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It's always a laugh when those on the Left talk about Science deniers. Biology? Hello?

Debate Information

Our world's Science is being rewritten by Democrat funded LGBT activist groups. The Science of Biology no longer dictates the natural order to our bodies and the natural heterosexual design.

Everything is being turned upside down by an extreme Left wing Democrat Party and their political base of LGBT activists.

Just because we have small segments of our population who have unnatural desires towards, same sex, towards children, multiple spouses, animals, corpses, etc. etc., does not mean we must sanction and embrace these things.

There is such a thing as, understanding that people have these unnatural desires, having tolerance for people who are different, not bullying them, giving them certain civil rights, etc. etc., WITHOUT embracing the orientation as being a natural normal part of Biology and life.

Why is it the Democrat Party wants to indoctrinate our children in public schools to embrace these unnatural sexual attractions as being perfectly natural alternatives to how we are designed?

One word......... POLITICS! It's all about big money and votes.

The Democrat Party has sold it's soul to whatever activist groups gives them the most support. They no longer care about your impressionable children. They have no problem with kids experimenting with all types of unnatural sex.

We are already seeing Transgender groups talking to our Kindergartners about issues they are far too young to even grasp! This is sick, and what's worse they do it against the will of the parents!

We have Drag Queens talking to our children in Libraries! The Democrat Party is trying to pass Bills that would force every public school to allow boys, who think they are girls, into our daughter's sports! Do you even care?

Talk about the arrogance of the Left, pushing their unnatural alphabet of LGBT activists into our schools, libraries, wherever they can indoctrinate our children to this Political Correct lunacy.

Stop electing these Democrats who pander to the latest flavor of the year sexual orientation. They are conditioning your children to believe that the Science of Biology no longer applies. Experiment kids, who knows what you are! You might have thoughts of being a boy or girl while going through puberty. Embrace it! Experiment! This is their message to our children!

Stop the madness!
This is not about tolerance of diversity. This is about indoctrination of our youth, training them to become good little Political correct Democrats.

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  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    Sexual orientation is the subject of neurobiology not biology.

    I'm getting sick of your arguments from ignorance.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  

    It's always a laugh when you get disproven more than 10 different times about your "science" claims by actual science (not politics) and you just repost the same thing over and over again. I'm done arguing about this with you since you just throw away everything I say and repost the same lie again.

    I won't even bother to copy-paste my arguments because then this would turn into spam vs spam with you ignoring my spam and then posting the same spam again. I recommend going back and actually reading and attempting to understand what people are saying, so you know not to make the same mistake and get disproven over and over by other people as we have seen recently.
    why so serious?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    People have addressed virtually everything you said here on numerous occasions in the past, yet here you are again, with the exact same rhetoric, as if nothing happened. Even the "Science of Biology" is back.

    Makes me think that you are not actually interested in debating anything; only in pushing your narrative despite all counter-arguments. With such people any discussion is going to be pointless.
  • I'm sick of anti Christian bigots! You can't stand anyone voicing their opinions if those opinions have anything to do with moral values. What's so sad is when bigots watch our culture dying all around us and coming up with nice medical names to explain it away.
    I forget, what do they call a boy or girl or man or woman who actually know who they are?  Cisgender - denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.

    It matters not if people want to call an unborn baby their medical name "fetus" to try and dehumanize that innocent life.

    It matters not when people come up with all sorts of new names to describe and sanction their Transgender disorders.

    The Left has declared war on Christianity and are lifting up anything that goes contrary to it.

    If you think for one second i could care what you think of my beliefs and opinions, you are absolutely wrong.

    Try doing what you tell me to do, change the channel and ignore me.@Happy_Killbot
  • It's funny how you keep ignoring my remarks toward acceptence of Pedophilia when not acting on their unnatural attractions for children.

    Using all this Leftwing rhetoric of how unnatural is the new natural, tell me why Pedophilia has yet to recieve the letter "P" on the new political correct LGBTQ alphabet?

    They use the same arguments as Gays and Transgenders use...

    They are born that way...
    They have no choice to their attractions towards children...
    They are simply being who they are!
    Why not embrace them for coming out of the closet?

    You can lift them up as yet one more natural diverse group of people.
    Lets change the age limits for marrital consent and make it legal for consenting  kids to marry adults ok? It's their equal rights don't you know?

