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Donald Trump - America First - Civil War?

Debate Information

Donald Trump – America First – Civil War…

I am a supporter of Donald Trump, his policies, his “America First” agenda. I am a Christian conservative, White-heterosexual male, who believes that the Democrat-Progressive-Marxist Party in the United States is demonic at its root and unsustainable in its policy objectives.

For all intents and purposes, I believe America is dead morally, ethically, monetarily, militarily; this, due to the immoral, unethical, unsustainable, demonically inspired, polices of the Democrat Party and those who support same; America is dead due to the previous 50-60-years of systematic Progressive brainwashing in the Marxist Institutions of higher learning often referred to as “America’s Public Education System;” therefore, if another Civil War was legitimately declared I would proudly fight for the policies espoused by Donald Trump; therefore, I can be considered a MAGA warrior in Donald Trump’s “army” of America First Patriots.

I believe the Democrat – Progressive – Marxist population in America are horrible people, destructive at their core, arrogant and demonic at their root, perverse in their nature, unsustainable and contrary concerning America’s Constitutional Republic.


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  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  

    To    RickeyHoltsclaw 

     I have been saying that the USA is headed for a civil war for a long time and I am happy to see that somebody on this debate site finally agrees with me.      The situation is getting serious when it is probable that Biden and his fellow crooks will demand that the Texas National Guard should confront the police forces of Texas to stop them from erecting razor wire fences along the border.     My prediction is, that this could be a “Fort Sumpter” situation where US soldiers will refuse to obey a corrupt and completely out of touch US elected government, which has obviously lost the support of the people. 


    RickeyHoltsclaw quote   I am a supporter of Donald Trump, his policies, his “America First” agenda. I am a Christian conservative, White-heterosexual male, who believes that the Democrat-Progressive-Marxist Party in the United States is demonic at its root and unsustainable in its policy objectives.

     I am a supporter of Donald Trump, his policies, his “America First” agenda. I am an Australian atheist who believes that the reason why white European civilisation is the pre eminent civilisation, is because it is based upon Christian principles of fairness, tolerance, and honesty.     Which. I would point out, is the reason that leftists hate Christianity, because they want everybody to think that these virtues were invented by the left.    I am a white-heterosexual male, who believes that the Democrat-Progressive-Marxist Party in the United States is just full of self seeking Elmer Gantry types who will do anything to stay in power.    Or self seeking elitists who despise ordinary people, and who think that only “intelligent” people like themselves should tell the hoi polloi what to do.     In addition, there are the race baiting self proclaimed leaders of dysfunctional minorities who want to overthrow free market capitalism because they know that most of the low IQ  people that they champion can not compete on a level playing field with whites, Jews, and Asians.  That this sort of thinking also profits all these people immensely is something they do not want the public to figure out. 


    RickeyHoltsclaw    quote 

    I think that there are a lot of people in the western world who are thinking the same way.   It is just too bad that they have been living in a fool’s paradise for the last 40 years.     If they had thought straight 40 years ago, the west would not be in the mess that it is right now.   It just goes to show that prosperity and La Dolce Vita can prevent people from thinking straight about their own survival. 


    RickeyHoltsclaw    quote      I believe the Democrat – Progressive – Marxist population in America are horrible people, destructive at their core, arrogant and demonic at their root, perverse in their nature, unsustainable and contrary concerning America’s Constitutional Republic.

     I agree with all of that. 

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited January 2024

    America has been engaged in multiple Civil Wars for decades with minimal mortality rates and collateral damage. A little F.Y.I. the suggestion is you will join one of the ongoing low fatality and collateral rate Civil Wars inserting former Executive officer Trump as its new commander or is this just going to be another Civil War? I wonder as it appears as though Congress and Senate have failed to impeach two Executive officers for political and religious reasons who are obviously connected in a fight against the American United States Constitution and the united states of civil right not just in action but in openly stating the oath of Presidency has been willingly broken by them.

