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Is God simply a "concept?"

Debate Information

A desperately confused, hurting, deceived, Atheist defines our Creator-God as a “concept.” Atheist Mark stated: “Can something exist in the physical world without empirical evidence? Yes, and God is an example. When I say God I mean a concept, a thought, or idea--not a supernatural being.”

A response to the Atheist...

God demonstrates His reality through...

1) What He has created supernaturally and placed before our eyes.

2) The incarnation of God in Time via the life of Jesus Christ-Yeshua Who walked among us for 33.5-yrs.

3) The incredible collection of works via the Holy Spirit i.e. the Holy Scriptures spanning 1400-1600-yrs, 3-languages, 3-Continents, 40-writers inspired by God the Holy Spirit to pen on parchment the mind of God explaining origin-meaning of life-morality-our destiny in Time and Eternity.

God demonstrates His reality through His creation and through the life of Jesus Christ and through His written word. You need not "imagine" a "concept" of God but simply acknowledge a reality; that is, our Universe, our complex genome, demands design and a Designer and said Designer has given you the most profound, best-selling, most popular writings to have ever existed i.e. the Holy Scriptures.

The Scriptures are our Creator's love letter to YOU defining, articulating His Covenant of Grace where He has given His all to provide you, a sinner (Romans 3:23), a pardon from your sin and commute your sentence of death in Hell to life in Eternity - IF - you will simply humble yourself, acknowledge your sin and sincerely repent and believe in your heart, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is God who died to pay your sin debt and that He was resurrected for your justification leading to Eternal Life (Romans 10:9-10).

No imagination or idealistic concept of a "god" is necessitated as our Creator has provided you supernatural examples of His power and dominion via what He has made and placed before your eyes; Our Creator, in is unfathomable love, mercy, grace, exited the Realm of Eternity and entered Time in the flesh some 2019-yrs ago (Philippians 2:8) and walked among us for 33.5-yrs and defined God through the Gospel (John 14:9) and this Gospel message has been meticulously recorded for you in the Holy Scriptures.

When you stand before Jesus Christ in either the Bema-Seat Judgment of the faithful (2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10) or the Judgment of the Condemned (Revelation 20:11-15), no one will be afforded an excuse that they did not know or could not know because God has clearly introduced Himself to mankind via Nature, via Jesus Christ, via the Scriptures (2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 1:18-32). God has meticulously written His moral law upon our heart at conception (Romans 2:15) and He has placed irrefutable knowledge concerning Himself in Nature, in Jesus, in the Scriptures; therefore, the unbeliever is "without excuse" (Romans 1:18-32).


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  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    Yes it is, and a bad one at that...
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Plaffelvohfen ; You perceive same because you are spiritually dead, an emissary of Satan and existing without hope in aberrant lust and rebellion toward God. This is your option in life, enjoy.

  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -  
    A concept is an idea with no physical existence. Your points in favour of Jehovah's existence are all themselves concepts.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    There are tens of thousands of cultures and thousands of unique religions with thousands of denominations.

    Not all of these religions and even some denominations within religions are compatible, therefore most of them were made up. It is obvious therefore that god is in fact a concept in most of them, you can only not tell which is real if you examine any given religion, but if you look at all of them the reality is obvious. Gods are made up in mans image, not the other way around as many religions will assert. 
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Ampersand ; You are incorrect. A concept does not possess flesh. A concept does not radiate heat and light. A concept is not printed on a page containing historical and spiritual Truth. Atheism is a concept...for fools.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Ampersand ; You are incorrect. A concept does not possess flesh. A concept does not radiate heat and light. A concept is not printed on a page containing historical and spiritual Truth. Atheism is a concept...for the foolish.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Ampersand ; You are incorrect. A concept does not possess flesh. A concept does not radiate heat and light. A concept is not printed on a page containing historical and spiritual Truth. Atheism is a concept...for those lacking wisdom and knowledge.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6192 Pts   -  
    Belief in god historically is rooted in two main needs: the need to feel protected in the confusing and uncertain world, and the need to have an unquestionable authority in order to unite a tribe around. Primal tribal humans had these needs, because they knew very little about the world and were scared, and because early on they encountered the problem of tribe members fighting for the seat at the proto-government violently, destabilising the tribe. The idea of god was found to serve both purposes: people now could believe that some being higher than them that knows everything protects them from danger, and the tribe leaders could now claim god's authority and, hence, gain absolute power over their tribes.

