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America - Perishing in Progressive-Atheist-Secular Humanist Filth: Eschatological Imperative?

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America - Perishing in Progressive-Atheist-Secular Humanist Filth: Eschatological Imperative? Biblical Prophecy fulfilled?

Current Federal leadership in America is indicative of and the culmination of 60-years of moral and ethical rot resulting from unrestrained demonic ideological infiltration into the societal mainstream relentlessly attacking the American family; the Christian Church; America's educational system; America's youth; this, via Progressive idiocy modeled by the father of modern education, John Dewey; the greatest progenitor of Atheism in World history, Charles Darwin.

America, a Nation founded and ordained by Jesus our Messiah concerning the Gospel and the Great Commission, is, for all intents and purposes, dead on arrival. America's Constitutional Republic has been hijacked and the sustainable norms, mores, ethics, values, essential for America's sustainability e.g., Christian values of morality-love for Father-Son-Spirit; love for the Biblical family unit; love for one's neighbor; true patriotism, a love for America and a fervent desire to serve Her and protect her; cherished dignity and honor and morality; a strong, indelible, work ethic; an obsessive desire to protect America's youth and policies focused upon ensuring their success as progenitors of the American dream...these have been eradicated through vile and destructive Progressives - Atheists - Secular Humanists and replaced by an overwhelming hoard of unsustainable citizenry who worship at the throne of the pagan god, Molech where child sacrifice, mutilation-burning in the womb is cheered and fought for in the streets and in the courts; a hoard of demons in flesh who fight and clamor for unconscionable sexual perversion - homosexuality - lesbianism - transsexualism - pedophilia - transitioning children from their biological sex to identify as the opposite sex via puberty blockers and unconscionable surgical sexual reassignment; a hoard of demons who worship at the throne of Carl Marx and Vladimir Lenin; a hoard of demons who froth over the invasion of America by Her most prolific enemies through an open and unsecured border; a hoard of demons who virtue signal and dismantle America's Criminal Justice System and allow hardened criminals to rape, rob, pillage, American citizens; this, with little to no accountability.

The Holy Spirit has walked away from America and America has been left to Her own devices to reap what has been sown by the Atheist - Secular Humanist under the demonic title of Progressive. The god of this World, Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4) is king over America and his servants, the Progressive-Democrat-Liberal-Atheist-Secular Humanist are now pointing the way to Hell.

Eschatology fulfilled?

The Holy Spirit has clearly articulated that there is soon to come a coalition comprised of the Nations of Russia-China-Iran/Islam who will engage in a nuclear war with Jerusalem, Israel; this war will preface and initiate the 2nd Advent of Messiah Jesus to Mount Olivet outside the Eastern Gate of the Old City, Jerusalem. This will be a period of 3.5-years of unconscionable suffering around the World but Jerusalem, Israel will be the focal point of Elohim's attention as this nuclear conflict with ultimately initiate the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah Jesus. Jesus will be victorious in this soon to manifest nuclear war and one very interesting point of eschatological truth is that no relevant Western Power is actively involved as an ally of Israel. There are suggestions by Eschatologists that a representative from a Western power intercedes only to ask "Have you come to take spoil" relevant to the presence of the demonic alliance preparing to pounce upon Israel but this Western envoy possesses no authority or military might to provide any form of military intervention; this, indicating that the United States will have been made impotent monetarily, military, morally, ethically, and unable to ally with Israel who will have NO ONE but Jesus to intercede for the children of Jacob. THIS IS ELOHIM'S ESCHATOLOGICAL WILL as throughout Israel's history, Jacob's children have always looked to a King or another Nation for intercession while Elohim has been an afterthought, but NOT in the Day of our Lord...YESHUA, alone, will be victorious (Revelation 5:5) and all of Israel will look upon Him whom they have pierced and they will come to faith in Yeshua and this "remnant" will serve Him in His Millennial Kingdom (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:37).

In conclusion,

Therefore, do not be dismayed by the demonic forces at work within America via the Progressive - the Secular Humanist - the Marxist - the Atheist. These will all have their place in the Lake of Fire and the "second death" (Revelation 20:11-15). Let the people who honor Jesus our Messiah by faith "look UP for your redemption is drawing NEAR!" (Luke 21:28); therefore, stand fast in the NOT look to the right or the left but plant firmly your eyes on Jesus our Messiah and endure to the end...we who love Jesus are victors along with Him. MARANATHA!   

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