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Are Republicans America's Main Problem?

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Yes.  They are a threat to democracy.   For modern Republicans, democracy only works — and is only worth it — when and if they win.  Republicans have searched for multiple election cycles for the right vehicle and packaging for their white nationalism, religious nationalism, nativism, craven capitalism, and sexism.

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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 872 Pts   -  
    Just watch...Republicans will nominate a convicted for the presidency.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1132 Pts   -   edited May 31
    It is the Democrats who have a racism issue.  They were angry when the Supreme Court struct down the racist Affirmative Action policy that discriminated against whites and Asians for being white and Asian.  I'm sure Democrats think their racism is good racism, but its just racism.  Democrats have ignored how their AA policies have doubled the rate of drop out of Black students because they were placed in programs that they were not ready for the academic rigor, just so racist universities could virtue signal.  This past week, 

    'A Failed Medical School': How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA

    Democrats have supported racist DEI policies which discriminate on the basis of race in hiring, promotions, giving recognition, benefits, awards, scholarships, contracts and grants.  Democrats oppose equality and meritocracy. Instead they openly champion racism.  To do this they must reduce individuals to just an automaton of their race and ignore them as an individual.  This is blatant racism that many Democrats say is good racism.

    Democrats support discriminating against poor Black children trapped in bad Democrat controlled public schools from having educational freedom.  Instead of allowing Black children to go to a good voucher school, Democrats insist that these kids remained chained to public schools which have been bad for 50 or more years.  We all understand how keeping poor Black kids trapped in bad public schools helps teacher unions, and Democrat politicians, who get a lot of donations from teacher unions, but how does it help that poor Black child.

    Illegal labor costs young Black male workers the most.  Even Obama's own Civil Rights Commission on Illegal Immigration claimed that illegal labor costs the average Black worker between $1,000 - $,2000 a year in lost wages.  Yet, Democrats have ignored laws about illegal entry into the US and have made their cities sanctuaries where immigration laws are ignored.  Why is it just to steal $1,000 - 2,000 out of a Black man's wallet every year?  

    Even Bill Maher spoke out and addressed a lie that leftists say that conservatives are anti-Jewish.  He rightly pointed out that the vast amount of anti-Semitism is coming from the left in the US.  The left supports racist and bigoted BDS programs which target Jewish owned businesses in Israel, which are not targeting Palestinian owned businesses in the same neighborhoods.  This is targeted racism and bigotry and it is supported by Democrats.  

    Racism is so entrenched in the thinking and policies of Democrats that it is not an aberration, but a feature of who they are and what they support. 
  • jackjack 515 Pts   -   edited May 31

    Racism is so entrenched in the thinking and policies of Democrats that it is not an aberration, but a feature of who they are and what they support. 

    Hello just:

    Black voters remain largely aligned with the Democratic Party (83% identify with or lean to the Democrats), and 77% of Black registered voters say they would prefer to vote for Biden over Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

    For the longest time, I've heard right wing voters SAY that black people support right wingers MORE than they ever did.  The only problem with that, is that black voters don't agree.  And, if you really wanna be racist, you'd say black people don't really know what's best for them, and you do.


  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1132 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Racism is so entrenched in the thinking and policies of Democrats that it is not an aberration, but a feature of who they are and what they support. 

    Hello just:

    Black voters remain largely aligned with the Democratic Party (83% identify with or lean to the Democrats), and 77% of Black registered voters say they would prefer to vote for Biden over Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

    For the longest time, I've heard right wing voters SAY that black people support right wingers MORE than they ever did.  The only problem with that, is that black voters don't agree.  And, if you really wanna be racist, you'd say black people don't really know what's best for them, and you do.


    The percentage of Black voters who support the Democrat party has dropped dramatically over the last few election cycles and continues to drop.  And Democrats are freaking out about this.  Old-timer, you remember that after the social services bills of the 60's, Blacks largely switched to the Democrat party as a result of them, even though Democrats were the ones standing on the steps of public schools trying to keep Black kids out, and even though a far greater percentage of Democrats opposed the civil rights bills than did Republicans.

    Black support has largely been about service programs.  And Bidenflation and the Democrats aggressive anti-parent agenda and anti-school choice agenda has not set well with the Black community, which is as a whole, are less leftist on social issues, than the people they vote for.  Even a majority of Black adults oppose affirmative action policies for school admissions, yet racist Democrat politicians support them, claiming Blacks can't succeed without this form of racism.  
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ;  America's problem is the Atheist-Secular Humanist-Darwinist-Marxist-Progressive-Liberal-LGBTQ perverts-Abortionists.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 872 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Nah

    The problem is Republican douchebag$ like you. 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ; @ Joeseph  @Factfinder ; @21CenturyIconoclast It is the atheist, the servants of Satan, the Progressive-the Democrat-the Liberal-the Marxist that murder babies in the womb; proclaims liberty through vile sexual perversion via LGBTQ insanity; opens our border to hostile terrorists flooding into our Nation unvetted; initiate foreign wars to whore off the Military Industrial Complex; force our children to consume LGBTQ perversion; advocate for the sexual mutilation of our children through Trans demonism; destroy our economy through the insanity of Green Energy are all the dark fo-ols of Hell and you are to be loathed and rooted out like a vile snake. You are the unwashed armpit of our Nation.