    The idea, of course, has nothing to do with god being an actual physical or super-physical entity; there was never need to hypothesize one's existence, and god was made up for practical considerations - well outdated by now. That there is anyone at all on Earth still believing in gods and fairies is very strange. Shows how conservative humans inherently are and how unwilling they are to change their past views, even in the fact of the overwhelming evidence of their views being wrong/irrelevant.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @MayCaesar ; @Dee ; @Ampersand @Plaffelvohfen The belief in God is rooted in the truism that God has placed knowledge of Himself in our soul at creation and each of us intuitively knows He exists and exclusively possesses power and dominion over all life and creation. Many men and women, as a result of immoral ulterior motives, deny the existence of our Creator as a defense mechanism to a beleaguered conscience and when this self-deception is maintained over a period of time, God gives this deceived individual over to a depraved mind and they enter into a deathstyle that culminates in death of body in Time and death of the soul in Hell. You are one such applicant.

    And just as they did not see fit [u]to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, [v]haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.  Romans 1:28-32 (NASB)

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  
  • AmpersandAmpersand 858 Pts   -  
    RickeyD said:
    @Ampersand ; You are incorrect. A concept does not possess flesh. A concept does not radiate heat and light. A concept is not printed on a page containing historical and spiritual Truth. Atheism is a concept...for fools.

    Things like the sun and earth physically exist. The idea that god created them through supernatural power is a concept that exists in your head.

    Jesus of Nazareth was a 1st century Judaic preacher and physically existed. The idea that he was the son of god is a concept that exists in your head.

    Bibles with words printed on them physically exists. The idea that the statements within represent a specific and accurate supernatural truth about the universe is an concept that exists in your head.

    You're getting confused because the concepts you believe in relate to real world things, but that's not really unique or special and it doesn't make these concepts any more true. You forget that despite being an atheist Jesus also have flesh for me - it's just he has the flesh of an ordinary human preacher. Likewise the sun radiates heat and light for me, I just have different ideas about how it was made. I physically can read and see the bible, but there is absolutely no holy revelation or truth to it. Literally every part of your argument where you try and relate something to religious truth in Christianity is pure imagination and belief.

    If these weren't concepts, when we both looked at the same bible we'd have the same reaction and understanding. The very fact that I don't agree with you proves you are wrong. Instead whether you think the bible is holy truth or a load of ancient nonsense is only conceptual. The only physical real truth about a bible is that it's a load of wood pulp and ink combined to form a book with words on.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    The works of Epicurus, and Sigmund Freud are concepts.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    **** The works of Epicurus, and Sigmund Freud are concepts.

    The works of God  are concepts.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee ; The works of God are before you and are empirical, not concepts.
  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @Dee ; You are brainwashed by your father, Satan, and you cannot see because you're blinded and deaf to Truth.

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
  • One of the things I admire about the Prophets with all kinds of religion is that they decided not to believe everything their predecessors said. They were leaders; not the flock.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Where's your NON Atheist oriented evidence to support your claim?

    **** The works of Epicurus, and Sigmund Freud are concepts.

    "The works of God  are concepts."

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    I Googled Atheist concepts, and this was the primary response:

    "Such atheists present deductive arguments against the existence of God, which assert the incompatibility between certain traits, such as perfection, creator-status, immutability, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, omnibenevolence, transcendence, personhood (a personal being), non-physicality, justice, and mercy.
    Wikipedia › wiki › Atheism

  • RickeyDRickeyD 953 Pts   -  
    @TKDB ; Thank you. It's saddening to watch our Lord's prophecy come to fruition before our eyes.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020





    I Googled Atheist concepts, and this was the primary response:

    "Such atheists present deductive arguments against the existence of God, which assert the incompatibility between certain traits, such as perfection, creator-status, immutability, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, omnibenevolence, transcendence, personhood (a personal being), non-physicality, justice, and mercy.
    Wikipedia › wiki › Atheism
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Yes indeed and the tragedy is that you don’t even know what the article is stating,   as you seem to think it’s some sort of criticism of the Atheist position while the opposite is true,  this is not in the least surprising as I once had to explain to you that the word “lady” was used as a term for females which came as a startling revelation to you..

