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"In the beginning, God" WHY?

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When students of Scripture and history reflect upon the wars and death and suffering and calamity that manifests throughout the Torah and subsequently to this very day, they wonder why a loving and compassionate Creator would permit such chaos. What most do NOT understand is the causation and purposes under girding our creation and this temporary Realm of Time constrained by physics.

You and I are in this cosmic vacuum due to an unfathomable war that was initiated in the Kingdom of Elohim before Time was created and all that we perceive with our senses and beyond is the resultant of that war and Elohim’s endeavor to restore order and peace to His Kingdom while simultaneously maintaining volitional love with His angelic creation; an angelic creation that Elohim loves and cherishes beyond human comprehension.

It is critical to understanding causation for the creation narrative that the previous 6000-years of horror are a bulwark against future rebellion in the Kingdom where free will exists by necessity; this, as Elohim is allowing the evil introduced by a rebellious anointed cherub angel to play-out within the constraints of Time and physics for all to see and the conclusion of the matter will be that obedience and loyalty to Elohim and His sovereignty is the only sustainable path to a life (both spiritual and physical) worth living and that rebellion, selfishness, covetousness, self-righteousness, are unsustainable pathways to horror, sorrow, death, nihilism.

All that we confront with our senses in this temporary life within a temporary World and Heaven is an eschatological bulwark against future rebellion in the Kingdom where free will remains extant by necessity concerning intimacy with Elohim. The primary reason Messiah Jesus entered the Realm of Time was to defeat, destroy, the works of that rebellious anointed cherub and the one-third of the angelic creation that followed him in the Great Kingdom War (1 John 3:8b); this, with the precarious strategy of maintaining volitional love with His cherished angelic creation.


Elohim explains causation, reasoning, for the creation narrative from the Genesis to the Revelation; in fact, we see the introduction of the major players, the war, the battle strategy, introduced within the first-three chapters of the Genesis narrative.

— In Genesis 1:1, “Elohim” introduces Himself via a plural noun with a singular verb.

— In Genesis 1:2, The Holy Spirit introduces Himself as the Logistical Overseer of all things created.

— In Genesis 1:26-28, we see the collaboration of Elohim as “Us” and “Our” – Father-Son-Spirit creating the complex human genome in the spiritual image of Elohim thereby imparting certain divine communicable attributes into the human genome specifically for Elohim’s eschatological purposes going forward.

— In Genesis 3, we’re introduced to the rebellious cherub angel that initiated the Kingdom War and that angel has been extricated from the Kingdom and placed partially within the constraints of Time and physics and allowed access to human kind (Ezekiel 28:11+); this, as Jesus tells us that He watched Satan fall from Heaven like lightening (Luke 10:18).

— In Genesis 3:15, we see the declaration of war between Satan and Jesus (Jesus, born of the virgin seed of the woman to circumvent the Adamic sin-nature) and the prophecy that Messiah would be victorious over Satan as crushing the head of Satan but that Jesus would not be unscathed but receive a “bruised heal”…a death suffered on the Cross.

— In Genesis 3:21, we see the divine battle strategy, the Gospel, that Elohim would employ to defeat the works of the Devil (death-Hell-the grave) through the imputation of righteousness, a gifting of righteousness that Elohim, Himself, would provide via the shedding of innocent blood to clothe sinful humanity in an imputed “robe of righteousness” that mankind could not earn, did not deserve; this, as Elohim rejected the works of mankind to cover his own sin and shame by the works of his hands exemplified by the “fig leaves” Adam used to cover his own shame and nakedness. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ which was ordained “before Time began” (2 Timothy 1:8-10).


From the Genesis forward, we see Elohim’s eschatological plan working through and around human kind’s free will choices; this, through the Adamic and Noahic generations, through Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Messiah…this eschatological plan can be followed through the Scriptures as the Holy Spirit methodically explains the who, what, where, when, why, how, concerning the Realm of Time, our purpose within it, and the closure of Time and physics, the New Heaven and the New Earth, the New Jerusalem. All one must do is possess a heart that is willing to receive and believe and seek and study via our Divine Teacher, the precious indwelling Holy Spirit given to all who “believe” Jesus is Messiah (Ephesians 1:13-14; 1 John 2:27).

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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 872 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Free Will?

    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    For some unknown reason, possibly because God is defined in His character as perfect LOVE (1 John 4:8), God the Father desires an intimate relationship with both His angelic and human creation and in order for intimacy in relationship to exist in purity with authenticity, the parties involved in that relationship must possess volition, the ability to “choose” fellowship or reject same; otherwise, the relationship is robotic, the parties being compelled to associate thus culminating in a union of nihilism, emptiness.

    So extremely relevant is God’s desire for relationship that God’s intimacy with His angelic creation and His desire to maintain that intimacy is the causation for the creation of matter, Time, our Universe, this Earth, our complex genome; in fact, the Son of God entered Time for the specific purpose of destroying the works of the one who attempted to nullify God’s intimate relationship with His angels via a coup d’état manifesting in the Kingdom before the creation of Time (1 John 3:8b; Ezekiel 38:11+). I believe the Holy Spirit makes it irrefutably clear that the introduction of sin into the Kingdom of God is the only reason for our existence in Time and absent that rebellion there is no reason for God to have endured 6000-years of a rebellious and obstinate human creation yet God has endured and given Himself as a Redeemer for mankind in response to His love for the beautiful angelic creation that He cherishes and His desire to maintain volitional love and relationship with them.

    Consider this,

    In order for genuine love to exist, the antithesis of love i.e. the possibility for hate must also exist; In order for good to exist by definition, the antithesis of good i.e. the possibility for evil must also exist; In order for righteousness to exist by definition, the antithesis of righteousness i.e. the possibility for sin must also exist; In order for obedience to exist with purpose, the antithesis of obedience i.e. the possibility for rebellion-disobedience must also exist. It has been alleged that God is the Author of moral evil as the KJV translators incorrectly translated the Hebrew “ra” in Isaiah 45:7, but God is NOT the Author of moral evil as God allows for the possibility of evil to exist out of necessity as the free will to choose good and obedience must reign paramount in order that God’s Plan for Time and Eternity be fulfilled in righteousness.

    Concerning Calvin and predestination,

    If Calvin was correct and every man and woman is predestined to life in Eternity or death in Hell, I ask you, what would become of love, how can it exist with intimacy? Where would authentic relationship with interpersonal joy and fellowship find meaning and fulfillment? What intimacy and satisfaction would God derive from programmed robots dutiful to comply in nihilistic obedience? Calvin obviously did not understand the God of Scripture and those who espouse a demonic doctrine of predestination don’t understand the love of God and His Plan and purposes for the creation of human kind.

    Concerning God’s omniscience v. the free will of mankind – an alleged paradox,

    It is suggested that God is either omniscient and free will does not exist or God lacks true omniscience in order for free will to exist in Creation. It is my position that God’s omniscience does NOT negate free will.

    As an elementary analogy, I know my beautiful wife of 35-years of marriage and my two-wonderful children with intimacy as they are my flesh and I know what decision they will make in any given life scenario with a 98+- rate of accuracy. My human omniscience concerning my family and their decisions does not negate their ability to exercise free will; in the same way, simply because God “knows” the beginning from the end does NOT suggest that our personal destiny in Time and Eternity is predetermined by God. Foreknowledge does not mandate a conclusion but simply acknowledges God’s ability to KNOW all things as He is God, God is Spirit and He is NOT confined or restrained by Time, physics, the limits of human cognition, genomic mutational degradation, entropy (the Adamic curse).

