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Why did Jesus have to die?

Debate Information

Answer: When we ask a question such as this, we must be careful that we are not calling God into question. To wonder why God couldn’t find “another way” to do something is to imply that the way He has chosen is not the best course of action and that some other method would be better. Usually what we perceive as a “better” method is one that seems right to us. Before we can come to grips with anything God does, we have to first acknowledge that His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts—they are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8). In addition, Deuteronomy 32:4 reminds us that “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.” Therefore, the plan of salvation He has designed is perfect, just, and upright, and no one could have come up with anything better.
The Scripture says, “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Evidence affirms that the sinless Jesus bled and died on a cross. Most importantly, the Bible explains why Jesus’ death and resurrection provide the only entrance to heaven.
The punishment for sin is death.
God created earth and man perfect. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commands, He had to punish them. A judge who pardons law-breakers isn’t a righteous judge. Likewise, overlooking sin would make the holy God unjust. Death is God’s just consequence for sin. “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Even good works cannot make up for wrongs against the holy God. Compared to His goodness, “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6b). Ever since Adam’s sin, every human has been guilty of disobeying God’s righteous laws. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sin is not just big things like murder or blasphemy, but also includes love of money, hatred of enemies, and deceit of tongue and pride. Because of sin, everyone has deserved death – eternal separation from God in hell.
The promise required an innocent death.
Although God banished Adam and Eve from the garden, He didn’t leave them without hope of reconciliation. He promised He would send a Savior to defeat the serpent (Genesis 3:15). Until then, men would sacrifice innocent lambs, showing their repentance from sin and faith in the future Sacrifice from God who would bear their penalty. God reaffirmed His promise of the Sacrifice with men such as Abraham and Moses. Herein lies the beauty of God’s perfect plan: God Himself provided the only sacrifice (Jesus) who could atone for the sins of His people. God’s perfect Son fulfilled God’s perfect requirement of God’s perfect law. It is perfectly brilliant in its simplicity. “God made Him (Christ), who knew no sin, to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). 
The prophets foretold Jesus’ death.
From Adam to Jesus, God sent prophets to mankind, warning them of sin’s punishment and foretelling the coming Messiah. One prophet, Isaiah, described Him:
“Who has believed what they heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people? And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. Yet it was the will of the LORD to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for sin, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors” (Isaiah 53:1-12). He likened the coming Sacrifice to a lamb, slaughtered for the sins of others.
Hundreds of years later, Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled in the perfect Lord Jesus, born of the virgin Mary. When the prophet John the Baptist saw Him, he cried, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). Crowds thronged Him for healing and teaching, but the religious leaders scorned Him. Mobs cried out, “Crucify Him!” Soldiers beat, mocked, and crucified Him. As Isaiah foretold, Jesus was crucified in between two criminals but was buried in a rich man’s tomb. But He didn’t remain in the grave. Because God accepted His Lamb’s sacrifice, He fulfilled another prophecy by raising Jesus from the dead (Psalm 16:10Isaiah 26:19).
Why did Jesus have to die? Remember, the holy God cannot let sin go unpunished. To bear our own sins would be to suffer God’s judgment in the flames of hell. Praise God, He kept His promise to send and sacrifice the perfect Lamb to bear the sins of those who trust in Him. Jesus had to die because He is the only one who can pay the penalty for our sins.

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  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -  

    >Jesus had to die because He is the only one who can pay the penalty for our sins.

    So true.

    The only life that could pay for all is God's life. If Jesus is not God, His life could not have atoned for all.

    God saw that there was no Savior, so He took on the task Himself, and came down to pay the price for us.

    If you don't see Jesus as a dazzling hero, you Dont have eyes.
  • K_MichaelK_Michael 114 Pts   -  
    Jesus had to die for the same reason he had to be baptized: to set an example for mankind to live a righteous life and be resurrected.
    "We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -   edited March 2019
    So humanity is sinful as a whole because two ancient humans ate an apple? Interesting.
    And the way we pay for our sins is by executing an anarchist the god sent to us? How does that work? When I pay, I lose something, yet here only Jesus of Nazareth lost anything.

    Your religion is strange. Jesus was an interesting person, but finding justification to his death does not seem to make a lot of sense. He was executed by the Romans for not complying with the authoritarian rules the government instituted in his homeland. It is a tragedy, not a manifestation of a "perfect plan".
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -   edited March 2019
    You say “God created earth and man perfect. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commands, He had to punish them”

    My reply ....Why did he have to punish them?  Humans can and do  forgive grave transgressions against them yet all powerful loving god has to punish others? Making humans more forgiving than a god 
    Also it’s remarkable when people talk about the “great sacrifice “ made by Jesus who when crucified was raised from the dead three days later that’s some “sacrifice isn’t it?
    People made greater sacrifices in saving others in 9/11 and don’t ask for constant praise for their efforts.

