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How Is the Best Way of Helping Disadvantaged Races?


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  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -   edited February 14
    MayCaesar said:
    Remember that lady, Mother Teresa, who claimed that the poor and sick people's suffering is noble and they should be grateful to god for letting them experience it? Rickey with his "They will be helped if they read the Bible" is very similar to her.

    "Hey, I am a poor woman living in Tanzania. My husband left me, I have no skills, and 7 children to feed. Please help!"
    "Here, read this book."
    "Read it, and you will be fine."
    "Listen, one of my children has not eaten in 7 days... He is about to die..."
    "And the god will accept him with open arms."

    And then they wonder why Christians get such a bad rep.

    @MayCaesar @Factfinder ; @maxx ; You can lavish the poor and impoverished and downtrodden with the riches of the World but if their soul and their heart is not redeemed by faith in Jesus and their conscience redeemed and renewed (2 Corinthians 5:17) so that their worldview is one of hope and sustainability (Matthew 11:28), they will not only remain in their poverty and be unable to make use of the World's riches, they will be as spiritually impoverished as you, the defiled atheist, and they will ultimately lose mind, body and soul in Hell; therefore, the temporary sustenance granted them by weak minded, spiritually dead, White guilty liberals, will culminate in nihilism. Introduce the impoverished to Jesus, allow the Holy Spirit to create the "new creation" and then the mind and body will follow in relevant pursuit of what is good and sustainable with longevity.

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    but that is not the best way to help these people; which is what this post is about. It is not letting them starve and let god sort them out afterwards. Once again, you simply do not understand these people. Analogy: These ghettos are filled with old junk cars, some hardly running, the rest not working at all, and the ghetto people have no education to fix them, let alone the skills. Then you hear about their plight and say, hey lets just give them this book on auto mechanics. No as we all tell you, allowing them to suffer in this life but be happy in the next is not helping these people. Let the children starve; it will be all right when they go to heaven? Dont you have any other alterative than that? @RickeyHoltsclaw
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    maxx said:
    but that is not the best way to help these people; which is what this post is about. It is not letting them starve and let god sort them out afterwards. Once again, you simply do not understand these people. Analogy: These ghettos are filled with old junk cars, some hardly running, the rest not working at all, and the ghetto people have no education to fix them, let alone the skills. Then you hear about their plight and say, hey lets just give them this book on auto mechanics. No as we all tell you, allowing them to suffer in this life but be happy in the next is not helping these people. Let the children starve; it will be all right when they go to heaven? Dont you have any other alterative than that? @RickeyHoltsclaw

    @maxx ;  Jesus as one's Messiah is the ONLY WAY to help these people thrive in a sustainable lifestyle. Immediate sustenance is relevant...feed them food if that is what is needed but give them everlasting sustenance in Jesus and thereby afford them the "will" and "strength" and "purpose" to endeavor to be self-sustaining and not a welfare victim in perpetuity. I policed the Ghettos. The Ghettos are filled with addiction, mental and spiritual illness, hopelessness, victims of the welfare them Jesus, show them hope...point them to self-reliance and self-worth by teaching their worth as Jesus' creation and their purpose as Jesus' servants...they will persevere. Mankind needs a sense of purpose and importance and worth...your welfare does not under gird these needs. White-liberal guilt is destructive.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited February 14
    MayCaesar said:
    Remember that lady, Mother Teresa, who claimed that the poor and sick people's suffering is noble and they should be grateful to god for letting them experience it? Rickey with his "They will be helped if they read the Bible" is very similar to her.

    "Hey, I am a poor woman living in Tanzania. My husband left me, I have no skills, and 7 children to feed. Please help!"
    "Here, read this book."
    "Read it, and you will be fine."
    "Listen, one of my children has not eaten in 7 days... He is about to die..."
    "And the god will accept him with open arms."

    And then they wonder why Christians get such a bad rep.

    @MayCaesar @Factfinder ; @maxx ; You can lavish the poor and impoverished and downtrodden with the riches of the World but if their soul and their heart is not redeemed by faith in Jesus and their conscience redeemed and renewed (2 Corinthians 5:17) so that their worldview is one of hope and sustainability (Matthew 11:28), they will not only remain in their poverty and be unable to make use of the World's riches, they will be as spiritually impoverished as you, the defiled atheist, and they will ultimately lose mind, body and soul in Hell; therefore, the temporary sustenance granted them by weak minded, spiritually dead, White guilty liberals, will culminate in nihilism. Introduce the impoverished to Jesus, allow the Holy Spirit to create the "new creation" and then the mind and body will follow in relevant pursuit of what is good and sustainable with longevity.
    Easy for an old man sitting around in a rich country, collecting taxpayers' money and eating like a pig every day to say. Luckily, in 40-50 years your kind will be gone, and then we will be able to start actually solving problems.

