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I want to vote for President Trump when he runs for re-election, can you change my mind?

Debate Information

Trump is strong on the abortion issue, Israel, religious liberty, he should defund Planned Parenthood, gun rights (I'm progun now), and his Right To Try Act helps to preserve human life. I am just so tired of the leftist attacks on human rights.Trump is an arrogant man, but so are liberals, and i just don't want blood on my hands. If liberals would join the centrists, I would vote for them. Abortion is murder, and it takes a human life. It is not necessary anymore, with birth control and CONSENSUAL sterilization. Babies have the right to NOT be torn to pieces. That is disgusting. Have a nice day!

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  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    Trump is strong on the abortion issue, Israel, religious liberty, he should defund Planned Parenthood, gun rights (I'm progun now), and his Right To Try Act helps to preserve human life. I am just so tired of the leftist attacks on human rights.Trump is an arrogant man, but so are liberals, and i just don't want blood on my hands. If liberals would join the centrists, I would vote for them. Abortion is murder, and it takes a human life. It is not necessary anymore, with birth control and CONSENSUAL sterilization. Babies have the right to NOT be torn to pieces. That is disgusting. Have a nice day!

    "Trump is strong on religious liberty"

    Yes. Because nothing sounds like supporting religious liberty than shoving bible studies in public schools.

    That sounds like something from Iran or Saudi Arabia, both are known for forcing religion on people.

    The U.S is suppose to be secular, and Church and State are separated, which Trump is ignoring (oh, and people are saying he isn't a real Christian, and is only appealing to his main supporters. Like the lair he is)

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6210 Pts   -  
    Abortion is a non-issue used by politicians to divert the voters' attention from their party's shortcomings.

    But back to the topic. I cannot vote, but if I could, then a couple of years ago I would say that I would never vote for someone like Trump. Now, however, I see what kind of people are emerging on the opposite side. Democrats are turning into full-on socialists, giving platform to authoritarian people who just a few years ago would not have been taken seriously.
    They are now seriously suggesting that the primaries are going to be won by a woman who believes that private health insurance industry should be abolished, and that senators must be forced to look at horrific pictures before voting on certain issues. This is pretty much as un-American as it can get.

    Trump is a pretty terrible president. But when the choice is between him and those who seek to destroy the most fundamental freedoms Americans have, I will choose him every time. 

    In my opinion, whatever your reasons, if you vote for him over horrible people like Warren or Harris, then you will do this country a service. Better yet, in the Republican primaries vote for a reasonable candidate. Trump is not the only person in the US agreeing with you on the mentioned issues, you know.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    I'm still waiting to see, and or hear about a court case, where religion is found guilty of a crime, along with the criminal being found guilty of the same crime, along with the offender.

    I wonder when someone from the anti religious crowd, might file a lawsuit, to protest these words?

    "I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. [So help me God.]"

  • @TKDB ;
    Didn't you leave out to the best of my ability?
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  

    I cannot vote for a President who: 
    Insults and destroys the faith of our allies.
    Lies EVERY time he speaks, over 8000 proven lies, many told over and over.
    Professes to be a Christian just to get votes while he reneged on donations TO them over and over.
    Who only went to church to get married several times.
    Who has NO respect for women, especially if they seem to be "tinted".
    Who puts cruel, authoritarian dictators on pedestals while he denigrates those who have stood by U.S. for years.
    Holds secret meetings with Putin and Kim, and others where there is NO record of what is said or agreed to!
    Raises the National Debt a $Trillion a year with NO REASON. 
    Pits religions and countries against each other, apparently, just because he CAN.
    Covers up and justifies murders committed by dictatorial leaders (Because they are valuable, monetarily, to him).
    Embarrasses our country daily.
    Believes people like Putin over our own intelligence and security professionals.
    Pays NO attention to the "actual" majority of our country, just his "base".
    Spreads racial hatred and upholds white supremacist rhetoric like it is meaningless.
    Supports voter suppression around … the WORLD, actually.
    Does everything he can to destroy the environment to enrich unscrupulous "friends" in mining, oil.
    Doesn't give a DAMN about "the peoples" health care … if you can afford it, good! If you can't, DIE!

    Well, that's enough for NOW.   Later.

