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Why Do You Support Trump?

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I want to see the perspective(s) of Trump supporters on why Donald Trump is doing a desirable job as president.

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  • DrummerDudeDrummerDude 18 Pts   -  
    This could be interpreted to mean a ton of things here buddy. Are you asking people if they support what he's doing as president, how he is as a person, his plans for the future, his opinions on current problems, his religious views, his morals, his looks, his meme page- what do you mean? Simply asking people if they Trump is doing a "desirable job," is very broad. He could be doing a desirable job at any of these. 
  • George_HorseGeorge_Horse 499 Pts   -  
    Let me give you a list on why I support Trump.

    • I don't support open borders (Illegals)
    • I don't support gun control (banning firearms/restricting semi-automatic firearms such as the AR-15)
    • I don't support letting in undocumented Muslim refugees (Europe's worst mistake)
    • I don't support liberal bullcrap (SJWs & Feminists)
    • I don't support socialism (Bernie)
    • I don't support ANTIFA (Aka the fascists)
    • I don't support black lives matter (anti-cop and anti-trump)
    • I don't support Anti-Americanism (Kaepernick, flag burning, contempt for veterans)
    • I don't support anti-Trump propaganda (Rampant since 2017)
    And I don't support the Clintons (Hillary especially)

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? " ~Epicurus

    "A communist is like a crocodile" ~Winston Churchill

    We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.~Orson Welles
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6207 Pts   -  
    I would not say he is doing a desirable job from my point of view, but he also is not doing an undesirable one either. Aside from several ups (his strict position on the international peace and fairness, and his support of the Republicans' tax bill), and downs (his policies on foreign trade and on immigration), he is a pretty neutral president who has not done much of anything of substance. Which, in my opinion, is how a classy president should behave.

    He is definitely an upgrade from Obama who shook America with his horrid economical policies and who bowed before the dictators all over the world, although, I would argue, a downgrade from George W Bush (who was similar to Trump with regards to the mentioned ups, but did not have his downs), and a very-very-very-very strong downgrade from giants such as Clinton or Reagan.

    Overall, I respect him as a successful businessman, showman and advertiser, although his personality irks me, his language proficiency makes human species look bad, and a lot of his success is based on him representing the old "snake oil salesman" adage. So, as a whole, I have mixed views on him - as I do on the vast majority of individuals, frankly.

    Oh, and I listened to his audiobook on success over a decade ago, back when I did not really know who he was. It was not too bad, and it gave me some ideas for self-improvement - but it would be much more useful if he did not spend 80% of the time talking about how awesome and successful he is, and only 20% giving an actual life advice.
  • @Aranea ;

    I do not support President Elect Trump, I support Executive Officer Trump. The whole truth is a person does not need to display an unquestionable ability to be a President of the United States. President meaning only a man who sits for all men, in actions that effect the future of all men, before basic principle and legal precedent. Though it sound like a discrimination it is simply a basic principle of truth that is self-evident as to why. Well unless a person can believe in faith a man can give a woman understand of all other woman truthfully under oath. 

    The legal basic understanding is a voter is told to commit perjury by voting for a President Hillary Clinton, had she run as Executive officer only, or as council addressed the perjury set by legal precedent, a vote on a woman's behalf would have been considered. To place her as the representation before the United States Constitution for all woman. 

    As far as I can tell the jury pool was simply instructed to believe that a woman could not be President as a crime of discrimination, not a whole truth presented that the legal precedent makes the official vote cast a perjury. The accusation of discrimination itself is evidence in admission of truth as a man cannot sit for the future of all woman by their basic differences. While also explaining a woman can not sit for the future of all man by their basic differences. The basic principle of splitting the legal precedent of Title President elect was to perpetuate the concepts of Marriage and not Constitution. I will not go into the state of the union made on Marriage, only the union between President and Prasedera. 
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  
    I support the Office of the POTUS.
  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  
    @DrummerDude All I want is for you, if you support Trump, to list some examples of reasons why you approve of his work as president.
  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  
    @George_Horse ;I’ll give an individual response to each of your bulletin points:

    -I guess you’re making the claim that the left at large ostensibly desires open borders policy. Can you show data to show that the majority of the left wants an open borders system?

    -There are two problems with being opposed to firearm regulation. One, this allows for mentally unstable people to acquire guns to use it for ill intent. Two, allowing for such easy access to firearms, especially military-grade arsenal, makes it drastically too easy to harm the citizenry due to such efficient access to lethal firearms.