    Here is a challenge for you: for the next 10 days drink nothing and eat nothing. Let Jesus cleanse your heart and soul. Chew on the pages of your Bible. Then move to the Paradise and save us all the trouble of interacting with you!
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    MayCaesar said:
    Remember that lady, Mother Teresa, who claimed that the poor and sick people's suffering is noble and they should be grateful to god for letting them experience it? Rickey with his "They will be helped if they read the Bible" is very similar to her.

    "Hey, I am a poor woman living in Tanzania. My husband left me, I have no skills, and 7 children to feed. Please help!"
    "Here, read this book."
    "Read it, and you will be fine."
    "Listen, one of my children has not eaten in 7 days... He is about to die..."
    "And the god will accept him with open arms."

    And then they wonder why Christians get such a bad rep.

    @MayCaesar @Factfinder ; @maxx ; You can lavish the poor and impoverished and downtrodden with the riches of the World but if their soul and their heart is not redeemed by faith in Jesus and their conscience redeemed and renewed (2 Corinthians 5:17) so that their worldview is one of hope and sustainability (Matthew 11:28), they will not only remain in their poverty and be unable to make use of the World's riches, they will be as spiritually impoverished as you, the defiled atheist, and they will ultimately lose mind, body and soul in Hell; therefore, the temporary sustenance granted them by weak minded, spiritually dead, White guilty liberals, will culminate in nihilism. Introduce the impoverished to Jesus, allow the Holy Spirit to create the "new creation" and then the mind and body will follow in relevant pursuit of what is good and sustainable with longevity.
    Easy for an old man sitting around in a rich country, collecting taxpayers' money and eating like a pig every day to say. Luckily, in 40-50 years your kind will be gone, and then we will be able to start actually solving problems.
    I have asked ad nauseam...if you would please add @rickeyholtsclaw to your rebuttal if you're directly addressing and quoting me because your comment appears as a general comment and most general comments don't concern me...thank you..if you desire my response, please advise me.

    The atheist-progressive does not solve problems...they create them. Progressivism is not's regressive in the demonic and in unsustainable stupidity. 40-50-years under Progressive rule...there will be no viable America or a Constitutional Republic able to survive let alone ARE the PROBLEM.
    I hate liberalism and progressivism...


  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    but they have no where to go!! no skills, no jobs. they can have all the strength and perseverance of the spirit in the world, and when they die they will still be in the ghetto. That gospel will not help them , nor will it help the millions of poor find skills, or get education. Take one family; say 1 kid finds a low paying job; There is no way that will meet the family needs, let alone get that family out of there. So rick, at this point, i want you to explain just how all that motification the book gives them, the strength, and the belief, will get them out of there. @RickeyHoltsclaw
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    Eating food does not solve hunger, but reading the Bible does? Got it. Now please do us all a favor and practice that for a couple of months... Then you can send us a message from Heaven: "Guys, it is so awesome here! I was right about everything!"
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

    Eating food does not solve hunger, but reading the Bible does? Got it. Now please do us all a favor and practice that for a couple of months... Then you can send us a message from Heaven: "Guys, it is so awesome here! I was right about everything!"