    Let's just throw out those old Science books and embrace any group that declares themselves normal because we do not want anyone feeling insecure about who they are, correct?

    Let's indoctrinate our impressionable children to embrace every unnatural group out there, before they get old enough to say HOGWASH to all this PC dysfunction.

    I believe that Kids should be taught to be tolerant of all people, no bullying, no matter their diversity, but should never be indoctrinated to embrace the diversity as yet one more natural norm to life. There needs to be no special mention of whatever LGBT group wants access to our children's minds. Kids should be taught to appreciate all people, no names required.

    Now try doing what you tell me to do, if you do not like my opinions, CHANGE THE CHANNEL! Ignore me and I will do the same.

    But nahhh, those on the left will never ignore diverse opinions that do not bow to their Political correct extremism. They will attack opinions they do not agree with. They will demonize it, demonize the messenger!
    You will never ignore my words, because my words hit home to this power grab for our children's minds, from many on the Left.
  • I agree, it is pointless to try and debate those who have bought into this Political correct extremism. You refuse to embrace any diversity that does not capitulate to your new LGBTQ alphabet.

    You sound like the slave owners who told everyone to stop judging them for their diversity of owning slaves.

    There is a reason why we keep bringing up the same arguments over and over again. THEY ARE THE TRUTH!

    Maybe when you stop regurgitating the same Political correct lunacy, and stop indoctrinating our children, we will stop as well.

    Stay away from our children. Parents have a right to raise them to understand the natural order to life and Science. You raise your children how you see fit, and we will do the same!

    If I'm repeating what others have said, why do you keep responding? Oh I keep forgetting, you want to transform our minds! We are no longer allowed diverse opinions that go opposite the Big Brother thought police.@MayCaesar
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    ***** I believe that Kids should be taught to be tolerant of all people, no bullying, no matter their diversity

    No you don’t believe that as you totally supported Limbaugh and his hatred of blacks through his well documented hate pieces on blacks your only “defence “ was “ oh maybe the comments were taken “out of context” and you couldn’t answer my question as in what context is racism “in the right context”? 

    Your type totally support bigotry and racism once you’s are doing it isn’t that it buddy?
  • Hogwash! I told you to give me the actual words of Limbuagh, not the one's filtered by the Left. You gave me nothing but hearsay. Just like the Democrat's impeachment scam. All hearsay!@Dee
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Typically you resort to lying I gave you links to each of Limbaugh’s hate remarks in his own words but your hatred of blacks typically has you siding with your fellow racist you go again in his own words
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Typically you resort to lying I gave you links to each of Limbaugh’s hate remarks in his own words but your hatred of blacks typically has you siding with your fellow racist you go again in his own words
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    I'm sick of anti Christian bigots! You can't stand anyone voicing their opinions if those opinions have anything to do with moral values. What's so sad is when bigots watch our culture dying all around us and coming up with nice medical names to explain it away.
    I forget, what do they call a boy or girl or man or woman who actually know who they are?  Cisgender - denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.

    It matters not if people want to call an unborn baby their medical name "fetus" to try and dehumanize that innocent life.

    It matters not when people come up with all sorts of new names to describe and sanction their Transgender disorders.

    The Left has declared war on Christianity and are lifting up anything that goes contrary to it.

    If you think for one second i could care what you think of my beliefs and opinions, you are absolutely wrong.

    Try doing what you tell me to do, change the channel and ignore me.@Happy_Killbot
    "Fetus" …. YOU brought up Biology
    "Transgender" ……….. again, you brought up Biology, and wish to ignore the Neuro branch.
    The "lefts war on Christianity" ………… Again, I remind you, there are just as many Christians on the left, they're just not as "contrary".
    We absolutely know you "don't care" about anything but YOUR beliefs and opinions.

    Changing channels and ignoring. :smirk:

  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable ;
    We_are_accountable said:
    I'm sick of anti Christian bigots! You can't stand anyone voicing their opinions if those opinions have anything to do with moral values. What's so sad is when bigots watch our culture dying all around us and coming up with nice medical names to explain it away.
    I forget, what do they call a boy or girl or man or woman who actually know who they are?  Cisgender - denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.