    God’s immutability, eschatology and free will?

    It is certainly Scriptural that God’s eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity is immutable and God is immutable and what the prophets have spoken through the Spirit will certainly come to pass BUT the process by which that immutable Plan comes to fruition is fluid; in other words, God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of providing both His angelic and human creation free will in order that relationship with Him can manifest in purity with authenticity while simultaneously working through and around our personal decisions and choices in life to bring about His immutable will concerning Time and Eternity.

    God is NOT restricted by our choices but He uses our free will to further His eschatological Plan and through our personal choices God is glorified and receives pleasure from those who love Him and express that love in obedience to His perfect will. This is but one reason God desires that all men and women be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth as God seeks same to worship Him and trust in Him and ally with Him as God restores order and peace and love that have been disrupted through rebellion and sin that manifest before the creation of Time.

    Satan’s free will and God’s Sovereignty,

    God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of using the evil expressed in human nature, free will, through rebellion in an alliance with Satan. As an example, consider the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust which was the resultant of a conspiracy between Hitler and Allah-Satan/Islam. Though Allah-Satan desired to thwart God’s Covenants with the Jewish people by attempting to eradicate the children of Israel from the face of the Earth, God allowed the “Never Again” movement to manifest in response to the Jewish Holocaust which ultimately fulfilled Ezekiel’s regathering prophecies (Ezekiel 34:13; 36:24-28; 37:1-14) relevant to the reestablishment of a Jewish State which we know today as the Nation of Israel (1948). The establishment of Israel is essential for the coming Tribulation and Millennial Reign of Messiah-Yeshua. Satan, exercising free will, conspired to destroy God’s chosen people and thwart eschatology but God used that evil for good and in furtherance of His perfect eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity. God uses the evil of Satan and man’s alliance with Satan to demonstrate the horrors of sin to the faithful angelic creation who watch with amazement the unfolding of God’s Plan for Time and Eternity.

    In conclusion,

    It is paramount that every man and woman disregard the false doctrine of predestination as our God does NOT predestine winners and losers. It is paramount that everyone understand their culpability as a sinner before our Holy God and exercise their individual free will to humble them self before God the Father, repent of their sin, sincerely believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that the Son, Jesus Christ, God manifest in flesh, is their God who suffered and died to pay their sin-debt and believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead for their justification (Romans 10:9-10).

    God the Father has so decreed that anyone exercising their free will to choose the Son, Jesus Christ, as their God for the mediation of their sin, that person so declaring-believing in Jesus as their God will receive forgiveness of sin, the imputation of Jesus’ perfection over their life and God the Father promises to declare them “not guilty,” infuse His Spirit within them (Ephesians 1:13-14) Who will walk with them in the process of sanctification throughout this life and then welcome them into His Kingdom at the moment of their last exhalation in Time (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:8).

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1042 Pts   -  
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    For some unknown reason, possibly because God is defined in His character as perfect LOVE (1 John 4:8), God the Father desires an intimate relationship with both His angelic and human creation and in order for intimacy in relationship to exist in purity with authenticity, the parties involved in that relationship must possess volition, the ability to “choose” fellowship or reject same; otherwise, the relationship is robotic, the parties being compelled to associate thus culminating in a union of nihilism, emptiness.

    So extremely relevant is God’s desire for relationship that God’s intimacy with His angelic creation and His desire to maintain that intimacy is the causation for the creation of matter, Time, our Universe, this Earth, our complex genome; in fact, the Son of God entered Time for the specific purpose of destroying the works of the one who attempted to nullify God’s intimate relationship with His angels via a coup d’état manifesting in the Kingdom before the creation of Time (1 John 3:8b; Ezekiel 38:11+). I believe the Holy Spirit makes it irrefutably clear that the introduction of sin into the Kingdom of God is the only reason for our existence in Time and absent that rebellion there is no reason for God to have endured 6000-years of a rebellious and obstinate human creation yet God has endured and given Himself as a Redeemer for mankind in response to His love for the beautiful angelic creation that He cherishes and His desire to maintain volitional love and relationship with them.

    Consider this,

    In order for genuine love to exist, the antithesis of love i.e. the possibility for hate must also exist; In order for good to exist by definition, the antithesis of good i.e. the possibility for evil must also exist; In order for righteousness to exist by definition, the antithesis of righteousness i.e. the possibility for sin must also exist; In order for obedience to exist with purpose, the antithesis of obedience i.e. the possibility for rebellion-disobedience must also exist. It has been alleged that God is the Author of moral evil as the KJV translators incorrectly translated the Hebrew “ra” in Isaiah 45:7, but God is NOT the Author of moral evil as God allows for the possibility of evil to exist out of necessity as the free will to choose good and obedience must reign paramount in order that God’s Plan for Time and Eternity be fulfilled in righteousness.

    Concerning Calvin and predestination,

    If Calvin was correct and every man and woman is predestined to life in Eternity or death in Hell, I ask you, what would become of love, how can it exist with intimacy? Where would authentic relationship with interpersonal joy and fellowship find meaning and fulfillment? What intimacy and satisfaction would God derive from programmed robots dutiful to comply in nihilistic obedience? Calvin obviously did not understand the God of Scripture and those who espouse a demonic doctrine of predestination don’t understand the love of God and His Plan and purposes for the creation of human kind.

    Concerning God’s omniscience v. the free will of mankind – an alleged paradox,

    It is suggested that God is either omniscient and free will does not exist or God lacks true omniscience in order for free will to exist in Creation. It is my position that God’s omniscience does NOT negate free will.

    As an elementary analogy, I know my beautiful wife of 35-years of marriage and my two-wonderful children with intimacy as they are my flesh and I know what decision they will make in any given life scenario with a 98+- rate of accuracy. My human omniscience concerning my family and their decisions does not negate their ability to exercise free will; in the same way, simply because God “knows” the beginning from the end does NOT suggest that our personal destiny in Time and Eternity is predetermined by God. Foreknowledge does not mandate a conclusion but simply acknowledges God’s ability to KNOW all things as He is God, God is Spirit and He is NOT confined or restrained by Time, physics, the limits of human cognition, genomic mutational degradation, entropy (the Adamic curse).

    God’s immutability, eschatology and free will?

    It is certainly Scriptural that God’s eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity is immutable and God is immutable and what the prophets have spoken through the Spirit will certainly come to pass BUT the process by which that immutable Plan comes to fruition is fluid; in other words, God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of providing both His angelic and human creation free will in order that relationship with Him can manifest in purity with authenticity while simultaneously working through and around our personal decisions and choices in life to bring about His immutable will concerning Time and Eternity.

    God is NOT restricted by our choices but He uses our free will to further His eschatological Plan and through our personal choices God is glorified and receives pleasure from those who love Him and express that love in obedience to His perfect will. This is but one reason God desires that all men and women be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth as God seeks same to worship Him and trust in Him and ally with Him as God restores order and peace and love that have been disrupted through rebellion and sin that manifest before the creation of Time.