    -On the issue of Muslim refugees, do you have data to show that a considerable amount of undocumented Muslim asylum-seekers have caused harm to the US?

    -How can SJW’s or feminists be sufficient information to form one’s political ideology as well as favorability of politicians?

    -What about socialism do you not like?

    -Again, how can Antifa be sufficient information to form one’s political ideology as well as favorability of politicians?

    -Why do you not support BLM? Also, show me where being anti-cop is on the list of BLM’s priorities.

    -Kaepernick has made it endlessly clear that his kneeling is to address his views on police brutality, not hatred for America. He’s never said he hated America. Flag burning actually kind of is Americanism, because it’s freedom of expression and you, as a lover of the American constitution, should be for allowing them to express themselves in such a way. Who has contempt for veterans?

    -Can you cite me some examples of anti-Trump propaganda, as well as empirical data to how it is “rampant”?

    -I’m not fan of the Clintons either, as they’re of a neoliberal philosophy of which I don’t support. But what about disliking the Clintons informs your views to create your political worldviews as well as your liking of Donald Trump?

  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;-Can you elaborate more on the international perspective?

    -The tax bill that you approve of will, according to the Washington Post, flow 82.8% of the tax cuts to the top 1%. Additionally, the Washington Post also states the top quintile actually receives 107.3% of the tax changes, because taxes will actually INCREASE for the folks in the lowest, second-lowest and middle quintiles. Link:

    -How did Obama shake America with his policies and which economic policies are responsible? Also, Trump has ‘bowed’ to dictators as well. A primary example is with Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines.

    -Trump is by no means a fit businessman. He is in fact a terrible one. He, as stated in the Washington Post, filed for bankruptcy a total of six times. This includes Trump’s Taj Mahal, two other Atlantic City casinos, and Trump Entertainment Resorts. Link:

    -Also, Trump is not even self-made, for his entire wealthy status, in his entire life, has been dependent on his father’s wealth, as stated by Bloomberg. In light of all this, I fail to see how he is a notable businessman. 

  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 ;-As to your first paragraph, I don’t understand at all what you’re trying to convey.

    -Again, I can’t decipher what the second paragraph is supposed to mean, especially in regard to my question. What does Hillary or anything else have to do with Trump’s efficiency as president?

    -Why are you talking about marriage, sexual discrimination and all this other stuff? I want to know why you support Executive Officer Trump. 

  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  
    @CYDdharta I see you don't like my responses. How about you come in the fray and shed some light on your disagreements?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6207 Pts   -  
    Aranea said:
    @MayCaesar ;-Can you elaborate more on the international perspective?

    -The tax bill that you approve of will, according to the Washington Post, flow 82.8% of the tax cuts to the top 1%. Additionally, the Washington Post also states the top quintile actually receives 107.3% of the tax changes, because taxes will actually INCREASE for the folks in the lowest, second-lowest and middle quintiles. Link:

    -How did Obama shake America with his policies and which economic policies are responsible? Also, Trump has ‘bowed’ to dictators as well. A primary example is with Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines.

    -Trump is by no means a fit businessman. He is in fact a terrible one. He, as stated in the Washington Post, filed for bankruptcy a total of six times. This includes Trump’s Taj Mahal, two other Atlantic City casinos, and Trump Entertainment Resorts. Link:

    -Also, Trump is not even self-made, for his entire wealthy status, in his entire life, has been dependent on his father’s wealth, as stated by Bloomberg. In light of all this, I fail to see how he is a notable businessman. 

    - Those estimates refer to the initial flow of resources; they are only partially correlated with the actual income value. The government may be spending disproportionally less on the poor nowadays than the benefit they receive from having to pay a lower tax, but since the governmental spending is so incredibly inefficient, I would expect the net gain for all groups of people.

    - One of the highest governmental debt growths in the history of the US, healthcare costs skyrocketing, erosion of the political culture due to the constant push against the Congress, coercing the senators to accept his proposals, etc.
    Trump is no saint, but he did not go as far as to, say, establish wide economical relations with some of the worst regimes on Earth, such as the Cuban and the Iranian one.

    - The end product is what matters. If you ever start your own business, you will encounter a competition so fierce that breaking even will seem almost impossible at first. Trump has filed for bankruptcy multiple times, yet he is still in business. This shows that he learns on his mistakes and knows how to utilise all the resources at his disposal efficiently, including the institute of bankruptcy, in order to multiply his capital.

