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Are migrants the new Jews??

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Hitler had the Jews, and Trump has the migrants..  I see no difference between the two.  It started with the Muslim ban and went downhill after that.  Since the get go, Trumps hatred of migrants has been palpable..  He wants to round 'em up and put 'em in camps. 

We know what comes next.  And, so it begins.


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  • FactfinderFactfinder 983 Pts   -  

    Hi Jack

    No, they're not the same thing. 

    Trump is wanting to enforce the law within the borders of a nation of laws, not chaos. Similar to what Obama did only this time lets hope trump don't put children in cages again like Obama did before. But to both their credits neither one went after nor does Trump purpose going after immigrants as your title misleads.

    As commander in chief presidents are required by oath to enforce the laws of the land thereby protecting our sovereignty. You see Jack despite leftist hysterics, most people of intellect realize having a country overrun by illegal immigrants is detrimental to our culture and security. That's why most civilized countries don't allow it. You surely have no objection to us being a nation of laws do you?
  • jackjack 512 Pts   -   edited April 23
    factfinder said:

    You see Jack despite leftist hysterics, most people of intellect realize having a country overrun by illegal immigrants is detrimental to our culture and security.
    Hello f:

    If you wanted to wipe out a population, you'd begin by calling them illegal.  It's a shame you can't see it..  In 1933 Germany, they missed it too.

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  

    I dont remember Jews attempting to flee into Germany.
  • jackjack 512 Pts   -  

    I dont remember Jews attempting to flee into Germany.
    Hello M:

    The level of hatred embodied in your post is indistinguishable from Nazi hatred.  You can't wipe out a population unless you hate 'em first.

    Those who can't remember history are bound to repeat it. 

  • FactfinderFactfinder 983 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    just_sayin said:

    You see Jack despite leftist hysterics, most people of intellect realize having a country overrun by illegal immigrants is detrimental to our culture and security.
    Hello just:

    If you wanted to wipe out a population, you'd begin by calling them illegal.  The parallels are there.  It's a shame you can't see it..  In 1933 Germany, they missed it too.

    I'm not Just. But that's okay.

    Parallels can be drawn if that's your goal. But if your goal is genuine concern then you'd want to know the truth, yes? Here's the difference: In 1933 Germany jews were an established immigrant population legally and Hitler by authoritarian measures suddenly reversed their status. That is in no way being purposed. All legal immigrants no matter their country of origin are not effected by trumps proposals and people are encouraged to migrate legally. See the difference?

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -   edited April 23

    Where was the hatred in my post?

    The Nazis werent trying to keep Jews from entering illegally they were commiting genocide against them. 
    I just clearly demonstrated the idiocy of your argument.
    What person in their right mind would flee to a country they believe is going to commit genocide against them?

    I have no problem with legal immigration just illegal immigration. And I dont hate them I just want protected borders and fairness to immigrants attempting to enter legally 
  • jackjack 512 Pts   -   edited April 23

    I'm not Just. But that's okay.

    Parallels can be drawn if that's your goal. But if your goal is genuine concern then you'd want to know the truth, yes? Here's the difference: In 1933 Germany jews were an established immigrant population legally and Hitler by authoritarian measures suddenly reversed their status. That is in no way being purposed. All legal immigrants no matter their country of origin are not effected by trumps proposals and people are encouraged to migrate legally.

    See the difference?
    Hello again, Fact:

    Sorry.  I'm old.

    You listed distinctions without a difference..  I'm talking about hatred toward a group of people, be they Jews escaping Europe, or brown people escaping tyranny in Latin America.   I'm talking about migrants, papered or not, no matter where they are.  There are millions of them here, and millions of them waiting at the border..  After Trump rounds them up, is he gonna send 'em back??  

    Nahh.  We know what his final solution will be.


  • FactfinderFactfinder 983 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    I'm not Just. But that's okay.

    Parallels can be drawn if that's your goal. But if your goal is genuine concern then you'd want to know the truth, yes? Here's the difference: In 1933 Germany jews were an established immigrant population legally and Hitler by authoritarian measures suddenly reversed their status. That is in no way being purposed. All legal immigrants no matter their country of origin are not effected by trumps proposals and people are encouraged to migrate legally.

    See the difference?
    Hello again, Fact:

    Sorry.  I'm old.