    It matters not if people want to call an unborn baby their medical name "fetus" to try and dehumanize that innocent life.

    It matters not when people come up with all sorts of new names to describe and sanction their Transgender disorders.

    The Left has declared war on Christianity and are lifting up anything that goes contrary to it.

    If you think for one second i could care what you think of my beliefs and opinions, you are absolutely wrong.

    Try doing what you tell me to do, change the channel and ignore me.@Happy_Killbot
    Why are you always so triggered?

    No one is saying you can't voice your opinion, we are just saying that your opinion violates the facts of science, usually in very fundamental ways.

    Christianity is a dying idea, it will soon be remembered as a mythology, as people put away childish things.

    What you think there is a "war on Christianity"? F*** NO! Christianity has been center stage for centuries, and people like you are the reason people turn away from religion, if you missed the point of our talk on gun rights, here it is again:

    The reason I can no ignore people like you are because they are a danger to their own ideas. Like an untrained bystander trying to help someone who is injured after EMTs arrive, you do less to aid the situation and more to just get in the way. Christianity and LGBTQ issues are no exception. Since you have no idea how actual debate is supposed to work, you make all the obvious mistakes of an armature and then wonder why no one wants to listen to you. You should be taking your time to make well-crafted and studied arguments backed up with evidence that has been rigorously verified and taking the time to think about how your opponents might respond to a given prompt.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable You keep spamming these threads and I will reply, even if I mute you they will still come up. I am free to prove you wrong when you post on a public forum.

    Why do I ignore the pedophile argument exactly? Oh yeah, because it's a fallacious argument

    I can fight against you taking the high ground of science because you are blatantly wrong. I do not advocate for pedophilia in this (duh?).

    Saying pedophilia will be normalized next is a bogus argument to try and detriment LGBT and here's why:
    • It's child abuse (obviously)
    • Children cannot consent, no matter what, it is manipulation/grooming/rape to have sex with a minor, they cannot fight back
    • Children who have had sex with adults suffer extremely in life (emotionally, psychologically, and many cases physically because they are not developed yet)
    • It is a PARAPHILIA (like zoophilia and necrophilia), completely unrelated to sexuality
    • It's not two consenting adults (Do I even have to bring this up?)
    Did I even have to explain this? It's really sad that I have to...

    why so serious?
  • You are the perfect example of the arrogant Godless mindset whereby you look down on people of faith, declaring their beliefs as superstition, all while denying all the problems created by this amoral Godless believe in nothing culture.

    You never give me an answer why all these mass shootings of complete strangers and children are happening today. YOU HAVE NO CLUE and refuse to even comtemplate the importance of MORAL VALUES, those dirty little words you fear so.

    You never have an anwser why our families are falling apart. It is now rare to see an intact family of kids being raised by their actual parents. You wonder why the welfare roles are so filled with single mothers, and scratch your head. You refuse to see the corelation between the censorship of religious expresson on public land and this amoral culture.

    You and the Left have no answers because the ONLY answers revolve around simple common sense morality, whereby people stop sleeping around like animals, having no notion of waiting for love before sex, or commitment to a life long marriage.
    Your answers are more Government run social programs and case workers raising our children.

    Without God, people like you justify killing even viable babies. THAT IS BARBARIC and you are going to judge me for my Christian beliefs which has the common humanity to discern right from wrong?

    SICK LOST WORLD! You prove Christianity to be true when Godless people such as yourself support the barbarity of No Restriction abortions and having fixations on this LGBT hysteria.

    Nah, you deny supporting half this stuff while electing those who cheerlead it. You stand for so little because without God's value system, you have allowed extremists to fill the void.

    The only people who get shamed by you are those of faith. All those living this self love anything goes lifestyle get no mention from you, because that would bring the conversation back to morality which you refuse to do. You want no insecure feelings of guilt to ever enter your self absorbed world.@Happy_Killbot
  • I wasted my time watching your video of Rush. I knew it would be exactly as I claimed it would be. EDITED SOUND BITES OF HIS MANY DISCUSSIONS ON THESE ISSUES!

    Did you notice that they were sound bites of his entire discussions? You can never understand what a person is actually trying to say with sound bites. The Left does this all the time, painting a picture of racism, just so people like you will swallow it hook line and sinker.

