it's leaders, regardless of the weight of evidence against them, is just another way of displaying how devoted you are to your leaders.

    And BAM - there it is. The ID (lowest level of ego) working in full force - one operating from a primal level - a basic need to protect oneself by gaslighting, deflecting and lying. Trump taught you well.

    It is just amazing the lengths that leftists will go through in order to deny that their chosen candidate and his entire family are obviously corrupt.
    This is obvious projection. Biden is our president. Period. You don´t see supporters of the president flying Biden Flags from trucks and houses. You don´t see Biden supporters buying trading cards with images of Biden as a superhero. You don´t and NEVER will see Biden supporters rampaging the capitol, flying Biden flags and confederate flags acting as his foot soldiers in submission.

     It is as if leftism is a cult where continued devotions to their false God is mandatory, and the deflecting any criticism of their religion and it's leaders, regardless of the weight of evidence against them, is just another way of displaying how devoted you are to your leaders.

    More projection or the ´ol flimflam
    Leftism is a cult now? Biden is a false God?  Again, Biden is our president. Period.

    This post is laughable at its best, pitiful at its worst.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  

    This post is laughable at its best, pitiful at its worst.

    So why did you post? 
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  

    I meant @Bogan post was laughable and pitiful.

  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    Closeminded quote     And BAM - there it is. The ID (lowest level of ego) working in full force - one operating from a primal level - a basic need to protect oneself by gaslighting, deflecting and lying. Trump taught you well.

    The reason why I am running rings around you is because I m an experienced debater and I am also well read.     Because I am well read, I know how to think.     This quality is sadly lacking in your own case.    In addition, I used to be a trendy lefty myself, but like most young trendy lefties, I realised that leftists were losers and I grew out of it.    Hopefully, you will achieve the same feat.  Although in your case I have my doubts?

    Closeminded quote     This is obvious projection. Biden is our president. Period. You don´t see supporters of the president flying Biden Flags from trucks and houses. You don´t see Biden supporters buying trading cards with images of Biden as a superhero. You don´t and NEVER will see Biden supporters rampaging the capitol, flying Biden flags and confederate flags acting as his foot soldiers in submission.

    Of course you won't see any leftists waving US flags.  To start with, patriotism is a real no no to leftists, who gravitate towards Internationalism.     Leftists like yourself associate patriotism with the attitudes of peasants and the crass lower middle class.   Since you and your friends thinj that you are so ferking superior to the hoi polloi, the trick is to always oppose what the productive people support.   This is in order to display how "different" you lot are from your social inferiors.    It is nothing but class warfare in a war which your side started.

    Secondly, leftists would be too ashamed to show open support for Biden.    The bloke is a corrupt and senile old fool who is just a sock puppet for the upper elites of the US bureaucracy.      You lefties are losing and it really bugs you.


  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  

    I meant @Bogan post was laughable and pitiful.

    I know. My question remains. Why post a scathing attack instead of ripping his argument apart with facts and well formulated opinions?
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 196 Pts   -  
    I did counter debate him.
    Why would I once again waste my time debating with someone I feel uses deceitful debate techniques? So I can continue being manipulated and feeling bad about myself for taking the bait?
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited January 14
    Bogan said:

    Of course you won't see any leftists waving US flags.  To start with, patriotism is a real no no to leftists,
    Hello Bogan:

    It's true...  This lib doesn't wave flags.  This lib lets his wartime service do the talking.  In 1962, this libs ship, the USS Robert K Huntington, DD 781 blockaded the Russians from planting their nukes 90 miles from the US.  This lib did it for you too.

    You served where?

    excon, RD2, USN

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    Bogan said:

    Of course you won't see any leftists waving US flags.  To start with, patriotism is a real no no to leftists,
    Hello Bogan:

    It's true...  This lib doesn't wave flags.  This lib lets his wartime service do the talking.  In 1962, this libs ship, the USS Robert K Huntington, DD 781 blockaded the Russians from planting their nukes 90 miles from the US.  This lib did it for you too.

    You served where?

    excon, RD2, USN

    @Jack just so you know your services is appreciated. I served in an 8inch self propelled howitzer battalion in Bamberg Germany. (West Germany at the time) In 1980 I was assigned 18 months to Bravo Company and on two occasions our battalion had to pull guard duty along the border with East Germany. A couple weeks each time. As part of our instruction we were ordered not to make any contact with any civilian we might see. Like waiving or even eye contact. Generally we didn't need to be overly concerned about that because we typically never saw a civilian across the border anyway. Because it didn't matter what time of day or night, their streets remained deserted. It was explained to us that civilians had to phone the nearest guard tower to get permission to go buy some bread. Yes, they had to tell the guard what they were buying if he let them go to the store. This was 24/7 even when the towns should be bustling with activity. It was further explained that if the guard on their side saw any contact no matter how insignificant, that person would go to jail. And yes, just like we knew where their guard posts were, they knew where we were as well. That's the reason I oppose all centrist thinking. The populations of the countries occupied by nazi fascists thought the socialist who came through were liberators, they were not.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    I did counter debate him.
    Why would I once again waste my time debating with someone I feel uses deceitful debate techniques? So I can continue being manipulated and feeling bad about myself for taking the bait?
    Ah, I love you guys. Two people accusing others of deceitful debate techniques found each other! When is the wedding?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    This may or may not lead to corruption charges. The lap top was damaged by liquid and was tampered both prior and after the fbi seized it.
    Hello again, f:

    The laptop is of no value in criminal proceedings because there's no "chain of custody"..  It's true, the Chinese, or the Iranians, or Jim Jon Un, could have manipulated the laptop.  Or, maybe not..  But, without a chain of evidence, we'll never know. 

    Here's what the chain of evidence actually IS:

    A process and record that shows who obtained the evidence; where and when the evidence was obtained; who secured the evidence; and who had control or possession of the evidence. The “sequencing” of the chain of evidence follows this order: collection and identification; analysis; storage; preservation; presentation in court;

    In the real world, evidence WITHOUT a chain of custody, is as good as dirt.


    I agree with you fundamentally @Jack. That doesn't change the fact the left and their media allies vehemently denied its existence. Then opps, what you know, it does. As you correctly point out, it can never be the smoking gun because of chain of custody issues and the physical damage. But there is obviously enough salvageable data on it that investigators are being pointed in the direction of possible evidence that may eventually find it's way to a court room. I want justice to prevail in any case. The Don or Joe, doesn't matter to me. Does it to you no matter where the heavy hand lands? 
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