    Maybe if the choice made for a person to attempt to fulfill obligations of president of the United States of America had been working instead of texting on social media he may have found the ongoing civil wars leaving no need to start new ones.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -   edited January 2024
    @John_C_87 ; There has never been a President that has done more to prosper America and American's than Donald Trump. Progressives-Democrats are basically horrible citizens and horrible people, morally and ethically. Progressives - Millennials - Gen-Z in particular are brainwashed Marxist puppets who are well on their way to destroying America's Constitutional Republic and they're too blind and too deceived to understand.

  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    Didn't he get kick off public media I don't see it on the list.

    That is the point America is not the United States Constitution the oath made by Executive officer #45 was to the United States Constitution, before that the pledge of allegiance he took an oath the republic. As executive officer both he and Biden should have been impeached until the mountain of litigation and quesitons that has been created by both of these fools has been settled. As far as state of the union made by Congress and Senate on established justice goes, the mere fact a Chief justice within the supreme court sat in on an impeachment proceeding and not a Armed Services Chief justice makes me question the whole thing.I'm Sorry.........

    Zero Confidence

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 ; The only "litigation" concerning Donald Trump is that which has been made-up, sensationalized, weaponized, by the Marxist-Progressives in our Federal Government yet the Biden Crime Family carries on without impediment.
  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    The only "litigation" concerning Donald Trump is that which has been made-up, sensationalized, weaponized, by the Marxist-Progressives in our Federal Government yet the Biden Crime Family carries on without impediment.

    The issue is that both should be impeached which is not a criminal matter of litigation it is a relief of command from Presidency. #44 I have no reason to believe a name has not been legally changed by anyone or a past family member during a lifetime. The connection to established just Here rests a soldier in honor and glory known only to GOD. An unabridged 1st amendment held in United State Constitutional right describes that the name is not a one assigned by the mother, father, or other family members after birth. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 ; You need intercession.
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ; God Bless Donald Trump.

  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    @John_C_87 ; You need intercession.

    " All I need is calcification on the list of what is to be considered a process of preservation of United States Constitutional right." None of the accomplishments listed appear to be doing so. I do not like having this conversation because I do believe he is trying to be a President but simply is uncapable, he displays no ability to do so. He will always be just an Executive officer. Just to give you general idea of what I am saying the slogan “Make America great again.” Isn’t a United States Constitutional Right it is literally a declaration to go backwards which is the opposite of progress.

    America is owed a state of the union to established justice not a slogan that fits on a hat.

           America is great.

       America can be better.

    America deserves perfection.

         Pick a United State.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 ; Like I said, America is too good for you and you require psychological intercession.

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited February 2024

    @John_C_87 ; Like I said, America is too good for you and you require psychological intercession.

    I think trumps greatest achievement was ensuring that I need to hire a lawyer to even learn who to vote for.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 ; If you don' know who to vote for in this election need more than an attorney's intercession.

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited February 2024
    @John_C_87 ; If you don' know who to vote for in this election need more than an attorney's intercession.
    Your Right! I might need the whole Bar Association your bar is kind of low for me.

    Every lawyer I pay for advice from  starts with the same advice document and get it in writing.

  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    Did you know that Presadera Kamala Harris is the world’s first legal Presadera the United States Constitutional Right has no grievance and no connection to criminal laws to remove it from the ratification process in the United States Constitutional catagory of Right, yet. You and a few others have had a grievance with the presenter of United States Constitutional Right but not a grievance against the " Right." 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -   edited February 2024
    @John_C_87 ; I'm sorry, that makes absolutely no sense...can you state a rebuttal to the content of the debate premise that is succinct, logical, understandable? Thanks.
    John_C_87 said:

    Did you know that Presadera Kamala Harris is the world’s first legal Presadera the United States Constitutional Right has no grievance and no connection to criminal laws to remove it from the ratification process in the United States Constitutional catagory of Right, yet. You and a few others have had a grievance with the presenter of United States Constitutional Right but not a grievance against the " Right." 

  • DreamerDreamer 308 Pts   -  
    Rickey has 321 arguments and only joined on Jan 24th of this year. Extreme right political leanings. Most likely a Russian troll, use the mute button.

    The 45th president told 30k lies in 4 years.

    Was supported by Putin:

    The orange one then pardoned Manafort. 

    The fact that 8/10 white evangelic Christians voted for the most un-Christian person ever.  We should be forming alliances with red letter Christians.