    There is nothing racist about stating the facts of how there are more Black slave traders then White ones. He was correct when he said it was White Republicans who started the Civil war to STOP Slavery!

    Since you are too ignorant to grasp deceptive editing, I will give you a simple example.

    Let's say that Trump or Rush made a statement such as, "all Black people have a lower IQ".

    This was the edited version of their entire statement which said... "Democrats keep trying to imply that I believe all Black people have a lower IQ. This is a complete lie!"

    Do you see how anyone can take a statement and turn into something it is not? Spare me any more of your deceptive rhetoric of Rush being a racist. It's ludicrous!

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  
    I agree, it is pointless to try and debate those who have bought into this Political correct extremism. You refuse to embrace any diversity that does not capitulate to your new LGBTQ alphabet.

    You sound like the slave owners who told everyone to stop judging them for their diversity of owning slaves.

    There is a reason why we keep bringing up the same arguments over and over again. THEY ARE THE TRUTH!

    Maybe when you stop regurgitating the same Political correct lunacy, and stop indoctrinating our children, we will stop as well.

    Stay away from our children. Parents have a right to raise them to understand the natural order to life and Science. You raise your children how you see fit, and we will do the same!

    If I'm repeating what others have said, why do you keep responding? Oh I keep forgetting, you want to transform our minds! We are no longer allowed diverse opinions that go opposite the Big Brother thought police.@MayCaesar
    Where did I ever tell you to stop judging others, or that you are not allowed to have your opinion? You are free to do whatever you want; this is a free country. By the same token, I am free to respond to your words in whatever manner I desire. Freedom of speech goes both ways, something you authoritarians never take into account. You think that you should be able to say whatever you want, but others must always respect your opinion and agree with it.

    If your arguments are the truth, then you should be able to respond to people's objections to them. Instead, you copy-paste them, as if trying to get your opponents to quit, feeling like they are talking to a wall. I guess this is how you avoid having to acknowledge multiple contradictions in your narrative.

    You are free to raise your children however you want, but the market is not entitled to providing you with the environment you want. Nobody forces you to show them LGBT commercials or whatever else; it is something you chose to do, and now you are complaining like a little girl.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable ;

    You claim your god to be the source of your morality, but I have another theory: You are projecting your moral values onto your god, meaning when you say that you think something is god's belief you are talking about yourself.

    Consider: If god made homosexuals and transsexuals, don't you think he would want them to be that way, meaning he did it intentionally? I have heard some believers claim that homosexuality is a test of the homosexual to see if they will sin, but what if it is backwards and in fact it is a test of those around Christians, to see if they can except someone for who they are?

    From this perspective, you are in the moral wrong, and your religion is to blame.

    You think you know what is causing gun violence, but here is the thing: You are not an expert. You don't know either. Neither of us knows, you just spout your opinion and label it truth when the reality is you know nothing.

    You are an asset to those you stand opposed to because you do more to discredit your own stances than actually support them.

    Every time people like yourself start talking about any subject, 9/10 people listening to you run to join the other team.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • DeeDee 5395 Pts   -  

    Your hero Limbaugh is a racist as are you , I bet you’re a fully paid up member of the KKK .......

    • In 1990, Newsday reported that Limbaugh snapped at a black caller who confronted him, saying, “Take the bone out of your nose and call me back.” 
  • Stil you never answer me, why all the mass killings of strangers and children today? What changed? I at least have a theory and it's a good one because the time frame of this anything goes culture coincides with the lie of Separation of Church and State.

    So under the false logic that God made people Gay or Transgender, where do Pedophiles fit in? Pedophiles make the same claims that Gays make. They were born that way! They have no choice for their attractions to children! Sound familiar? The only difference is that their attraction for children is against the law. It used to be against the law for Gay weddings! Time to change the laws for kids marrying adults?
    Why not, what the heck, anything goes today when God is censored from our nation.

    Did God also make Pedophiles? Must be God hates kids and wants them raped? How does the all knowing Democrat Party know which sexual orientations to add to their LGBT alphabet?
    You never answer my question about Pedophiles and why they are left out of this LGBT hysteria.

