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Should we stop the cages that Obama created?

Debate Information

I know Obama started immigration cages, which got me to turn against him. Does anyone else think we should end the cages, too? They're cruel and unusual.

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  • Argument Topic: The cages need to go.

    We absolutely need to get rid of the cages. The cages having been harming so many people. The cages are cruel and unusual, too.
  • anarchist100anarchist100 782 Pts   -  
    Where should we put the Mexicans then? In cardboard boxes? Some might mistake them for a package due to be mailed and send them off to Zimbabwe!
  • anarchist100anarchist100 782 Pts   -  
    Some might mistake them for a package due to be mailed and send them off to Zimbabwe!
    Although if we're looking for ways to get rid of unwanted immigrants.....
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: True, Obama built the cage but Trump was the one who locked up children in the cages.

    "In early July 2019, as questions about the health of children in border facilities intensified the Trump administration was criticized for locking up young children in "inhumane" conditions for weeks, and for its overall treatment of immigrants in overcrowded detention facilities. Democratic lawmakers who visited the facilities reported unsanitary, dehumanizing conditions. Meantime, at least seven children had died in custody in the span of a year -- an unprecedented number in recent history."

    We could go further back and blame Ronald Reagan for providing drug money to the Contra that helped lead to this situation.

  • jackjack 497 Pts   -   edited October 2023
    Hello the:

    Trump Happily Employed Undocumented Workers While ICE Rounded Them Up. 

    We HIRE undocumented workers.  Their work is very much in demand..  So, instead of getting rid of the cages, we oughta get rid of the signs.

    Signs, you ask???  Sure, I say.  When a worker reaches the border, he sees TWO signs..  One says, DO NOT CROSS..  The other says HELP WANTED.


  • @anarchist100 We could put them in an immigration house is what we could do.
  • @Dreamer Trump was a jerk. I'm glad he's out of office.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    That "jerk" will be the next President of the USA.         But he will do all sorts of things that you apparently disapprove of.   He will deport a lot of illegal immigrants who even the woke mayor of New York, who was o0nce a staunch defender of a borderless USA, now says is is destroying his own city.      He will get the US economy going again by finishing the pipeline and allowing oil companies to drill on Federal land.   He will tell the climate cultists to shove it.      And he will reform the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and the IRS by getting rid of the corrupt senior administrators who now think that they are the government and that they can do whatever they damned well please.   Hopefully, Trump will see Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, and David Weiss will be prosecuted and jailed for corruptly using their Federal agencies to protect the Biden crime family, falsely  prosecuting the leading Republican Presidential candidate,  and election interference.   
  • @Bogan No he won't because Trump will only let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: That "jerk" will be the next President of the USA.

    Trump will likely be in prison. But sure, you toadies can vote for him. You´ve sadly been conned by Trump. They say Trump supporters are extremely vulnerable and gullible. Sad for you. You realize that Trump is our next Hitler don´t you? Is that okay with you? Hitler ¨Lugenpresse¨ (Lying Press). Trump ¨Fake News¨ (don´t trust anyone but me). It worked. You fell for it. You like authoritarianism as it is black/white leadership. Follow the leader and you won´t have to think. hahahahahahaha. Trumpers are a sad sack of Americans.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Try and get it into your brainwashed little head that jailing the leading US Presidential candidate can, and probably will, start a civil war.      The Dems in their desperation are playing with fire.     It will be another "Lexington Green" moment.    The only reason why a civil war has not yet started is because everybody but the Dems is terrified of the idea, and because Trump appears to be winning against all of the 91 trumped up charges.    Most US people, and that includes Democrats who have any sanity, can recognise that a government that persecutes it's leading political rival because they know he will win the next election, has lost all legitimacy as a democratic government.     It is now a totalitarian regime which will do anything to stay in power.     The last Presidential vote was around 50-50, and that only because Biden stood in front of TV cameras and lied his head off to the American voters about Hunter's laptop.        Since then, Biden has lost a lot of ground with women over transgenderism.     He has lost ground with African and Hispanic minorities because they can still remember when Trump was in power and inflation was low, fuel prices manageable, and US cities were not being over run by future Democrat voters from other countries who are putting such a strain on welfare services.   In addition, Democrat proposals such as "Defund the Police" can now be seen by not-real-bright Democrat voters themselves to be the du-mbest idea that they ever supported..

    The main reason why Biden will not close the birder is because it would be tantamount to admitting that Trump was right all along..   
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    It is so typical that Obama, who built the cages that kept children in them, didn't get the heat and anger, that Trump, who ended up setting the children Obama caged free.  Leftists will overlook bad conduct or issues from one of their own, while condemning those who ended up changing bad policies, as Trump did.  