    Thank you for acknowledging what I and other Atheists knew and it’s the one type of argument you and your buddies can never make as your position is totally faith based and thus  void of implication........

     A deductive argument is the presentation of statements that are assumed or known to be true as premises for a conclusion that necessarily follows from those statements. Deductive reasoning relies on what is assumed to be known to infer truths about similarly related conclusions.
  • @TKDB ;

    "Such atheists present deductive arguments against the existence of God, which assert the incompatibility between certain traits, such as perfection, creator-status, immutability, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, omnibenevolence, transcendence, personhood (a personal being), non-physicality, justice, and mercy.

    The group you have made are not atheist, ZeusAres42, Ampersand, Dee, MayCaesar, Plaffelvohefen as they as well as you have been given a basic understanding of GOD in contradiction to the studies you all undertake by literature at this moment unsanctioned as a reprteatation of GOD. It is a sanction created by a collection of religion. What is taking place is a poor excuse for prejudice has the croup of religions that form the prejudice against GOD join forces is a effort to prevent and hinder reorientation. 

    In a language of mathematics eighty-nine can be written as GOD this fact that has and is repeatedly proven as truth in both bibles and other books throughout history. GOD as basic model of religion is a publicly shared set of beliefs. All religion like man are created equal by their creator, or in some cases they are not to maintain a status of prejudice.
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    Define Anti Religious Cleansing?

    "Religious persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or a group of individuals as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations or their lack thereof. The tendency of societies or groups within societies to alienate or repress different subcultures is a recurrent theme in human history. Moreover, because a person's religion often determines his or her moralityworld viewself-image, attitudes towards others, and overall personal identity to a significant extent, religious differences can be significant cultural, personal, and social factors."

    "Religious persecution may be triggered by religious bigotry (i.e. when members of a dominant group denigrate religions other than their own) or it may be triggered by the state when it views a particular religious group as a threat to its interests or security. At a societal level, the dehumanisation of a particular religious group may readily lead to violence or other forms of persecution. Indeed, in many countries, religious persecution has resulted in so much violence that it is considered a human rights problem. 


    Religious Persecution is a human rights problem.

    It's the Polite and Sterile version of Ethnic Cleansing.

    "eth·nic cleans·ing
    /ˈeTHnik klenziNG/
    1. the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society."

    I challenge you to prove otherwise.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ****Define Anti Religious Cleansing?

    I don’t even know what you’re on about are you unwell?

    **** Religious Persecution is a human rights problem.

    Is it ?  Why who’s doing it?

    *****It's the Polite and Sterile version of Ethnic Cleansing.

    What a truly ridiculous statement 

    ****/eth·nic cleans·ing

    /ˈeTHnik klenziNG/


    • the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society."

    •   Who’s doing that?

      ****I challenge you to prove otherwise.

    No one even knows what you’re on about are you on medication?

  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @TKDB your entitled to your agenda driven opinions and perceptions @TKDB

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020


    ****Define Anti Religious Cleansing?

    "I don’t even know what you’re on about are you unwell?"

    **** Religious Persecution is a human rights problem.

    "Is it ?  Why who’s doing it?"

    @Dee, You're doing it.


    It's not propaganda, it's the truth, and I just provided the truth, to you and Dee, on a Silver platter.

    Define Anti Religious Cleansing?

    "Religious persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or a group of individuals as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations or their lack thereof. The tendency of societies or groups within societies to alienate or repress different subcultures is a recurrent theme in human history. Moreover, because a person's religion often determines his or her moralityworld viewself-image, attitudes towards others, and overall personal identity to a significant extent, religious differences can be significant cultural, personal, and social factors."

    "Religious persecution may be triggered by religious bigotry (i.e. when members of a dominant group denigrate religions other than their own) or it may be triggered by the state when it views a particular religious group as a threat to its interests or security. At a societal level, the dehumanisation of a particular religious group may readily lead to violence or other forms of persecution. Indeed, in many countries, religious persecution has resulted in so much violence that it is considered a human rights problem. 