    Satan’s free will and God’s Sovereignty,

    God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of using the evil expressed in human nature, free will, through rebellion in an alliance with Satan. As an example, consider the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust which was the resultant of a conspiracy between Hitler and Allah-Satan/Islam. Though Allah-Satan desired to thwart God’s Covenants with the Jewish people by attempting to eradicate the children of Israel from the face of the Earth, God allowed the “Never Again” movement to manifest in response to the Jewish Holocaust which ultimately fulfilled Ezekiel’s regathering prophecies (Ezekiel 34:13; 36:24-28; 37:1-14) relevant to the reestablishment of a Jewish State which we know today as the Nation of Israel (1948). The establishment of Israel is essential for the coming Tribulation and Millennial Reign of Messiah-Yeshua. Satan, exercising free will, conspired to destroy God’s chosen people and thwart eschatology but God used that evil for good and in furtherance of His perfect eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity. God uses the evil of Satan and man’s alliance with Satan to demonstrate the horrors of sin to the faithful angelic creation who watch with amazement the unfolding of God’s Plan for Time and Eternity.

    In conclusion,

    It is paramount that every man and woman disregard the false doctrine of predestination as our God does NOT predestine winners and losers. It is paramount that everyone understand their culpability as a sinner before our Holy God and exercise their individual free will to humble them self before God the Father, repent of their sin, sincerely believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that the Son, Jesus Christ, God manifest in flesh, is their God who suffered and died to pay their sin-debt and believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead for their justification (Romans 10:9-10).

    God the Father has so decreed that anyone exercising their free will to choose the Son, Jesus Christ, as their God for the mediation of their sin, that person so declaring-believing in Jesus as their God will receive forgiveness of sin, the imputation of Jesus’ perfection over their life and God the Father promises to declare them “not guilty,” infuse His Spirit within them (Ephesians 1:13-14) Who will walk with them in the process of sanctification throughout this life and then welcome them into His Kingdom at the moment of their last exhalation in Time (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:8).

    Ever notice how few words it takes to tell the truth compared to a whole page of cut and pasted words to tell a lie ricky?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -   edited March 8
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    For some unknown reason, possibly because God is defined in His character as perfect LOVE (1 John 4:8), God the Father desires an intimate relationship with both His angelic and human creation and in order for intimacy in relationship to exist in purity with authenticity, the parties involved in that relationship must possess volition, the ability to “choose” fellowship or reject same; otherwise, the relationship is robotic, the parties being compelled to associate thus culminating in a union of nihilism, emptiness.

    So extremely relevant is God’s desire for relationship that God’s intimacy with His angelic creation and His desire to maintain that intimacy is the causation for the creation of matter, Time, our Universe, this Earth, our complex genome; in fact, the Son of God entered Time for the specific purpose of destroying the works of the one who attempted to nullify God’s intimate relationship with His angels via a coup d’état manifesting in the Kingdom before the creation of Time (1 John 3:8b; Ezekiel 38:11+). I believe the Holy Spirit makes it irrefutably clear that the introduction of sin into the Kingdom of God is the only reason for our existence in Time and absent that rebellion there is no reason for God to have endured 6000-years of a rebellious and obstinate human creation yet God has endured and given Himself as a Redeemer for mankind in response to His love for the beautiful angelic creation that He cherishes and His desire to maintain volitional love and relationship with them.

    Consider this,

    In order for genuine love to exist, the antithesis of love i.e. the possibility for hate must also exist; In order for good to exist by definition, the antithesis of good i.e. the possibility for evil must also exist; In order for righteousness to exist by definition, the antithesis of righteousness i.e. the possibility for sin must also exist; In order for obedience to exist with purpose, the antithesis of obedience i.e. the possibility for rebellion-disobedience must also exist. It has been alleged that God is the Author of moral evil as the KJV translators incorrectly translated the Hebrew “ra” in Isaiah 45:7, but God is NOT the Author of moral evil as God allows for the possibility of evil to exist out of necessity as the free will to choose good and obedience must reign paramount in order that God’s Plan for Time and Eternity be fulfilled in righteousness.

    Concerning Calvin and predestination,

    If Calvin was correct and every man and woman is predestined to life in Eternity or death in Hell, I ask you, what would become of love, how can it exist with intimacy? Where would authentic relationship with interpersonal joy and fellowship find meaning and fulfillment? What intimacy and satisfaction would God derive from programmed robots dutiful to comply in nihilistic obedience? Calvin obviously did not understand the God of Scripture and those who espouse a demonic doctrine of predestination don’t understand the love of God and His Plan and purposes for the creation of human kind.

    Concerning God’s omniscience v. the free will of mankind – an alleged paradox,

    It is suggested that God is either omniscient and free will does not exist or God lacks true omniscience in order for free will to exist in Creation. It is my position that God’s omniscience does NOT negate free will.

    As an elementary analogy, I know my beautiful wife of 35-years of marriage and my two-wonderful children with intimacy as they are my flesh and I know what decision they will make in any given life scenario with a 98+- rate of accuracy. My human omniscience concerning my family and their decisions does not negate their ability to exercise free will; in the same way, simply because God “knows” the beginning from the end does NOT suggest that our personal destiny in Time and Eternity is predetermined by God. Foreknowledge does not mandate a conclusion but simply acknowledges God’s ability to KNOW all things as He is God, God is Spirit and He is NOT confined or restrained by Time, physics, the limits of human cognition, genomic mutational degradation, entropy (the Adamic curse).

    God’s immutability, eschatology and free will?

    It is certainly Scriptural that God’s eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity is immutable and God is immutable and what the prophets have spoken through the Spirit will certainly come to pass BUT the process by which that immutable Plan comes to fruition is fluid; in other words, God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of providing both His angelic and human creation free will in order that relationship with Him can manifest in purity with authenticity while simultaneously working through and around our personal decisions and choices in life to bring about His immutable will concerning Time and Eternity.

    God is NOT restricted by our choices but He uses our free will to further His eschatological Plan and through our personal choices God is glorified and receives pleasure from those who love Him and express that love in obedience to His perfect will. This is but one reason God desires that all men and women be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth as God seeks same to worship Him and trust in Him and ally with Him as God restores order and peace and love that have been disrupted through rebellion and sin that manifest before the creation of Time.

    Satan’s free will and God’s Sovereignty,

    God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of using the evil expressed in human nature, free will, through rebellion in an alliance with Satan. As an example, consider the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust which was the resultant of a conspiracy between Hitler and Allah-Satan/Islam. Though Allah-Satan desired to thwart God’s Covenants with the Jewish people by attempting to eradicate the children of Israel from the face of the Earth, God allowed the “Never Again” movement to manifest in response to the Jewish Holocaust which ultimately fulfilled Ezekiel’s regathering prophecies (Ezekiel 34:13; 36:24-28; 37:1-14) relevant to the reestablishment of a Jewish State which we know today as the Nation of Israel (1948). The establishment of Israel is essential for the coming Tribulation and Millennial Reign of Messiah-Yeshua. Satan, exercising free will, conspired to destroy God’s chosen people and thwart eschatology but God used that evil for good and in furtherance of His perfect eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity. God uses the evil of Satan and man’s alliance with Satan to demonstrate the horrors of sin to the faithful angelic creation who watch with amazement the unfolding of God’s Plan for Time and Eternity.

