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Will Trump Die In Prison?


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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 864 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Baseless Bullsh*t


    The statement that Biden is a world-class racketeer and the head of an obviously corrupt and out of control US government which rigs elections and controls free speech is a serious allegation that requires evidence to support it. Unfortunately, you provided no such evidence. Instead, you have resorted to name-calling and insults, such as calling me a "leftard" and accusing me of "Trump Derangement Syndrome." This is not the way to have a productive debate.

    If you are serious about your claims, you should provide evidence to support them. For example, you could cite specific examples of Biden's corruption, or provide evidence that the US government has rigged elections or controlled free speech. Without evidence, your claims are nothing more than baseless accusations.

    It is also worth noting that you made a number of false or misleading statements. For example, you claim that "lefties like you used to attack at the deep state who murdered President Kennedy." This is simply not true. The vast majority of Democrats do not believe that the deep state murdered President Kennedy. In fact, there is no evidence to support this claim.

    Your argument is also based on a number of logical fallacies. For example, you commit the ad hominem fallacy by attacking my character instead of my arguments. You also commit the straw man fallacy by misrepresenting my position. For example, you claim that I "dream of a government OF the public service, BY the public service, and FOR the public service." This is not my position. I believe in a government that is accountable to the people, but I also believe in a government that is effective and efficient.

    In conclusion, your argument is based on no evidence and a number of logical fallacies. I reject your claims and I urge you to provide evidence to support your allegations.

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    HI Jules, it is almost impossible to have a "productive debate" when responding to an opponent who is as ignorant as you are.     I am an Australian living in Australia, and I know a lot more about your US political system than you do.  I know that Representative Jim Jordan and James Comer have called a press conference recently displaying to the fake news press the Biden family bank statements from four US banks, showing that foreign entities have deposited US$10 million dollars into Biden family accounts.  And as representative Comer said "we still have another eight banks to subpoena."

     If you actually do have a functioning brain, Jules, ask yourself "what was that money for?"     Do the Biden family manufacture Iphones?   Do they run a office cleaning business?     If you can't answer that question, then I will do it for you.    It is screamingly obvious that "the big guy" was peddling influence for so long that he thought he was untouchable.   And he is untouchable so far because the CIA, the FBI, and the US Justice Depatment will not prosecute him.    Why?    They have got him in their pockets.    Biden will do whatever they say so as not to get prosecuted.    The Deep State has won, and you support them?      Ama-a-a-azing.    Influence peddling is illegal.     Using 20 shell companies to launder money is called "racketeering".     Taking money from Chinese firms linked to the CCP to buy favours in the USA is called "treason."

     Have you been living in a cave or under a rock, lately?    This story is 100 times more serious than Watergate and until recently, only the New York Post and Fox would cover it.    But the story is so huge and the implications so serious that even Fake News CNN is starting to cover it.   That is a story in itself.    The US media is now so corrupt that it refuses to investigate what is the Story of the Century because it supports, the Democrats, the Biden Crime Family, and the Deep State.   If you really were a far seeing liberal social progressive, that should concern you greatly.

     I was around when Kennedy was assassinated and there probably was not a Democrat in the USA who did not suspect that the Deep State had murdered a US President.     They were right, they did.    The US Deep State does not do that anymore, because they nearly got caught when they murdered Kennedy.    Today, they just dream up false charges against a sitting US President, suppress stories which would swing an election towards him, manufacture lies which they sell to their buddies in Big Tech.   And after he is defeated, raid his home looking for something, anything, to persecute on and intimidate him.   And you support them?   Ama-a-a-a-azing.

     My profile of you is based upon what I know of the stereotypical ignorant leftie.      I have to ask myself why anybody with a functioning brain would support what quite self evidently is a thoroughly corrupt Democratic Party and their Deep State mates who quite obviously are destroying the USA, to satisfy their own compulsive need to be part of the most powerful elitists on earth.    It is sort of like North Korea.   The North Korean elites don't care that their country is a laughing stick and a sheethole, as long as they are at the top of the manure pile.   The only answer that I can come up with is that you have been brainwashed, Hitler Youth and Comsomul style, to  think that "intelligent" people support the Democrats and their revolutionary remake of US society, while you think that working class and middle class people are just to stu-pid to understand how society should work.

     And as your country decays, your country is over run with illegal immigrants, crime goes out of control, and your cities and your economy goes bankrupt, you avert your eyes from what you most desperately do not want to see.     Your self esteem and your false perception of yourself as "intelligent" means more to you than keeping abreast of the news, then switching on your critical analysis circuits and thinking straight.   That does require intelligence.     And you don't seem to be up to it. 