    Time and time again we have seen leftists defend their support for racist policies like Affirmative Action and DEI.  They have sided with teacher unions rather than poor Black children chained to bad public schools.  They oppose educational freedom.   Several leftists have sided with Hamas and feel its OK to call for the genocide of Israel.  Leftist have promoted energy policies that have caused energy prices to go through the roof.  The average worker has to make $800 more a month just to break even now.  It just seems like leftists feel they can do no bad thing, when they do a lot of bad things.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Try and get it into your brainwashed little head tha

    When will you get it in your manipulated, conned brain that you´ve used and duped. hahahahaha
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Try and get it into your brainwashed little head tha

    You preach only to your conned choir. hahahahaha You think I don´t know the truth? Go gaslight your own toadies.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    You´ve been conned and duped.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Openminded ;    When will you get it in your manipulated, conned brain that you´ve used and duped.

    I had a bad feeling about you when you declared on your very first post that you left Twitter because you said that there was too much "hate speech".     'Just-sayin" correctly pointed out that it was odd that you left Titter because Elon Musk advocated for free speech.     I presumed that you were just another brainwashed trendy lefty, but I had hoped that you were not so intellectually challenged that I could not deprogram you.    Sadly, my hopes went unfulfilled.    My next prediction is, since you can not debate yourself out of a wet paper bag, that you will turn into just another heckler.     Hecklers are not worth responding too.

    since you only want to exist within a leftist echo chamber, could I recommend the loony left  (Communist Party of Australia) own website, NewMatilda?     There you will find that every right wing person who contributes on that site gets instantly purged, and only loony lefties may submit posts.     
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    You preach only to your conned choir. hahahahaha You think I don´t know the truth? Go gaslight your own toadies.
    What have I said that is not true?  If you think that it is not, then you are right, I don't think you what is the truth.
  • @Bogan A lot of right-wing people want authoritarianism. They basically want to control the heck out of people.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @theinfectedmaster ; quote  A lot of right-wing people want authoritarianism. They basically want to control the heck out of people.

    You are correct.    But what you ignored is that there a lot of left wing people who want to do exactly the same thing      In both cases, democracy is a real impediment to the sort of society that both the extreme left and the extreme right want to create.      I don't think I have had the pleasure of crossing swords with you previously,?   So, I have yet to work out your motivations?       But from your initial statement directed at me you seem to think that the Left is always correct and the right i always incorrect?   

    My experience, was that I was once a young trendy lefty who identified with the causes of the university elitist caste.      There were two reasons for that.   The first, was that I was convinced that the extreme right in the USA had effectively pulled a coup when they assassinated President John F. Kennedy, and when my own Australian Right wing government tried to conscript me for the Vietnam war.      Like your good self, I thought at the time that the right side of politics was absolutely evil.     But like most people, I grew out of that opinion when I realised that the Left could be just as bad.   

    Today, I perceive that it is the Left side of politics which will do anything to stay in power, and I think that multiculturalism, which is obviously wrecking all western societies, is their vehicle to attain that goal.    So today, I support the Right and oppose the Left.    If the Right tries to obtain absolute power again through nefarious means, then I will become a lefty again.

    The danger which I perceive today, is that the elitist forces of totalitarianism who have been traditionally been from both the Right and the Left today are joining forces in a common goal.    Once human societies developed beyond the tribal stage, societies have created hierarchical administrations where people with intelligence have risen to the top and took steps to endure that they stayed there forever.    That intelligent people should be the natural leaders of their societies is a noble idea.    The problem is, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.      Sooner or later, the elites get around to thinking that they can do whatever they damned well please.    So, I support democracy.    There must always be a means for the mass of the people to replace their elites without using guillotines, when they get too big for their boots and turn into little Caligula's.   
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Guess who said they voted for the border fence, and wants to punish American employers who hire illegal labor, and who recognizes that an open border leads to higher drug rates?

    @just_sayin @Bogan

    I have posted this 3x and for some reason it keeps disappearing. Has anyone had that happen to them?

    Guess who said they voted for the border fence, and wants to punish American employers who hire illegal labor, and who recognizes that an open border leads to higher drug rates?  That was - Joe Biden 

    Yes, that was Biden in 2007 - 17 years ago. Migration has increased obviously since then and the complexities have ballooned. Politics and government has also become more complex, messy and partisan. Yes Biden did propose a fence - a partial fence at the most porous openings. He also suggested more money for border patrol. He also did say he thought wealthy Americans were in fact prospering off of illegal immigrants, which is true. Your point? Again, this was 17 years ago and it´s hard to compare the border problem then to the complexities of today´s border problem. Were your views on certain issues the exact same as they are now 17 years later?