    @MayCaesar ; @Factfinder ;  Eating food subsides hunger temporarily...Eating the Bread of Life sustains one eternally. You can't relate because you're dead're dying in your sin due spiritual ignorance, arrogance, but the one who trusts in Jesus will receive wisdom and discernment via the indwelling Holy Spirit and they will pursue and receive more than basic sustenance...they will receive true life and peace with their Creator and in the midst of all...they receive "contentment" and "assurance"...something the atheist knows NOTHING about because they're fools of Satan. You have chosen incorrectly and your life will reflect that mistake day by day.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    Have you accepted the challenge yet? Talk is cheap. It is a 2 month-long dry fast for you. Report back on April 14th! Your dedication to Jesus will nourish your body and soul.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    When i said that races are equal, I do not mean their intelligence, nor anything of that sort. we are equal because we all are human, we all have personalities, families and lives we live. Also when i said that underprivileged people when lacking opportunities,  may resort to violence to get what they need, i did not specify blacks, i specify all underprivileged people.Their are a lot of poor people in this world and if one can not get food, or shelter they may resort to stealing for it. However i do have a question for you; if by some sudden miracle, the majority of these blacks who are ghetto born suddenly had the financial means to live equally and independently as many as us whites do, if they were suddenly on equal footing to the ability of college and learning and they stopped blaming us whites for their historical woes; would you stop being racist toward them? I may be wrong, but i do not think so; you would simply find another reason to continue hating them.   another question: Since the crime rate is higher for blacks that whites; what in your opinion is the reason? 

    Everything you have written I have already addressed in detail.   Either you do not even bother to read my posts, you have an English comprehension problem, or you are just winding me up..      I tend to address everything you write. point by point, which makes my replies long, but you can never accuse me of dodging your points.    Only to have you come back with a short generalisation full of implications, unsupported declarations, questions, and little else.     One thing I will point out because it concerns me greatly.     On this topic you have said four times that I that I "hate black people."       Four times now, I have told you bluntly that I do not hate black people, there are ones who I even like and admire, and I even gave you examples.    The fourth time you said that I "hate black people" I denied it and wrote "did you get it this time?"     Once again, you are misrepresenting my position which I take real offense to.   If you keep writing this slander, then I will give real consideration to labelling you a troll and putting you in the same place I already put Barnadot, Dee, jack, MayCaesar, and Piloteer.     Be warned.   If you wish to continue our exchanges, do not defame me again..  .

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited February 15
    What do you expect  from my statements.  You admit you are racist towards them, which denotes discrimination  and hate to a particular  race, yet you also say you are only racist  to some of them, which makes  no sense,  considering  the definition.  Perhaps  you should  clarify  your position  on what it means for you to be a racist.  i meant blacks in general when i said hate mr bogan. Tou also constantly said you are racist to them because you resent that we whites get the blame for their woes. Very well, i do not agree. I do not see them blaming us for their inability to be as intelligent as us? any examples? As for the rest, just who is to blame for us whites taking them from their homeland; enslaving them and keeping them down trodden to this very day? Just look at america for example. Not only did we enslave them, we denied them decent food, clothing, education, and jobs. jump to the 1950s way past when they were freed. Any jobs they could get were the lowest jobs available simply because we whites did not want to associate with them. They could not even use the same restrooms as whites. They were put down and ridiculed, lynched, and or beaten for saying the wrong word to someone. We whites treated them less than human since they were enslaved. Is it any wonder that even today they are below the poverty line, unable to do much more that survive? Whose fault is it if it is not the whites considering what we have done to them? @Bogan
  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ;Either you do not even bother to read my posts, you have an English comprehension problem, or you are just winding me up.. 

    Wrong. We have all red your disgusting racist crap and we all fully under stand the fact that you only use half a brain.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

    Have you accepted the challenge yet? Talk is cheap. It is a 2 month-long dry fast for you. Report back on April 14th! Your dedication to Jesus will nourish your body and soul.

    @MayCaesar ;   I don't fast relevant to my Christian faith...some do.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    Naturally. If you fasted the way you suggested the poor should fast, we would not be having this conversation.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;  What do you expect  from my statements.  You admit you are racist towards them, which denotes discrimination  and hate to a particular  race, yet you also say you are only racist  to some of them, which makes  no sense,  considering  the definition.  Perhaps  you should  clarify  your position  on what it means for you to be a racist.  i meant blacks in general when i said hate mr bogan. Tou also constantly said you are racist to them because you resent that we whites get the blame for their woes. Very well, i do not agree. I do not see them blaming us for their inability to be as intelligent as us? any examples? As for the rest, just who is to blame for us whites taking them from their homeland; enslaving them and keeping them down trodden to this very day? Just look at america for example. Not only did we enslave them, we denied them decent food, clothing, education, and jobs. jump to the 1950s way past when they were freed. Any jobs they could get were the lowest jobs available simply because we whites did not want to associate with them. They could not even use the same restrooms as whites. They were put down and ridiculed, lynched, and or beaten for saying the wrong word to someone. We whites treated them less than human since they were enslaved. Is it any wonder that even today they are below the poverty line, unable to do much more that survive? Whose fault is it if it is not the whites considering what we have done to them? 