  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    TKDB said:

    I'm still waiting to see, and or hear about a court case, where religion is found guilty of a crime, along with the criminal being found guilty of the same crime, along with the offender.

    How many times do I need to explain this!?!?

    Many people have already told why this argument is flawed!

    But, you keep ignoring it, and going off topic so time to do the usual Off topic N.E.X.T.!

    I wonder when someone from the anti religious crowd, might file a lawsuit, to protest these words?

    Off topic N.E.X.T.!

    "I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. [So help me God.]"

    Who knew a debate about trump would turn into one of your anti-atheist debates

  • McSlothMcSloth 35 Pts   -  

    Democrats are "giving platform to authoritarian people ... " ? Mind giving us some names ? 
  • McSlothMcSloth 35 Pts   -  

    You don't understand just how important Planned Parenthood is do you? Abortions make up about 3% (3.4 % to be exact) of the total services that Planned Parenthood provided from 2016 - 2017. The other 97% includes things like STI testing and treatment, free or low cost contraceptives, pregnancy tests, etc. I imagine everyone, no matter which side of the spectrum you fall on, would agree that these services are of extreme value and should continue. Just take in account that Planned Parenthood provided contraceptives for 1,870,664 women between 2016 and 2017, just think for a moment what would have happened if those women had not had access to those contraceptives and how many more women would have been left seeking abortion services after unwanted pregnancies. If Planned Parenthood was defunded, you would not see the number of women seeking abortions go down, instead you would undoubtedly see that number rise. You're essentially arguing for an action that is going to cause the thing you dislike to happen more often. This is the problem with calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, because for the most part, you probably agree with 97% of what Planned Parenthood does, its just 3% that you have a problem with. I disagree with a percentage of what the military does each year, but you don't see me calling for the defunding of the military, because I'm able to recognize the value of the other 98% of what the military does each year. 

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6210 Pts   -   edited February 2019

    Bernie Sanders, who nearly won the DNC primaries-2016. He has been attacking the free market ideas since all the way back to 60-s, when he was on the Soviet payroll. One of his most popular proposals on the campaign was to dismantle the US banking system. His ideas were so crazy, that even a number of European leaders went forward to say that he does not understand how the European model works, and his description of the Nordic countries is misleading.
    Kamala Harris, who has proposed abolishing the entire private insurance industry, is considered by many prominent Democrats to be the most likely presidential candidate from the Democratic party on the election-2020, and is routinely speaking on major DNC-sponsored events.
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is used by many as the icon of the "new left" and who was supported by many leading Democrats, such as Bernie Sanders or Nancy Pelosi, explicitly. She routinely makes extreme attacks on the individual property rights, suggesting "taxing the rich by 70%" and routinely talking about defining people's rights from the perspective of their "privilege".
    Elizabeth Warren, one of the oldies who recently radicalised. Her annual 2% levy tax on the rich idea was denounced even by very pro-interventionism economists, who stated that any tax on the static capital is a horrible idea. Her "Accountable Capitalism Act" idea is an economical monstrosity that has no place in a society pretending to be free.

    It used to be different. Very recently the Democratic Party was dominated by such rational people as the Clintons, or Nancy Pelosi. Even Barack Obama, with all his shortcomings, had a high degree of respect for Western values.
    But something happened in the last decade or so. Old and rational people either were shunned by the party's supporters (Hillary Clinton), or retired from the political stage naturally (Barack Obama), or tweaked their views to better respond to the emerging authoritarian wave (Nancy Pelosi).

    That is not to say that the Republican Party is not experiencing a crisis of their own. The new protectionist and socially regressive policies they are pushing through, as opposed to the formerly dominating ideas of decentralization and individual freedom, are a large step back.
    However, their authoritarianism is localized in a few key sectors. They do not have a program like the Democratic Party has evolved into that offers a comprehensive hijacking of people's rights and liberties by the state officials.
    The current Republican policies may hurt some minorities (me included) and businesses (primarily the ones having international operations) temporarily. The current Democratic policies, on the other hand, will hurt everyone, and the effect from them will linger for decades. It is much easier to exchange freedom for security, than to reverse the decision later. It is much easier for people to hand their lives over to the government, than to take them back afterwards.
  • I would if I could
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    If after all this time you want to vote for him AGAIN, there's nothing I can do, I can't use facts and reason to convince someone who doesn't value fact and reason...