    Leftists have convinced Joe Biden that illegal labor is a good thing.

    I don´t believe they´ve convinced Biden of this. Although admittedly, the progressive democrats are a pain in the a$$ just as the tea party and freedom caucus is on the right.  Illegal labor at one time was not as nefarious as the right extremists like to tout ad nauseam on Fox News. We are woefully underrepresented in many jobs in the US now as a result of low migration and post covid. And I don´t believe they´re asserting that ILLEGAL labor is a good thing - documented immigrants are a good thing. They are desperately trying to expedite the process of work permits being provided to asylum seekers (who entered the US through an official port of entry) as part of the border deal. As it is now, they have to wait 150 days for these work permits. Expedition of these permits is in the worksCities need workers to fill jobs that are not being filled. Let´s see just how much republicans want to help and fix the issue. 

    So we have a porous border where there the focus is not on border security.  Biden claims the border is secure while more people cross it illegally than at any other time in history.

    Firstly, yes, the border is a serious issue, but if you´re an avid FOX news watcher, you would think that is our only problem and migrants are what ails America. Fox loves to fear monger because to sensationalize is to make them rich. Ad nauseam they talk about the ¨Illegals¨ - a term that I find particularly offensive and cruel. The hate and talk about the ¨illegals¨ and ¨the gotaways¨ is simply disgusting, divisive, sensationalizing and scapegoating. This is why the left and right cannot work together. Both are extreme views that keep dividing us.

    Because the Biden administration is trying to work in a bipartisan way, does not mean they are not doing anything. The Biden Administration is proposing 25B to go toward border security and the CBP.  This money would go toward hiring additional Border Patrol agents, border technology, combating fentanyl trafficking, hiring more processing assistants at CBP and ICE, funding for asylum processing, and a contingency fund to address future immigration surges and funding for refugee services.

    And yes, to do this in a humane way is important. So you may say that Trump achieved this on his own. How? Firstly, because of the increasing unrest and instability of countries, the problem just was not as bad as it is now. What he did to fix the problem was a no brainer for a cruel and lazy-minded person. At the border, he had babies and young children taken from their parents he deemed automatically ¨illegal¨as a desperate attempt to deter migration and to fulfill a promise. Yes, because of Trump´s Zero Tolerance Policy, 5000 children were taken from migrant parents. Over 1,000 still remain in the US as their migrant parents were sent back to their countries. This was cruel and notably reckless as vague and incomplete records were kept of the childrens´ names. Because of the Biden administration´s Family Reunification Task Force, they were able to unite most of the children with their parents but now may need to rely on DNA to figure out who the remaining children are to reunite them with their parents. THATŚ what Biden has been working on (among several Trump errors that needed to be fixed). Cleaning up after Captain Chaos and his cruelty has taken time from the Biden administration.

    Biden will not bow down to the belligerence and power-hungry republican party who won´t work with Biden unless they get everything they want. That includes the continuation of building a wall that would cost billions and not fix the issue. They´re simply unreasonable to work with. That is evidenced by the high and quick turnover of speakers. The republicans are a fractured party.

    So tell me, was Joe Biden wrong about the border back then, or is he lying today about the security of the border?  

    Biden said that 17 years ago. It´s not credible to compare this issue to 2007.

    Does Biden have faults? YES. Is he without his baggage? NO. But he´s humane and decent. And that sure beats the he LL out of a sick narcissist who was cruel enough to steal babies from their parents so he could fulfill a promise and remain in power. And sure, you can think that your boy, Trump, is doing it because he loves Americans. But surely, surely, you can see how his cruelty wreaks havoc on humanity.

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    @just_sayin @Bogan

    I´m getting tired of the lies. I´m getting sick and tired of all the covering up.

    You boy, Trump is a and an indecent human being.

    If any of you read the links, you would find that yes, Obama had cages built to house the immigrants. Obama also ONLY took children from their migrant parents if the parents had criminal records. He did it to keep the children safe.

    Your boy, Trump, lied about this. What kind of leader does this? What kind of man blames his sick deeds on another. His own HHS secretary quit because of this inhumane policy. Why did he do it? For his popularity. To remain in power.