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 216 Pts   -  

    THE BIBLE DUNCE RICKEYHOLTSCLAW'S HYPOCRITICAL QUOTE: "It is the atheist, the servants of Satan, the Progressive-the Democrat-the Liberal-the Marxist that murder babies in the womb"

    Since Rickey has shown this Religion Forum in how utterly BIBLE STU-PID he truly is, then he forgot that it is his JESUS AS GOD that murders innocent zygotes, fetus' and babies in the womb of drowning women in gods Great Flood! DUH!

    Furthermore, JESUS AS GOD takes great pleasure in aborting innocent life in the wombs of the women of Ephraim herewith:

    “The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, FOR THEIR CHILDREN WILL DIE AT BIRTH OR PERISH IN THE WOMB or never even be conceived. Even if your children survive to grow up, I will take them from you.  It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone.  I have watched Israel become as beautiful and pleasant as Tyre.  But now Israel will bring out her children to be slaughtered oh Lord. what should I request for your people? I will ask for the wombs that don’t give birth and breast that give no milk. The LORD says, "All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them.  I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions.  I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels.  The people of Israel are stricken.  THEIR ROOTS ARE DRIED UP; THEY WILL BEAR NO MORE FRUIT.  AND IF THEY GIVE BIRTH, I WILL SLAUGHTER THEIR BELOVED CHILDREN (Hosea 9:11-16)


  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @21CenturyIconoclast ;   Israel is currently under Judgment for disobedience, murder of their Messiah, rejection of the Gospel and the Great Commission (Romans 11:25) but Elohim will be faithful to Abraham and save a "remnant" during the Tribulation era as these will be proselytized by the 144,000 Jewish witnesses representing the 12-Tribes and they will enter the Millennial Kingdom and serve Yeshua there during His tenure. The adjudication, judgment, sentencing of the atheist will manifest immediately subsequent the Millennial Kingdom .... enjoy it.

  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    In Europe today, it is the young people who are turning right wing away from the crazy lefties who have ruined Europe.    Young people can look ahead at there own futures and while old leftists who never grew out of the Age of Aquarius sneer at the idea of The Great Replacement, European youth know that they will be the generation who will have to come to grips with a balkanised Europe hosting dysfunctional and unemployable minorities.    If Germany continues to slide economically, the young Germans will be wishing that der Fuhrer was back.  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1045 Pts   -  
    The main problem with American politics is idiots can’t separate party affiliation, religious affiliation and ideology from reality. Not all liberals are atheists, not all conservatives are religious, not any one or combination of the aforementioned is worth a dam if they can’t comprehend and vote on the issues.
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 216 Pts   -   edited June 5

     "America's problem is the Atheist-Secular Humanist-Darwinist-Marxist-Progressive-Liberal-LGBTQ perverts-Abortionists."

    What the majority of the membership doesn't see in Rickey's embarrassing behalf, is shown in the Religion Forum where ATHEISTS OWN HIM AND HIS CHRISTIANITY, where he is no way a TRUE Christian because he has to RUN AWAY from his primitive Bronze and Iron Age Bible as explicitly shown below:


    "But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4)

    1.  Rickey biblically accepts that Lot’s two daughters had ungodly incestuous sex with their father, and biblically this is okay with Jesus as god!

    2. Rickey through his bible accepts that if anyone tries to make him worship another god, then biblically he is to murder that person!

    3. Rickey thought his bible that he accepts that if his daughter is not a virgin upon her wedding night, then biblically he is to murder her along with others helping him!  

    4. Rickey biblically accepts that if his children do not follow his rules, then biblically he is to BEAT THEM WITH A ROD that leaves bruises!

    5. Ricky biblically accepts that if there are hard times, or for whatever reason, then biblically he could sell his daughter into slavery, praise Jesus!

    6. Rickey biblically accepts that his god Jesus biblically is an outright BRUTAL ABORTIONIST, and therefore he can’t attend Anti-Abortion Rallies because he would be a hypocrite!

    7. Rickey biblically accepts that his god's words say that his biblically 2nd class wife cannot speak in church, and is to just "STFU" when going to church!

    8. Rickey has to biblically accept that he has to HATE his family members, and his children, to be a disciple of Jesus, praise!

    9. Rickey through his bible accepts that if a Christian owns a slave, THEN JESUS SAYS they can BEAT THEM MERCILESSLY, praise Jesus!

    10. Rickey biblically accepts that if he sees a christian working on the Sabbath, then his bible says to murder them!

    11. Rickey biblically accepts that if your children curse him or their mother, then said child is to be put to death, praise Jesus!

    12. Rickey biblically accepts that his Jesus as god screwed up when creating mankind through INCESTUAL SEXUAL RELATIONS through family members!

    13. Rickey biblically without question, accepts that his second class wife's existence is to be ruled over by him because he is the superior man, praise Jesus!

    14. Rickey biblically accepts that if his wife helps him in a fight with another man, he is to cut off her hand for helping him, praise Jesus' disparaging words towards women!

    15. Rickey and his bible accepts that when his wife becomes a pain in the butt, Jesus' inspired words tell him to do the following, praise Jesus' words against women again!

    16.  Rickey has to biblically accept that his god Jesus DEMANDED his Jewish creation "EAT THEIR SONS AND DAUGHTERS AND NEIGHBORS!" Ewwwwwwww, bad Jesus!