    - He started with a solid capital, but he multiplied it many times, and his father has been long dead, so he cannot have been dependent on it "his entire life". Most people inheriting a tremendous wealth squander it or lose it to a series of poor investments. Trump got pretty rich even before he inherited his father's wealth, and he put that wealth to good use.

    I am not a fan of Trump, but I give all people credit where it is due.
  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;-How are those estimates initial? This will be the projected outcome down the line. What do you mean by both the governmental spending being incredibly inefficient? How will the end result be a net gain for all groups of people? Where are you getting this information from?

    -What empirical data do you have to demonstrate that Obama’s policies have led to such debt growths and skyrocketing healthcare costs? What are these pushes he made against congress? How did it erode political culture and what way has it eroded? Obama engaged in an economic deal with Iran to lift sanctions off of the nation so that it, in turn, wouldn’t develop a nuclear weapon, according to the BBC. Link: Wouldn't Iran not developing nuclear arsenal be a net positive?

    -But, how did Trump learn from his mistakes if he kept making them over and over again? That very fact seems to contradict your notion that he gained some important degree of business wisdom.

    -Correction to your assertion: He can no longer be financially dependent on his father. He certainly was for the time his father was alive.

    -How was Trump rich before he inherited his father’s wealth? And, how did he put it to good use if he failed to successfully maintain a stable business model for himself? 

  • I see him keeping us out of conflict with North Korea, attempting to keep good relations with Russia, protecting our basic rights (2 amendment), creating jobs/helping the economy, and just overall being the what I would call a good change after 12 years of Democratic control.
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • GwynneMaGwynneMa 15 Pts   -   edited February 2019
    I was forced to vote for him by my husband  :unamused:
    Truth is Trump was nit my first choice, not even my second choice.  In the end i was pushed to him by the far left.
    Obama care tripled our health insurance cost.  I have heard the argument that "It isnt Obamas fault, it is the dirty insurance companies" but the fact remains that pre obama care our health insurance for our small business household was doable, it is now rather painful.  I have 50+ year old chronically batchelor neighbors now paying for maternity coverage, they are fuming.  
    I was not a huge fan of the wall in the past.  My views on that have changed since watching caravans of people trying to force their way into the country (these have been going on before Trump, but the more recent ones do drive the point home) add to that reading in my local paper about the increased instances of human trafficking locally, i now want the wall.  I do not believe it will solve everything, but i do believe it will help.
    I also like his education policy.  I prefer a limited federal government and limiting the federal sway over our childrens education gives parents more power, where it should be.  Common core was a disaster (I did not meet a teacher who liked it) as a nation we are now at a 3rd grade reading level.  I know this is not all Obamas fault, we were on the decline before him, but his policy in no way helped.  The Obama school linch program was also horrid.  Combating Obesity is a great goal but you cannot fit every peg in a square hole.  That is why the federal government becoming over involved always ends in a mess.
    In the end where i draw my true line is abortion, religious freedom, and anti socialism.  I can never, will never, support a political candidate who is pro choice.  I can never/will never support a candidate who attacks my religious freedom.  I can never/will never support a candidate that defends socialism.  I know capitalism is cruel, i am ok with limited social programs to help those who truly need it.  But socialism is a pretty dream that is always a horror show in practice.  Saying "All those other times it was just ruined by corruption. " suggests that they believe our government is not corrupt.
    Over all i am happy with Trump and glad i voted for him.

  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  

    -Who is the ‘far-left’ and how did they push you to Trump?

    -Can you cite me how Obamacare has caused such effects on society? I don’t know and so need you to prevent evidence to back up your argument.

    -Actually the wall is essentially pointless in the end. UC Berkeley found that a) a lot of undocumented immigrants are already here via overstayed travel visas, b) cartels can outsmart checkpoints by exploiting their predictable weak points, c) terrorists aren’t undocumented in that most terrorism in the US is homegrown, d) the construction of the wall will cause issue with Mexican border communities and hurt the nation’s economy overall, potentially creating more illegal immigration to come, e) immigration courts are already overwhelmed, and so ramping up on immigration will only cause more problems for said immigration courts.  Link: So, it seems like the wall is a pretty emptyhanded proposal.

    -But, the problem with parents having more control over their children’s education is that parent’s aren’t as likely to be informed on the matter and potentially may lead their children astray on the path of fundamental learning.

    -I am not informed enough on the common core to give comment.