    I know exactly what you are doing Maxx.     You are doing your favourite dirty trick of taking what an opponent says, putting the worse possible spin on it, and then asking your opponent to justify their extreme position.    I have asked you politely previously stop doing that to me.   But it looks like you are going to persist with it because it has worked so well before with other opponents.   But two can play at that game.  

    You have said that you do not believe that races are equal.     That makes you ae racist and probably a Nazi.     Nazi racists hate black people. Maxx.      For how long have you had this hatred of black people, and for how long have you had a subscription to Stormfront?   
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i do not use dirty tricks as you so put it. I asked you a question. whose fault is it if it is not us whites that blacks are the way that they are today? You made the statement that you are racist that you resent the blacks claiming it is whites fault, but i do believe they have justification in their belief. It was whites who enslaved them, correct? It is whites who kept them at an extream level of poverty, denied them education; kept decent jobs from their reach, kept them isolated as possible from main stream society. You made the statement, so i ask you how is it not us whites fault, and whose fault is it?@Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    From reading your previous posts, I can only conclude, that you also support Critical Race Theory and Defund the Police.     Could you please explain why you do that?  
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i hardly support any thing. I am asking questions in a debate forum in which you refuse to answer. You made the statements. You resent the fact that blacks accuse whites of their woes and plights and such in which is why you are racist to them. (well, just the ones you deem inferior i guess) I then explained as to why it is the whites fault. You have given no rebuttal nor explained whose fault it is if not us whites. @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    You can not complain if I do to you, what you routinely do to me.     Dirty tactics work both ways, Maxx.     When did you stop beating your girlfriend?   
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    oh boy a dee attitude. very well. I flat do not see how you assume asking specific questions is a dirty tactic.  fine. dont answer the question then. @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;      i hardly support any thing. I am asking questions in a debate forum in which you refuse to answer. You made the statements. You resent the fact that blacks accuse whites of their woes and plights and such in which is why you are racist to them. (well, just the ones you deem inferior i guess) I then explained as to why it is the whites fault. You have given no rebuttal nor explained whose fault it is if not us whites. 


    As a connoisseur of dirty debating tactics, I have to thank you as I have never come across your particular method before, and I will be wise to it the next time somebody tries it on me.        From my previous debates with you, I knew that you seemed to have a brain, and that you were also were a difficult customer, and I was aware of your habit of denying even the most obvious of connections.      I wondered then if you were debating in good faith, but I adjourned by judgement on that until I could debate with you further.

     This time, I very quickly picked up your tactic of taking whatever I said, and then putting the most extreme spin on it, and then asking me questions about my supposedly extreme position.      When you four times claimed that I hated black people, and I explained to you twice that you were wrong and even politely explained by real attitudes to black people, I did say to you “did you get it this time?”       When you for the fifth time claimed that I hated blacks, the penny dropped that you were up to your old tricks again.       

     What to do?    What to do?     I could just consider you a troll and stop debating with you?        Or, Bwooohaahahaha, teach you a lesson by doing to you, what you are doing to me?        As I have said, dirty tactics work both ways.       Tell ya what?     I will try the latter.      How long have you hated white people? 

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited February 16
    well, again i fail to see how asking a question is a dirty tactic. It seems to be you simply have no answer. Probably 75 percent of blacks problems from enslavement to today are the fault of whites. You do not like that, so you deny it and turn your hostility at blacks. I suggest you instead, turn it to what the history books show. I also asked you what your definition of racism is. No answer there either. Have a good day mr. bogan. @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx    well, again i fail to see how asking a question is a dirty tactic. It seems to be you simply have no answer. Probably 75 percent of blacks problems from enslavement to today are the fault of whites. You do not like that, so you deny it and turn your hostility at blacks. I suggest you instead, turn it to what the history books show. I also asked you what your definition of racism is. No answer there either. Have a good day mr. bogan. @Bogan

    But if you engage in dirty debating tactics, then two can play at that game, maxx.     I need not answer anything because I do not have a position.     You have to justify everything you say, I need not justify mine.  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 945 Pts   -  

    This all you got? @maxx sweeps the floor with your flawed logic and irrelevant bigotry and you pick up your toys and go home?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    I do not think there is a person on this website who he has not accused of "dirty debating tactics" yet. :D
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;    I do not think there is a person on this website who he has not accused of "dirty debating tactics" yet. 