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 864 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Blah Blah Blah

    Your insults are irrelevant.  Trump will die in jail in 2039.
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    Another well reasoned, logical, and insightful analysis by Jules Kornygold.      I am not surprised that that is the best you can do.    The reason you are losing is because your left wing ideals are insane.   Smart people do not embrace insane ideals.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 864 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Dead

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    Trump has as much chance of going to prison as you have of rubbing your ar-se on the moon.    Which is more than I can say about Hunter and Joe.    Joe Biden is so crooked that when he dies, they won't be able to put him in a normal grave, they will just screw him into the ground.

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 867 Pts   -   edited May 2023
    Trump has as much chance of going to prison as you have of rubbing your ar-se on the moon.

    Probably not the best whole truth as a moon is slang for ar-se just as much as ar-se is the name of a species belonging to a horse. 

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 864 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: 2039 Prophecy Being Fulfilled

    Trump Is Charged in Classified Documents Inquiry

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    Yeah, Juleskornygold, Trump has been charged.     According to the polls, his popularity is soaring because of that.      US citizens who possess brains (obviously this excludes you) can easily see that this is yet another instance of GET TRUMP.    If you can't beat him at the election, then put him in jail, Putin style.    At least Trump has not been stabbed with a dodgy umbrella laced with Polonium-124, yet.     But if I were Trump, I would keep away from the Dallas Schoolbook Depository.

    Gee willackers.  Let's see.   Hillary who as secretary of State had no right to keep classified documents.  That was very illegal.   But she kept 30,000 of them on a private server, where they were probably hacked.     When her crime was discovered, she destroyed evidence by smashig 5 Iphones and putting her hard drive in a bucket of bleach.     Destroying evidence and perverting the course of justice is two more crimes.    But the corrupt FBI had her back.     The fibbies have had Hunter's laptop for 5 years with an open and shut case for lying on a gun license and tax evasion, but the glacial pace of their "investigaation" is probably indicative that they want the Statute of Limitations on these crimes to run out.     Then the Fibbies lied about Hunters laptop which plainly showed both he and Joe's corruption, and spun a story to the press about it being "Russian disinformation."     That is election interference, but nobody has been accountable for that.  Yet.     Then Joe had who as VP had no right at all to keep classified documents kept loads of them all over China town and in the garage with his Corvette.    Thank Christ that the House Oversight Committee has launched it's own investigation of the Biden corruption, and they are getting more damning evidence for them every day.     No wonder the Deep State is absolutely desperate to put Trump in jail.     That is the only hope that they have left to try and survive the coming storm.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 864 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: The "What About" Fallacy

    What about Hillary?  What about Biden?

    Whataboutism is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone deflects criticism by pointing to the misdeeds of another person or group. It is a form of the tu quoque fallacy, which means "you too" in Latin.

    For example, if someone criticizes the United States for its military intervention in Iraq, a whataboutist might respond by saying, "What about Russia's invasion of Ukraine?" This does not address the original criticism, but instead tries to change the subject by pointing to another country's wrongdoing.

    Whataboutism is often used to avoid accountability or to distract from a difficult issue. It can also be used to sow confusion and doubt.

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 867 Pts   -   edited June 2023
    Gee willackers.  Let's see.   Hillary who as secretary of State had no right to keep classified documents.  That was very illegal.   But she kept 30,000 of them on a private server, where they were probably hacked.

    So, what are you trying to say Trump is under investigation and faces criminal charges first because he simply made himself a bigger, better target while also drawing attention to himself as describing his motivations as possible crimes in front of the publics face, this as the attention needed for him to negotiate deals for himself, the art of the deal? Disintegrate quickly when not addressing the civil top hot litigations driving national debt. Pregnancy abortion, marriage discrimination, and witness tampering by executive order. Trump is in way over his head as he entered this hold state of the union by ignored that running against a woman for President of the United States of America was not connecting him into a real crime, which he then wrapped himself in a shell of legal malpractice of law using judicial prejudice that has taken decades to be wrapped around this civil matter. Trump had become use to making deals with litigators on a corporate level in most cases by applying is business sense and experience to corporate bankruptcy.

    The malpractice of law is to ensure the money to be made and looks like simulates but is not bribery it is persistent predictable method to increase taxation and very possibly hide public payments made toward the many civil litigations held against America. To point out a strategy as a legal goal is by litigation technique raise the cost of fighting in court criminal matters as civil matters. Trump said it himself he was going to outsmart the intelligent by negotiating bankruptcy as if it was a choice for control of political spending. Mrs. Clintons issues are very much different than Trumps issues as grievance keep in mind several people ended their own lives to stop issues of national from being compromised. Detailed analysis of the environment of Mrs. Clinton is more likely to show she had for reason yet unknown became bound in the shape of legal malpractice which shapes much of the political culture of the now 21st century. Again, it is not surprising as a warning of constitutional state of the union had been made openly that a woman seeking the oval office is by American Constitutional rights a Presadera and she shall be held by constitutional law equal to all women. Against her will, against her special license of practice when she makes it necessary. In what is to be the creator of a need for creation by grievance in the basic legal sense.