    17. Rickey has to biblically accept that his Jesus as god said to him that he is to sell ALL of his possessions and give to the poor and needy, of which he has not done!

    18. Rickey through his bible accepts again, that his god Jesus says to "murder homosexuals" and where he cannot say Jesus is wrong in this respect!

    19. Rickey has to biblically accept the fact of how a Christian man is to seek out a 2nd class biblical woman for his wife, praise Jesus' examples!

    20. Rickey biblically accepts that his 2nd class wife is a loser and knows nothing and is the "weaker vessel" of their marriage, so says Jesus' inspired words as god!

    21. Rickey once again has to biblically accept that if he truly believes, he can pick up a "Rattle Snake," drink Drano, and heal a cancer patient, so saith Jesus as god!

    22. Rickey biblically accepts that his Jesus as god was into ungodly PEDOPHILIA! How sickening can Jesus get???!

    23.  Rickey biblically accepts that his Jesus assisted in the raping of innocent women!  Jesus is ever loving and forgiving? NOT!!!

    24. Rickey biblically accepts this time, in that his Jesus has a rape law that makes the woman that was raped to marry her rapist and have his baby!

    25. Rickey has to biblically accept again that his primitive Bronze and Iron Age faith is Christianity is based upon FEAR!

    26. Rickey outright biblically accepts that his primitive faith of Christianity preys upon innocent children that can be scared to death of their faith!

    27. Rickey unfortunately has to accept that his JESUS AS GOD MURDERED INNOCENT INFANTS AND SUCKLING BABIES, where how can he be considered ever loving and forgiving?!


  • BoganBogan 455 Pts   -  
    aaa.png 179.8K
  • theinfectedmastertheinfectedmaster 151 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Republicans are an extreme problem. They just want to control things.

    Republicans want to ban hormonal birth control, which is an absolute fundamental human right. People with uteruses are going to die under Republicans because if they have endometriosis and need birth control to be able to treat it, they won't be able to. Republicans also want to suppress voting rights as well as votes. They also want to ban gay rights, trans rights, and intersex rights, too. A lot of Republican politicians are banning gender affirming therapy for people under 18, as well as just wanting to ban gender affirming therapy completely. Trans people are going to possibly develop mental health issues, and commit suicide altogether. Republicans also want to ban gay marriage. They also have been making intersex people's names unrecognizable on their birth certificates, which intersex people obviously did not choose to be born the way they were. They have also been banning books and passing "Don't Say Gay" laws in place. They have also been doing a lot of non-free speech things, like making it defamation to call our someone on racism. This has happened in Florida before by the Republicans. They also have been stripping people of healthcare. This has happened in Florida, too. Republicans are just dictators.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1045 Pts   -  
    Republicans want to ban hormonal birth control, which is an absolute fundamental human right. People with uteruses are going to die under Republicans because if they have endometriosis and need birth control to be able to treat it, they won't be able to. Republicans also want to suppress voting rights as well as votes. They also want to ban gay rights, trans rights, and intersex rights, too. A lot of Republican politicians are banning gender affirming therapy for people under 18, as well as just wanting to ban gender affirming therapy completely. Trans people are going to possibly develop mental health issues, and commit suicide altogether. Republicans also want to ban gay marriage. They also have been making intersex people's names unrecognizable on their birth certificates, which intersex people obviously did not choose to be born the way they were. They have also been banning books and passing "Don't Say Gay" laws in place. They have also been doing a lot of non-free speech things, like making it defamation to call our someone on racism. This has happened in Florida before by the Republicans. They also have been stripping people of healthcare. This has happened in Florida, too. Republicans are just dictators.
    You've made several emotional assertions, I'm afraid I will need sources as I'm republican and do not support what you contend.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6210 Pts   -   edited June 7

    Well, you are not a true Republican then! That is how it works, right? ;)

    On a more serious note, that is the problem with making general statements like "group X wants": unless not only every single member of that group wants that, but, in fact, one of the group's explicit goals is achievement of that want, this statement is going to be wrong.
    Ironically, people who make such statements about the groups they dislike - become very-very edgy when similar statements are made about the groups they see as victimized. Imagine their reaction to the following statement: "Women want to be housewives".

    Close to 50% of registered voters are Republicans. We are talking about over 100 million people here. I would be wary of making any ideological statements about a room of 10 people, let alone 100 million...
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  

    Dems, fearing a trump return, fear that along with Roe v. Wade, a woman´s right to contraception is in danger of being repealed. Republicans believe this is a state´s right now, not a federal right which puts contraception in jeopardy as Roe v. Wade was jeopardized. So wait, now the 50 states have the right to decide on what women can do with their bodies? You mean they leave the decision up to the states that have a total ban on abortion with NO exceptions for RAPE and INCEST? You mean those states will make the decision for women. This is one example only.
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  

    All the assertions made by the InfectedMaster are true. If you are interested, which you should be, look them all up. I´ve made the mistake here several times of researching things carefully and posting proof and citings - which nobody reads.
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  

    Gay marriage? You bet they will criminalize it. Again, look it up. Look up Project 2025 - a nearly 1000 page manifesto on what a new trump administration is doing. Marriage between a woman and man is clearly stated in there along with abolishing the Dept. of Education AND elevating the position of presidency from the DOJ giving more power to the president.
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder @InfectedMaster

    InfectedMaster understands and reads about the republican agenda. All assertions are correct and apparently all mentioned are what Americans are concerned about. Really? Banning gay marriage? Is that what will make America Great Again? Really? Taking away a woman´s right to have contraception for either preventing pregnancy or alleviating other health problems. THAT´S what will make America Great Again? REally? Abolishing the Dept. of Education? Parlaying taxes to go to private schools (taking from public schools) so only the wealthy can afford schools for children. Really? THAT´S what will Make America Great Again? Let´s call it what it is. The New Republican Party under Trump - hate - that´s all they got.
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  

    Your arguing about about authoritarianism while complaining about a decision going back to the states. Do you understand how backwards that is?
  • BarnardotBarnardot 556 Pts   -  
    @Delilah6120 ;InfectedMaster understands and reads about the republican agenda.