    Only three so far.       You, ZuesAries42, and now Maxx.      You and Zues do the "I have no opinion, so you must prove everything you, say, I just oppose whatever your write and need not prove anything" style of dishonest debating    Although from maxx's last post, he seems to be picking up on that one, too.      Maxx's tactic is to deliberately misinterpret everything I say, putting the worse possible spin on it, and then demanding g that I justify my extreme position.   I haven't seen that one before, and I have to hand it to maxx, it is original. 

    The question begs, if you really have to stoop to such tactics, why on earth do you come onto a debate site?          Is it just to polish up your spin doctoring techniques?   Or, is your ego so big that you can never contemplate losing?     When I first went onto debate sites, I had this noble idea that I could simply use reason and logic to convince my opponents that they were wrong, and I was right.     But I soon discovered that no matter how strong your arguments, how convincing your logic, or how strong your evidence, it is impossible to convince anybody of anything, if they just do not want to be convinced.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;    This all you got? @maxx sweeps the floor with your flawed logic and irrelevant bigotry and you pick up your toys and go home?

    Sour grapes.   I hammered you right into the ground.   
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited February 16

    You are absolutely right. You cannot simply use reason and logic.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;    You are absolutely right. You cannot simply use reason and logic.

    Oh, yeah?    You and I crossed swords on my "Are Races Equal" topic where I quickly figured out that you were up to no good.     It is very easy to prove that races are not equal, as I can produce an avalanche of evidence and convincing arguments to prove my point.     The problem with those who think that races are equal, is that they are simply parroting a belief that has been inculcated into their heads, and which they have accepted for so long, that they consider it an Absolute Truth.     Never in their lives had they ever thought that they would need to justify their Absolute Truth.  .   Asking them to produce a reasoned argument proving that races are equal absolutely floores them.   They just can't do it.    So, that is one topic I know I can win easily.       But on this debate site, and others. I get clever opponents like you who use the  "I have no opinion, so you must prove everything you, say, I just oppose whatever your write and need not prove anything" style of dishonest debating.   Your problem was, that I had seen this style of debating before on other debate sites, and I recognised it straight away for what it was.     If you had tried it 20 years ago on me when I was a nimrod debater, you probably would have got away with it.   But not now.     

    However, even though I had pegged you as dishonest, I was still quite prepared to continue debating with you on other topics.     That was when I discovered that you would not engage with me again.   You would not reply to my posts directed at you.    No matter, I just debated other opponents.    But since you were beginning to realise that there were just too many low IQ trolls on Debate Island, and you could not find anybody with brains to debate against, whadyaknow?    Then you tried to sleaze onto one of my debates and began directing posts at me again.     Far cough.   If you give me the cold shoulder, tovarich, I am going to do the same to you.

    When I crossed swords with  Zues  on the topic of races being equal, I picked up straight away that he was using the usual "you must prove everything, I need not prove anything" style of dishonest debating.    I even warned him to cut it out before I wasted tooo much time debating somebody who had no intention of debating honestly.    I demanded that Zues put up his arguments first to show good faith, but he declined, saying that since it was my debate, the onus was upon me to start with my arguments first.    That was reasonable, so I did just that.    Surprise, surprise, Zues then squibbed right out of submitting any countervailing argument, citing that my knowledge of "species and sub species" was so dated that he could not engage meaningfully with me.    In other words, he knew I was onto him, he can not justify his own beliefs, and he knew I was much more knowledgeable of this topic that he had thought.   So, he fled the arena. 

     I considered that a win.       
  • FactfinderFactfinder 945 Pts   -  

    Don't dream about me. Your nonsense is irrelevant. 
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;   Don't dream about me. Your nonsense is irrelevant. 

    You will be happy to know that while I consider you a misguided World Saver, I do not consider you dishonest in any way.      In all of our exchanges, you did not try any debating tricks on me,.   You were honest and straightforward.  I think that you really do believe in your cause, so I was sad that I could not make a dent in your belief in the AGW scam.       I think that the reason why you are so hostile to me is because it is probably the first time you have been on a debate site?     And you were so confident in your arguments that you thought it would be child's play to ream out any Denier that you met on a debate site?     It hit you vey hard that your opponents like me and Phite knew what we were talking about, and we hit you from all sorts of angles that you had never contemplated before?        Suddenly, you were floundering and you never thought that that could happen?   