    Anti-vaxx, climate change denier, demagogue who defunded the pandemic monitoring system and let the virus rip as the new T4 mass killing of immune compromised and otherwise vulnerable. Did I mention that he had help from a foreign power in an election, Russia?

    This is the most unpatriotic and unAmerican president ever. Resist at all level of governments we need a blue wave now.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ; The silliness of Russia-Russia-Russia...I am not a bot or a troll or a Russian agent or sympathizer. God Bless Donald Trump as he is the only candidate that provide America at least a modicum of sustainability for four-years. America is dying in immoral filth and Progressives are leading the way.

  • @John_C_87 ; I'm sorry, that makes absolutely no sense...can you state a rebuttal to the content of the debate premise that is succinct, logical, understandable? Thanks.
    John_C_87 said:

    Did you know that Presadera Kamala Harris is the world’s first legal Presadera the United States Constitutional Right has no grievance and no connection to criminal laws to remove it from the ratification process in the United States Constitutional catagory of Right, yet. You and a few others have had a grievance with the presenter of United States Constitutional Right but not a grievance against the " Right." 

    You don't know she is the first women Presadera.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    John_C_87 said:
    @John_C_87 ; I'm sorry, that makes absolutely no sense...can you state a rebuttal to the content of the debate premise that is succinct, logical, understandable? Thanks.
    John_C_87 said:

    Did you know that Presadera Kamala Harris is the world’s first legal Presadera the United States Constitutional Right has no grievance and no connection to criminal laws to remove it from the ratification process in the United States Constitutional catagory of Right, yet. You and a few others have had a grievance with the presenter of United States Constitutional Right but not a grievance against the " Right." 

    You don't know she is the first women Presadera.

    I'm not sure she's a woman.
  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited February 2024

    " I'm sorry, that makes absolutely no sense."

      You’re forgiven for not being able to understand some topics that are really complicated. The harm of sexual discrimination was never denied to be problem It is a rebuttal to the room premise. A female President of the United States of America is a socialist principle. It is part of a long-term Civil War fought against United States Constitutional Right. The reason a women cannot be a United States Constitutional President in America is due to the Declaration of Independence not the American Constitution.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 ; And that should concern me because////????
  • DreamerDreamer 308 Pts   -  

    Strawperson argument. I am not arguing for socialism, and that word has too many meanings now anyways.

    "It has been well-documented that Russia has paid for hundreds of trolls to operate out of a single building formerly at 55 Savushkina Street in St. Petersburg since at least 2015.[10][11] The troll factory targeted both Russians and foreigners, and tried to influence opinion on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as well as the 2016 U.S. presidential election in favor of Trump.[10][12]"

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ; and...this is relevant to the debate topic

    Donald Trump - America First - Civil War?  how?

  • DreamerDreamer 308 Pts   -  

    The topic is a bunch of slogans. Since the 45th president was Putin's puppet would be more accurate to say Russia first. Russian hackers helped with wikileaks.

    Hi RickeyD,

    Welcome back to debate island after getting banned. :)

  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ;    Welcome back to debate island after getting banned.   

    Yeah, Rickey.    Try and keep the religious advocacy down a bit as it just annoys people.       I would not like to see you get banned again.    Please stop dreaming up endless new topics which do nothing but swamp the front page.    If you keep sinning, the moderator will send you to cyberspace purgatory.   
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -  

    Trump leads Biden in 7 swing states and is favored on handling the economy: poll

    Americans have rejected the leftist policies of Biden which have cost them over $800 a month.  They must earn at least $800 more a month than they made under Trump just to have the same standard of living they had under Trump.

    Since President Biden took office, inflation has increased 16.6%. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 7/12/2023)

    Can't blame people for fondly remembering the good old days before Bidenflation wiped out their savings.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @just_sayin ;  Thank you for the time taken to provide us with those stats...
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    @Dreamer ;    Welcome back to debate island after getting banned.   

    Yeah, Rickey.    Try and keep the religious advocacy down a bit as it just annoys people.       I would not like to see you get banned again.    Please stop dreaming up endless new topics which do nothing but swamp the front page.    If you keep sinning, the moderator will send you to cyberspace purgatory.   