    Isnt it odd how come you know some one so well who got kicked off

    I´ve made the mistake here several times of researching things carefully and posting proof and citings - which nobody reads.

    Because the proofs and citings that you care fully post are a load of extreme incorrect crap and no body in there right mind would even bother to read any way.

  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: @Barnadot @MichaelElpers @Factfinder

    I've had discussions with republicans on here who seem unaware of what is going on behind the scenes regarding Trump. Please skim through the manifesto

    Right off the bat. 

    "If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, ...
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Your arguing about about authoritarianism while complaining about a decision going back to the states. Do you understand how backwards that is?

    @MichaelElpers ;

    In 1973, the Court determined in Roe v. Wade that the U.S. Constitution protects a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.

    I'd say taking women back 50 years is backwards wouldn't you?

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1132 Pts   -  
    @MichaelElpers ;

    In 1973, the Court determined in Roe v. Wade that the U.S. Constitution protects a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.

    I'd say taking women back 50 years is backwards wouldn't you?

    I get that you have a particular view point on the killing of innocent human lives.  Even the pro-kill-the-baby justices on the Supreme Court have commented on Roe being a badly crafted judicial decision. 

    Abortion is an issue about 2 competing interests, the progenitor's interests, and her unborn baby girl's interests.  I personally, think killing innocent unborn baby girls is backwards.  To do so, one must conclude that she is in some sense less human than others.  Often I have heard abortion supporters say the child is not alive or she is just a fetus, as if that were some kind of alien life form, rather than a state of human development.  At other times I have heard subjective arguments that seek to devalue her humanity claiming she is not human because of her size, location, appearance, ability to survive without assistance, or her mental abilities.  Hypocritically, those that are pro-baby-killing do not apply those same standards to humans who are outside of the womb.  A common argument is that an unborn baby girl is not conscious, so it is OK to slaughter her.  Yet, these same individuals will not suggest that someone who is in a temporary coma can be killed legally.  What is backwards is that those who want to kill that unborn baby girl, are denying her humanity in an effort to rationalize their desire to kill her.
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Your arguing


    THIS is authoritarianism. I urge you to read up on Project 2025 Michael. Your boy Trump wants to be King.


    Project 2025’s goals for staffing the next GOP presidency reflect Trump’s idea to gut civil service staff and replace them with potentially tens of thousands of MAGA loyalists. The New York Times describes this plot for a second Trump administration as an “expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government” that would reshape “the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.”

    • One of the key elements of Project 2025’s administrative goals is to reinstate the executive order known as Schedule F. This would reclassify thousands of federal employees as “at-will” workers and give the administration the ability to fire employees who don’t agree with or follow the extremist policies suggested by Project 2025. [PBS, 8/29/23]
    • Project 2025 has created a training “academy” for potential employees of the next administration, which “provides aspiring appointees with the insight, background knowledge, and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government.” The goal of the training, which currently consists of four online courses on subjects such as “Conservative Governance 101” and “The Administrative State & The Regulatory Process,” is “to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day One of the next conservative Administration.” [Project 2025 Presidential Administration Academy, accessed 3/18/24]
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  

    Pro baby killers? Is that the language of Trumpism?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    Republicans, Conservatives, MAGA, Patriots are the only hope America has for sustainability. You arrogant and mindless liberals, democrats, progressives, Marxists, baby murderers, vile sexual perverts....are America's death. You are horrible people.

  • JoesephJoeseph 830 Pts   -  

    Christian right wing evangelicals are Americas biggest problem,  examples abound on here as in @just-sayin and @RickeyHoltsclaw such that christian author Obery Hendricks has written a searing criticism of their lunacy and states " they are the very antithesis of the message of Jesuse Christ" 

    Decent American christians will have nothing to do with nuts like just sayin and holtstsclaw and their rabid homphobia , poorly veiled racism and sucking up to big business , in fact decent American christians don't believe people like just sayin and holtsclaw are christian .......I agree.
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  

    "In 1973, the Court determined in Roe v. Wade that the U.S. Constitution protects a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.

    I'd say taking women back 50 years is backwards wouldn't you?"

    First off, it didnt do that blanketly.
    Quote from roe "person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception."

    Next, taking back rights 50 years is a matter of perspective.  Less for women more for fetuses.  When we ended slavery that removed rights of slave owners hundreds of years. This is not a particularly good argument.

    What is a fact is the decision moved the decision from federal a higher authority to individual states a lower authority.  This is my point.