    The absolutely nonsensical claim that he died for our  sins yet one is punished and judged  in the after life  for transgressions?
    The whole story is only sucked up by indoctrinated sheeple who cannot even comprehend how ridiculous the whole fable is ........

    Adam and Eve sinned after being tempted by a talking serpent,  this so enraged god he sent  his son down to earth to impregnate a Palestinian virgin so he could be born on Earth so he could die from crucifixion for our sins before we are even born , so he could live again in heaven to judge us for our sins that he died to forgive in the first place .....Scientology makes more sense than this  
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -  
    >The whole story is only sucked up by indoctrinated sheeple who cannot even comprehend how ridiculous the whole fable is ........

    But later we will have to watch him buttache about being "attacked"....

    And will call others vicious.

    Ah, the internet. Where delusion reigns.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    @ethang5 I agree. Jesus is the love of my life. He is so faithful, especially when I don't deserve Him.
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -  

    >So humanity is sinful as a whole because two ancient humans ate an apple? Interesting.

    Do you often find you own stories interesting? 

    This is like the nazi who says, "So humanity is angry as a whole because Hitler exposed 6 million Jews to a few molecules? Interesting.

    If your position is so rational, why do you need tactics like this?

    >And the way we pay for our sins is by executing an anarchist the god sent to us?

    No. That is again your story. We couldn't pay for our sins, which is why Jesus was needed. And again I ask, if your position is so good, why do you need to misstate our position? Really, it is a rhetorical question.

    :How does that work?

    How does what work? The real story, or the nonsense you've volunteered for us, complete with Jesus being an anarchist?

    :When I pay, I lose something, yet here only Jesus of Nazareth lost anything.

    Very true. The loss was suffered by Jesus for us, saving us from a debt we could not pay. This is Christian doctrine 101.

    >Your religion is strange.

    You should see it without all the silly slants you place on it.

    :Jesus was an interesting person,

    Under statement of the decade.

    >but finding justification to his death does not seem to make a lot of sense.

    Because you don't know the story, but think you do.

    >He was executed by the Romans for not complying with the authoritarian rules the government instituted in his homeland. It is a tragedy, not a manifestation of a "perfect plan".

    His death was not "the plan", but just a small part of a plan put into motion before the world began.

    There is a reason why the story has so captivated the world. If you don't think it's the greatest story ever told, you either don't know the story, or your understanding is on par with a woodchuck.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    @ethang5 Jesus and I love you.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    You have to be applauded for that , maybe it will bring him healing and lead him on a better path away from his appalling racism and bigotry 
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -  

    Thank you.
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -  

    >You have to be applauded for that

    Actually no. That is just normal and expected of a Christian.

    >maybe it will bring him healing and lead him on a better path away from his appalling racism and bigotry 

    >The whole story is only sucked up by indoctrinated sheeple who cannot even comprehend how ridiculous the whole fable is
    - the non bigoted deedee

    Yeah, I'm appalling. :smirk:
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    @Dee Thank you. It is Jesus Christ who makes me a better, and more loving person.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    @ethang5 You are welcome.
  • Polaris95Polaris95 147 Pts   -  

    How does Jesus make you a better person? I'm genuinely curious.
  • K_MichaelK_Michael 114 Pts   -  
    "So humanity is sinful as a whole because two ancient humans ate an apple? Interesting."

    I hope you realize that it wasn't an apple. It was the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Just as an animal cannot sin because it does not know what is wrong and what is right, Adam and Eve couldn't originally sin. Once they knew the difference between good and evil, they could sin by consciously choosing to do the wrong thing despite their knowledge of what is wrong.
    "We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    ethang5 said:

    There is a reason why the story has so captivated the world. If you don't think it's the greatest story ever told, you either don't know the story, or your understanding is on par with a woodchuck.
    Writing fiction is one of my hobbies, and I have written better stories than this. And I am not even that good; read the Mistborn trilogy for a truly master-crafted story. Or if you are interested in the most impactful stories in human history, then read Epic of Gilgamesh and Iliad.