    Religious Persecution is a human rights problem. 

    Where's YOUR non Atheist oriented evidence, that can disprove that the non Religious individuals aren't engaging in Anti Religious Cleansing?

    Or in other word's, Religious Discrimination?


    This from you isn't a counter argument:

    "@TKDB your entitled to your agenda driven opinions and perceptions @TKDB"

  • The quick answer is yes, gods are concepts created in our minds.

    Even when we think we know what god is or who god is, it is still just a mental picture that we have in our own minds.

    That is why there are so many man made gods, which are all the gods.

    That may also be why the Vatican's creation painting has Yahweh overlaid on our right hemisphere of our brain and why all gods should be viewed as human constructs.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    Prove it?

    Just don't talk your individual opinion and perception up to give it some sort of individual verbalized value?

    Because that's what Epicurus and Sigmund Freud did.

    As well as Mr. Richard Dawkins, as well as a host of other non Religious individuals have done?

    Non Religious talk is cheap, and the proof to support any non Religious individuals rhetoric, is priceless in its Religious Persecution educational value.

    "The quick answer is yes, gods are concepts created in our minds.

    Even when we think we know what god is or who god is, it is still just a mental picture that we have in our own minds.

    That is why there are so many man made gods, which are all the gods.

    That may also be why the Vatican's creation painting has Yahweh overlaid on our right hemisphere of our brain and why all gods should be viewed as human constructs."

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    **** Religious Persecution is a human rights problem.

    "Is it ?  Why who’s doing it?"

    ** *You're doing it.

    You’re a big child,  you feel like you’re being persecuted because yet again you cannot debate  , all you and your buddy R do is troll go away you fool 

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    **** Religious Persecution is a human rights problem.

    "Is it ?  Why who’s doing it?"

    ** *You're doing it.

    You’re a big child,  you feel like you’re being persecuted because yet again you cannot debate  , all you and your buddy R do is troll go away you fool 

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    **** Religious Persecution is a human rights problem.

    "Is it ?  Why who’s doing it?"

    ** *You're doing it.

    You’re a big child,  you feel like you’re being persecuted because yet again you cannot debate  , all you and your buddy R do is troll go away you fool 

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    **** Religious Persecution is a human rights problem.

    "Is it ?  Why who’s doing it?"

    ** *You're doing it.

    You’re a big child,  you feel like you’re being persecuted because yet again you cannot debate  , all you and your buddy R do is troll go away 

  • TKDB said:

    Prove it?

    Non Religious talk is cheap, 

    Prove me wrong. You would not even know where to start. I do and offer the link below.

    Religious talk, especially the brain dead supernatural based religions, is a lot cheaper as it posits that gods that are satanic are good.

    That is not only intellectually cheap, it shows moral dissonance.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Your Religious Persecution practice?

    How many have you hounded with your persecution?

    Me, RickyD, or YeshuaBought? 

    **** Religious Persecution is a human rights problem.

    "Is it ?  Why who’s doing it?"

    ** *You're doing it.

    "You’re a big child,  you feel like you’re being persecuted because yet again you cannot debate, all you and your buddy R do is troll go away."

    A big child?

    I'm the only individual who has challenged any Atheist to debate me in Public, before the very eyes, of the Public itself, and not one single Atheist has yet to take me up on that offer of that Public debate?

    But here, the Public has been a witness to how some of the non Religious, go about debating Religion through the confines of their laptops, cell phones, or any other electronic device?

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  


    Prove me wrong. You would not even know where to start. I do and offer the link below.

    Religious talk, especially the brain dead supernatural based religions, is a lot cheaper as it posits that gods that are satanic are good.

    That is not only intellectually cheap, it shows moral dissonance."

    Rudolf Steiner is another individual philosopher, who liked to push his own opinion and perception unto others, to enjoy the popularity from it.

    Nothing more, and nothing less.

    Just as Epicurus, Freud, and Dawkins have done.

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ******Your Religious Persecution practice?