    Your hostility towards me is probably because, by countering the arguments which you considered to be unimpeachable,  me and Phite stuck a pin in your inflated ego?      Too many left wing trendies really do believe that by advocating for certain left wing icons, they are displaying to the world that they are intellectually superior to their cretinous opponents.      Then along comes me and Phite and we are a pair of very tough customers.     We are very well informed, not impressed by your cut and paste arguments, and can submit evidence to you that the alarmists want to keep hidden from you.      Since you have linked your self esteem to your cause, and your cause is floundering, then you feel antagonistic towards the people who have damaged your self esteem.      
  • FactfinderFactfinder 945 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    @Factfinder ;   Don't dream about me. Your nonsense is irrelevant. 

    You will be happy to know that while I consider you a misguided World Saver, I do not consider you dishonest in any way.      In all of our exchanges, you did not try any debating tricks on me,.   You were honest and straightforward.  I think that you really do believe in your cause, so I was sad that I could not make a dent in your belief in the AGW scam.       I think that the reason why you are so hostile to me is because it is probably the first time you have been on a debate site?     And you were so confident in your arguments that you thought it would be child's play to ream out any Denier that you met on a debate site?     It hit you vey hard that your opponents like me and Phite knew what we were talking about, and we hit you from all sorts of angles that you had never contemplated before?        Suddenly, you were floundering and you never thought that that could happen?   

    Your hostility towards me is probably because, by countering the arguments which you considered to be unimpeachable,  me and Phite stuck a pin in your inflated ego?      Too many left wing trendies really do believe that by advocating for certain left wing icons, they are displaying to the world that they are intellectually superior to their cretinous opponents.      Then along comes me and Phite and we are a pair of very tough customers.     We are very well informed, not impressed by your cut and paste arguments, and can submit evidence to you that the alarmists want to keep hidden from you.      Since you have linked your self esteem to your cause, and your cause is floundering, then you feel antagonistic towards the people who have damaged your self esteem.      
    What you consider about me doesn't matter, at all. Of course I debate straight forward, although it's strange you would say that only to accuse of cut and paste arguments later in this same post. 

    If you were truly informed you and phite wouldn't of ran off with your tails between your legs after repeatedly supporting my position with your cut and paste arguments and sources. I do not feel  antagonistic towards you. I just disagree with bigotry.

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    I stopped contributing to your topic because I think I had said everything that needed to be said, and we were now just going around in circles.       Climate change is a scam.      The reason why the earth warms and cools every thousand years or so is probably caused by the natural solar maximums and minimum cycles of the sun.   You are getting hysterical.     Is this you? 

  • FactfinderFactfinder 945 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:
    I stopped contributing to your topic because I think I had said everything that needed to be said, and we were now just going around in circles.       Climate change is a scam.      The reason why the earth warms and cools every thousand years or so is probably caused by the natural solar maximums and minimum cycles of the sun.   You are getting hysterical.     Is this you? 

    We were going in circles because you could not grasp the reality that anthropogenic  climate change is real and people, (mainly on the left in this country) seized the opportunity to brow beat and scam the American public. One truism does not eliminate the other by default by any means. The science demonstrates that fact. You just can't seem to wrap your head completely around that reality. 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited February 16
    Bogan said:
    @MayCaesar ;    You are absolutely right. You cannot simply use reason and logic.

    Oh, yeah?    You and I crossed swords on my "Are Races Equal" topic where I quickly figured out that you were up to no good.     It is very easy to prove that races are not equal, as I can produce an avalanche of evidence and convincing arguments to prove my point.     The problem with those who think that races are equal, is that they are simply parroting a belief that has been inculcated into their heads, and which they have accepted for so long, that they consider it an Absolute Truth.     Never in their lives had they ever thought that they would need to justify their Absolute Truth.  .   Asking them to produce a reasoned argument proving that races are equal absolutely floores them.   They just can't do it.    So, that is one topic I know I can win easily.       But on this debate site, and others. I get clever opponents like you who use the  "I have no opinion, so you must prove everything you, say, I just oppose whatever your write and need not prove anything" style of dishonest debating.   Your problem was, that I had seen this style of debating before on other debate sites, and I recognised it straight away for what it was.     If you had tried it 20 years ago on me when I was a nimrod debater, you probably would have got away with it.   But not now.     