    Trump´s zero tolerance policy took young children, babies, from their parents automatically. Sent the migrant parents back to their countries. And the children were kept here. There are still 1000 in the US that have not been reunited. Biden is trying to reunite them as he´s already reunited 4,000 of them. Once again, others are cleaning up after this sick man.

    You can debate, you can express your opinions, you can invoke your first amendment rights. But you can bet that myself and others on this site will continue to push back on your B_S and lies.

    TRUMP is a sick narcissist and an indecent human being. The sooner you reconcile this - that you´ve been severely duped - the sooner you can get on with your lives.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 948 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    Try and get it into your brainwashed little head that jailing the leading US Presidential candidate can, and probably will, start a civil war.      The Dems in their desperation are playing with fire.     It will be another "Lexington Green" moment.    The only reason why a civil war has not yet started is because everybody but the Dems is terrified of the idea, and because Trump appears to be winning against all of the 91 trumped up charges.    Most US people, and that includes Democrats who have any sanity, can recognise that a government that persecutes it's leading political rival because they know he will win the next election, has lost all legitimacy as a democratic government.     It is now a totalitarian regime which will do anything to stay in power.     The last Presidential vote was around 50-50, and that only because Biden stood in front of TV cameras and lied his head off to the American voters about Hunter's laptop.        Since then, Biden has lost a lot of ground with women over transgenderism.     He has lost ground with African and Hispanic minorities because they can still remember when Trump was in power and inflation was low, fuel prices manageable, and US cities were not being over run by future Democrat voters from other countries who are putting such a strain on welfare services.   In addition, Democrat proposals such as "Defund the Police" can now be seen by not-real-bright Democrat voters themselves to be the du-mbest idea that they ever supported..

    The main reason why Biden will not close the birder is because it would be tantamount to admitting that Trump was right all along..   
    Why intentionally plant a seed that fans the flames of civil war? We can voice our opinions and even get emotional. But to assume Americans can't ultimately seek peaceful civil answers to our issues is insulting. And makes me question motives.
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Try and get it into your brainwashed little head that jailing the leading US Presidential candidate can, and probably will, start a civil war.

    @Factfinder @Bogan

    Try and get it into your brainwashed little head that jailing the leading US Presidential candidate can, and probably will, start a civil war.  
    The Dems in their desperation are playing with fire.     It will be another "Lexington Green" moment.    The only reason why a civil war has not yet started is because everybody but the Dems is terrified of the idea, and because Trump appears to be winning against all of the 91 trumped up charges.

    No. There will never be a civil war. We learned from the insurrection. Yes, Dems and millions of Americans are terrified that a sick narcissist who easily duped millions to follow him, will win again. Yes its frightening. You must understand this. He DOES NOT CARE FOR AMERICA. He cares only for himself.

    Most US people, and that includes Democrats who have any sanity, can recognise that a government that persecutes it's leading political rival because they know he will win the next election, has lost all legitimacy as a democratic government.     It is now a totalitarian regime which will do anything to stay in power.   

    I wonder if you actually understand his crimes. You have not once acknowledged that it was Trump who took innocent babies and separated them from their families. This is his most heinous act in my view. And had the sick ba__LLs to blame it on Obama. Now if you don´t understand that Trump has been operating at a very low rung of the evolution ladder for his entire life, you will benefit from reading more about them. If you DO understand his crimes and still cannot understand why the government and Americans persecute him, and still believe he should be president, then you sadly do not understand America and our Constitution. You are incorrect about it now being totalitarian. We are simply trying to get our grounding again after four years of a demagogue narcissist who simply wants power and to continue pilfering and profiteering off his presidency.

      The last Presidential vote was around 50-50, and that only because Biden stood in front of TV cameras and lied his head off to the American voters about Hunter's laptop

    Now, this may or may not be true as nothing has been proven yet. Is it possible that Biden profited off Biden and Burisma. Yes? Do I believe that Biden is an angel and never commited a white collar crime - nope, not categorically. Politics has always been dirty business. Does that mean Trump would be a better president? No F ing way. His history of white collar crime is reported and numerous and he has 91 indictments against him now. As I said, it may come down to a vote for the LEAST immoral man or woman is the best we can do at this point. Biden is the best we´ve got. Unless Nikki Haley can pull it off - I encourage her to keep fighting. Anyone but Trump is better for America.

    Since then, Biden has lost a lot of ground with women over transgenderism.     He has lost ground with African and Hispanic minorities because they can still remember when Trump was in power and inflation was low, fuel prices manageable, and US cities were not being over run by future Democrat voters from other countries who are putting such a strain on welfare services.

