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Who will win the 2024 Presidential Election and Why?

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The election will be close.  If the polls are correct, then today, May 23, 2024, Trump would win 312 to 226 in electoral votes.  But November is a long way off.  If Biden wins Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania of the swing states - then he wins 270 - 268.  The polls are close in all 3 states according to What will be the deciding issues in this election: abortion? Bidenflation? Illegal Immigration?  Foreign Policy? Biden crime family convictions?  Trump trials?  The definition of a 'woman'?

What are your views?


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  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 199 Pts   -  
    @just_sayin ;  If Donald Trump does not win the 2024 election, America is gone....we will not recover from another four-years of insane Democrat-Progressive tyranny.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6220 Pts   -  
    All I can say is... I hope that in 2028 we do note have two such pathetic candidates running at the front. :tired_face:
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 199 Pts   -   edited May 23
    @MayCaesar ;  Trump should serve eight years consecutively as President seeing that the Democrats stole the 2020 - election.
  • PutinPutin 108 Pts   -  
    Xi Jing Ping. After his glorious conquest, the benevolent XI Jing Ping will allow the Americans to vote on him, and seeing how well he'll do in his first few weeks in charge, they will vote for him before anyone.
  • jackjack 519 Pts   -  

    Who will win the 2024 Presidential Election and Why?

    Hello just:

    Who'll win??  The good guys, of course.  Why??  Because they're the GOOD guys.


  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1171 Pts   -   edited May 24
    jack said:

    Who will win the 2024 Presidential Election and Why?

    Hello just:

    Who'll win??  The good guys, of course.  Why??  Because they're the GOOD guys.


    Well, the good guys do deserve to win.  Democrats want to discriminate against Asian and white students in college admissions - that's racist.  Democrats want to keep poor Black children chained to bad Democrat run public schools instead of allowing them educational choice - that's racism.  Democrats want to push DEI policies which discriminate against people based on their race in hiring, promotions, giving awards, awarding contracts and in awarding grants - that's racist.  Democrats want to support the terror group Hamas after it slaughtered babies and women, while denouncing Israel for trying to get rid of Hamas - that's bigoted.  Democrats are pushing BDS policies which target Jewish citizens in Israel for being Jewish - that's bigotry.  Democrats support the killing of unborn babies - that's infanticide.  Democrats knowingly pushed Biden's 'Inflation Reduction Act' which caused inflation to explode to 21% since Biden became president - that's just evil or .  Democrats have pushed mandatory EV car policies which will devastate the poor who can't afford the $20,000 extra it costs to by an EV vehicle - that's classism.

    So, I do indeed hope the good guys win, but Biden could pull it out and win the election.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1062 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Who will win the 2024 Presidential Election and Why?

    Hello just:

    Who'll win??  The good guys, of course.  Why??  Because they're the GOOD guys.


    Well, the good guys do deserve to win.  Democrats want to discriminate against Asian and white students in college admissions - that's racist.  Democrats want to keep poor Black children chained to bad Democrat run public schools instead of allowing them educational choice - that's racism.  Democrats want to push DEI policies which discriminate against people based on their race in hiring, promotions, giving awards, awarding contracts and in awarding grants - that's racist.  Democrats want to support the terror group Hamas after it slaughtered babies and women, while denouncing Israel for trying to get rid of Hamas - that's bigoted.  Democrats are pushing BDS policies which target Jewish citizens in Israel for being Jewish - that's bigotry.  Democrats support the killing of unborn babies - that's infanticide.  Democrats knowingly pushed Biden's 'Inflation Reduction Act' which caused inflation to explode to 21% since Biden became president - that's just evil or .  Democrats have pushed mandatory EV car policies which will devastate the poor who can't afford the $20,000 extra it costs to by an EV vehicle - that's classism.

    So, I do indeed hope the good guys win, but Biden could pull it out and win the election.
    All very good points but what I think is the most damming for democrats is the fact that over the last century they've dominated control of congress which is the primary policy maker of the three branches of government. Sure a friendly president helps in some cases, and every now and again republicans do take control of congress briefly, but it's undeniable the vast majority of time the dems made policies including the more recent ones you list, that have gotten us to this lower status of existence. Always under guise of fairness and correcting past wrongs but in reality always seems to serve their party's interest above the peoples. As if a poorer, non first world country is preferable to them as it would be easier to control.
  • PutinPutin 108 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Who will win the 2024 Presidential Election and Why?

    Hello just:

    Who'll win??  The good guys, of course.  Why??  Because they're the GOOD guys.


    Ah, so we agree for once.
  • BoganBogan 459 Pts   -  

       It is difficult to see how Donald J. Trump could possibly lose the next presidential election, unless so may voters are so sure of him winning that too many Trump voters will not even bother to turn up to vote for him?          I don’t know enough about US history to comment upon whether Joe Biden is the worst President in US history, or even the most corrupt.      But he is definitely up there with the best of them.  

    Socialist parties in every western country have been very successful for decades in presenting themselves as the party of the poor.       But their fig leaf is getting ever smaller as it becomes ever clearer to even the most intellectually challenged left wing voter that reality is different.     You can hardly present yourself as the party of the poor when your policies are making the poor ever poorer and the ever more corrupt upper classes ever richer.           Importing poverty from overseas to bolster your voting base eventually pizzes off your own indigenous voting base, as even the most low IQ Democrat voter can see that dividing the welfare cake into ever smaller portions means less for them.

    One wonders how many low IQ democrat voters are now rueful of electing Democrat DA’s who’s liberal crime policies are turning minority areas from bad to worse?     How many of them joined the rioters and looted their own supermarkets, chain stores, and local shops, and now find themselves without anywhere to buy their goods and services?        Sadly, black and Hispanic people need whites, Asians, and Jews to do everything for them because they could not run a lamington stall at the local school fete.    Over and over again we see black DA’s, judges, and town mayors being caught for corruption, while the cities they are supposed to be custodians of rot away.     