    Finally many scholars even those that are pro choice found roe to be a poorly decided decision with little constitutional basis.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1132 Pts   -  

    Pro baby killers? Is that the language of Trumpism?
    Well, I always like to identify someone for what they are for, rather than what they are against.  If you prefer anti-lifers  I'll call you that instead.  In discussions about abortion it is my observation that those who support the killing of innocents, never acknowledge that abortion kills an innocent human life.  There focus is solely on the interests of the progenitor and they minimize or deny the harm done to the child, which loses her life in an abortion.
  • jackjack 515 Pts   -   edited June 10

    The percentage of Black voters who support the Democrat party has dropped dramatically over the last few election cycles and continues to drop..
    Hello again, just:

    It's true.  Black voters ARE more conservative than they ever were, but they'll NEVER support a racist like Trump.  So, there's no place for them to go except the Democrats. 

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ;
    That's because you're an ignorant liberal in the UK and you have no sense of patriotism, honor, dignity, pride in're a liberal, progressive, useless atheist.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6210 Pts   -  
    I've had discussions with republicans on here who seem unaware of what is going on behind the scenes regarding Trump. Please skim through the manifesto

    Right off the bat. 

    "If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, ...
     I have read some of the material on the website and have not found anything scary there. What should I be looking for?
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @Delilah6120 ; Project 2025 is a Progressive ruse to motivate the fools of society to vote Democrat in November.

    What kind of a "woman" advocates for the murder of babies in the womb?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1045 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    The percentage of Black voters who support the Democrat party has dropped dramatically over the last few election cycles and continues to drop..
    Hello again, just:

    It's true.  Black voters ARE more conservative than they ever were, but they'll NEVER support a racist like Trump.  So, there's no place for them to go except the Democrats. 

    You know, if you think about it it that's not really not something to brag about.
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  

    "In 1973, the Court determined in Roe v. Wade that the U.S. Constitution protects a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.

    I'd say taking women back 50 years is backwards wouldn't you?"

    First off, it didnt do that blanketly.
    Quote from roe "person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception."

    Next, taking back rights 50 years is a matter of perspective.  Less for women more for fetuses.  When we ended slavery that removed rights of slave owners hundreds of years. This is not a particularly good argument.

    What is a fact is the decision moved the decision from federal a higher authority to individual states a lower authority.  This is my point.

    Finally many scholars even those that are pro choice found roe to be a poorly decided decision with little constitutional basis.

    So, it's a matter of perspective? Rights are taken from women. More rights are given to fetuses. Two ways to look at that. 1) A living woman's rights must supercede those of the fetus because the woman is actually living and viable or 2) The potential life of a fetus' rights must supercede a woman's rights because .... what ... a fetus is not yet living or viable so the fetus should have more rights? 

    Look, it was legal to own another human being pre civil war. But let's distinguish between legality and morality shall we? Pre civil war times, slave-owning rights were just a product of the laws and the social norms of the time. The Thirteenth Amendment ended the right to own slaves. Why? Because they understood it was inherently immoral and unjust. Inherently immoral and unjust. I fully support Oliver Wendell Jones, SCJ, who said (not verbatim) .... I believe the Constitution was written to change with changing society.

    The Civil Rights Act, 1964 and Voting Rights Act, 1965 were both federal laws that overrode state laws - the very same state laws that enforced segregation and voter suppression. (As a sidebar, I'm tempted to bet you that the Voting Rights Act will be next on the chopping block for republicans by using doublespeak of the conservative SCJ). Why the need for both these acts? Because the state laws were found to be inherently immoral and unjust. The same is true for the Affordable Care Act which is a federal initiative - the goal being to expand healthcare for ALL citizens. Why? Because states that voted against medicaid left millions of Americans without access to affordable healthcare which affects not only the individuals w/o insurance, but all of society.

    Perhaps the question all Americans should be asking now is: What happened to morality? What happened to ethics? Is it time to enact further amendments to our Constitution that uphold morality and ethics instead of controlling others?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6210 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Hello again, just:

    It's true.  Black voters ARE more conservative than they ever were, but they'll NEVER support a racist like Trump.  So, there's no place for them to go except the Democrats. 

    I know quite a few black people who are likely to vote for Trump. I suspect that you do not really hang out with black people, so you hold a caricature of them in your mind as some kind of meaningful group with a hive mind. You identity politicians tend to be very racist when it comes to these things.

    There are roughly 42 million black people in the US. These are 42 million unique minds each of which has their own preference, and each of which has their own opinion on Trump's alleged racism. To you, of course, they are all the same stereotypical "person of color", no? ;)
  • jackjack 515 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

    I know quite a few black people who are likely to vote for Trump. I suspect that you do not really hang out with black people, so you hold a caricature of them in your mind as some kind of meaningful group with a hive mind. You identity politicians tend to be very racist when it comes to these things.

    Hello May:

    Have I mentioned lately that you're simply a disagreeable person??  If not, you're simply a disagreeable person.

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1132 Pts   -  
    I feel woke racism is a much greater threat to the US than any policy being pushed by the Republicans.  The woke truly believe that the racism that they support is good racism.  They feel that it is OK to favor or discriminate against someone due to their race in admissions, hiring, promotions, recognitions, awards, grants, and contracts.  Certainly diversity is a good thing.  However, justice is even a better thing than diversity.  If someone is mugged by a group that contains whites, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQQTIA+, American Indian, Pacific Islanders, aboriginals, and disabled persons, we could marvel at the diversity of the mob, but that would not diminish the fact that a mugging occurred, which is an unjust action. 