    Iḿ not aware of his issues with transgenderism. If any American believes that Biden is responsible for gas prices, grocery prices and inflation, they are simply ignorant. There are many reasons for this (Covid, the supply chain, and let´s face it greed and corporate price gouging) and to blame the president is simple minded in my view. Now, sadly, millions of Americans simply want more money and vote their wallets.  But with that perspective, you have to be mighty ignorant of humanity and the history of America.

    In addition, Democrat proposals such as "Defund the Police" can now be seen by not-real-bright Democrat voters themselves to be the du-mbest idea that they ever supported.

    Defund the Police was a vague slogan that means different things to everyone. It was poorly labeled and pushed. My belief was it was meant to reallocate money in the police department toward more training for police, more education needed, etc. It was blown way out of proportion by republicans because follow your leader and all.  I don´t believe this is a huge issue?

    The main reason why Biden will not close the birder is because it would be tantamount to admitting that Trump was right all along.

    Politics are messy and in the Dem party we have the progressives, the younger generation, who have pushed Biden on many issues. Biden is a moderate, but he´s also prudent and wise and understands to get anything done, he must listen to different views and perspectives. E pluribus unum is what makes America tick. The progressives have given him a hard time especially on immigration and education loans. He listens because he understands that the millennials and GenZers are living in a tougher period in time than the Baby Boomers past generations. But I digress. He has done much to tackle the crazy border situation we have. He is working humanely, diligently and wisely. Because he does not agree with shutting out unfortunate families who are fleeing from their countries due to many issues: poverty, gangs, homelessness, violence, political unrest, climate disasters, he understands that he will not lock people out, he will not turn the unfortunate migrants fleeing to save their families. And he WILL NOT steal babies from migrant parents to deter migrants. He is human.

    Bogan I am not sure why you seem to be quite angry. I´m sorry if society has not been fair to you. And I´m deeply sorry that America has failed the impoverished and poor in our country. I could understand somewhat why they voted for Trump as they were disillusioned Americans. But they did, and the majority of Americans voted him out after four chaotic years. For those who still support him, I get it. He was a change. He was entertaining. He appealed to their anger. He knew how to read the crowd and feed them exactly what they craved. They wanted to blame someone....the elites, the government, the FBI, the CIA, the WHO, the IRS, etc. He empowered them. And he said ¨I alone can fix it.¨ He gave them lots to chew on to satisfy their anger. His most popular rant was against migrants. He scapegoated the he_LL out of them. He blamed them and other races for the ails of America and it stuck. But is simply is over. He was voted out because Americans do not want him back in. 

    Now you can keep saying that if he´s convicted and jailed a civil war will break out. No. Do you really believe that our military, our national guard, and our police will not be diligent? It will never happen. We´ve learned much from the insurrection. And the most important lesson was that Trump can NEVER get near a leadership position again. He would be a stellar comedian or entertainer though. If he does win, he will rule for decades and Americans understand this. Bogan, you must admit that Trump is not your hero. Trump was never your hero. Trump was just change and excitement and perhaps he´s empowered you in some way. But he does not care about you or anyone else but himself and his $.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    What Obama did to those kids was awful.  I'm so glad that Trump freed the children from the cages that Obama built.  To remind everyone here is a picture of children in Obama's cages:

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    You are not worth my time.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    To Closeminded.    I would not usually bother debating against an opponent I have labelled a heckler, but since you have directed your post at me, have attempted to be polite, and and have put some effort into it, I will make an exception in this case.  


    Closeminded quote     No. There will never be a civil war.

     Your country is already having a civil war.     BLM “insurrectionists” caused $2 billion dollars worth of damages in US cities, where police stations and Federal court houses were torched, and 26 people were killed.      That looks like a civil war to me.    The riot at the Congressional building is just child’s play compared to what will happen if Donald Trump is incarcerated like Navalny.    Americans are not Russians.  The Russians might put up with that, but the Americans are made of sterner stuff.     To decent and fair minded Americans, jailing Trump will be the last straw.    They will not tolerate the elites telling them who, and who they may not, vote for.     This is why the founding fathers gave the people the right to bear arms.     They foresaw a time when once again, the corrupt elites would try to take power away from the people.     Guess which side of politics in the USA wants to disarm the American people?


    Closeminded quote     We learned from the insurrection. Yes, Dems and millions of Americans are terrified that a sick narcissist who easily duped millions to follow him, will win again.

