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A dictator is trying to break into the White House

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What's better?    Electing a  77-year-old racistmisogynist bigot who has been found liable for rape, who incited a deadly, violent insurrection aimed at overturning a democratic election, who has committed mass fraud for personal enrichment, who is facing 91 separate counts of felony criminal charges against him, and who has overtly discussed his authoritarian strategies where he'll conduct MASS DEPORTATIONS and SWEEPING RAIDS, and put people in GIANT CONCENTRATION CAMPS??


An 81-year-old with mainstream Democratic Party views who sometimes misspeaks or trips?


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  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1131 Pts   -  
    Politifact found the following mostly true:

    "You are paying the price for Biden’s energy agenda. Since Biden took office:

    "❌ Gas is more than $1/gallon more expensive

    "❌ Americans have lost over $10k in increased cost of living

    "❌ Nearly 20M households behind on utility bills

    "❌ Real wages have fallen monthly."

    from Roll Call:

    Since President Biden took office, prices have increased cumulatively by 17.4 percent, while hourly wages have increased only 13 percent. In looking at the past seven presidents, only Jimmy Carter had a bigger inflation rate, 26.2 percent, at a similar point in his presidency. For the past four presidents, their Presidential Inflation Rate was in single digits, and, specifically, Biden’s PIR is triple that of where Donald Trump (5.6 percent) and George W. Bush (5.4 percent) were at this point in their first terms.

    Biden's policies have lead to higher gas prices, higher food prices, significantly higher housing and rent costs, significantly higher energy bills, Voting for Biden is a vote against poor people.

    Biden's friends defund the police, which Biden's team actually participated in and actually paid the bail of serious criminal offenders, has lead to less safe cities throughout the US.  Biden tried to remove a Trump era policy where public schools were required to report sexual assaults by educators to the DOE.  While pedophiles cheer Biden, parents do not.  A vote for Biden is a vote for criminals to continue their crime sprees.

    Biden has supported racist policies such as Affirmative Action and DEI polices and trainings which have discriminated against Asian and white people in college admissions, hiring, promotions, and awarding grants, contracts, and benefits.  Biden's party has a large antisemitic group that reflects their racism and bigotry.  Biden tried to have it both ways in his comments.  There is no moral equivalency.  If you believe it is morally wrong to cut babies out of their mothers wombs and then cut their heads off, you can not support Biden's position.  If you vote Biden you vote for racism and bigotry.

    Biden has opposed school choice programs and has supported keeping poor Black children trapped in bad public schools.  We all know how that helps teacher unions, and Democrat politicians who receive large amounts of money from teacher unions, but how does it help that poor Black child stuck in a bad school?  Trump fought hard for educational freedom, while Biden wants Black kids chained to bad schools.  

     Biden's policies have made the border less safe.  Each month there are reports of dangerous terrorists trying to enter the country.  In addition, Biden's policies have made it easier for illegal labor.  This especially harms low wage workers and young Black men.  Obama's civil rights commission on illegal immigration claimed illegal labor cost Black workers between $1,000 to $2,000 a year in reduced wages.  Studies show that chicken processing plants increased their wages when illegal labor was not available (take note Barnadot).  If you support Biden, you support lower wages for low income legal workers.

    The average increase in prices per month for an individual family is over $800 since Biden became president.  If you have lots of extra money to waste on things that were much cheaper under Trump then vote Biden, but if you care about poor people vote Trump, or whoever the Republican candidate is.

    If you are a racist, antisemite, hater of Black kids getting a good education, hater of the poor, pro-crime, pro-pedophilia, and in general an evil person, then vote Biden.

  • jackjack 513 Pts   -   edited November 2023
    just_sayin said:

    If you are a racist, antisemite, hater of Black kids getting a good education, hater of the poor, pro-crime, pro-pedophilia, and in general an evil person, then vote Biden.

    Hello j:

    I didn't realize that you bought the complete MAGA agenda, including the hate that comes with it.  By the by, you forgot to call me "VERMIN" like your Dear Leader did.


  • @jack

    A group of dictators of any number and size including just one person male or female are all created equal by their creator, the act of their governing. A democracy of the we the people does not in any way change that self-evident truth. They abuse it.

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 867 Pts   -   edited November 2023

    I didn't realize that you bought the complete MAGA agenda, including the hate that comes with it.  By the by, you forgot to call me "VERMIN" like your dear leader did.

