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world government

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Should one exist; would it work? I am not talking of a puppet government, but rather one where all countries are an actual part, where everyone is a real citizen of such. 

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  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1171 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: A one world government is not possible today

    When some countries can't agree that Israel has the right to exist and claim the Holocaust was a hoax, you can't have a one world government.  Nor would one be advisable.  China's Mao Zedung murdered up to 45 million of his own people from j958 to 1962.  Stalin had 3.3 million officially recorded  Soviet victims (though the unofficial belief of historians is up to 20 million).  A one rule government would have no other country to keep it accountable for its actions.  Mao, Stalin, and Hitler are classic examples that a ruler will not always look out for the interests of his subjects, but will do what is in his own personal interests.
  • maxxmaxx 1149 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    not to get abstract, but all governments take time to adjust; would you not think it is a good idea, just based on the possible idea, aliens may find us?   As well, would not the world economics be better?  no more travel restrictions.  As well, you are slightly missing the point with your response; there would be no more china, oir Israel, or america. We would all be under the same flag. @just_sayin
  • BoganBogan 459 Pts   -  

    The dream of socialists from both the right (fascists and Nazis) and from the left (communists) is a one world government, which people like themselves can control.   There are people, even in western countries, who hate democracy and who yearn for a totalitarian form of government with their own special class of people running the show.    In Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy, it was the upper classes with the support of both the military and the very nationalistic returned veterans who wanted complete control of both countries.   After gaining complete control, both the Nazis and the fascists went about exterminating their political enemies, to ensure that their class of people held complete control forever.

     Same with the left wing socialists.   Their political support comes from the bureaucracy, academia, people on welfare, homosexuals, and university students hoping to get a job in the bureaucracy.    Once in power, the left wing socialists have always gone after their political enemies to try to completely exterminate them forever. 

     The result of both left wing and right wing socialist power plays is always millions of dead.    One of the western world's greatest politicians, Winston Churchill, correctly opined that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and sooner or later, those who have absolute power will abuse that power.    Left or right wing socialism ALWAYS results in dictatorship.     Dictators need at least 5% of the population to keep the other 95% down, so this results in a new aristocracy of top party officials and their families, as well as selected cronies from the business class.

     A look at how unsustainable a One World Government would be, is to look at the EU right now.      It has a bloated and very well paid bureaucracy, and it's leadership is insulated from what the people of it's diverse populations want through an indirect voting system.     It pays people not to work to prevent butter mountains and milk oceans.    It's decrees are so unpopular with the citizens of it's constituent countries that it is in danger of falling apart.    Britain was first to go, and Ireland, Italy, and Greece, have only been kept in the fold by various political machinations.

     One supposedly uniting principle of the EU was that "everyone was equal."     People are not, never have been, nor ever will be, equal.     The Germans are renowned for their work ethic, their discipline, and their thrift.   The Greeks are renowned for their laid back attitudes and their deeply held cultural belief that paying taxes is a burden best avoided.     The problem for the EU, is how to run a singular monetary system which does not take into account racial and cultural differences.   Such a thing is not supposed to exist in a race blind egalitarian world.  The problem is, it does.     The only way that a country like Greece can survive in the EU is from endless financial bailouts from hard working tax paying Germans to work shy tax dodging Greeks.

     Another aspect ripping the EU apart, is the cultural differences between western Europe and eastern Europe.    East European countries have long experienced total domination of their countries before by Soviet Russia, and they recognise the decrees of western Europe as being the same thing.   Eastern European countries are refusing to implement the high handed decrees of the EU in respects to "refugees" and homosexual "rights."

     This is just the EU.    As just-sayin mentioned above, how the hell can you expect a world government to function when one faction wants to exterminate Israel and another faction wants Israel to exist?

     A one world government would be an even bigger circus than the EU, riven with competing factions which would make the Byzantines look like a an example of political unity.  .   And with it, the danger of a new world aristocracy using advanced technology to keep the 95% of us who are not members of their elitist caste, under their thumbs forever.

  • maxxmaxx 1149 Pts   -  
    I think you are missing my point. when i sy world government, I mean all under one flag united as one country. @Bogan
  • SonofasonSonofason 448 Pts   -  
    maxx said:
    Should one exist; would it work? I am not talking of a puppet government, but rather one where all countries are an actual part, where everyone is a real citizen of such. 
    We don't need more government...we need less government.
  • A world government already exists and is based on one of two forms of constitution, personal, or elective. It is the principle of an elective constitution which describes the idea of orderly democratic republic as a united state Constitution. So how does one not believe in Constitution?

    the physical makeup of the individual especially with respect to the health, strength, and appearance of the body

    Constitution Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
  • BoganBogan 459 Pts   -  

    That is exactly the point I addressed, Maxx.    If you claim that I missed the point, it would be helpful if you explained how I managed to do that?    My point, and I think Just-sayin would not mind if I spoke for him, was that a world government can not exist if there are wildly differing concepts as to what constitutes right and wrong.     The idea of a world government is a utopian dream by socialists of every stripe and it has never worked, not even on a national level.    An example of that is the EU.  . 