    In conclusion,

    It is paramount that every man and woman disregard the false doctrine of predestination as our God does NOT predestine winners and losers. It is paramount that everyone understand their culpability as a sinner before our Holy God and exercise their individual free will to humble them self before God the Father, repent of their sin, sincerely believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that the Son, Jesus Christ, God manifest in flesh, is their God who suffered and died to pay their sin-debt and believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead for their justification (Romans 10:9-10).

    God the Father has so decreed that anyone exercising their free will to choose the Son, Jesus Christ, as their God for the mediation of their sin, that person so declaring-believing in Jesus as their God will receive forgiveness of sin, the imputation of Jesus’ perfection over their life and God the Father promises to declare them “not guilty,” infuse His Spirit within them (Ephesians 1:13-14) Who will walk with them in the process of sanctification throughout this life and then welcome them into His Kingdom at the moment of their last exhalation in Time (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:8).

    Ever notice how few words it takes to tell the truth compared to a whole page of cut and pasted words to tell a lie ricky?

    @Factfinder ;  Thought you, the "intellectual," would appreciate a thorough explanation of "free will."
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    For some unknown reason, possibly because God is defined in His character as perfect LOVE (1 John 4:8), God the Father desires an intimate relationship with both His angelic and human creation and in order for intimacy in relationship to exist in purity with authenticity, the parties involved in that relationship must possess volition, the ability to “choose” fellowship or reject same; otherwise, the relationship is robotic, the parties being compelled to associate thus culminating in a union of nihilism, emptiness.

    So extremely relevant is God’s desire for relationship that God’s intimacy with His angelic creation and His desire to maintain that intimacy is the causation for the creation of matter, Time, our Universe, this Earth, our complex genome; in fact, the Son of God entered Time for the specific purpose of destroying the works of the one who attempted to nullify God’s intimate relationship with His angels via a coup d’état manifesting in the Kingdom before the creation of Time (1 John 3:8b; Ezekiel 38:11+). I believe the Holy Spirit makes it irrefutably clear that the introduction of sin into the Kingdom of God is the only reason for our existence in Time and absent that rebellion there is no reason for God to have endured 6000-years of a rebellious and obstinate human creation yet God has endured and given Himself as a Redeemer for mankind in response to His love for the beautiful angelic creation that He cherishes and His desire to maintain volitional love and relationship with them.

    Consider this,

    In order for genuine love to exist, the antithesis of love i.e. the possibility for hate must also exist; In order for good to exist by definition, the antithesis of good i.e. the possibility for evil must also exist; In order for righteousness to exist by definition, the antithesis of righteousness i.e. the possibility for sin must also exist; In order for obedience to exist with purpose, the antithesis of obedience i.e. the possibility for rebellion-disobedience must also exist. It has been alleged that God is the Author of moral evil as the KJV translators incorrectly translated the Hebrew “ra” in Isaiah 45:7, but God is NOT the Author of moral evil as God allows for the possibility of evil to exist out of necessity as the free will to choose good and obedience must reign paramount in order that God’s Plan for Time and Eternity be fulfilled in righteousness.

    Concerning Calvin and predestination,

    If Calvin was correct and every man and woman is predestined to life in Eternity or death in Hell, I ask you, what would become of love, how can it exist with intimacy? Where would authentic relationship with interpersonal joy and fellowship find meaning and fulfillment? What intimacy and satisfaction would God derive from programmed robots dutiful to comply in nihilistic obedience? Calvin obviously did not understand the God of Scripture and those who espouse a demonic doctrine of predestination don’t understand the love of God and His Plan and purposes for the creation of human kind.

    Concerning God’s omniscience v. the free will of mankind – an alleged paradox,

    It is suggested that God is either omniscient and free will does not exist or God lacks true omniscience in order for free will to exist in Creation. It is my position that God’s omniscience does NOT negate free will.

    As an elementary analogy, I know my beautiful wife of 35-years of marriage and my two-wonderful children with intimacy as they are my flesh and I know what decision they will make in any given life scenario with a 98+- rate of accuracy. My human omniscience concerning my family and their decisions does not negate their ability to exercise free will; in the same way, simply because God “knows” the beginning from the end does NOT suggest that our personal destiny in Time and Eternity is predetermined by God. Foreknowledge does not mandate a conclusion but simply acknowledges God’s ability to KNOW all things as He is God, God is Spirit and He is NOT confined or restrained by Time, physics, the limits of human cognition, genomic mutational degradation, entropy (the Adamic curse).

    God’s immutability, eschatology and free will?

    It is certainly Scriptural that God’s eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity is immutable and God is immutable and what the prophets have spoken through the Spirit will certainly come to pass BUT the process by which that immutable Plan comes to fruition is fluid; in other words, God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of providing both His angelic and human creation free will in order that relationship with Him can manifest in purity with authenticity while simultaneously working through and around our personal decisions and choices in life to bring about His immutable will concerning Time and Eternity.

    God is NOT restricted by our choices but He uses our free will to further His eschatological Plan and through our personal choices God is glorified and receives pleasure from those who love Him and express that love in obedience to His perfect will. This is but one reason God desires that all men and women be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth as God seeks same to worship Him and trust in Him and ally with Him as God restores order and peace and love that have been disrupted through rebellion and sin that manifest before the creation of Time.

    Satan’s free will and God’s Sovereignty,

    God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of using the evil expressed in human nature, free will, through rebellion in an alliance with Satan. As an example, consider the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust which was the resultant of a conspiracy between Hitler and Allah-Satan/Islam. Though Allah-Satan desired to thwart God’s Covenants with the Jewish people by attempting to eradicate the children of Israel from the face of the Earth, God allowed the “Never Again” movement to manifest in response to the Jewish Holocaust which ultimately fulfilled Ezekiel’s regathering prophecies (Ezekiel 34:13; 36:24-28; 37:1-14) relevant to the reestablishment of a Jewish State which we know today as the Nation of Israel (1948). The establishment of Israel is essential for the coming Tribulation and Millennial Reign of Messiah-Yeshua. Satan, exercising free will, conspired to destroy God’s chosen people and thwart eschatology but God used that evil for good and in furtherance of His perfect eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity. God uses the evil of Satan and man’s alliance with Satan to demonstrate the horrors of sin to the faithful angelic creation who watch with amazement the unfolding of God’s Plan for Time and Eternity.

    In conclusion,

    It is paramount that every man and woman disregard the false doctrine of predestination as our God does NOT predestine winners and losers. It is paramount that everyone understand their culpability as a sinner before our Holy God and exercise their individual free will to humble them self before God the Father, repent of their sin, sincerely believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that the Son, Jesus Christ, God manifest in flesh, is their God who suffered and died to pay their sin-debt and believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead for their justification (Romans 10:9-10).

    God the Father has so decreed that anyone exercising their free will to choose the Son, Jesus Christ, as their God for the mediation of their sin, that person so declaring-believing in Jesus as their God will receive forgiveness of sin, the imputation of Jesus’ perfection over their life and God the Father promises to declare them “not guilty,” infuse His Spirit within them (Ephesians 1:13-14) Who will walk with them in the process of sanctification throughout this life and then welcome them into His Kingdom at the moment of their last exhalation in Time (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:8).

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1042 Pts   -  

    God is NOT restricted by our choices... 