    However, even though I had pegged you as dishonest, I was still quite prepared to continue debating with you on other topics.     That was when I discovered that you would not engage with me again.   You would not reply to my posts directed at you.    No matter, I just debated other opponents.    But since you were beginning to realise that there were just too many low IQ trolls on Debate Island, and you could not find anybody with brains to debate against, whadyaknow?    Then you tried to sleaze onto one of my debates and began directing posts at me again.     Far cough.   If you give me the cold shoulder, tovarich, I am going to do the same to you.

    When I crossed swords with  Zues  on the topic of races being equal, I picked up straight away that he was using the usual "you must prove everything, I need not prove anything" style of dishonest debating.    I even warned him to cut it out before I wasted tooo much time debating somebody who had no intention of debating honestly.    I demanded that Zues put up his arguments first to show good faith, but he declined, saying that since it was my debate, the onus was upon me to start with my arguments first.    That was reasonable, so I did just that.    Surprise, surprise, Zues then squibbed right out of submitting any countervailing argument, citing that my knowledge of "species and sub species" was so dated that he could not engage meaningfully with me.    In other words, he knew I was onto him, he can not justify his own beliefs, and he knew I was much more knowledgeable of this topic that he had thought.   So, he fled the arena. 

     I considered that a win.       
    You significantly overestimate your importance in my life. I do not remember any of these events: you are just not interesting to talk to, is all, and all exchanges I have had with you are forgettable.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;   At least you are admitting that the left is using it to scam the public.   You are halfway there.  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 945 Pts   -  

    Lot a truth in that video, thanks. I like the last part especially. 
  • FactfinderFactfinder 945 Pts   -  

    I've known that from day one, and I said so repeatedly. Where you've always come up extremely short was disproving the fact anthropogenic climate change is reality.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1126 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Best Things First - Bjorn Lomborg

    Several leading economists and Nobel prize winners have laid out 12 action plans that would ...

    “For about $35 billion per year, we can save 4.2 million lives annually, and we can make the poorer half of the world more than a trillion dollars [US] better off each and every year,” claims Lomborg. 

    If you want to read the book it is Best Things First by - Bjorn Lomborg

    Want to just read brief articles about the proposals (you can read all of the longer proposals at the Cambridge University Press’s Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, vol. 13, S1, 2023.)  

    Want to read short overviews of actions that will reduce global poverty, that take less than 3 minutes a piece look here:
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;    I do not remember any of these events: 

    Uhuh!    just as i suspected.    Early Onset Dementia.   You have not been taking your Geritol, tovarich.   
  • BarnardotBarnardot 544 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ;The reason why the earth warms and cools every thousand years or so is probably caused by the natural solar maximums and minimum cycles of the sun. 

    That’s right and even blind Freddie know s that. But that has nothing to do with the climate change argument one little bit does it?

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    Here comes the riff raff, who can't even spell.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited February 17
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;  Are you a White Guilty Liberal, maxx?

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    nope. i am not political at all; if forced for a stance, i am smack dab in the middle of the fence. It is easy however, to note the far right republican in your views. When i vote, i vote for the person, not the party, i vote based on their views, and how much common sense they have. @RickeyHoltsclaw
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 187 Pts   -  
    maxx said:
    nope. i am not political at all; if forced for a stance, i am smack dab in the middle of the fence. It is easy however, to note the far right republican in your views. When i vote, i vote for the person, not the party, i vote based on their views, and how much common sense they have. @RickeyHoltsclaw

    @maxx ; Anyone who supports a political party that is based upon the shedding of innocent blood in the womb and sexual perversion and Marxism...has blood and guilt upon their hands and they will reap what they sow in Eternity.

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    this topic is not even about my political views so i suggest you return to the topic in which you have lost.  @RickeyHoltsclaw
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;   Critical Race Theory is systemic racism against white people.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited February 17
    As opposed to racism towards blacks? What's the difference? surely you are not suggesting that it is only proper to direct racism to a specific ethical group. @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;  You tell me.   I am fed up of explaining everything to you, like a teacher trying to explain simple concepts to a retarded child, only to have you exaggerate everything I say, and then demand I justify my supposedly "extreme" position.      Tell ya what.    Five times you have declared on this topic that I hate black people.   Please cut and paste any quote from me where I have ever said that.    When you can not, apologize..
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