    Another example is the direction of history at the moment is the breakup of nations into ethnic enclaves because birds of a feather just keep flocking together, despite the dreams of one party elitists.     Examples, Lebanon, Fiji, India, Chechnya, Cyprus, Georgia, Afghanistan, Biafra, Rhodesia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Liberia, Kashmir, Punjab, Sudan, Nigeria, Bougainville, East Timor, Yugoslavia, Kurdistan, New Zealand, Bhutan, Angola, Burma, The Solomons,, Aden, Malaya, Oman, Congo, Northern Ireland, Palestine/Israel, Czechoslovakia,, Yemen, Mexico, East Timor, Thailand and recently, Ukraine.    Add to this sundry race riots and acts of terrorism in Britain, the US, France, Europe, and just about every other country on Earth.  And with the western world's failed social experiment with multiculturalism, the list keeps growing.    
  • maxxmaxx 1149 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    an analogy perhaps. Think of all the world countries as individual states such as in america before america became under the flag. Now we unify the countries under one new flag There would be no china or america, or russia or any other country. just one country.. all one flag.  @Bogan
  • maxx said:
    I think you are missing my point. when i sy world government, I mean all under one flag united as one country. @Bogan

    What you are suggesting is that a poorly regulated democracy might be placed within a Constitutional Republic to rule over one world government someday. Again, Maxx there is a one world government though not a complete united states constitutional government which can change at any moment without prediction because of what constitution means. Both China and Russia are private Constitutional Nations, Monarchies are private constitutional governments. At the moment only by influence of education is the idea that a constitutional government is not in existence are many instructed to believe as faith a Constitutional government not in place globally, instead it is dependent on democracy, it is not true.

    What consitutioonal forms of governing rely on is inteligence thus the definition of:  the physical makeup of the individual especially with respect to the health, strength, and appearance of the body

    Constitution Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

    What constitutional forms of governing rely on is human intelligence as the very meaning of constitution. The refusal to understand is used intentionally to avoid the basic principal democracy is the tool or method of breaking united states. This includes many things and not just united states of constitutional right. All united states held by the people for the people are including law are subject to not governing but destruction by democracy. It can be said and proven as truth a person can hold the world as already described as one government as all nations hold some form of established justice for its people. One person can doe this it does not take a majority and the only obstruction to justice is a democracy may attempt to stop the whole true from seeing the light of open argument.

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  

    No.  In my opinion just like monopolies in the market are often unfavorable, so to would be a universal government or essentially a monopolized government.
    It would make it so there is no escape from a potentially tyrannical government and would put a stop to new ideas or a betterment of governance.
  • PepsiguyPepsiguy 109 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: No, such thing is a nightmare

    1. If the government becomes a shitty government then there would be no other country to escape to.
    2. The world is so diverse and so filled with people that no single person or group can manage to represent or deal with them all.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6220 Pts   -  
    The idea of a representative government (which, at least on paper, is considered by the international law the bare minimum a legitimate government has to be) places certain restrictions on the power different parts of the government can have. For example, the local government of my town is clearly much more representative of me than the bunch of people on the Capitol Hill. The further the element of the governmemt is removed from the individual, the less representative of him it is.

    Who does the government looking over 8+ billion people really represent? No one. It supposedly should represent a resident of a remote Chinese village and a prisoner in the Chilean penitentiary system at the same time, yet these individuals have almost nothing in common, so they cannot in any sense be represented by the same body.

    The idea of multiple governments uniting in order to form a super-government is made even less viable by the fact that these governments are incredibly different from each other. Totalitarian dictatorships like North Korea and China would have a say in what rights are granted to a citizen of a modern liberal democracy like France. And as in the interaction between a mouth and a fist the fist always wins, it is chinas and russias of this world that would determine how a French citizen is to live, not luxembourgs and switzerlands. Is that what you want? Me, definitely not.
  • BoganBogan 459 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;    The USA was once composed of many different states, Maxx, and they were primarily all of the same race, they all spoke the same language, and they all had similar values among the various classes that made up their communities     It is common among all cohesive societies to have differing cultural values among the different class.     But rarely does class cultural division cause social disruption in a democracy.     Democracies work by attaining a high degree of unanimity of what constitutes right and wrong, especially among parents and grandparents, traditionally the most socially responsible members of any society.

    But the USA itself came very close to dividing in two over states rights, and the issue was slavery.     The country only stayed together through military force and the occupation and repression of the South.    And that was in a country where there was widespread agreement between the two factions over all other social policies.

    Any socialist who thinks that he can create a society where Mohammad and his 4 child brides is going to live in perfect harmony alongside his Neighbour, who is Nigel and Roman, two bisexual men who live together, is dreaming.    And that is just on a national level.
  • @MayCaesar

    Now for something completely different.

    To point out we as people may have been taught or instructed to believe that a democracy cannot be intelligence based and not voter based. Where the person with the more perfect state of the union creates the bigger democracy of people. The people do not need to vote on every little thing as they can be divided into categories which place them in groups in which they excel and understand issues that compel them.

  • The global world government is a Constitutional nation any ideas of a comparison to America's United States Constitution is ill directed..

  • @maxx

    No.  In my opinion just like monopolies in the market are often unfavorable, so to would be a universal government or essentially a monopolized government.
    It would make it so there is no escape from a potentially tyrannical government and would put a stop to new ideas or a betterment of governance.
     Yet, the truth here is a global government has existed for some time and you and other had no clue...

    Why is that? How does someone not understand how something exists though it is right in front of them?

  • jackjack 519 Pts   -   edited January 2023

    maxx said:
    Should one exist; would it work?
    Hello m:

    In the beginning we moved down from the trees and formed tribes.  People asked, would it work..  Then the people consolidated into villages and towns.  People wondered if it would work.  Then we organized into states and then nations.  Yes, people still ask if it works..

    Will it work when there's one united world?  I don't see why not.  We are experienced, after all.   

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