    That's never been the issue. We are restricted by his which destroys any notion of freewill. Bend the knee or die is not a choice offering, it's duress.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -   edited March 8

    God is NOT restricted by our choices... 

    That's never been the issue. We are restricted by his which destroys any notion of freewill. Bend the knee or die is not a choice offering, it's duress.

    @Factfinder ; You possess the free to choose morality or immorality; you possess the free will to choose Heaven through faith in Jesus or Hell by servitude to Satan.

  • @RickeyHoltsclaw

    I ask you kindly before to stop tagging me unless you have evidence for your claims. As you have failed in this endeavour I will now mute you and so you will be wasting your time tagging me as I won't get any notifications. You have a good day.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1132 Pts   -   edited March 8
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    For some unknown reason, possibly because God is defined in His character as perfect LOVE (1 John 4:8), God the Father desires an intimate relationship with both His angelic and human creation and in order for intimacy in relationship to exist in purity with authenticity, the parties involved in that relationship must possess volition, the ability to “choose” fellowship or reject same; otherwise, the relationship is robotic, the parties being compelled to associate thus culminating in a union of nihilism, emptiness.

    So extremely relevant is God’s desire for relationship that God’s intimacy with His angelic creation and His desire to maintain that intimacy is the causation for the creation of matter, Time, our Universe, this Earth, our complex genome; in fact, the Son of God entered Time for the specific purpose of destroying the works of the one who attempted to nullify God’s intimate relationship with His angels via a coup d’état manifesting in the Kingdom before the creation of Time (1 John 3:8b; Ezekiel 38:11+). I believe the Holy Spirit makes it irrefutably clear that the introduction of sin into the Kingdom of God is the only reason for our existence in Time and absent that rebellion there is no reason for God to have endured 6000-years of a rebellious and obstinate human creation yet God has endured and given Himself as a Redeemer for mankind in response to His love for the beautiful angelic creation that He cherishes and His desire to maintain volitional love and relationship with them.

    Consider this,

    In order for genuine love to exist, the antithesis of love i.e. the possibility for hate must also exist; In order for good to exist by definition, the antithesis of good i.e. the possibility for evil must also exist; In order for righteousness to exist by definition, the antithesis of righteousness i.e. the possibility for sin must also exist; In order for obedience to exist with purpose, the antithesis of obedience i.e. the possibility for rebellion-disobedience must also exist. It has been alleged that God is the Author of moral evil as the KJV translators incorrectly translated the Hebrew “ra” in Isaiah 45:7, but God is NOT the Author of moral evil as God allows for the possibility of evil to exist out of necessity as the free will to choose good and obedience must reign paramount in order that God’s Plan for Time and Eternity be fulfilled in righteousness.

    Concerning Calvin and predestination,

    If Calvin was correct and every man and woman is predestined to life in Eternity or death in Hell, I ask you, what would become of love, how can it exist with intimacy? Where would authentic relationship with interpersonal joy and fellowship find meaning and fulfillment? What intimacy and satisfaction would God derive from programmed robots dutiful to comply in nihilistic obedience? Calvin obviously did not understand the God of Scripture and those who espouse a demonic doctrine of predestination don’t understand the love of God and His Plan and purposes for the creation of human kind.

    Concerning God’s omniscience v. the free will of mankind – an alleged paradox,

    It is suggested that God is either omniscient and free will does not exist or God lacks true omniscience in order for free will to exist in Creation. It is my position that God’s omniscience does NOT negate free will.

    As an elementary analogy, I know my beautiful wife of 35-years of marriage and my two-wonderful children with intimacy as they are my flesh and I know what decision they will make in any given life scenario with a 98+- rate of accuracy. My human omniscience concerning my family and their decisions does not negate their ability to exercise free will; in the same way, simply because God “knows” the beginning from the end does NOT suggest that our personal destiny in Time and Eternity is predetermined by God. Foreknowledge does not mandate a conclusion but simply acknowledges God’s ability to KNOW all things as He is God, God is Spirit and He is NOT confined or restrained by Time, physics, the limits of human cognition, genomic mutational degradation, entropy (the Adamic curse).

    God’s immutability, eschatology and free will?

    It is certainly Scriptural that God’s eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity is immutable and God is immutable and what the prophets have spoken through the Spirit will certainly come to pass BUT the process by which that immutable Plan comes to fruition is fluid; in other words, God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of providing both His angelic and human creation free will in order that relationship with Him can manifest in purity with authenticity while simultaneously working through and around our personal decisions and choices in life to bring about His immutable will concerning Time and Eternity.

    God is NOT restricted by our choices but He uses our free will to further His eschatological Plan and through our personal choices God is glorified and receives pleasure from those who love Him and express that love in obedience to His perfect will. This is but one reason God desires that all men and women be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth as God seeks same to worship Him and trust in Him and ally with Him as God restores order and peace and love that have been disrupted through rebellion and sin that manifest before the creation of Time.

    Satan’s free will and God’s Sovereignty,

    God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of using the evil expressed in human nature, free will, through rebellion in an alliance with Satan. As an example, consider the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust which was the resultant of a conspiracy between Hitler and Allah-Satan/Islam. Though Allah-Satan desired to thwart God’s Covenants with the Jewish people by attempting to eradicate the children of Israel from the face of the Earth, God allowed the “Never Again” movement to manifest in response to the Jewish Holocaust which ultimately fulfilled Ezekiel’s regathering prophecies (Ezekiel 34:13; 36:24-28; 37:1-14) relevant to the reestablishment of a Jewish State which we know today as the Nation of Israel (1948). The establishment of Israel is essential for the coming Tribulation and Millennial Reign of Messiah-Yeshua. Satan, exercising free will, conspired to destroy God’s chosen people and thwart eschatology but God used that evil for good and in furtherance of His perfect eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity. God uses the evil of Satan and man’s alliance with Satan to demonstrate the horrors of sin to the faithful angelic creation who watch with amazement the unfolding of God’s Plan for Time and Eternity.

    In conclusion,

    It is paramount that every man and woman disregard the false doctrine of predestination as our God does NOT predestine winners and losers. It is paramount that everyone understand their culpability as a sinner before our Holy God and exercise their individual free will to humble them self before God the Father, repent of their sin, sincerely believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that the Son, Jesus Christ, God manifest in flesh, is their God who suffered and died to pay their sin-debt and believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead for their justification (Romans 10:9-10).

    God the Father has so decreed that anyone exercising their free will to choose the Son, Jesus Christ, as their God for the mediation of their sin, that person so declaring-believing in Jesus as their God will receive forgiveness of sin, the imputation of Jesus’ perfection over their life and God the Father promises to declare them “not guilty,” infuse His Spirit within them (Ephesians 1:13-14) Who will walk with them in the process of sanctification throughout this life and then welcome them into His Kingdom at the moment of their last exhalation in Time (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:8).

    Ever notice how few words it takes to tell the truth compared to a whole page of cut and pasted words to tell a lie ricky?
    Bromigo, at least he doesn't use AI to debate for him.  In the debate about abiogenesis, where I argued code needs a coder, you argued against the idea by using AI generated code to say you don't need a coder for code.  Can't make this stuff up!!!!!
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  

    I ask you kindly before to stop tagging me unless you have evidence for your claims. As you have failed in this endeavour I will now mute you and so you will be wasting your time tagging me as I won't get any notifications. You have a good day.