    -On education, aside from Obama’s policies, do you overall agree with investing in healthier, higher quality meals for our students at schools?

    -Why are you not pro-choice?

    -What religious freedom(s) are you referring to and who is attacking it?

    -Why do you believe socialism always ends badly and in what way(s) does it end badly?

    -What about Trump and his policies exactly do you approve of?

  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  

    -I ultimately have no issue with forging better relations with nations.

    -How is the second amendment a basic right to you?

    -What data do you have to cite that Trump’s policies have created more jobs? And, what kind of jobs? Are they good-paying jobs? Are they fulltime? Do they have benefits?

    -What do you mean by helping the economy? Also, what empirical data do you have to demonstrate that Trump’s policies are indeed ‘helping the economy’?

    -What do you mean by good change?

    -I’d hate to break it to ya, but Obama wasn’t president for 12 years. Presidents only have two 4-year terms.

  • GwynneMaGwynneMa 15 Pts   -  
    I watched the riots.  People protested and rioted until a Presidential cannidate was unable to campaign.  Then i watched as they celebrated their victory.  They considered it a victory to prevent a free man from speaking, they considered it a victory to stop voters from listening to a protential President and making an informed choice.  Then i watch the medias clear bias and the left parroting it back to me. "Trump is racist" He was in the public eye for most of his life with no proof of that.  "Trump is sexist" He employed women through out his companies, in high positions.  He clearly values his daughters opinion.  My personal favourite was "Trump called military personnel with PTSD weak" a simple google seach brings up a video of the speech.  The list continues.
    I gave you my personal experience, you are welcome to look it up yourself.  You asked why i support Trump, i am giving you my own reasons for it.
    I disagree with you on the wall.  Walls have worked in the past they will continue to work in the future.  
    So your saying parents are not capable or to be trusted to choose what is best for their own family.  How very socialist of you.  There are terrible parents out there, but the vast majority of parents are capable of making healthy decisions for their family.  I suppose that is one of the greater divides.  I believe people have the right to make their own choices  you believe they should all be told what to do by people who know best.
    As far as the lunch policy, it was not higher quality of food.  It was more processed.  Breaded meat in small portions.  Everyone fed the same amount regardless of their activity level (leaving athletes hungry) fruit rollups qualified as a fruit, pizza as a vegetable (i worked a few years in a cafeteria)  Made from scratch food was discouraged.  Farmers in our State began a program where they can donate a cow to the school, schools however could not accept it if they wanted to be in the program.  Many schools decided to opt out of the Obama program.
    I am pro life because life beings at conception.  Any other argument is irrational.  The argument that women need abortion for their health is completely false.  Even the Catholic church allowes for a babies removal in ectopic pregnancies, babies as old as 21 weeks survive outside the mother.
    Obama care mandated that every business must provide birthcontrol in their insurance.  Weather i agree with it or not, birth control is strictly prohibited in the catholic church.  This put a lot of strain on Catholic businesses, hospitals, charities.  The lite sisters of the poor went to the supreme court over the entire thing.  Hillary promised to expand and strengthen Obama care, Trump promised to work toward repealing it.  He made good on his promises, weakening Obama care.
    Venezuela is a fantastic example.  China is not starving, but their freedom is severely limited.  Women are still being forced to have abortions.  They look like nightmares to me.
    I spoke a lot about Trump and his policies, but mainly i approve of him not being hillary.
  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  

    -Can you cite me those riots? Who led them? Who were they preventing to speak? How did the actions of some meager rioters give you an informed position on who to vote for?

    -Give me data to demonstrate that the media is engaging in ‘clear bias’ against Trump.

    -Evidence of Trump being racist is evident in his previous records of housing discrimination against African Americans, in which his housing business would tell African Americans that there were no open dwellings for rent, while greeting white customers wholeheartedly, according to NPR. Link:

    -His sexism is apparent in when, in a recorded conversation, he said he didn’t even wait to grab women by their genitalia. This means he didn’t regard consent for women, thus meaning sexism.

    -Personal experience is just anecdotal and is very weak to demonstrate problems with policies. And, no, I’m not going to look up information on your behalf. We’re on a debate forum--cite your claims with evidence. That’s how debates work.

    -Why do you disagree with me on the wall? Talking about ‘other walls’ is what-about-ism and is immaterial to the effectiveness of Trump’s specific policy.

    -What evidence do you have that the majority of parents will be able to make the better educational choices for their children versus school curriculum?