    The Left forced every State to change their marriage laws for Gays, so when will they do it for children and adults? It's all about equal rights remember? Oh, I keep forgetting, people say kids are not mature enough to consent to marrying adults, but according to Democrats, they are old enough to have abortions without parental consent, old enough to declare their new found Gender and having Transgender surgery, old enough to listen to Transgenders and Gays telling them about sexual orientations, but not old enough to get married. Funny how the Left picks and chooses when kids are old enough for adult things.

    News flash, God already said that the world would hate Christians for his sake. Yes, 9 out of 10 people will run to the culture that never makes them feel guilty for their sins. The world hates anyone who shines a light on their irresponsible lifestyles, and is the very reason they so hate Christians.
    This anything goes culture is great for a time, and then it all collapses as we are beginning to see.

    You don't like being reminded that you support aborting viable babies when voting for Democrats, so this is why you judge me for my Christian beliefs. You want your sins hidden behind the all incompassing word "choice"!@Happy_Killbot
  • I stopped reading after this:
    Our world's Science is being rewritten by Democrat funded LGBT activist groups.
    If the intention of your argument is to be persuasive then you just lost half the audience with just this first sentence.


  • Try being honest just once in your life. We Conservatives are not forcing family shows to air controversial adult matter to your impressionable kids. GET IT? That is your side doing it!
    We are not threatening the loss of sponsors if you refuse to air Conservative propaganda.

    I never said the Left has no right to their opinions. DON'T SPEW YOUR OPINIONS TO MY IMPRESSIONABLE CHILDREN!

    You are spewing deception and distorting what we are talking about!

    You respect our right to privacy in our own homes, and we will do the same. Keep your adult sexual orientations out of family programming where children are watching.@MayCaesar
  • If I lost you by the truth in the first sentence, then good riddence to a denier.

    This LGBT hysteria is rewriting the Science of Biology and how our bodies are designed.@ZeusAres42
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable I did answer: NOBODY KNOWS WHY.

    You have to accept that some things don't have an answer.

    Child marriage is legal in the US and has been for much longer than homosexuality (p.s. it's because of religion)

    If you want to accept people for who they are as a good Christian, as Jesus would have you do, in accordance with moral principals then yes, you have to accept them or else you are no better than they are.

    I'm atheist. God didn't make anyone, because it didn't exist.

    I think @smoothie did an excellent job above of explaining to you why pedophilia is not LGBTQ.
    smoothie said:
    @We_are_accountable You keep spamming these threads and I will reply, even if I mute you they will still come up. I am free to prove you wrong when you post on a public forum.

    Why do I ignore the pedophile argument exactly? Oh yeah, because it's a fallacious argument

    I can fight against you taking the high ground of science because you are blatantly wrong. I do not advocate for pedophilia in this (duh?).

    Saying pedophilia will be normalized next is a bogus argument to try and detriment LGBT and here's why:
    • It's child abuse (obviously)
    • Children cannot consent, no matter what, it is manipulation/grooming/rape to have sex with a minor, they cannot fight back
    • Children who have had sex with adults suffer extremely in life (emotionally, psychologically, and many cases physically because they are not developed yet)
    • It is a PARAPHILIA (like zoophilia and necrophilia), completely unrelated to sexuality
    • It's not two consenting adults (Do I even have to bring this up?)
    Did I even have to explain this? It's really sad that I have to...

    You should really stop making arguments from ignorance, you are making yourself look worse than you already are. Did you seriously not know that Child marriage is common in the US?

    Christianity will die out of obsolescence, not out of conflict. People will just grow up and realize it is just absurd, and that will be that. The bible predicts violence against Christians, but so far the only violence has been directed from christians onto atheists.

    You have heard my abortion stance multiple times now, if you still don't get it, then your IQ is probably as low as I suspect. My stance is pro-freedom, not pro-choice.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • As always you distort what I say. I already know that Pedophilia is a sickness and disorder. You refused to answer my questions.... gee what a shock!

    Your arguments for this LGBT hysteria is that they are supposedly born that way, and have no choice for whom they are attracted. If you refuse to afford Pedophiles the same respect if not acting on their attractions, then why?

    You can't make excuses for LGBT groups and then ignore the same excuses from Pedophiles. Either they are born that way and have no choice, or they are not! You are saying Pedophiles have a choice, and other LGBT groups have no choice. Which is it?