    Hugh Hefner made a living calling women bunnies....He was call sexist not Hitler. The fact is after a term in Executive office Mr. Executive officer #45 can be established as unable to display an ability to protect, preserve, and defend the United States Constitution. Just like many other men. Tell me why I cannot testify against him and other Executive officers of the oval office in an Armed Service tribunal in this manner. After all this is a wrong that occurs on the international scene and not only on the American domestic scene. Are the courts Public and Armed Service just trying to prove all men are not created equal by their creator?
    Is this a girl power thing, now only Congress can impeach?

    This must be a Christain thing because I feel like I have been part of a immacilate conception...of the 3rd Kind.

  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -   edited November 2023
    If you are . . . pro-pedophilia then vote Biden.
    Why do biden supporters choose to overlook his apparent problem  with that?  They can't say they've never seen it.  Maybe one will pop in and explain how that works.
  • jackjack 513 Pts   -  
    John_C_87 said:

    Tell me why I cannot testify against him and other Executive officers of the oval office
    Hello John:

    I think you should be able to testify against him, but our Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach federal officials. I dunno why.


  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6199 Pts   -  
    Human propensity to take very hard stances in favor of or against their rulers is pretty curious. People who will pick on every tiny straw when it comes to one ruler, suddenly become extremely forgiving when talking about another. Biden administrations' economical performance has been by far the worst in the history of the US, and the level of mismanagement is worse than even during the Great Depression days - but his supporters will just say, "Ah, I think he is a good guy in general". But for Trump it is enough to say one single word - and he is now the absolute villain. Or, vice versa, people will be okay with Trump enacting harsh trade regulations crippling the US supply chains, but the moment Biden mentions increasing tax rates by 0.01% - he is the Frankenstein.

    In this respect, it is curious to see the reaction of the US libertarian circles to election of Javier Milei in Argentina. People who yesterday swore to never trust any politicians, that no matter what label someone calls themselves, being a politician is incompatible with being a good guy - today suddenly sing praises to the guy and talk about how he is going to transform the Argentinian economy, just because he says some things they agree with, even though the guy has a pretty poor track record of staying consistent and making accurate predictions of the market performance.

    I sometimes feel like a bit of an alien on this planet, as I absolutely do not have any of that. I just cannot see myself swearing loyalty to any politician. There are politicians who I generally respect, but I do not expect anyone to bring heavens down on Earth, and I certainly am going to point out every flaw of even my favorite politicians that I can find. I understand being loyal to your lover, or your family, or your closest friends - those are people who have done a lot for you and who have an important place in your heart. But an old guy in the White House? Why in the world?
  • jackjack 513 Pts   -  
    Phite said:

    Why do biden supporters choose to overlook his problem  with that?  They can't say they've never seen it.  Maybe one will pop in and explain how that works.
    Hello P:

    They can't???  Du-de.  I'll be happy to acknowledge his problem if you can just show me evidence of it...  I pay close attention to the world, and I see no evidence whatsoever.  That would be NONE...  Don't you think at least one victim would have surfaced?  Just one??  If he's a pedophile, don't you think at least one right wing states attorney general would press charges???  Certainly one of them would have.  Even right wing Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton hasn't done it. 

    Look.  I'm a liberal...  I don't support committing crimes against children. To think I'd vote for a pedophile is repugnant.   Perhaps you're confused..  I can help with that.  Speak English - not innuendo, and I'll try.. 


  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -   edited November 2023
    jack said:
    Phite said:

    Why do biden supporters choose to overlook his problem  with that?  They can't say they've never seen it.  Maybe one will pop in and explain how that works.
    They can't???  Du-de.  I'll be happy to acknowledge his problem if you can just show me evidence of it..
    How did you miss Maria Piacesi's post on social media where she answered peoples' inquiry about biden pinching her nipple.  She said he did . . .

    “Did Joe Biden pinch you?” A user by the name of Jonathan Pasetti asked, to which Piacesi responded, “Yes.” However, soon after, she deleted her comment.

    “Why did you delete the comment?” Pasetti asked. “I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that,” Maria Piacesi replied. [...] Maria Piacesi then sent the user a direct message via the TikTok app and said that she’s wanted to speak out about her assault but that she fears that she won’t be believed and will be seen as an outcast.

    There ya go.  Sound like innuendo to you?  No it doesn't, does it?
  • jackjack 513 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

    Biden administrations' economical performance has been by far the worst in the history of the US, and the level of mismanagement is worse than even during the Great Depression days - but his supporters will just say, "Ah, I think he is a good guy in general". But for Trump it is enough to say one single word - and he is now the absolute villain.
    Hello May:

    I don't think Biden is a good guy in general, but he's a tad better than the dictator wanna be.  