    It would be strange if the story had not captivated the world after a millennium of everyone who did not like it being imprisoned or executed. I gather, if everyone who doubted the story described in Lord of the Rings being genuine was burned for witchhood, then hobbits would be still actively captivating the world just as well.
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -   edited March 2019

    There is a reason why the story has so captivated the world. If you don't think it's the greatest story ever told, you either don't know the story, or your understanding is on par with a woodchuck.
    >Writing fiction is one of my hobbies

    Mine too.

    >and I have written better stories than this.

    The story of Jesus has moved the world, it is the most printed, most translated, most copied, most quoted, and most published story in human history.

    Your story is better how?

    >And I am not even that good;

    Lol. No argument here. I've seen your posts.

    >read the Mistborn trilogy for a truly master-crafted story.

    Ok, but I like Asamov and Octavia Butler myself. But I know the difference between what I like, and what is good.

    >Or if you are interested in the most impactful stories in human history, then read Epic of Gilgamesh and Iliad.

    That has been impactful only in the west, and then only to academics. I travel the world, and few people have ever heard of Gilgamesh. Everyone knows of Jesus.

    Our literature is molded by Him, our cultures are framed by Him. We build monuments and art to honor Him, even our history, (BC and ad) are anchored by Him. No one else has been near as impactful.

    >It would be strange if the story had not captivated the world after a millennium of everyone who did not like it being imprisoned or executed.

    Christianity grew mainly by conversions, not by force. A non-politically correct history course would help you.

    >I gather, if everyone who doubted the story described in Lord of the Rings being genuine was burned for witchhood, then hobbits would be still actively captivating the world just as well.

    If Lord of The Rings could move a minority of the world to slaughter the majority, that would be remarkable.

    Were blacks in 18th and 19th cent
    ...ry America forced into Christianity? Where is the record of South America being converted by the sword?

    Africa and China right now have the fastest growing Christian conversions. Is that by force? Liberals just say things without support, and are not realistic in the real world.

    Real history contradicts you. Please don't change history to fit your narrative. That isn't history, that's historical revisionism.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    @Polaris95 I was full of rage before I received Jesus. I find Him to be a soothing God. I was suicidal depressed for two years, and Jesus gave me a reason to live. Jesus told me it was a good idea to accept racial unity, and I did when He saved me. 
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    there were thousands of guys named ..jesus....the romans crucified up to 100,000 jews..probably 1000 named jesus....they had to die for ROME to be satisfied the jews would pay their taxes..
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    where did you recieve jesus from....history shows no evidence of his existence..@YeshuaBought
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -  
    If you want to see hypocrisy, ask a person who says that history shows no evidence of Jesus' existence if he believes Plato existed.

    Then sit back and watch him dance.
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    There is nothing in the old testament about jesus.There were no eyewitness accounts of jesus on earth.Paul never says jesus is coming back.@ethang5
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    Ever notice how orthodox Christians, Muslims, socialists, nationalists and other authoritarian collectivists constantly talk about the importance of compassion and love - yet themselves tend to be the most angry and toxic people out there? Obviously it is hard to practice what you preach when your beliefs come from books other authoritarians wrote, and not from your own heart.

    It turns out that true love and compassion comes not from trying to control how other people live, but from taking your own life under control and respecting other people enough to let them live their lives by their own rules. Only when you respect others enough that your fear of their possible actions does not prevent you from accepting them for what they are and letting them be, can compassion and love appear. Otherwise, what you are dealing with instead is intolerance and hatred, and you only interpret these emotions and attitudes as compassion and love because your ideology calls them that.
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -  

    >There is nothing in the old testament about jesus.

    Untrue. There is plenty about Jesus. Jesus is the focus of the entire OT.

    >There were no eyewitness accounts of jesus on earth.

    Sure there were. Do you expect them to be alive now? Or are you saying that when Jesus existed on the Earth, no one else did?

    >Paul never says jesus is coming back.

    Sure he did, many times.

    Um, Mic, it seems you don't know the bible or Christian doctrine. Considering this, it doesn't make sense debating you about things you are wholly ignorant about, (no offence)

    You just joined the site. You go get some experience and knowledge, and come back when you know a little more.