    -I’ll go ahead and accept your unsubstantiated and anecdotal case against Obama’s lunch policy. So, do you accept increasing government funding of public schools so they can have increased benefits like higher quality food?

    -Do you believe a woman should have autonomy over what happens to her own body?

    -What a religion dictates is completely arbitrary unless proven otherwise.

    -Why are you against Obamacare?

    -Bringing up China and Venezuela is yet again what-about-ism. They have nothing to do with US-related policy.

    -When did you speak on Trump’s policies to me? Bringing up Hillary is yet once again what-about-ism. Hillary has nothing to with the conversation on Trump’s policies and is thus null and void. 

  • CYDdhartaCYDdharta 1833 Pts   -  
    Aranea said:

    -Can you cite me those riots? Who led them? Who were they preventing to speak? How did the actions of some meager rioters give you an informed position on who to vote for?

    -Give me data to demonstrate that the media is engaging in ‘clear bias’ against Trump.

    -Evidence of Trump being racist is evident in his previous records of housing discrimination against African Americans, in which his housing business would tell African Americans that there were no open dwellings for rent, while greeting white customers wholeheartedly, according to NPR. Link:

    -His sexism is apparent in when, in a recorded conversation, he said he didn’t even wait to grab women by their genitalia. This means he didn’t regard consent for women, thus meaning sexism.

    -Personal experience is just anecdotal and is very weak to demonstrate problems with policies. And, no, I’m not going to look up information on your behalf. We’re on a debate forum--cite your claims with evidence. That’s how debates work.

    -Why do you disagree with me on the wall? Talking about ‘other walls’ is what-about-ism and is immaterial to the effectiveness of Trump’s specific policy.

    -What evidence do you have that the majority of parents will be able to make the better educational choices for their children versus school curriculum?

    -I’ll go ahead and accept your unsubstantiated and anecdotal case against Obama’s lunch policy. So, do you accept increasing government funding of public schools so they can have increased benefits like higher quality food?

    -Do you believe a woman should have autonomy over what happens to her own body?

    -What a religion dictates is completely arbitrary unless proven otherwise.

    -Why are you against Obamacare?

    -Bringing up China and Venezuela is yet again what-about-ism. They have nothing to do with US-related policy.

    -When did you speak on Trump’s policies to me? Bringing up Hillary is yet once again what-about-ism. Hillary has nothing to with the conversation on Trump’s policies and is thus null and void. 

    People who use the term "whataboutism" say three things about themselves;

    1] They're a hypocrite
    2] They know they're a hypocrite
    3] They really wish people would stop pointing out their hypocrisy.
  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  
    @CYDdharta Ah, finally you came out of your shell. Now, instead of attacking my character and pretending that's a refutation, actually present to me why my points are wrong. Thanks and have a good day.
  • CYDdhartaCYDdharta 1833 Pts   -  
    Aranea said:
    @CYDdharta Ah, finally you came out of your shell. Now, instead of attacking my character and pretending that's a refutation, actually present to me why my points are wrong. Thanks and have a good day.

    In other words, you acknowledge what I said was undeniably true; you are a hypocrite, and you know you're a hypocrite.  Obviously, that's not an attack if you have to agree with it, it's just pointing out the facts.

  • George_HorseGeorge_Horse 499 Pts   -  
    Aranea said:
    @George_Horse ;I’ll give an individual response to each of your bulletin points:
    -I guess you’re making the claim that the left at large ostensibly desires open borders policy. Can you show data to show that the majority of the left wants an open borders system?
    No. Not claiming that they seek an open borders policy, I simply said I "don't" support open borders, which is something that many democrats support (aka Hillary)

     -There are two problems with being opposed to firearm regulation. One, this allows for mentally unstable people to acquire guns to use it for ill intent. Two, allowing for such easy access to firearms, especially military-grade arsenal, makes it drastically too easy to harm the citizenry due to such efficient access to lethal firearms.
    I'm opposed to some aspects of gun control. As I put in parentheses (banning semi-automatic firearms such as the AR-15) are ways of regulating the sale of firearms. Also, another flaw in your point is that civilians do NOT have access to "military-grade" weapons. 
    -On the issue of Muslim refugees, do you have data to show that a considerable amount of undocumented Muslim asylum-seekers have caused harm to the US?
    I don't not particularly see any data showing that they pose a threat, just that I don't support letting them reside illegally in our country, just as the same with the Mexicans. As long as they get citizenship, and align themselves with our constitution and values, they are just as good as the average American.
    -How can SJW’s or feminists be sufficient information to form one’s political ideology as well as favorability of politicians?
    I don't see how they aid in forming a person's political ideology, though they do support democratic, or leftist politicians. 
    -What about socialism do you not like?
    It is a FAILED ideology. Democratic candidates such as Bernie Sanders advocate socialist policies.
    -Again, how can Antifa be sufficient information to form one’s political ideology as well as favorability of politicians?