     He is going to win because Biden is obviously corrupt, and the corrupt US Administration has got the goods on him.   Joe is their man, their sock puppet,  and he will do what the unelected and corrupt US bureaucrats will tell him to do.    In exchange, they have created a two tiered justice system where the Biden family can get away with the most blatant corruption, to the point of outright treason.   Now matter how you try and spin it, things were much better under Trump than under Biden.      Under Biden, the USA’s economy went south and inflation soared, almost from the moment Joe got sworn in.  


    Closeminded quote . Yes its frightening.      

     It is not frightening at all.  Donald Trump was President of the USA previously, and the world and the USA was a much better place.      Ukraine, Chinese aggression in the South China Sea, the HAMAS strike on Israel, and these Houthi drop kicks only happened when Joe got in.      If you elect a foolish, senile, and corrupt President of the USA, the enemies of world peace will take advantage of that.     Just like voting for sanctuary cities and “defund the police”, electing the wrong people has serious consequences.


    Closeminded quote       You must understand this. He DOES NOT CARE FOR AMERICA. He cares only for himself.

     Rubbish.   If he only cared for himself, he would immediately withdraw from the Presidential nomination, and every one of those 91 trumped up charges would disappear.    He could just go back to living the enviable lifestyle of a billionaire.   One spokesperson for Trump claimed that his legal bills are now $2 million dollars a month.


    Closeminded quote      I wonder if you actually understand his crimes?

     I have been hearing about these supposed “crimes” for years now.     And every one of them was either political, or a spun up exaggeration.     The infamous “Russia collusion” hoax was spun up by the Hillary dirty tricks department      When Nixon did the same thing, the liberal media went into red faced apoplexy over Nixon’s underhanded attempt to influence a democratic election.     But where was Woodward and Bernstein when Hillary did the same thing?   Joe lied right into the faces of the US electors when he claimed during his debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.”


    Closeminded quote       You have not once acknowledged that it was Trump who took innocent babies and separated them from their families

     That sounds as much like propaganda to me, as HAMAS beheading babies, and the Iraqi Army throwing premature babies out of humidicribs to steal the cribs.


    Closeminded quote     Now, this may or may not be true as nothing has been proven yet

     It is pretty hard to prove, when the corrupt Justice Department under Merrick Garland appoints a prosecutor who acts more like a defense attorney for the Bidens than a prosecutor.   And this “prosecutor” allows “open and shut” tax evasion charges to run past the statute of limitations.   And when the FBI looks the other way, then refuses to hand over incriminating evidence to the US Congress, so that the US congress can do the job which the FBI is supposed to do.       


    Closeminded quote     . Is it possible that Biden profited off Biden and Burisma. Yes? Do I believe that Biden is an angel and never commited a white collar crime - nope, not categorically. Politics has always been dirty business.

     Oh, I love that.   The evidence that Joe is corrupt is so overwhelming that you feel that you just can’t keep denying the obvious, anymore?.     You know you can’t keep that crap up because people are laughing at you.      So, you try and mitigate Joe’s crimes by saying that they are just white-collar crimes.     Got news for you.   Corruption, money laundering, and tax evasion may be “white collar crimes” but they are still very serious crimes.   When I stated that Joe foolishly allowed himself to get caught on camera admitting to bribing the Ukrainian government, you demanded proof.     When did just that, by posting up a YouTube video, laughingly, you claimed it was created by AI.      Today’s young lefties are incredible.     Your capacity for self delusion is unmatched.


    Closeminded quote       Does that mean Trump would be a better president?

     He was a better President, remember?       Remember when 8 million people were not swarming over the US border with their begging bowls, and sending your social services broke?    As well as causing all sorts of other now unsolvable social problems?      Remember when job creation was high, fuel and electricity manageable, and inflation low?   Remember when every nut case totalitarian in the world was not pulling the beard of the USA?   


    Closeminded quote      If any American believes that Biden is responsible for gas prices, grocery prices and inflation, they are simply ignorant.

     Oh, I love that.   Telling people struggling under Biden’s inflation that it is not Biden’s fault, and if they think so they are just “ignorant”, will pee off a lot of the peasantry.    The buck stops with Joe.      I would rate that comment with Hillary’s comment calling Trump supporters “deplorables.”    Thank you.    Trump just picked up another million votes. 


    Closeminded quote       Defund the Police was a vague slogan that means different things to everyone. It was poorly labeled and pushed. My belief was it was meant to reallocate money in the police department toward more training for police, more education needed, etc. It was blown way out of proportion by republicans because follow your leader and all. 

     Defund the Police is a very clear slogan, which any person with triple digit IQ knew was something close to total insanity. 


    Closeminded quote      I don´t believe this is a huge issue?