    You feel persecuted how hilarious , like the snowflake you are you cry at being questioned 

    *****How many have you hounded with your persecution?

    If you think asking questions you cannot answer it demonstrates what a child. you are 

    *****Me, RickyD, orYeshuabought 

    Right so the sites three biggest trolls feel persecuted .....Ha,Ha , Ha 

    *****A big child?

    Yes that's you and I meant to add the word simple so yes a big simple child ..  bless you 

    ******I'm the only individual who has challenged any Atheist to debate me in Public, before the very eyes, of the Public itself, and not one single Atheist has yet to take me up on that offer of that Public debate?

    But you cannot even debate you call it "persecution " when you're questioned and run wailing to Aaron 

    *****But here, the Public has been a witness to how some of the non Religious, go about debating Religion through the confines of their laptops, cell phones, or any other electronic device?

    But here, the Public has been a witness to how some of the Religious, go about trolling atheists through the confines of their laptops, cell phones, or any other electronic device?

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Please DEBATE me face to face?

    I'll fly to your country and then your country can be educated on your argument techniques?

    ******Your Religious Persecution practice?

    "You feel persecuted how hilarious , like the snowflake you are you cry at being questioned"

    *****How many have you hounded with your persecution?

    "If you think asking questions you cannot answer it demonstrates what a child. you are"

    *****Me, RickyD, orYeshuabought 

    "Right so the sites three biggest trolls feel persecuted .....Ha,Ha , Ha "

    *****A big child?

    "Yes that's you and I meant to add the word simple so yes a big simple child ..  bless you"

    ******I'm the only individual who has challenged any Atheist to debate me in Public, before the very eyes, of the Public itself, and not one single Atheist has yet to take me up on that offer of that Public debate?

    "But you cannot even debate you call it "persecution " when you're questioned and run wailing to Aarong"

    *****But here, the Public has been a witness to how some of the non Religious, go about debating Religion through the confines of their laptops, cell phones, or any other electronic device?

    "But here, the Public has been a witness to how some of the Religious, go about trolling atheists through the confines of their laptops, cell phones, or any other electronic device?"

    @Dee You're engaging in online Anti Religious Cleansing, aren't you?

    The Polite and Sterile version of Ethnic Cleansing.

    @Dee, Then you can explain you your country, why Religious Persecution is a human rights problem?

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    You need your doctor to change your medication as it’s not working 
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    You need your doctor to change your medication as it’s not working"

    Where are you, to debate me?

    I'm in Church right now.

    There are babies here, senior citizens, parents, kids, and college kids as well.

    But no signs of Child Protective Services, ATF, FBI, or the local law enforcement, who didn't come to the Church, because the Religious people here, aren't indoctrinating anyone through force?

    As well as, no signs of Atheist Discrimination either?

  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Where were you?

    I know, you're here.
    Sleeping on your debate:
    "zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz" 
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    More religious discrimination, from your Atheist concept.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6192 Pts   -  
    These gods always are so mean for some reason... "Worship me or be punished badly". It is almost like whoever invented them wanted to subdue people via threats, rather than make their lives happier in some way.
    Even the "goddess of love", Aphrodite, allegedly brutally punished those who disrespected her. What kind of love is that?

    Why not have an unconditionally good and loving god? Someone who always loves you, always sends you to the best version of afterlife, always supports you, and even if you do not believe in him/her, he/she understands your choice and still loves you.
    Unconditional love, after all, is a high moral ideal virtually in every moral system in existence. For some reason people do not apply it to a monotheistic god, but I think that application would be really nice.

    Take a look at Waukeen from Forgotten Realms. All you need to be protected and loved by her, really, is to just be good with your finances - which is what you should be good with in any case, no matter what god/goddess (if any) you follow. Do that and do not explicitly reject her, and you have got her support. There is no "repent", there is no "bow"; none of this authoritarian fluff.
    Or consider the modern version of Shintoism in Japan. Respect the nature - plants, animals, other people - and your spirit will be in a nice place after your death. That is it. You do not even need to be a Shintoist.

    Religion can be pretty sweet when it is not designed to subjugate populations, can it not?
  • SandSand 307 Pts   -  
    I'm glad Christian religion is not that way.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Carry on your hate campaign , your bigotry and racism is noted you and Ricky are on the same page 
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