    Something has got to give.     Obviously, the always white than white upper echelons of the Democratic Party could not care less.  They are happy encouraging the self destructive behaviour of the low IQ minority groups as long as they think that these minority groups will vote for them.       But these minority groups are now at the tipping point of continuing down the path of social suicide, or doing something smart, probably for the first time in their lives, and voting for a party which will repair the USA’s broken economy and restore law and order on it’s streets.   

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1171 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

       It is difficult to see how Donald J. Trump could possibly lose the next presidential election, unless so may voters are so sure of him winning that too many Trump voters will not even bother to turn up to vote for him?          I don’t know enough about US history to comment upon whether Joe Biden is the worst President in US history, or even the most corrupt.      But he is definitely up there with the best of them.  

    Socialist parties in every western country have been very successful for decades in presenting themselves as the party of the poor.       But their fig leaf is getting ever smaller as it becomes ever clearer to even the most intellectually challenged left wing voter that reality is different.     You can hardly present yourself as the party of the poor when your policies are making the poor ever poorer and the ever more corrupt upper classes ever richer.           Importing poverty from overseas to bolster your voting base eventually pizzes off your own indigenous voting base, as even the most low IQ Democrat voter can see that dividing the welfare cake into ever smaller portions means less for them.

    One wonders how many low IQ democrat voters are now rueful of electing Democrat DA’s who’s liberal crime policies are turning minority areas from bad to worse?     How many of them joined the rioters and looted their own supermarkets, chain stores, and local shops, and now find themselves without anywhere to buy their goods and services?        Sadly, black and Hispanic people need whites, Asians, and Jews to do everything for them because they could not run a lamington stall at the local school fete.    Over and over again we see black DA’s, judges, and town mayors being caught for corruption, while the cities they are supposed to be custodians of rot away.     

    Something has got to give.     Obviously, the always white than white upper echelons of the Democratic Party could not care less.  They are happy encouraging the self destructive behaviour of the low IQ minority groups as long as they think that these minority groups will vote for them.       But these minority groups are now at the tipping point of continuing down the path of social suicide, or doing something smart, probably for the first time in their lives, and voting for a party which will repair the USA’s broken economy and restore law and order on it’s streets.   

    Democrats have a lot of resources on their side - like most so-called 'news' media outlets.  The media will do its best to minimize reporting on stories that portray Democrats in a negative light - for example, there have been very few stories this week about Hunter Biden's gun trial or his other indictment.  The media will do everything it can to help Biden.  They denied the Hunter Biden laptop, last election.  They spread the Russian collusion lie.  Last election, BLM rioted all summer.  Don't think that leftist zealots won't do the same this summer.  And hey, some unjust DA may indict Trump on more trumped up charges.  Never underestimate what Democrats will do to stay in power.
  • BoganBogan 459 Pts   -  
    Yes, "Just-sayin" (I wish you would think up another avatar).  It is all quite interesting.    Totalitarians were once divided between leftist totalitarian and right wing totalitarians who hated each other because they represented different demographics jostling each other for absolute power.     But what we see today is a new phenomenon where the Leftist totalitarians and the Right totalitarians are finding common cause with each other, against the rest of society.       Look at the Democrats or any other Leftist government in the western world today.     What is it composed of?     The public service primarily for starters.     Big government.    Add to that comes big business, big unions, big media, big banks, and rich celebrities.    All "A" listers geeing to the same gala functions and the same gala parties sprouting all sports of leftist nonsense guaranteed to appeal to the "poor oppressed" minorities who's votes they need to gain office.      The problem with that political approach is that it only benefits the rich, which in the USA right now, is exactly what it is doing.     This means that the "poor oppressed" are getting the shaft and they are just starting to figure that out.    Donald Trump's recent political rally in the Bronx must have scared the ever lovin' sheet right out of the "A" listers as their almost absolute control of the media is no longer effective in keeping the peasants under mind control.       In addition, the elitist view of transgenderism is alienating real feminists and young women especially, while it is also anathema to many ethnic groups that the Dems though that they could pretend they cared about.         
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 199 Pts   -  
    Trump will win easily, like he did in 2020, if the numbers are "to big to rig" as the Democrats will surely cheat, lie, steal, their way into another four-years if not monitored closely....a hoard of horrible people.
  • GiantManGiantMan 47 Pts   -  
    I wonder if the Democrats will accept the election if Trump wins.  
  • Old_Fart_72Old_Fart_72 2 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Trump will win

    Though Trump has his drawbacks, he has a track record of putting America's interest first. Biden and the democrates have done nothing but drive the country to the brink of war in order to hide their own illegal activities. They will declare war as the president cannot change if America is at war. They are so desperate to hold power, they will send there own sons and daughters to die in order to do so. 
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 876 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: What???

    @Old_Fart_72 said: ...the president cannot change if America is at war.

    During the Vietnam War, the presidency changed from LBJ to Richard Nixon.

    The president of the United States can be changed during wartime. There are several mechanisms and scenarios through which this can happen, including elections, succession, impeachment, and resignation.
  • Old_Fart_72Old_Fart_72 2 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: The president cannot change during wartime

    I apologize for restating misinformation. I am not an American and that information was taken from information I have read on-line. Other then that, I stand firm with belief that the lesser of two evils at the moment is Trump and the Republicans. Liberal agenda is destroying our country as well
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1171 Pts   -  
    Bad news for Democrats - polling is indicating that Trump's conviction will not make a difference to voters in November.

    Even leftist 'news' persons are admitting that it may be beneficial to Trump -
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