  • PhitePhite 95 Pts   -   edited June 2023

    It's the double standard that bothers some people.  Clinton broke the law by handling classified information on her email server like a schoolgirl.  Maybe you can explain how the two cases differ.  I don't think you can.
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    Juleskorngold quote   Whataboutism is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone deflects criticism by pointing to the misdeeds of another person or group. It is a form of the tu quoque fallacy, which means "you too" in Latin.

    Oh, I see.   Pointing out glaring double standards by giving obvious and well known examples is a "logical fallacy"?   No wonder your capacity for critical thinking is so screwed up.     Where did you get that one from?    Was it from an essay about "How To Debate An Opponent Who Knows His Facts."?

    Juleskorngold quote   For example, if someone criticizes the United States for its military intervention in Iraq, a whataboutist might respond by saying, "What about Russia's invasion of Ukraine?" This does not address the original criticism, but instead tries to change the subject by pointing to another country's wrongdoing.

    The point I made was that the US Justice system is two tiered and therefore corrupt.     I used three well known examples to display this glaring double standard to prove this point. Claiming that this equated to "whatifism" is just creative thinking and red herring tossing by an opponent who is too scared to face the truth, and who does not know how to explain away what he can not defend.  

    Juleskorngold quote   Whataboutism is often used to avoid accountability or to distract from a difficult issue. It can also be used to sow confusion and doubt.

    Red herring tossing is also used to lure an opponent away from a direction which the tosser does not want them to go, in order to derail his opponents logical argument.

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 864 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: 2039

    Well, anyway, Trump will die in prison in 2039.  B)
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    Another well researched reply containing devastating logic by Juleskrorngold.
  • jackjack 508 Pts   -  

    Well, anyway, Trump will die in prison in 2039.  B)

    Hello Jules:

    Lemme throw out this disgusting possibility... Trump is CONVICTED and sentenced to jail time..  Since, he can't take his Secret Service protection to jail with him, they'll let Trump serve his sentence with home confinement..  And, and a NICE home, at that. 

  • jackjack 508 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    Another well researched reply containing devastating logic by Juleskrorngold.
    Hello B:

    The only way to argue with a walking insult such as yourself, is to jump into the pigsty with you..  But, he ain't gonna do that because he'll get dirty, and you'll ENJOY it.


  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 867 Pts   -   edited June 2023
    One man's prison is anothers man's Country club...
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 864 Pts   -  
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    I feel so sorry for you Jules.     Your peers have been telling you for years "Orange man bad, orange man bad, orange man bad" and then you wake up one day and realize that old Joe, the bloke you had such child like faith in, was a crook all along.     He lied to you and you believed him.     All these years he pretended to be a moral puritan caring only for climate change and racial harmony,  and all the time he was laughing at you while he sold out his country and stuffed his pockets full of cash.  It wasn't supposed to be that way, was it Jules?     You were convinced that all you had to do to show the world how "smart" and morally virtuous you are was to toe the party line from the left liberal balloon you live in.    All your friends thought the same way.     They had to or they would be cancelled.         And that is a very good reason why people such as yourself should never think for yourselves.    You don't want the fashionable group that you aspire to be a part of to reject you, do you?  You might end up among the suburbanites and other deplorables that you have believed all your life are inferior to you. What are you going to do? 

       To admit that Trump was right and Biden was a corrupt, money laundering, racketeering, bribe taking, Elmer Gantry is a particularly unpleasant piece of crow to eat.     Admitting that the deplorables you have been conditioned to despise were right all along is just too much.     Especially that Bogan low life.   Better to just avert your eyes and pretend that it is not happening.  Pretend that you never drank the kool aid that the Dems shoved down your throat.  Although, if you jumped ship right now and do not tell your friends, in ten years or so you can brag that you knew that Biden was a crook all along and that you know that Trump was the savior of your country.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 864 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Accountability


    I want to assure you that I am not a sheep, and I do not blindly follow the party line. I think for myself, and I make my own decisions based on the information that I have. I am not afraid to disagree with my peers, and I do not care if I am canceled.

    I understand that you are frustrated with the current political situation. There is a lot of division and anger in our country, and it can be difficult to know what to believe.

    I believe that it is important to have open and honest conversations about politics, even if we disagree. I think that the best way to find common ground is to listen to each other and try to understand each other's perspectives.

    I believe that Trump should go to prison for his many crimes. And he will die there in 2039.

  • jackjack 508 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    He lied to you and you believed him.  All the time he was laughing at you while he sold out his country and stuffed his pockets full of cash.  
    Hello B:

    All that from a dusty laptop given to Rudy Giuliani, and a missing whistleblower?????

    Du-de!  Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.


  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    Of course Donald Trump will not die in prison.   All Trump has to do is offer :The Big Guy" a $5 million dollar bribe, and Joe will get his attack dog, Merrick Garland, to drop the case.
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