     It is a huge issue if your store is being continuously robbed by out of control gangs of young black men, you are getting car jacked, or getting mugged, murdered, or raped.     If Defund the Police is not a big issue, why are democrat cities now trying to Refund the Police?


    Closeminded quote       He has done much to tackle the crazy border situation we have.

     Occasionally, a debating opponent comes out with a statement which is just so wacky that words fail me.


    Closeminded quote      He is working humanely, diligently and wisely.

     He has never even bothered to visit the border.     He gave that hand grenade with the pin pulled out to Kamala Harris and Mayorkis, for them to toss backward and forward between themselves.      What has Harris done?   Other than kackle, she visited a bunch of South American El Presidentes and pleaded with the illegal immigrants “not to come.”      Finishing Trump’s wall would have achieved something, but that would mean admitting that Trump was right all along.       Can’t have that. 


    Closeminded quote   Because he does not agree with shutting out unfortunate families who are fleeing from their countries due to many issues: poverty, gangs, homelessness, violence, political unrest, climate disasters, he understands that he will not lock people out, he will not turn the unfortunate migrants fleeing to save their families. And he WILL NOT steal babies from migrant parents to deter migrants. He is human.

     The President of the USA is supposed to look out for the interests of the people of the USA.      Not the interests of the people of every over populated sheethole in the world, who will not get their birth rates under control.     All Biden is doing is turning a first world country into yet another third world country.      After you have ruined the USA, by filling the USA up with people who ruined their own countries, where does your family intend to flee to next?   Canada?


    Closeminded quote         Bogan I am not sure why you seem to be quite angry.

     Intelligent people don’t get angry, they concentrate and think.


    Closeminded quote      . And I´m deeply sorry that America has failed the impoverished and poor in our country.

     If the USA has failed the poor of America, why do poor people of the world all want to live in the USA?       If US society is so racist, why do people from every race and culture want to go to the USA?   I find it just amazing how you can live in one of the best countries on the planet, yet you can see nothing good about it?         It is funny how western socialists condemn the very societies that they prefer to live in.  


    Closeminded quote          I could understand somewhat why they voted for Trump as they were disillusioned Americans.   

     You can hardly blame ordinary Americans from getting angry, when they see their own oligarchy closing down their factories and sending their jobs over seas.        You can hardly blame ordinary Americans from getting angry, when they see a two tiered justice system where corrupt sons of the ruling elites get up to all sorts of mischief, and then get the royal treatment from the Justice Department.      You can hardly blame ordinary Americans from getting angry, when they are informed by their ruling class that they may not vote for the Presidential candidate of their choice.   You can hardly blame ordinary Americans from getting angry, when they saw how badly the Dems botched the withdrawal from Kabul.   You can hardly blame ordinary Americans from getting angry, when their grocery prices and fuel prices just keep rising exponentially.  You can hardly blame ordinary Americans from getting angry, when they see a bunch of ignorant, mostly illiterate,  camel ferking, religious nutcase A-rabs shooting missiles at US Navy warships, while Joe did nothing.


    Closeminded quote      He was a change. He was entertaining. He appealed to their anger. He knew how to read the crowd and feed them exactly what they craved. They wanted to blame someone....the elites, the government, the FBI, the CIA, the WHO, the IRS, etc. He empowered them. And he said ¨I alone can fix it.¨ He gave them lots to chew on to satisfy their anger.

     He also knew how to run an economy, and stare down totalitarians like Amir Assad, the Iranian Ayatollahs, Putin, and Kim jung Un.  He also knew where the Wuhan virus came from.


    Closeminded quotes       His most popular rant was against migrants. He scapegoated the he_LL out of them. He blamed them and other races for the ails of America and it stuck. But is simply is over. He was voted out because Americans do not want him back in. 

     Throughout the entire western world, the negative effects of open borders can now no longer be denied.   Sweden, once considered the safest country in Europe, is now considered the most dangerous country in Europe.   The Swedes did not change, what changed was their ethnic demographics.   If you can not make the connection between ethnicity and serious criminal behviour, then you must be walking around with a paper bag over your head?


    Closeminded quote       Now you can keep saying that if he´s convicted and jailed a civil war will break out. No. Do you really believe that our military, our national guard, and our police will not be diligent? It will never happen.

     That is because you are ignorant as to how demographics support one side of politics or the other.     Uniformed public servants, the ones who expected to put their lives on the line in defence of their country, are almost always very right wing.    Same applies to veterans and ex military.    Proof of that pudding could be seen in the different ways that the US troops welcomed Trump and Biden.      Trump was always greeted with smiles and cheers.     One video of Biden sitting down in the mess with soldiers, saw the surrounding troops very subdued.     Some of them looked like they would like to spit all over Biden.