    @ZeusAres ; Your loss.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1042 Pts   -  
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    For some unknown reason, possibly because God is defined in His character as perfect LOVE (1 John 4:8), God the Father desires an intimate relationship with both His angelic and human creation and in order for intimacy in relationship to exist in purity with authenticity, the parties involved in that relationship must possess volition, the ability to “choose” fellowship or reject same; otherwise, the relationship is robotic, the parties being compelled to associate thus culminating in a union of nihilism, emptiness.

    So extremely relevant is God’s desire for relationship that God’s intimacy with His angelic creation and His desire to maintain that intimacy is the causation for the creation of matter, Time, our Universe, this Earth, our complex genome; in fact, the Son of God entered Time for the specific purpose of destroying the works of the one who attempted to nullify God’s intimate relationship with His angels via a coup d’état manifesting in the Kingdom before the creation of Time (1 John 3:8b; Ezekiel 38:11+). I believe the Holy Spirit makes it irrefutably clear that the introduction of sin into the Kingdom of God is the only reason for our existence in Time and absent that rebellion there is no reason for God to have endured 6000-years of a rebellious and obstinate human creation yet God has endured and given Himself as a Redeemer for mankind in response to His love for the beautiful angelic creation that He cherishes and His desire to maintain volitional love and relationship with them.

    Consider this,

    In order for genuine love to exist, the antithesis of love i.e. the possibility for hate must also exist; In order for good to exist by definition, the antithesis of good i.e. the possibility for evil must also exist; In order for righteousness to exist by definition, the antithesis of righteousness i.e. the possibility for sin must also exist; In order for obedience to exist with purpose, the antithesis of obedience i.e. the possibility for rebellion-disobedience must also exist. It has been alleged that God is the Author of moral evil as the KJV translators incorrectly translated the Hebrew “ra” in Isaiah 45:7, but God is NOT the Author of moral evil as God allows for the possibility of evil to exist out of necessity as the free will to choose good and obedience must reign paramount in order that God’s Plan for Time and Eternity be fulfilled in righteousness.

    Concerning Calvin and predestination,

    If Calvin was correct and every man and woman is predestined to life in Eternity or death in Hell, I ask you, what would become of love, how can it exist with intimacy? Where would authentic relationship with interpersonal joy and fellowship find meaning and fulfillment? What intimacy and satisfaction would God derive from programmed robots dutiful to comply in nihilistic obedience? Calvin obviously did not understand the God of Scripture and those who espouse a demonic doctrine of predestination don’t understand the love of God and His Plan and purposes for the creation of human kind.

    Concerning God’s omniscience v. the free will of mankind – an alleged paradox,

    It is suggested that God is either omniscient and free will does not exist or God lacks true omniscience in order for free will to exist in Creation. It is my position that God’s omniscience does NOT negate free will.

    As an elementary analogy, I know my beautiful wife of 35-years of marriage and my two-wonderful children with intimacy as they are my flesh and I know what decision they will make in any given life scenario with a 98+- rate of accuracy. My human omniscience concerning my family and their decisions does not negate their ability to exercise free will; in the same way, simply because God “knows” the beginning from the end does NOT suggest that our personal destiny in Time and Eternity is predetermined by God. Foreknowledge does not mandate a conclusion but simply acknowledges God’s ability to KNOW all things as He is God, God is Spirit and He is NOT confined or restrained by Time, physics, the limits of human cognition, genomic mutational degradation, entropy (the Adamic curse).

    God’s immutability, eschatology and free will?

    It is certainly Scriptural that God’s eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity is immutable and God is immutable and what the prophets have spoken through the Spirit will certainly come to pass BUT the process by which that immutable Plan comes to fruition is fluid; in other words, God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of providing both His angelic and human creation free will in order that relationship with Him can manifest in purity with authenticity while simultaneously working through and around our personal decisions and choices in life to bring about His immutable will concerning Time and Eternity.

    God is NOT restricted by our choices but He uses our free will to further His eschatological Plan and through our personal choices God is glorified and receives pleasure from those who love Him and express that love in obedience to His perfect will. This is but one reason God desires that all men and women be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth as God seeks same to worship Him and trust in Him and ally with Him as God restores order and peace and love that have been disrupted through rebellion and sin that manifest before the creation of Time.

    Satan’s free will and God’s Sovereignty,

    God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of using the evil expressed in human nature, free will, through rebellion in an alliance with Satan. As an example, consider the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust which was the resultant of a conspiracy between Hitler and Allah-Satan/Islam. Though Allah-Satan desired to thwart God’s Covenants with the Jewish people by attempting to eradicate the children of Israel from the face of the Earth, God allowed the “Never Again” movement to manifest in response to the Jewish Holocaust which ultimately fulfilled Ezekiel’s regathering prophecies (Ezekiel 34:13; 36:24-28; 37:1-14) relevant to the reestablishment of a Jewish State which we know today as the Nation of Israel (1948). The establishment of Israel is essential for the coming Tribulation and Millennial Reign of Messiah-Yeshua. Satan, exercising free will, conspired to destroy God’s chosen people and thwart eschatology but God used that evil for good and in furtherance of His perfect eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity. God uses the evil of Satan and man’s alliance with Satan to demonstrate the horrors of sin to the faithful angelic creation who watch with amazement the unfolding of God’s Plan for Time and Eternity.

    In conclusion,

    It is paramount that every man and woman disregard the false doctrine of predestination as our God does NOT predestine winners and losers. It is paramount that everyone understand their culpability as a sinner before our Holy God and exercise their individual free will to humble them self before God the Father, repent of their sin, sincerely believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that the Son, Jesus Christ, God manifest in flesh, is their God who suffered and died to pay their sin-debt and believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead for their justification (Romans 10:9-10).

    God the Father has so decreed that anyone exercising their free will to choose the Son, Jesus Christ, as their God for the mediation of their sin, that person so declaring-believing in Jesus as their God will receive forgiveness of sin, the imputation of Jesus’ perfection over their life and God the Father promises to declare them “not guilty,” infuse His Spirit within them (Ephesians 1:13-14) Who will walk with them in the process of sanctification throughout this life and then welcome them into His Kingdom at the moment of their last exhalation in Time (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:8).

    Ever notice how few words it takes to tell the truth compared to a whole page of cut and pasted words to tell a lie ricky?
    Bromigo, at least he doesn't use AI to debate for him.  In the debate about abiogenesis, where I argued code needs a coder, you argued against the idea by using AI generated code to say you don't need a coder for code.  Can't make this stuff up!!!!!
    Bible verses do not equate to argumentation, just mythical spam. When did I use ai ? You make this stuff up stuff everyday. You failed to deliver empirical evidence of an intelligent designer, you assumed. Now, prove your lie.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    For some unknown reason, possibly because God is defined in His character as perfect LOVE (1 John 4:8), God the Father desires an intimate relationship with both His angelic and human creation and in order for intimacy in relationship to exist in purity with authenticity, the parties involved in that relationship must possess volition, the ability to “choose” fellowship or reject same; otherwise, the relationship is robotic, the parties being compelled to associate thus culminating in a union of nihilism, emptiness.