    Hope your stay on the board is fruitful and you have a good time.
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    yes its true.There is nothing in the OLD testament about jesus/Doomsdayers ofb the day picked through the OT to find secretS.Just as modern day doomsayers pick through revelations to find something not there.MAY 21 2011 rings a bell.@YeshuaBought
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    WELL I do know this for fact.The gospels are4 anonymous and don't appear in history until 160ad.WAnt to prove me wrong?I darev you to provide any evidence gospels appear before 160ad.@ethang5
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    SHOW one time paul says jesus is coming ..BACK.@ethang5
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    BIG..BIG BIG me what you got morty.For a start who was "luke"?@ethang5
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    Name one eyewitness of jesus with his account.When you do that i will look at play dough.@ethang5
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    GOT QUESTIONS .ORG?The lowest common denominator christian apologetics website.See if your site can answer why the gospels don't appear until 160ad. @YeshuaBought
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;

    "Ever notice how orthodox Christians, Muslims, socialists, nationalists and other authoritarian collectivists constantly talk about the importance of compassion and love - yet themselves tend to be the most angry and toxic people out there? Obviously it is hard to practice what you preach when your beliefs come from books other authoritarians wrote, and not from your own heart.

    It turns out that true love and compassion comes not from trying to control how other people live, but from taking your own life under control and respecting other people enough to let them live their lives by their own rules. Only when you respect others enough that your fear of their possible actions does not prevent you from accepting them for what they are and letting them be, can compassion and love appear. Otherwise, what you are dealing with instead is intolerance and hatred, and you only interpret these emotions and attitudes as compassion and love because your ideology calls them that."

    My question to you: Do you accept Christians for who they are? If your answer is no, then there is some hypocrisy here.
    It would only be hypocritical if I also preached compassion and love. But I do not. I am only pointing out that many of those who do do not understand what compassion and love are.

    That said, yes, I accept Christians, as well as everyone else, for who they are. Freedom of people to choose how to live their lives is one of the cornerstones of my personal system of values.
    I only have an issue with people who want to force others into something. I do not accept them; I cannot stand authoritarianism. But as long as you respect diversity of ideas and behaviors, you can believe whatever you want, and you will have my back then.

    I love people who stand out from the crowd, who have something that makes them unique and interesting. People who do not conform with the societal expectations. People who look at the mainstream crowd and say, "I do not want that; I want something more". People who you can ask something and get a response which you will never hear from a random clerk in a store.

    As a consequence, as you can imagine, those who preach collectivist and conformist values are very alien to my nature. That said, I do not have negative feelings towards them; at most, I pity them for living such a dull life. They are missing all the colors of life by choosing to walk on the railroad, afraid to take a few steps away from it and explore the wilderness.

    There is nothing more thrilling in life than doing something nobody else would do in order to get a unique experience. And similarly, there is nothing more dull in life than doing what others tell you should do, and what you have done millions times already.
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    Still blathering i see.The gospels are anonymous and don't appear in history until 160ad.When are you going to address this?@ethang5
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -   edited March 2019

    Nothing has changed Mick. You are just as ignorant as when you first posted. It makes no sense to debate a person ignorant of the debate subject.

    Since my first post, I have found that not only are you ignorant, but you are militant and either juvenile or uneducated or both.

    If you were only ignorant, I might have taken pity on you, but I cannot abide militancy.

    Your account is new, so the odds are high you are a sock puppet. And though you're trying to goad me now, as soon as I burn you, you will go crying to the mods and try to stalk me all over the board like the militant atheists here do.

    Considering all that, you aren't worth debating.

  • Dr_MaybeDr_Maybe 138 Pts   -  

    He had to die for your sins.

    You know, sins like the angry mob of religious people that killed Jesus.

  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    Still running.Say @ethang5 when are you gouing to show an eyewitness account of jesus.And how is it no one in history mentions the gospels until Justim Martyr in 160ad.Qyite the little runner arn't you.@ethang5
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    What you can't abide are facts.The gospels are anonymous.The Roman Catholic church admits they are anonymous.Thyere was only the catholics until 1520ad.

     The Universal and Apostolic Roman Catholic Church even admits that the anonymously written Gospels, “Do not go back to the 1st century of the Christian era.” ~Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vi, p. 137, pp. 655-6.Quit running.

  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    Well, resurrection requires "deadness" to happen so there's that... And, without the very idea of "resurrection", there is no Christianity as that's the whole point... At the core it's a death cult really, but the cult of one single death. 
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -   edited March 2019
    In the actual history, Jesus of Nazareth did not die for religious reasons. A bit of a backstory is required to understand what and why happened.

    Judea had always been a problematic province in Rome. The Jewish people traditionally have always valued independence and individualism, and everyone who tried to control that territory faced extreme instability and countless unrests and rebellions.
    For Rome in particular it was very problematic, as Rome, unlike most other empires, funnelled a lot of resources into building up its provinces with the goal of long-term assimilation and profit. A province that would actively resist assimilation meant wasted resources, and instability in that province could trigger similar instabilities in other provinces, making them extremely damaging economically.