    ANTIFA is a so-called "Anti-fascist" group, yet they violently attack their opponents, especially when their enemies do not engage in any form of combat. They are particularly violent with the alt-right, and Trump supporters.
    -Why do you not support BLM? Also, show me where being anti-cop is on the list of BLM’s priorities.
    I don't support blocking major roadways in the effort to "bring forth" a message of police brutality. I cannot show that being "anti-cop" was among their priorities, however, there is much media online where in some rallies, they call for "Dead Cops". Another incident was a Arabian Trump supporter walking among a crow of BLM activists, the man was then assaulted by those activists. 
    -Kaepernick has made it endlessly clear that his kneeling is to address his views on police brutality, not hatred for America. He’s never said he hated America. Flag burning actually kind of is Americanism, because it’s freedom of expression and you, as a lover of the American constitution, should be for allowing them to express themselves in such a way. Who has contempt for veterans?
    Why is it that Kaepernick decides to kneel during the national anthem? Why doesn't he do it on other times? That anthem, our veterans should not die for such cowards. He himself is not a victim of police brutality, he was raised with a white family, therefore he should have no business in kneeling. And if he wants to help the black community, what actions is he taking to fix these problems? Flag burning is the LEAST American thing. How many men have shed blood with the American flag patch by their sides? And who has contempt for veterans you may ask? Look around you. There are many who despise our veterans (Some whites, blacks, and hispanics) by disrespecting our flag, or by impersonating a veteran.
    -Can you cite me some examples of anti-Trump propaganda, as well as empirical data to how it is “rampant”?
    Examples of anti-Trump propaganda can be found all over the media as well as the internet. I have not found any notable news websites that made any publications covering that subject, but it is clear that the media is biased and opposes the president. 

    -I’m not fan of the Clintons either, as they’re of a neoliberal philosophy of which I don’t support. But what about disliking the Clintons informs your views to create your political worldviews as well as your liking of Donald Trump?

    I get my worldviews from a variety of speakers and commentators. I view content from Paul Joseph Watson, Mark Dice, as well as Stephen Molyneux, The Next News Network, and The Daily Wire. I mostly watch Fox News, but I do watch things from other news networks such as ABC News and BBC. I really did not consider having another Clinton in office, or a socialist. They just have a dark history, most information of which is not easily available to the public, suppressed, or erased by alleged murders of opponents. 

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? " ~Epicurus

    "A communist is like a crocodile" ~Winston Churchill

    We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.~Orson Welles
  • AraneaAranea 61 Pts   -  
    @CYDdharta I do not acknowledge any of your claims against me. I simply desire not to engage in petty points of attack. Unless you actually have points of substance to address to me, I won't respond to you.
  • CYDdhartaCYDdharta 1833 Pts   -   edited February 2019
    Aranea said:
    @CYDdharta I do not acknowledge any of your claims against me. I simply desire not to engage in petty points of attack. Unless you actually have points of substance to address to me, I won't respond to you.

    Well, you could explain how using the term "whataboutism" is not admitting hypocrisy, but we both know that's an impossible task.  At least you're bright enough not to attempt it. 
  • Nathaniel_BNathaniel_B 182 Pts   -  
    I would say that I support him by 75%. He ain't the best leader we got, but I sure as hell know he was a WAY better choice than Hillary. I voted for him back in 2016 with the hope that Hillary would lose, and thank goodness she did! I wasn't a Trump supporter either, I just didn't want Hillary to win, and my vote was last minute. I support some things he's doin, but not everything. Like I kinda think the wall is , and I think its gonna work at the same time, on Immigration, I ain't got no problem, the shutdown, I saw was unnecessary because the Democrats is always tryin to get they way with things, but other than that, I ain't got a shred of hard feelings for him. He a badass.  :joy: 

    “Communism is evil. Its driving forces are the deadly sins of envy and hatred.” ~Peter Drucker 

    "It's not a gun control problem, it's a cultural control problem."
    Bob Barr
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