    So extremely relevant is God’s desire for relationship that God’s intimacy with His angelic creation and His desire to maintain that intimacy is the causation for the creation of matter, Time, our Universe, this Earth, our complex genome; in fact, the Son of God entered Time for the specific purpose of destroying the works of the one who attempted to nullify God’s intimate relationship with His angels via a coup d’état manifesting in the Kingdom before the creation of Time (1 John 3:8b; Ezekiel 38:11+). I believe the Holy Spirit makes it irrefutably clear that the introduction of sin into the Kingdom of God is the only reason for our existence in Time and absent that rebellion there is no reason for God to have endured 6000-years of a rebellious and obstinate human creation yet God has endured and given Himself as a Redeemer for mankind in response to His love for the beautiful angelic creation that He cherishes and His desire to maintain volitional love and relationship with them.

    Consider this,

    In order for genuine love to exist, the antithesis of love i.e. the possibility for hate must also exist; In order for good to exist by definition, the antithesis of good i.e. the possibility for evil must also exist; In order for righteousness to exist by definition, the antithesis of righteousness i.e. the possibility for sin must also exist; In order for obedience to exist with purpose, the antithesis of obedience i.e. the possibility for rebellion-disobedience must also exist. It has been alleged that God is the Author of moral evil as the KJV translators incorrectly translated the Hebrew “ra” in Isaiah 45:7, but God is NOT the Author of moral evil as God allows for the possibility of evil to exist out of necessity as the free will to choose good and obedience must reign paramount in order that God’s Plan for Time and Eternity be fulfilled in righteousness.

    Concerning Calvin and predestination,

    If Calvin was correct and every man and woman is predestined to life in Eternity or death in Hell, I ask you, what would become of love, how can it exist with intimacy? Where would authentic relationship with interpersonal joy and fellowship find meaning and fulfillment? What intimacy and satisfaction would God derive from programmed robots dutiful to comply in nihilistic obedience? Calvin obviously did not understand the God of Scripture and those who espouse a demonic doctrine of predestination don’t understand the love of God and His Plan and purposes for the creation of human kind.

    Concerning God’s omniscience v. the free will of mankind – an alleged paradox,

    It is suggested that God is either omniscient and free will does not exist or God lacks true omniscience in order for free will to exist in Creation. It is my position that God’s omniscience does NOT negate free will.

    As an elementary analogy, I know my beautiful wife of 35-years of marriage and my two-wonderful children with intimacy as they are my flesh and I know what decision they will make in any given life scenario with a 98+- rate of accuracy. My human omniscience concerning my family and their decisions does not negate their ability to exercise free will; in the same way, simply because God “knows” the beginning from the end does NOT suggest that our personal destiny in Time and Eternity is predetermined by God. Foreknowledge does not mandate a conclusion but simply acknowledges God’s ability to KNOW all things as He is God, God is Spirit and He is NOT confined or restrained by Time, physics, the limits of human cognition, genomic mutational degradation, entropy (the Adamic curse).

    God’s immutability, eschatology and free will?

    It is certainly Scriptural that God’s eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity is immutable and God is immutable and what the prophets have spoken through the Spirit will certainly come to pass BUT the process by which that immutable Plan comes to fruition is fluid; in other words, God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of providing both His angelic and human creation free will in order that relationship with Him can manifest in purity with authenticity while simultaneously working through and around our personal decisions and choices in life to bring about His immutable will concerning Time and Eternity.

    God is NOT restricted by our choices but He uses our free will to further His eschatological Plan and through our personal choices God is glorified and receives pleasure from those who love Him and express that love in obedience to His perfect will. This is but one reason God desires that all men and women be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth as God seeks same to worship Him and trust in Him and ally with Him as God restores order and peace and love that have been disrupted through rebellion and sin that manifest before the creation of Time.

    Satan’s free will and God’s Sovereignty,

    God, in His omnipotence, is perfectly capable of using the evil expressed in human nature, free will, through rebellion in an alliance with Satan. As an example, consider the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust which was the resultant of a conspiracy between Hitler and Allah-Satan/Islam. Though Allah-Satan desired to thwart God’s Covenants with the Jewish people by attempting to eradicate the children of Israel from the face of the Earth, God allowed the “Never Again” movement to manifest in response to the Jewish Holocaust which ultimately fulfilled Ezekiel’s regathering prophecies (Ezekiel 34:13; 36:24-28; 37:1-14) relevant to the reestablishment of a Jewish State which we know today as the Nation of Israel (1948). The establishment of Israel is essential for the coming Tribulation and Millennial Reign of Messiah-Yeshua. Satan, exercising free will, conspired to destroy God’s chosen people and thwart eschatology but God used that evil for good and in furtherance of His perfect eschatological Plan for Time and Eternity. God uses the evil of Satan and man’s alliance with Satan to demonstrate the horrors of sin to the faithful angelic creation who watch with amazement the unfolding of God’s Plan for Time and Eternity.

    In conclusion,

    It is paramount that every man and woman disregard the false doctrine of predestination as our God does NOT predestine winners and losers. It is paramount that everyone understand their culpability as a sinner before our Holy God and exercise their individual free will to humble them self before God the Father, repent of their sin, sincerely believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that the Son, Jesus Christ, God manifest in flesh, is their God who suffered and died to pay their sin-debt and believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead for their justification (Romans 10:9-10).

    God the Father has so decreed that anyone exercising their free will to choose the Son, Jesus Christ, as their God for the mediation of their sin, that person so declaring-believing in Jesus as their God will receive forgiveness of sin, the imputation of Jesus’ perfection over their life and God the Father promises to declare them “not guilty,” infuse His Spirit within them (Ephesians 1:13-14) Who will walk with them in the process of sanctification throughout this life and then welcome them into His Kingdom at the moment of their last exhalation in Time (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:8).

    Ever notice how few words it takes to tell the truth compared to a whole page of cut and pasted words to tell a lie ricky?
    Bromigo, at least he doesn't use AI to debate for him.  In the debate about abiogenesis, where I argued code needs a coder, you argued against the idea by using AI generated code to say you don't need a coder for code.  Can't make this stuff up!!!!!
    Bible verses do not equate to argumentation, just mythical spam. When did I use ai ? You make this stuff up stuff everyday. You failed to deliver empirical evidence of an intelligent designer, you assumed. Now, prove your lie.

    @Factfinder ; If you were half as intelligent as you claim, you would honor the Scriptures as integral to a debate concerning origin of the species seeing that no other account exists. Nature is empirical evidence of design and an omnipotent Designer; this, whether or not your feeble minded atheism agrees. You're the li-ar and the deceiver and the arrogant loser...not @just_sayin

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1042 Pts   -   edited March 8

     Thought you, the "intellectual," would appreciate a thorough explanation of "free will."

    So why the wall of religious fallacy? I have a good working concept of freewill. Believing in your fairy god elf or die is the opposite of freewill. You worship it and admit you wouldn't be moral if it didn't exist. That don't sound like freewill. Perhaps in your case the way you hate minorities and gays, it's okay cause who knows what else you would have done besides stalking them in their neighborhoods like you also admitted.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -   edited March 8

     Thought you, the "intellectual," would appreciate a thorough explanation of "free will."