    Closeminded quote   We´ve learned much from the insurrection. And the most important lesson was that Trump can NEVER get near a leadership position again.

     That is not your decision to make.    It is the electorates decision to make.    The fact that you even think that way shows that you are a danger to democracy.    Which is why I fight against leftism. 

  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @Bogan @Openminded ;To Closeminded.    I would not usually bother debating against an opponent I have labelled a heckler, but since you have directed your post at me, have attempted to be polite, and and have put some effort into it, I will make an exception in this case.  

    To His Royal Highness  We at DebateIsland are truely humbled and most gracioushly thankful that you have granted a member of this community the right to be herd by His Royal Lordship. It is quiet an honor and a privelage that we know is only granted to very few of your under ling subjects and to make a single exception . And we all hold on with baited breathes every time your royal presents makes a proclamation despite the obvious obstacles that we know you content with such as being able to use only half of your brain and comes from another country. But we really appreciate the balanced objective directives that your honorable self bestows up on us. As I look out the window at all the flying pigs going past I realize how lucky we are to have a ruler who is so honest and true to ordinary folks.

  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: To Closeminded. I would not usually bother debating against an opponent I have labelled a heckler, but since you have directed your post at me, have attempted to be polite, and and have put some effort into it, I will make an exception in this case.


    To Closeminded.    I would not usually bother debating against an opponent I have labelled a heckler, but since you have directed your post at me, have attempted to be polite, and and have put some effort into it, I will make an exception in this case.  

    I would like to put more effort into this as my country is well worth trying to save from a dictatorship.  My thoughtful and honest response back to you is pending and dependent on you answering three questions honestly. If a rebuttal is necessary, please keep it short, honest and concise. Thanks.

    1. Do you believe Biden won the 2020 election?

    2. Do you believe Trump played a role in the insurrection?

    3. Trump and Obama both put migrant children in cages at the border.  One president´s policy as a rule was keeping the children in the US if the children were unaccompanied or if the childrenś parent(s) were criminals. One president´s policy as a rule was to separate the children from the childrenś parents while the children´s parents were either granted asylum or deported back to their countries without their children; the children were kept in the US. Which policy was Obama´s and which policy was Trump´s? 

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

               Do you believe Biden won the 2020 election? 

      No.    The postal vote system was wide open to abuse, and the circumstances around it’s implementation strongly suggested it had been abused.     Especially when a woman from Venezuela, who was not even a US citizen, got caught voting multiple times.      In addition, the US Deep State apparatus switched into gear and 50 “intelligence agents” claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop, which proved Biden family corruption, was “Russian disinformation.”    This was clearly election interference by a government department intent on illegally influencing an election.   Had Joe not lied in the faces of the US electorate during his debate with Trump, and had the Deep State that you seem to support not suppressed the story on social media,  this information would have ensured a Trump win.

     2.       Do you believe Trump played a role in the insurrection?  

      It was not an “insurrection”.  It was a riot caused by the fact that many Trump voters genuinely believed, with good reason, that the vote was rigged.     Only recently, exactly the same thing happened with pro HAMAS terrorist demonstrators invading the Congress building.     But of course, lefties like yourself would never call that an “insurrection.”     Trump did not have any role in the riot other than complaining to the people who later rioted that the election had been stolen.  

     3.       Trump and Obama both put migrant children in cages at the border.  One president´s policy as a rule was keeping the children in the US if the children were unaccompanied or if the childrenś parent(s) were criminals. One president´s policy as a rule was to separate the children from the childrenś parents while the children´s parents were either granted asylum or deported back to their countries without their children; the children were kept in the US. Which policy was Obama´s and which policy was Trump´s? 

     I have no idea, and I don’t care either way.        What I want is for the people of third world sheetholes to stay in their own countries and fix their own countries, stop invading mine, stop expressing hatred of my people when they get here, while living on our welfare and engaging in serious criminal behaviour at the same time.

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    x128.png 660.6K
  • OpenmindedOpenminded 194 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: For the victims of a cult. I leave you with this.

    @Bogan @just_sayin

    May you find peace in your hearts.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    Thank you!  And my prayer for you is:

    The Lord bless you
        and keep you;
    the Lord make his face shine on you
        and be gracious to you;
    the Lord turn his face toward you
        and give you peace.” - Numbers 6:24-26
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