    And, about that "single word" thing..  You're not serious, are you??

    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha..

  • jackjack 513 Pts   -  
    Phite said:

    There ya go.  Sound like innuendo to you?  No it doesn't, does it?
    Hello P:

    No, it doesn't...  I sounds like ONE person.  To be criminally charged requires corroboration..  Here we have none...  Is that enough to convince me???  No..  In a politically charged atmosphere like we're presently in, I'd expect more than one accusation.. 

    But, keep on digging.  I wanna know if Biden's a crook.

  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -  

    You said "at least one."

    That's what I gave you.  Why don't you believe her?

    I'll hunt down a video showing how biden just can't keep his nose and hands off little girls. 
  • jackjack 513 Pts   -  
    Phite said:

    I'll hunt down a video showing how biden just can't keep his nose and hands off little girls. 
    Hello again, P:

    Yeah...  I'm aware that he likes to sniff girls hair.  That's weird.  But, pedophilia??  Nahhh..

  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -   edited November 2023

    Ya know, you're right.  He has a problem with putting his hands on little girls and sniffing their hair and, according to one girl, pinching her nipple on camera.  But, pedophilia?  Nah.

    In particular, watch Margaret Coon's mother's reaction.  It looks like she had to "tap out" for her daughter because biden was getting himself so excited and worked up that he didn't seem to notice just how uncomfortable she was.
  • @jack

    I think you should be able to testify against him, but our Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach federal officials. I dunno why.

    Jack, first the American Constitution grants no powers to Congress respecting the establishment of religion using law, if they know how and why to impeach a man by law of right as President of the United States of America they would have done so long ago. Congress is practicing criminal law and in most cases of governing has already been self-incriminated unable, linking the oval office by way of executive order. As these orders are not law. American Constitutional united right or criminal law for that matter, it is an Armed Service administration direct order.

    2nd the members of congress who file such grievance before tribunal must be able to demonstrate their superior ability defend, preserve and protect American Constitutional Right. They cannot Congress by civil lawsuit has place women in the Armed Services and in line for executive office in contradiction to the American Constitution with the use of criminal accusation not law as right alone.

    Thank you for both the inclusion by way of response in the topic and your honesty.

    There are some positions in politics that had been created without ever having intention that a servant to the American Constitution might be fired from that job title. They would aways be impeached, stopping them from ever serving publicly in that fashion again.

  • @Phite

    No offence meant but you are filing a grievance in the wrong place that would be a lower State Court of criminal law argument. I’m sure there is enough actions taken by executive officer Biden to establish a permanent relief of command by impeachment. A woman Presadera listed on a ballot as possible President and Binvir and UnosMulier obstructions to criminal legislation of law by executive orders would ensure and more than cover cause for.

    These are not criminal issue they are American United States Constitutional issues of an international significance creating harm. 

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6199 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Hello May:

    I don't think Biden is a good guy in general, but he's a tad better than the dictator wanna be.  

    And, about that "single word" thing..  You're not serious, are you??

    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha..

    That was literally the point of your other thread: that Trump used the word "vermin" and that that usage is worth comparing him to Hitler. Quite an issue to pick, when we have, for instance, this:

    Naturally, my comment makes you laugh. That is an expected reaction of someone who has lost touch with reality and has dove too deep into his favorite media segment. To such people one word of the person they dislike may be a much more urgent issue to raise, than something that is directly affecting lives of approximately 300 million people who drive or are driven in cars.

    And I do not know why you are saying that Biden is less good at being a dictator than Trump, when virtually all indexes of freedom of press and economical freedom rank the US at its lowest in all history of those indexes being calculated.

    Do not forget that the most dangerous dictator is the one who many people do not perceive as a dictator, because he has diverted attention to someone else: "Look, there is the real danger right there!" Had you grown up in Russia or China, this old trick would be very familiar to you.
  • jackjack 513 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

     That was literally the point of your other thread: that Trump used the word "vermin" and that that usage is worth comparing him to Hitler.

    Hello again, May:

    To be clear, it was one word upon a jillion others..  Nonetheless, the word "vermin" makes my Jewish blood boil..  Plus, I didn't much like his immigrants "poison the blood" of the country, either.

    Yeah..  He' a fascist, all right.


  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -  
    John_C_87 said:

    No offence meant but you are filing a grievance in the wrong place . . .

    No offense intended, but I'm not filing anything here.  Someone expressed their disbelief that biden did what I said he did.  So, this is the perfect place to post what the girl said he did.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1131 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    just_sayin said:

    If you are a racist, antisemite, hater of Black kids getting a good education, hater of the poor, pro-crime, pro-pedophilia, and in general an evil person, then vote Biden.