    DEI programs are often either openly or under the table programs designed to prefer some people and discriminate against others.  These are inherently unjust.  For example the racist admission policies that Harvard and  UNC had resulted in many Asians and whites who merited acceptance being rejected.  Further, research from Duke suggests that racist affirmative action policies contribute to the high drop out rate of Blacks, and to a lesser extent Hispanics from institutions that have discriminatory policies.  Placing a Black student in a program they are not ready for the academic rigor of, sets them up for failure.  It has been shown that being in the bottom quintile of your academic class results in significantly higher drop out rates.  Studies on affirmative action and passing the bar exam for lawyers have shown that Black students who were the beneficiaries of AA were much more likely to not pass the bar even after 6 attempts.  

    In contrast, HBCUs only represent 3 percent of all four-year nonprofit institutions but enroll 10 percent of all Black students. They also confer 15 percent of bachelor's degrees and 25 percent of STEM bachelor's degrees received by Black Americans.  These schools have greater results, in part, because they do not employ discriminatory AA policies.  

    No one should be discriminated against because of their race, no matter how much the woke argue that it is good to discriminate.  I see this election very much about whether forms of racism such as DEI will flourish or whether they will be eliminated and people will be viewed as individuals and not judged because of their racial group.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ;  Republicans are the only ones who support sustainable norms, mores, values, ethics, that under gird our Constitutional Republic.

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -   edited June 13

    The fetus is viable inside the natural environment it was created to develope in.  If it was viable in the same way as you and I it would drown/die.  The fact the fetus means must be already living.

    I find your perspective on reversing voting rights act reversal unfounded.

    The rest of your perspective is actually quite different from your fellow members of the left.  Many left individuals have nearly completely opposed your view morals playing a component in law. Often stating "Your morality or any other religious morals should play no role in law as they are all subjective". 
    Im skeptical you used this argument as justification because it works for you in a few instances you named however if the majority of a nation was Christian you would not expect laws to be equivalent to a Christian ethic.

    Just for clarification you believe a simple majority on a set of morals should change constitutional laws currently enshrined in the constitution.

    What happened to morality, ethics, etc.  Id say the social left destroyed them by erasing any moral standards and objectivity that may be deemed offensive to any collective.  No longer the truth, its my truth.

    I have a feeling this may devolve into a philisophical discussion on ethics and I dont want to do that.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6210 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    MayCaesar said:

    I know quite a few black people who are likely to vote for Trump. I suspect that you do not really hang out with black people, so you hold a caricature of them in your mind as some kind of meaningful group with a hive mind. You identity politicians tend to be very racist when it comes to these things.

    Hello May:

    Have I mentioned lately that you're simply a disagreeable person??  If not, you're simply a disagreeable person.

    Perhaps, but in the context of the debate what kind of person I am is completely irrelevant. Your argument is wrong, both logically and empirically, and me being disagreeable does not affect the merit of me pointing it out.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1045 Pts   -  
    jack said:
    MayCaesar said:

    I know quite a few black people who are likely to vote for Trump. I suspect that you do not really hang out with black people, so you hold a caricature of them in your mind as some kind of meaningful group with a hive mind. You identity politicians tend to be very racist when it comes to these things.

    Hello May:

    Have I mentioned lately that you're simply a disagreeable person??  If not, you're simply a disagreeable person.

    Struck a nerve did he? @Jack
  • maxxmaxx 1149 Pts   -  
    anericas main problem is people blaming everyone else aside from them selves for the problems of america. @JulesKorngold
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 196 Pts   -  
    @maxx ;  Atheism...the absence of Jesus in one's life, is the main problem in America.
  • RexTheDogRexTheDog 19 Pts   -   edited June 13
    Argument Topic: Republicans are Americas solution

    John Gotti
  • RexTheDogRexTheDog 19 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Republicans are Americas solution to waste management

     I'd say republicans are Americas solution, when we think of the two sides as contrast we find most, not all but certainly a majority of democrat's are acting in a willfully ignorant way towards the policy making of their supposedly freely elected government, headed up by a clearly demented old man. think about that for a second, if old joe wakes up in the middle of the night in a demented state phones the general in charge of nukes and say go then the world ends, the whole world, for everybody. now we look to the republican front man The Don a rich kid delinquent with enough money and power to take on the entire auratus of deep state and enough bad blood to dish out quite a justified revenge in his policy making, Trump shows little sign of aging difficulty likely down to his Mormon like diet of no smoking or alcohol with a side of McDonalds being called donald him self, what a rare name 'Donald' last guy called Donald in government gave the stand-down order to f16 jets reedy to intercept 9/11.