    So why the wall of religious fallacy? I have a good working concept of freewill. Believing in your fairy god elf or die is the opposite of freewill. You worship it and admit you wouldn't be moral if it didn't exist. That don't sound like freewill. Perhaps in your case the way you hate minorities and gays, it's okay cause who knows what else you would have done besides stalking them in their neighborhoods like you also admitted.

    @Factfinder ;  You're spiritually ignorant...especially so if you deny free continue to call my faith a "fairy tale" but your entire existence is a fairy're a mind-LESS atheist void logic and commonsense. Truly, an individual void morals and ethics and common have aligned with the wickedness of this World. 
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 216 Pts   -   edited March 8

    FACTDENIER'S QUOTE IN YOUR BEHALF:  "You worship it and admit you wouldn't be moral if it didn't exist. That don't sound like freewill."

    Since I have easily BIBLE SLAPPED YOU AND FACTDENIER SILLY within this Religion Forum, let me stand in for the Bible Dunce Factdenier that doesn't even know the Bible passages that deny pseudo-christians like YOU cannot have "Free Will" to begin with, or he would have used them, okay? Good.

    Here are but a few of many bible verses that explicitly show that pseudo-christians like YOU cannot have "Free Will" because you are outright controlled in every way by your brutal and bloody serial killer Jesus as god!  

    1. "He PREDESTINED us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,” (Ephesians 1:5)

    2. JESUS SAID: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

    3, “In him we were also chosen, having been PREDESTINED according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will” (Ephesians 1:11)

    I am sure my tutoring of the Bible Dunce FACTDENIER is still going on, where he will continue to copy and paste my biblical verses to use by him in the future, so as not to be the continued  bible fool that he shows himself to be at this time!  LOL!



  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  

    FACTDENIER'S QUOTE IN YOUR BEHALF:  "You worship it and admit you wouldn't be moral if it didn't exist. That don't sound like freewill."

    Since I have easily BIBLE SLAPPED YOU AND FACTDENIER SILLY within this Religion Forum, let me stand in for the Bible dunce Factdenier that doesn't even know the Bible passages that deny pseudo-christians like YOU cannot have "Free Will" to begin with, or he would have used them, okay? Good.

    Here are but a few of many bible verses that explicitly show that pseudo-christians like YOU cannot have "Free Will" because you are outright controlled in every way by your serial killer Jesus as god!  

    1. "He PREDESTINED us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,” (Ephesians 1:5)

    2. JESUS SAID: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

    3, “In him we were also chosen, having been PREDESTINED according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will” (Ephesians 1:11)

    I am sure my tutoring of the Bible dunce FACTDENIER, where he will continue to copy and paste my biblical verses to use by him in the future, so as not to be the continued  bible fool that he shows himself to be at this time!  LOL!



    1) If you were not so spiritually ignorant you would know that Jesus died for the sins of the whole World and we've all been predestined by Elohim's will for salvation via a Gospel that was ordained "before Time began" (2 Timothy 1:8-9); unfortunately, only a "few" will honor what Jesus has done for us through the are apparently NOT one of the few but you've chosen via free will to die in Hell in unbelief.

    2) Jesus desires to give us life through His sacrifice (Matthew 26:28) but that life is actuated by faith in Him as Messiah (John 3).

    3) It is the will of the Father that all men be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth but due "free will," only a "few" will choose life in Jesus as Messiah.

    Jesus said that if He be lifted up (on the Cross) He would draw "all men" to rejected the call; therefore, you will die in Hell.

    WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB AND ARROGANT?  Is atheism to blame?

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 216 Pts   -   edited March 9

    YOUR NON-SEQUITUR EMBARRASSING QUOTE RELATIVE TO PSEUDO-CHRISTIANS NOT HAVING FREE WILL: " If you were not so spiritually ignorant you would know that Jesus died for the sins of the whole World and we've all been predestined by Elohim's will for salvation via a Gospel that was ordained "before Time began" (2 Timothy 1:8-9"

    HUH? What has your quote above have to do with the BIBLE FACT that you do not have Free Will as you being a pseudo-christian as I have revealed to you in this link herewith;

    Are you trying to BIBLE DUMBER that "FACTDENIER" when it comes to your Jesus' inspired words that say you DO NOT have Free Will? Your serial killer Jesus of infants and suckling babies as god, owns you outright as was shown in the the Bible verses that I have shown you, where you cannot deny this biblical FACT!

    Tell us, is your BIBLE STUP*DITY because you are continually being "spoon-fed" your doctrine on Sunday mornings?  LOL!


  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -   edited March 10
    @21CenturyIconoclast @21CenturyIconoclast ;  You're an id-iot and servant of the devil. You know nothing but what your god (John 8:44) tells you to think and do and say....Yahweh commanded the destruction of all life concerning the pagan tribes seeking Israel's compromise...Yahweh does NOT "mur-der" as He is Creator and all life belongs to Him, personally; therefore, Yahweh gives and Yahweh takes away...and He will take you away in the Lake of Fire lest you repent and trust solely in Jesus as your Messiah. Now, try harder atheist, dum-my!

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 216 Pts   -  

    YOUR QUOTE ONCE AGAIN AT YOUR EMBARRASSING EXPENSE!!!:  "Yahweh commanded the destruction of all life concerning the pagan tribes seeking Israel's compromise...Yahweh does NOT "mur-der" as He is Creator and all life belongs to Him, personally; therefore, Yahweh gives and Yahweh takes away"

    Barring your total Bible ignorance in calling your god "Yahweh," where it should be Jesus (2 Peter 1:1) duh, your totally inept Satanic schizophrenic thinking is that your brutal and bloody serial killer Jesus as god when he murders his Jewish Creation, where YOU say that is not murder because all of his Jewish Creation belongs to him, therefore he can do what he wants with them in this respect, where you are okay with Jesus murdering innocent children and babies as shown herewith:    

    "Now go and smite 
    Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, INFANT AND SUCKLING, ox and sheep, camel and ."  (1 Samuel 15:3)

    Do you tell your friends that you pray and worship a primitive Bronze and Iron Age god called Jesus, where one case of many within the Bible, he murders innocent children and babies as shown in the verse above?  Yes?  Or, do you HIDE this biblical FACT because you are to embarrassed to admit to it, where again you go directly against your Jesus' teachings that you are to preach "the word" where Jesus MURDERED innocent children and babies herewith: 

    "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching." (2 Timothy 4:2)

    RICKEY, with your Satanic thinking as shown in your embarrassing quote above, are you seeking help for your outright Schizophrenia that you have, whereas you must be putting quite the strain upon your family members!  :(


  • ibadullahibadullah 20 Pts   -  
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    @JulesKorngold we have free will, but God isn't effected by time, so he knows the future.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 872 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Think!

    ibadullah said:
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    @JulesKorngold we have free will, but God isn't effected by time, so he knows the future.
    If the future is predetermined, there is no free will.  Get it?   ;)
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 216 Pts   -  
    ibadullah said:
    If God knows what we will do in the future, we have no free will.  Our actions are predetermined.

    @JulesKorngold we have free will, but God isn't effected by time, so he knows the future.
    If the future is predetermined, there is no free will.  Get it?   ;)

    Ibadullah is as Bible STU-PID as RickeyHoltslcaw and Factdenier!  You are correct in that any pseudo-christian DOES NOT HAVE FREE WILL, as easily shown in this link:

    Jesus H. Christ, we get so tired of the biblically ignorant!

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