    Hello j:

    I didn't realize that you bought the complete MAGA agenda, including the hate that comes with it.  By the by, you forgot to call me "VERMIN" like your Dear Leader did.


    Its my understanding that 'vermin' can't help but behave the way they do.  I think people are capable of rejecting racist, antisemitic, pro-crime, pro-pedophile, anti-educational-freedom policies.  It seems incredibly self-unaware to accuse Trump supporters of racism and bigotry, when Biden supporters are openly discussing discriminating against Asian and white students and literally rioting in behalf of Hamas.  
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1131 Pts   -   edited November 2023
    Phite said:

    Ya know, you're right.  He has a problem with putting his hands on little girls and sniffing their hair and, according to one girl, pinching her nipple on camera.  But, pedophilia?  Nah.

    In particular, watch Margaret Coon's mother's reaction.  It looks like she had to "tap out" for her daughter because biden didn't seem to notice just how uncomfortable she was.
    Biden's conduct around young girls is definitely creepy, but his support of pro-pedophile policies are much more concerning to me.  I mentioned his attempt to not have states report sexual misconduct by public school educators to the DOE.  In addition to this, he opposed the parental rights bill.  This bill codifies a parents right to be notified about issues such as their child showing signs of gender dysphoria.  The bill also restricts discussions of sexual orientation for younger children.  We all know why pedophiles want to keep things from parents and discuss sexual acts with children, but why would a non-pedophile oppose parental rights?  

    Biden also has attacked moms who spoke out at PTA meetings against books with sexually explicit content such as Gender Queer. On one page there is an image of an unclothed adult male holding the 'manhood' of an underage male.  The text on the page reads "The more I had to interact with my genitals the less likely I was to reach a point of any satisfaction.  The best satisfaction was one one that didn't require any physical touch at all." as the lead character suggestively masturbates while fantasizing about having sex with an adult man.  Now I'm sure teacher unions, which the DOE estimates that 5-9 percent of have sexually assaulted a minor, can find some justification for such content in a grade school library.  However, most people agree it is inappropriate for that environment..  

    Biden's pro-pedophile positions should concern all of us.  
  • @Phite

    No offense intended, but I'm not filing anything here.  Someone expressed their disbelief that biden did what I said he did.  So, this is the perfect place to post what the girl said he did.

    Why is this the perfect place to file? My presumed right over suspected wrong is in posting a submission process as an order to bring forward a principle in filing the attention given here is better than when the same issue is file in lets say a file on a computer or filing cabinet in a clerk’s office. Why it is a place filed in by us, there are many reasons including public self-representation in the practice law or American Constitutional law preservation. Laws which have been written without crime as a publicly shared principle. You are writing something down taken in debate, by at least two sides, under a title, made by category, as a response to not being believed. This is as fact our United State 1st Amendment Constitutional Right, a condition we both share. Describing something we speak of, write down for others to listen to  

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6199 Pts   -   edited November 2023
    jack said:

    Hello again, May:

    To be clear, it was one word upon a jillion others..  Nonetheless, the word "vermin" makes my Jewish blood boil..  Plus, I didn't much like his immigrants "poison the blood" of the country, either.

    Yeah..  He' a fascist, all right.


    Well, see, here lies the difference... I point out objective facts such as economical and speech freedoms being (as per reputable indexes) at their worst in the US history during Biden's rule, or the highest gasoline prices in the US history - and you reference some words said by one person and your feelings. This is precisely what I am talking about.

    To be clear, I do not think that Trump was a good president either; they both are lousy. My point was that people apply different standards to the politician from their political isle and to those from other isles as convenient. It is strange to me that people go to such lengths to excuse actions of one politician just because in their eyes another politician did or say something heinous. What does anyone personally gain from dismissing rot and corruption in the Democratic party while point out every minor thing that goes wrong in the Republican party, or vice-versa? Sounds like they only gain some temporary emotional comfort, while what they need is bitter medicine.

    Not to mention that Biden is the sitting president, while Trump is as of now just a media persona who has not been to the White House in nearly 3 years.
  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -   edited November 2023

    Phite:  No offense intended, but I'm not filing anything here.  Someone expressed their disbelief that biden did what I said he did.  So, this is the perfect place to post what the girl said he did.

    Why is this the perfect place to file?

    Because this is where someone expressed their opinion that biden's behavior toward young girls is nothing more than weird.  