    The Don is a man who has had so much mud flung at him and made so little of it stick he would remind you of a young John Gotti the way he swaggers around beating trial after trial, only thing they've got him on being womanizing's which incase you didn't know is the primal urge in all men, women are less 'intolerant' of less attractive men with lots of money at hand to buy them things, thus these court cases center around 'victims' seeking substantial payouts rather than simple justice, not exactly what feminism was founded on. Democrats are left to wonder what it is that attracts people in their millions to the republican party and world view, they miss the cultural aspect of republicanism, the ideal being: "The power of government is held by the people. The people give power to leaders they elect to represent them and serve their interests. The representatives are responsible for helping all the people in the country, not just a few people." ( this is seen right through republican culture, at face value the headlines paint a slack jawed yokel in reality the republican culture is vibrant and alive, from mommas country kitchen table with matching wooden cabinets and a pantry full of local produce, in to the halls of the Christian church where gossip is shared business deals are cut, dinners arranged, evenings filed with in-person interaction and entertainment  out on to the decks of lively towns and smaller cities, in the bars, on the campus playing fields all the way up to the republican party level where we find opposing views argued and debated publicly, love interest scandal's frequent and closeted homosexuals feeling free to come out republican in the face of the tearing apart of their own culture by the rest of the alphabet of mental illness, its here we find trump unironically dancing to YMCA.

    Speakers are voted in, then out then in, members rising and falling as they are felt up at a play or outted cause their whole life is a has been a lie (looking at you Santos) all is as it should be in republican land, the free land, the homeland.

    now lets take a look out to the arid wasteland that is democrat run America, oh carful not to step in the human feces, oh needle there, duck bullets'? I thought we where against guns? oh is a street take over cultural thing oh ok, ah and Joe has invited 3rd world migrants in without an ID check? wow what a hive of cultural activity we are shal we check out the homeless markets I was hoping to by an apple but Walmart pulled out of the city and I cant buy in bulk at the Costco cause I haven't got a farms worth of intergenerational wealth cause nobody taught me to be a real man, wow this homeless market is like a tech hub, that pitch got a jacuzzi and a sultans tent? look over here they've got the entire target aisle shelves, carts and all. No check and balances have allowed democrat's to effectively ruin large swathes of once free, liberal and even democratic enclaves in the country such as Cali and San Fran in to the ground, New York has went to the dogs too and these are large population centers with millions of Americans in them, some parts could be described as open air prison camps.

    The only way to question the logic behind the madness is to go through  Karine Jean-Pierre whos lies are so painfully unevidenced even she is starting to look dejected by it all, she's a long way from her smiley happy first day each new crevice on her forehead like a scar that has cut in to her soul and removed the very essence of life itself from her bones, she I believe would be a lot happier if she where to arrive home after a hard days lying to a home cooked meal by her loving 'whom ever is playing her husbands role in their relationship', even if it where just acting out the republican life for the comfort of it, the way in which republicans view the world is complemented by the way they choose to live their lives, this simple easy going life style is attractive to young people seeking logic and reason in the society they chose to dwell in.

    In closing Republicans are the solution at this time in Americas history however it is important for those who are not republican to have a sense of identity also, a place they can put their energy in that is not screwing them over at every turn, Democrats need to go permanently, their replacements should try to represent  more of the positive qualities of being left leaning such as mixed socialist and capitalist's policies social safety nets, healthcare and workers rights designed to help all rather than only some as democrats do when they select the most afflicted smallest minority to offer assistance and help to over the vast majority. running on a policy of 'we will abort more babies than they will' is not a winning plan in any civilized or normal society, its something you would expect from ancient Incan cultures before the Europeans attempted to civilize them. The left should set to recovering their knowledge base from European style free thinking and freedoms, revert to Tolstoy and Marx remembering this time around not to take it so far as to leave us on the edge of ww3 because surly we know now full socialism eventually ends in a hand full of greedy aristocratic elites having everything the rest having the scraps from their table, this is where we are exactly now. For those on the left of a thinking persuasion take a good hard look at republican life and think to yourself what's better The Roseanne Barr show Life? or Modern Family Life if your a that 70's show fan instead Wisconsin isn't want is was back then, and spoiler hide turned out to be a crazy rapist scientologist in the end, Kunis was very under age for Kutcher, and by all accounts Eric is not that nice to work with, who was the real star? Red Forman the most republican man surrounded by what are clearly democrats taking over his way of life, lot of lessons in that show, I like to think Red would have actually stormed the capitol if given the chance, and to protect his ungrateful democrat family no-less, Mrs. Forman wouldn't be caught up in some gas station brawl over a dollar, she'd be at home, backing cookies for her ungrateful democrat family I've veered off this is a whole other debate for another time
  • Delilah6120Delilah6120 44 Pts   -  

    The fetus is viable inside the natural environment it was created to develope in.  If it was viable in the same way as you and I it would drown/die.  The fact the fetus means must be already living.

    A fetus is considered viable if it has reached a stage of development where it is able to live outside of its mother’s womb. It is not viable inside the environment it was created to develop in. I have never heard or read that the fetus is viable inside the natural environment it was created to develop in. I may be interpreting your statement about drowning incorrectly. Are you saying that the fetus IS viable because it's not drowning in the womb? If so, the fetus doesn't rely on its lungs for oxygen in that stage of development. It gets all it needs from the placenta and umbilical cord. It gets oxygenated blood through the placenta. That is science. It is not religion.

    I find your perspective on reversing voting rights act reversal unfounded.