    Pontius Pilate, the new prefect of Judea, presided over a very volatile period in the province, where recently increased taxation and social restrictions triggered essentially a partisan war in the region. Citizens would strike from the shadows, killing Roman soldiers and officials. He decided to employ the policy of iron fist, harshly suppressing any dissent he could find. It stabilised the situation some, but people were extremely unhappy with it, and the tensions grew.

    At that time, a preacher appeared who offered an alternative to the rage and frustrations people had with the regime. He instead advocated for love and forgiveness, for non-violence and contentment. In addition, however, he perpetuated the idea that had been in the air for a long time: that no man or government should be a master of another man. It is that last part that the Roman government could not stand: they could not allow someone to promote libertarian ideas in a region already on the verge of revolt against the ruling group. But they also understood that simply slaying Jesus would only increase the social tension; Jesus had become an icon, a prominent figure respected by almost everyone.

    So they did what any dictatorship does in case when someone is immune from physical persecution: they launched a propaganda campaign accusing the person of all possible sins. Suddenly Jesus was a foreign agent, a force of evil, a mad prophet, a dangerous influence corrupting the youth. Given the level of unrest in the region, people were only glad to take the opportunity to vent their frustrations on someone without being punished for it. In the end, Jesus was executed not as much by Romans, as by his own people who only recently worshipped him.

    It is a tragic story, but hardly unprecedented one. Dissidents being dealt with by the angry crowd inspired by governmental narrative is a running theme in human history. This story was not special in any way, and it only became so famous because someone with extraordinary writing skills documented and embellished it. In reality, at the time the event probably hardly was known anywhere; such incidents were happening all over the empire, especially in Judea, and the name "Jesus of Nazareth" was not known to anyone outside Judea and the chambers of the ruling class. It is fashionable nowadays to present those events as world-shaking, but in reality they hardly made any impact on the world whatsoever, and it is the later glorification of those events that led to popularisation of monotheistic religions.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    @mickyg Citation needed.
  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    Ever notice how orthodox Christians, Muslims, socialists, nationalists and other authoritarian collectivists constantly talk about the importance of compassion and love - yet themselves tend to be the most angry and toxic people out there? Obviously it is hard to practice what you preach when your beliefs come from books other authoritarians wrote, and not from your own heart.

    It turns out that true love and compassion comes not from trying to control how other people live, but from taking your own life under control and respecting other people enough to let them live their lives by their own rules. Only when you respect others enough that your fear of their possible actions does not prevent you from accepting them for what they are and letting them be, can compassion and love appear. Otherwise, what you are dealing with instead is intolerance and hatred, and you only interpret these emotions and attitudes as compassion and love because your ideology calls them that.
    You have the right to your off topic and unproven hate speech. I am a centrist, not a socialist or authoritarian. Don't confuse me with the Catholics, who are not Christians. I would like you to answer my question, instead of being so bigoted against Christians and Muslims.
  • mickygmickyg 349 Pts   -  
    The catholics were the only christians until 1520ad.YOUR whole new testament is catholic.@YeshuaBought
  • ethang5ethang5 258 Pts   -  
    So Jesus had to die because no one else had a life worth enough to cover the price to redeem us.

    Had Jesus not died to save us, we would have remained forever unsaved.

    Jesus died because He loved us and wanted to save us.
  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  

    God is the life giver. God created man to live indefinitely. Adam eating the forbidden fruit symbolized rejecting God's right to rule and tell man right from wrong.

    By Adam choosing to eat of that fruit, he was inadvertently saying that man has the right to choose right from wrong for himself. This cut off the relationship from God, the life giver. Sin is only associated with death because Adam chose to rule himself, thus constituting himself as the life giver. Since man cannot prolong life indefinitely, man has chosen death. This choice is made automatically for you and me by Adam because we are his offspring.


    Because Jesus was the Adam of the Angels he chose God as ruler, and got endless life. So Jesus did not inherit mankind's choice. Jesus became the second Adam for mankind. By his death he replaced Adam, giving mankind the opportunity to chose God out of love as ruler, and rebuilding a relationship with God, the life giver.  This allows everyone, without compulsion, to choose who they would like to rule over them. Man or God. Man who cannot solve or answer death, war, sickness, etc. Those who choose God as ruler will get endless life and beneficial answers from the life giver. Those who choose otherwise would get life and answers from whomever they choose.

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