    You listed distinctions without a difference..  I'm talking about hatred toward a group of people, be they Jews escaping Europe, or brown people escaping tyranny in Latin America.   I'm talking about migrants, papered or not, no matter where they are.  There are millions of them here, and millions of them waiting at the border..  After Trump rounds them up, is he gonna send 'em back??  

    Nahh.  We know what his final solution will be.


    Well I don't think trump is seeking a 'final solution'. I believe he'd just deport them.

    You have a valid point in that there seems to be a negative view of migrants in general world wide. Including here where we're a nation of immigrants. My understanding though is people willing to do things legally love and respect the immigrant culture that has been established; where as those who break our laws from the very beginning I'm not so sure. Of course exceptions exist but in general what would you advise?
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1131 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Hitler had the Jews, and Trump has the migrants..  I see no difference between the two.  It started with the Muslim ban and went downhill after that.  Since the get go, Trumps hatred of migrants has been palpable..  He wants to round 'em up and put 'em in camps. 

    We know what comes next.  And, so it begins.


    Nazi comparisons are so inappropriate.  I don't many people are opposed to migrants coming to the US legally.  The issue is unlawful entry into the US.  According to Obama's own Civil Rights Commission on Illegal Immigration claimed that illegal labor costs Black workers between $1,000 - $2,000 a year in reduced wages.  That's unfair to legal workers. 

    Most illegal aliens routinely commit felonies

    The vast majority of illegal aliens use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers.  They possess fake drivers’ licenses, phony “green cards,” fraudulent birth certificates and any other documents that U.S. citizens and legal residents have.  In addition, they falsify I-9 forms under penalty of perjury. Thus, the average illegal alien routinely commits multiple felonies –forgery, Social Security fraud, identity theft, and perjury. 

    This criminal activity is routinely swept under the rug in order to protect the myth of the law abiding illegal alien. However, when pushed, even the strongest supporters of illegal aliens are forced to acknowledge that the vast majority of illegal aliens commit multiple felonies. In fact, the Social Security Administration and New York Times report that approximately 75 percent of illegal aliens have fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers which is a felony. The ACLU accepts this figure and uses it to show that illegal aliens pay payroll taxes.

    Furthermore, the Los Angeles Times reports that up to 8 million of 11.1 million (72 percent) illegal aliens commit job-related felonies. 

    Those are crimes that leftists don't typically prosecute.  But if a legal resident committed them, they would prosecuted.  Are you supportive of felony crimes being committed?  Do you think felony crimes should be prosecuted regardless of who commits the crime, or do you think we should show unlawful entrants favoritism?

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    jack quote   Sorry.  I'm old.

    Keep taking your Geritol so you might be able to think straight?    Most US citizens are incensed at what is happening at the US border and even the African Americans who were fool enough to Democrat are jumping up and down in New York and Chicago.    Low IQ people need to see the consequences of their foolish actions before they can realise that electing id-iots just because they are black or Hispanic is not a good idea.        
  • BarnardotBarnardot 553 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ;Low IQ people need to see the consequences of their foolish actions 

    I throughly agree with you there because what I have found is that low IQ people can be very dangerous. Because they only know half of what the truth is they tend to have a distorted and extreme view of what’s going on. And we know what extreme it’s get up to. 

    For example you get Red Necks here and Bogans in your country who have very low IQs and are not only very foolish but they are very dangerous indeed.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @jack ; Migration is OK when legal and vetted...what you progressive whore Biden is doing by opening our borders to illegal immigration en mass is treason...and the complete idiocy of your defunct political party.
  • jackjack 512 Pts   -  

    @jack ; Migration is OK when legal and vetted...what you progressive whore Biden is doing by opening our borders to illegal immigration en mass is treason.
    Hello Rickey:

    Ok.  So, whaddya do with the millions of 'em who're already here??  Gun 'em down?  Gas 'em?


  • jackjack 512 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Ok.  So, whaddya do with the millions of 'em who're already here??  Gun 'em down?  Gas 'em?


    Hello ex:

    There's millions of undocumented people already here, and there's millions more wanting to come here. Viewed through clear eyes, we ain't gonna deport 12 million people, and we ain't gonna stop the millions who want in.  

    So, if the border is the problem, let's get rid of the border by nationalizing the continent.. If America is what they want, let's bring America to them.   

    Is it gonna be easy??  Nahh..  Serious problems rarely are.

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    @jack ;   There's millions of undocumented people already here, and there's millions more wanting to come here. Viewed through clear eyes, we ain't gonna deport 12 million people, and we ain't gonna stop the millions who want in.  