    @Bogan ;  I find it very hypocritical that the atheist insists my "religious advocacy" is annoying when atheism is a religion in and of itself according to the courts. Atheism's god, Satan, is offensive to me as well yet you and your demonically based hoard in this debate forum are provided cart blanche to vomit your secular humanist doctrines without encumbrance...this is laughingly hypocritical.

    My confrontation with the moderator of this debate forum, as I remember, surrounded unfair censorship and the ludicrous restrictions on ME and my discussion INRE to the offensive topic of LGBTQ...if you advocate for censorship, your liberalism-progressivism is all in vanity and hypocrisy. 

    Yes, it is very possible that if I continue to speak Christian Truth, I will find myself at odds, once again, with the moderator and the demons that inundate this forum.

    With that said, do you have anything "relevant" to contribute to the debate or did you simply desire to vomit your hatred for my faith?

    Thank for your atheistic are much appreciated. 


  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    @John_C_87 ; And that should concern me because////????

    Presadera is a United State that can be called upon to hold all women in a state of the union with the America Constitutional as Right. To serve, protect, and defend the American Constitution. All women are created equal by their creator the principle that women should be equal to men in the American Constitution was the grievance set before the people. It was part of a Civil that was being fought even before the Civil War between the North & South United States.  

    On a separate note. Any man who promotes that another man can assume his wrongs as sin knows little or nothing of honor along with morals. Sir.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    John_C_87 said:

    @John_C_87 ; And that should concern me because////????

    Presadera is a United State that can be called upon to hold all women in a state of the union with the America Constitutional as Right. To serve, protect, and defend the American Constitution. All women are created equal by their creator the principle that women should be equal to men in the American Constitution was the grievance set before the people. It was part of a Civil that was being fought even before the Civil War between the North & South United States.  

    On a separate note. Any man who promotes that another man can assume his wrongs as sin knows little or nothing of honor along with morals. Sir.

    Unintelligible blather....sorry. 
  • Any man who promotes that another man can assume his wrongs as sin knows little or nothing of honor along with morals. Sir

    Your apology accepted, for I know and understand from the start honor or morals to guide you in life may be lacking.

  • GiantManGiantMan 50 Pts   -  
    I get that you want to advocate for your faith.  Do you think the way you do is effect though?  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @GiantMan ; It matters not...I tell the Truth and if my "ways" are objectionable...that's par for the course because I find an overwhelming number of the atheists and secular humanists in this debate forum objectionable and offensive...yes, I'm commanded to love my enemies...I love them sufficiently to share the Gospel and tell them they're en route in to Hell in their unbelief; other than that...I loathe them; therefore, I never said I'm a "good" Christian...but I am a believer and will stand fast for Jesus and if Jesus or the Holy Spirit or the Father find me least they know my heart. I stand firmly for Elohim-Family-America and I will fight to the death for all three...
    GiantMan said:
    I get that you want to advocate for your faith.  Do you think the way you do is effect though?  

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    John_C_87 said:
    Any man who promotes that another man can assume his wrongs as sin knows little or nothing of honor along with morals. Sir

    Your apology accepted, for I know and understand from the start honor or morals to guide you in life may be lacking.

    @John_C-87 ;  Not sure if English is your first language...but if it is...seriously, psychological intervention is strongly advised.
  • @John_C-87 ;  Not sure if English is your first language...but if it is...seriously, psychological intervention is strongly advised.
    I know you are not sure.......we agreed on that already.....I forgave you.....
    Is it just me or did the writter of the forum leave out the words "United States of " when saying make America great again?

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    John_C_87 said:
    @John_C-87 ;  Not sure if English is your first language...but if it is...seriously, psychological intervention is strongly advised.
    I know you are not sure.......we agreed on that already.....I forgave you.....
    Is it just me or did the writter of the forum leave out the words "United States of " when saying make America great again?

    God Bless Donald Trump and his beautiful family...may every unrepentant Progressive-Democrat-Liberal-Marxist find the path to Hades unimpeded.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    Putin speaks of corruption in America's legal system referencing the lawfare against Trump:
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