    It's not even a question of politics, there are plenty of sound arguments for conservative politics, but in his case it's a question of character, decency and rationality. He's unfit for the position, he defiles the Constitution on a regular basis and is a general disgrace to the country.  
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • Zombieguy1987Zombieguy1987 471 Pts   -  
    Trump is strong on the abortion issue, Israel, religious liberty, he should defund Planned Parenthood,

     gun rights (I'm progun now),

    Oh, now you’re pro gun now!?

    Yet you made debate called “Should America have gun control?”

    Once again pick a side! Flip flopping from one side to the other is annoying 

     and his Right To Try Act helps to preserve human life. I am just so tired of the leftist attacks on human rights.Trump is an arrogant man, but so are liberals, and i just don't want blood on my hands. If liberals would join the centrists, I would vote for them. Abortion is murder, and it takes a human life. It is not necessary anymore, with birth control and CONSENSUAL sterilization. Babies have the right to NOT be torn to pieces. That is disgusting. Have a nice day!

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2019
    I'll vote for the individual who's going to take care of the United States as a whole.

    How many politicians who have campaigned to become the POTUS, have told an entirety of truths, when they are just as human as the rest of us are, and have some likelihood of baggage in tow while campaigning?

    I'm pro second amendment, pro community, pro family, pro law abiding, pro Border wall, and security, and pro child, meaning that adoption is another option, outside of abortion decision.

    The political representative, who comes closest to that description, would get my vote.

    So I'll do as I did before, and let the future political debates from both sides of the aisles prompt my choice in whom to vote for.

    The previous election was a toss up between Clinton, and Trump.

  • McSlothMcSloth 35 Pts   -  

    First things first, disagreeing with the current model of capitalism that is being practiced in the United States, in no way makes a person authoritarian in nature. In the United States, just in case you didn't already know, people are allowed to have differing opinions on how things should be and to what extent they want their government involved in the nation's economy. In other words, just because you don't agree with a person's opinions and or policies, doesn't mean they're authoritarian.

    Secondly lets look at the actual definition of authoritarian, because there seems to be some confusion. Let's use the Merriam Webster definition of "authoritarian", but to be honest any source would probably do. Merriam Webster defines it as "favoring blind submission to authority" and as
    "favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people". Now, has any of the people you named called for power to be concentrated in the hands of the few and for them to have no responsibility to the people?  No? They didn't? Well look at that, I think we just proved that they aren't authoritarians. 
  • @YeshuaBought ;

    So how is any of this about the future of all men as representation to basic principle and legal precedent?

    "Trump is strong on the abortion issue, Israel, religious liberty, he should defund Planned Parenthood, gun rights (I'm progun now), and his Right To Try Act helps to preserve human life."

    Don’t you mean you want to vote for Executive Officer trump you are not a very good witness to explain the title President of the United States. You still basically act like President is a power achieved by the approval of democracy the limit of public choice is held at the position of Executive officer. The powers of President is placed on the idevigaual in ability once confined to a responsibility. Ideally in this republic all and any man can be a president, it is simple a woman who cannot be. Just as it is only a woman who could be a Prasedera and it is the man which never can be. All men are created equal get it? All woman are created equal, Prasedera? Get it?

    A woman who works towards equality between men and woman must start by addressing the equally between woman. Executive officer trump has done nothing along this line, following a long list of men and woman alike who have done very little to develop equality among woman.

  • @YeshuaBought ;

    (I'm progun now)

    So does this mean you will now purchase a gun and ammo as to provide a equal common defense to the general welfare of Constitutional principle and those who serve it ? Understanding you have no right in holding others accountable, or from burdens in relationship to necessary lethal force without assuming the burden yourself. Liberty insured. Paying all cost including harms way, placed on others by accusations of crime committed by aggression?

    To be honest as one of the many political figure you may just want to by three bullets, two to give for your defense, one plank one complete, the other true for your burdens of guilt, ended by firing squad. Woman did not make it to the Military yet, but the Congressional/Presidential Armed Services is within the 21 steps of a English yard.

    By the way this is not a threat it is a poetic comparison to harshness we know, the United States Constitution may not feel you are fit to assume the burden of common defense to the general welfare. You are magically progun, what does that mean to honor and loyalty?

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