    So, if the border is the problem, let's get rid of the border by nationalizing the continent.. If America is what they want, let's bring America to them.   

    What is it like, JacK?     Dancing with the fairies?  
  • jackjack 512 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    What is it like, JacK?     Dancing with the fairies?  
    Hello B:

    Got it..  That's what you won't do..  

    But, the question is, what WILL you do with the millions of undocumented already here.  Me thinks you have no answers - just complaints. 

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  

    What Trump said that he would do.  Deport them.    When that happens, then millions of genetically violence prone, low IQ people from third world shiitholes will stop trying to barge into the USA to make American into another third world shiithole like they have already done in France, Germany, Britain, and Sweden.     Immigration is the western world's biggest issue,today,  Jack.    Either the west stops importing dysfunctional people or our countries will become just as dysfunctional as the places that illegal the immigrants have fled from.    The portents are already there with crime, social disruption, and terrorism ever increasing.      The more that you equate anti immigrant forces as "Nazis", the more you are giving credit to the Nazis.     If the only people interested in defending the western world against it's destruction are "Nazis", then Nazism is going to make a big comeback.     As a Jew you should be worried about that?   Although, at the moment, the most vociferous anti Semites are the International Socialists, not the National Socialists. 
  • jackjack 512 Pts   -   edited April 28
    Bogan said:


    What Trump said that he would do.  Deport them.
    Hello B:

    Those are nice words, but they're pie in the sky..  Logistically speaking, how're ya gonna deport 12 million people?  Lemme help..  If we filled bus's with, say, 100 people each, it'll take 48,000 bus's.  Du*de.  Keep in mind the holocaust only killed 6 million people, and the Germans were very efficient killers.  And, you wanna deport 12 million people.  Du*de again..

    In the real world, where I live, how're ya gonna do that?  

    Besides, there wouldn't be anybody left to pick your tomatoes, clean your hotel rooms, babysit your children or wash your dishes..  Du*de.

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    Okay then.     Just let 12 million people dependent upon the US taxpayer for their livelihood stay and not only send you broke, but turn the USA into the sort of Sithole's they fled from.     South America is actually ricj=her in resources than North America.     What made the USA great was the quality of it's white people.    The 3 US states with the highest proportion of whites have (surprise, surprise) the lowest crime rates and the lowest incarceration rates.

    "Where did it all seem to go?
    when you don't know what you got till its' gone?"   

    Joni Mitchel. 
  • BarnardotBarnardot 553 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ;What made the USA great was the quality of it's white people.

    Sure thing. They had such quality that they treated the blacks worse than animals so they got free labor to make them great. That sure takes a lot of quality doesnt it?

  • jackjack 512 Pts   -   edited April 30
    Bogan said:

    Okay then.  Just let 12 million people dependent upon the US taxpayer for their livelihood stay 
    Hello B:

    You use the word "let", as though we have a choice..  Lemme say it again, from a logistical point of view, in the real world, we simply CANNOT, physically gather up 12 million people and throw them out..  To think we can is bonkers..

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @jack ; You see no difference because you're a blind, leftist, fool.
  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    @jack ;   You use the word "let", as though we have a choice..  Lemme say it again, from a logistical point of view, in the real world, we simply CANNOT, physically gather up 12 million people and throw them out..  To think we can is bonkers..

    Britain is "trying" it right now with their "Rwanda" solution and it is having an immediate effect.    Most of the totally useless African blacks and Arabs are now fleeing to Ireland, to make sure that they can't get sent to Rwanda.      Which has got the Micks up in arms against their own government, who the fo-ols elected.  The immigration of third world dysfunctionals into first world countries is now the number one election issue in Europe, Britain, Ireland and the USA.    Even US blacks are starting to figure out that more useless migrants means less welfare for them.   It is not as big a problem in Australia, as we are cut off from the rest of the world by the width of the Timor Sea, which most Australians wish was a lot wider.   If the USA is bonkers enough to vote the Dems into power again, the Dems will use their new imported foreign voters to stay in power forever, and the USA under the democrats  will become even more totalitarian than it already is.      So, you guys had better grow a brain and workout where your collective interests are, or you had better start learning Hispanic while it is still voluntary.    But I am sure that Trump will get re elected and you yanks will handle it in your "can do" attitude, which your people are famous for.  

  • ChewingTinFoilChewingTinFoil 33 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: No

    Hell no he doesn't want people to get any with doing illegal things dagnammit!
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