    I see no reason to not call it exactly what it looks like.
  • jackjack 513 Pts   -   edited November 2023
    Phite said:

    Because this is where someone expressed their opinion that biden's behavior toward young girls is nothing more than weird.  

    I see no reason to not call it exactly what it looks like.
    Hello again, P:

    I thought we agreed NOT to use innuendo, but here you are conflating Biden's weird behavior with committing a felony..  What's up with that?  My argument is based on law.  Yours is based on feelings..  Du-de!

  • @Phite

    Weir, that is like the technical term for not right. Not yet as a form of interaction with all women young or old alike, ratified state of the union as a powerful female American United States Constitutional Right, in which " he" a man who voters have lied about, filing Biden as a President in the oval office as executive officer. The process of lie which creates a criminal form of very complicated voter fraud almost impossible to prove beyond reasonable doubt. Rest assured, making it the go to political crime of the century which no court of law is even going to touch. All the courts of law fear the inability to make successful convictions in timely fashion in the law enforcement circuit of criminal law only.

    Go the power of women...
    Put up make-up to hide the ugly face of law they have created, Go........! girl power!
  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -   edited November 2023
    jack said:
    Phite said:

    Because this is where someone expressed their opinion that biden's behavior toward young girls is nothing more than weird.  

    I see no reason to not call it exactly what it looks like.
    My argument is based on law.  Yours is based on feelings..  Du-de!

    Well, tell me how the law feels about what he did.  Just what does the law prescribe for that kind of weirdness?

    Must be some kind of precedent for this kind of thing.  Maybe I jumped the gun here assuming that other public officials just know better than to do those kinds of things, but for the life of me, I can't recall any of them exhibiting the same kind of behavior toward young girls.  Can you?  I mean besides trump?

  • jackjack 513 Pts   -  
    Phite said:

    Well, tell me how the law feels about what he did.  Just what does the law prescribe for that kind of weirdness?
    Hello P:

    In this great country of ours, sniffing hair is NOT illegal.

  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -  

    He likes to touch them, too, while he's sniffing their hair.  You did see the video, didn't you?  

    I don't know how you excuse such behavior; especially the nipple pinch.  I believe that there's a law against that for sure.  It's called sexual assault.  What do you call it?
  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 867 Pts   -   edited November 2023
    In this great country of ours, sniffing hair is NOT illegal.

    It can be a crime. The only thing is not. It is not an America United States Constitutional Right. There are no states of the union of right made on hair sniffing. The point of potential negligence created by girl power, sorry ladies for the insulate sound of truth. A female such as a young girl cannot be described as a potential Presadera quite yet. a little F.Y.I of what you have been missing. So is by who truth, fact, and not part of more perfect law without crime that as a female of a boundary age  "she"  Presadera meaning any women might seek to protect her-self as a United State to all female posterity.

  • jackjack 513 Pts   -  
    Phite said:

    He likes to touch them, too, while he's sniffing their hair.  You did see the video, didn't you?  

    I don't know how you excuse such behavior; especially the nipple pinch.  I believe that there's a law against that for sure.  It's called sexual assault.  What do you call it?

    The nipple pinch would be sexual assault, if it happened...  Seems to me, if Biden is a sexual predator, we would have heard about it long before his 81st birthday..

  • PhitePhite 96 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: If it happened?

    If it happened?  You watched the video.  You saw his hand.  You saw her react to it.  You know she confirmed that it happened.  I guess your argument is that, you can disregard her claim if others haven't complained about the kind of stuff you saw in the video.  You know that's not an argument.

    I can think of no presidents or vice presidents, past or present, who've had such unseemly boundary issues.  Can you?
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Biden's conduct around young girls is definitely creepy, but his support of pro-pedophile policies are much more concerning to me.

    What about your behavior around kids? Another example of the kettle calling the pot black 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6199 Pts   -  
    jack said:


    The nipple pinch would be sexual assault, if it happened...  Seems to me, if Biden is a sexual predator, we would have heard about it long before his 81st birthday..

    We have. It is just that the terminology is not applied consistently. Trump, for instance, has been routinely called a sexual predator for a couple of comments he made on a bus in a private conversation with his friend, while actual video footage of Biden sexually touching children did not cause the same people to call him that.

    I have long advocated for the litmus test of consistency. Whenever you make an argument in defense of someone, imagine that the person you despise the most in the world has done the exact same thing - and whenever you make an argument against someone, imagine that the person you admire the most in the world has done the exact same thing. If the resolve with which you would make the argument changes even a little bit, then you are failing at consistency and are being a tribesman, not a thinker.
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