    I believe that the new republican party is working on a methodical stripping of Constitutional rights they simply cannot adapt to. I believe it is their strategy to strip Constitutional rights and parlay control to states; perhaps to eventually strip them completely.  I also believe this is in response to how liberal it seems America has become which I believe also - but I'll take inclusivity over exclusivity any day of the week. Both sides are extreme and both sides react to this in different ways. The "left" seems to be adopting more liberal policies to push back on the "right" being unable to adapt to change. Regardless, the new republicans have seized the moment and taken control with the 9 conservative SCJs ruling. Abortion rights, contraception rights, gay marriage rights... and voting rights could be on the chopping block also. Well, it is just my perspective - and how did I arrive at that? I could, but won't go any further than the obvious first - the majority of Trump supporters say the election was stolen from Trump. They appear to be way out of touch with reality and simply cannot accept defeat let alone reality (like their leader). It seems they will do just about anything to maintain control (like their leader) including denying that trump lost and conceding that the "Libs" won.

    The rest of your perspective is actually quite different from your fellow members of the left.  Many left individuals have nearly completely opposed your view morals playing a component in law. Often stating "Your morality or any other religious morals should play no role in law as they are all subjective". 
    Im skeptical you used this argument as justification because it works for you in a few instances you named however if the majority of a nation was Christian you would not expect laws to be equivalent to a Christian ethic.

    I have many non supporters of trump and I cannot say that they have no morals - just the opposite. They question the morality of many Trump supporters. You may believe that morality is dependent on religious beliefs. While religion CAN play a role in morality, it is not necessarily dependent on one's religious beliefs. One thing my non Trump supporting friends are in agreement on. Many religious people have the propensity to be quite hypocritical. I tend to believe that dependency or over-reliance on religion can inhibit the exploration of critical thinking and finding other means to solve problems without subscribing to - or reciting bible passages. Not sure if I'm getting this right, but are you saying that morality exists only because of Christianity?

    Just for clarification you believe a simple majority on a set of morals should change constitutional laws currently enshrined in the constitution.

    It appears that some of our absolute Constitutional rights are being downgraded in importance by many of the new republican party that seem to be unable to adapt to what they don't agree with. Before the Constitution, many STATE laws were seen as immoral and unjust. That was my point. The adoption of the Constitution was created to override the unfairness and immorality of the decisions that individual states made. The Constitution and its amendments were an effort to create a more just and equitable legal framework and to keep absolute rights in place. This is, and will always be a work in progress. Republicans and the Trump-supported SCJs seem hellbent on going backwards by stripping our Constitutional rights, downgrading their importance and weakening their absolute protection. We are going backwards - we are devolving.

    What happened to morality, ethics, etc.  Id say the social left destroyed them by erasing any moral standards and objectivity that may be deemed offensive to any collective.  No longer the truth, its my truth.

    I believe it's more complex than just blaming one political faction. I do not know the answer but have my observations. I'm 70. In all my years I have NEVER witnessed such turmoil in America - NEVER - until trump. You may say ... how can one man be responsible? I'll say this and I'll mean it. Hitler was one man only.

    I have a feeling this may devolve into a philisophical discussion on ethics and I dont want to do that.

    I don't believe a philosophical discussion is such a bad thing. Respond or not. It is your choice.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6210 Pts   -  

    Now this is what I call a quality comment! :+1:A breath of fresh air around here. I might disagree with a lot of what you said, but you clearly have put a lot of thought into this.

    Something that came to my mind while reading your thoughts is the peculiar property of humans to double down on learned behaviors, as opposed to questioning them. This applies both to individuals, and to systems built by large collectives of individuals. For some strange reason self-correction is not favored by complex systems such as living organisms or organizations. We have seen countless governments and large companies become slow, obese and corrupt, and instead of performing periodic cleaning of the system, they will keep putting more and more trash in until something gives in... Then a sudden realization comes, "Guys, what we have been doing for decades is not working; let's shake things up!" And then it all happens again.

    Same in individual lives. A very typical case is someone's failure to get into shape. One day they wake up, feel horrible, look in the mirror and get disgusted, and suddenly think, "How did I let it come to this? Time to fix my life!" They start exercising, adopt a healthy diet, quit drinking, read a lot of self-health books... In a few months they are a different person. And then complacency comes: "Hey, I have been pushing very hard, and I am actually quite pleased with where I am right now. Time to relax and reap the benefits!" They gradually reduce the amount of exercise, start indulging in a little too much sugar and alcohol... Until a year later they wake up, feel horrible, look in the mirror and get disgusted...

    Constant self-reflection is absolutely necessary for any system to thrive in the long run. It is not enough to realize that there is a problem and do a sprint towards solving it: one has to realize that there is a bigger problem - a metaproblem - of things falling apart if they are not constantly cleaned and maintained, and then adopt a set of habits that prevent the system from ever decaying.
    I think that I have done it quite well. I have probably skipped a total of less than 20 days of exercise over the past 4 years, my diet has not degraded, I am consistently getting high quality sleep and read self-improvement books almost daily. But it was preceded by nearly 20 years of back and forth, of starting to get my life in order, then letting it fall apart.

    Something like this has to be a part of any organization, especially a government. It is not enough to just have the Constitution, checks and balanced, and voting. There has to be some cleaning mechanism as well, making sure that the number of laws and regulations remains low, politicians are held accountable, and abuses of power are prevented. Perhaps have the fourth branch of power - "Disposal" - whose only function is to clean the mess up. It can fire public employees that do not deliver, abolish laws and regulations that are not found to be absolutely necessary, and prosecute corrupt and dishonest politicians. Every day a bunch of people come together and ask themselves, "How can we make the government smaller and more transparent today?
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