    I am a rational human being who took the Science of Biology. I understand that we have people with unnatural attractions for others, but this does not mean we embrace it as normal. You refuse to embrace Pedophiles who do not act on their attractions. Why? You want my kids to embrace all this LGBT @smoothie

    I have muted you so how about ignoring my debates. I have no time for control fanatics trying to get Conservatives kicked of this debate site. @smoothie
  • Since you lacked the ability to respond for yourself, I will post what I said to Smoothie...

    As always you distort what I say. I already know that Pedophilia is a sickness and disorder. You refused to answer my questions.... gee what a shock!

    Your arguments for this LGBT hysteria is that they are supposedly born that way, and have no choice for whom they are attracted. If you refuse to afford Pedophiles, who do not act on their unnatural attractions, the same respect, then why?

    You can't make excuses for LGBT groups and then ignore the same excuses from Pedophiles. Either they are born that way and have no choice, or they are not! You are saying Pedophiles have a choice, and other LGBT groups have no choice. Which is it?

    I am a rational human being who took the Science of Biology. I understand that we have people with unnatural attractions for others, but this does not mean we embrace it as normal. You refuse to embrace Pedophiles who do not act on their attractions. Why? You want my kids to embrace all this LGBT hysteria.
  • If I lost you by the truth in the first sentence, then good riddence to a denier.

    This LGBT hysteria is rewriting the Science of Biology and how our bodies are designed.@ZeusAres42
    I'm afraid just telling me that your pre-conceived notions are correct and everyone else is wrong just doesn't do it for me. Not only that, your claim doesn't even make any sense. And you might want to study science before calling others science deniers as it's abundantly clear you have no idea what you're talking about. Your arguments here are actually doing a disservice to actual science.

  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  
    I'm starting to suspect that you are actually a fanatic progressive who is trying to get as many people to abandon conservative ideas by representing them in the worst possible way.

    If you could see how bad you are making your position look, you wouldn't be trying.

    Please keep talking, because the more you do the more you get people to oppose you.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    Try being honest just once in your life. We Conservatives are not forcing family shows to air controversial adult matter to your impressionable kids. GET IT? That is your side doing it!
    We are not threatening the loss of sponsors if you refuse to air Conservative propaganda.

    I never said the Left has no right to their opinions. DON'T SPEW YOUR OPINIONS TO MY IMPRESSIONABLE CHILDREN!

    You are spewing deception and distorting what we are talking about!

    You respect our right to privacy in our own homes, and we will do the same. Keep your adult sexual orientations out of family programming where children are watching.@MayCaesar
    What is "my side"? I would like to know, since I have always been a lone wolf and would like to meet others like me.
    You are still thinking in terms of sides and generalisations. What a lazy way to think.

    Huh? You think your children should be protected from my opinions? I can state whatever opinion I want, and if they happen to be in my vicinity when it happens, then they will hear it. You will have to force your kids to wear sound-insulating headphones at all times in order to assure that they never hear what I have to say.

    I have not seen any evidence that anyone is forcing anything on you. You chose what TV channels to pay for and show to your children, and now you are complaining that those channels feature content you do not approve of. Keeping those channels and watching them is your choice.
    Don't you see? It is you who causes the problems in your life you are describing. You are the sole responsible party here, so take responsibility and own it.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    As always you distort what I say. I already know that Pedophilia is a sickness and disorder. You refused to answer my questions.... gee what a shock!

    Your arguments for this LGBT hysteria is that they are supposedly born that way, and have no choice for whom they are attracted. If you refuse to afford Pedophiles the same respect if not acting on their attractions, then why?

    You can't make excuses for LGBT groups and then ignore the same excuses from Pedophiles. Either they are born that way and have no choice, or they are not! You are saying Pedophiles have a choice, and other LGBT groups have no choice. Which is it?

    I am a rational human being who took the Science of Biology. I understand that we have people with unnatural attractions for others, but this does not mean we embrace it as normal. You refuse to embrace Pedophiles who do not act on their attractions. Why? You want my kids to embrace all this LGBT @smoothie

    I have muted you so how about ignoring my debates. I have no time for control fanatics trying to get Conservatives kicked of this debate site. @smoothie

    My argument for LGBT is that IT DOES NO HARM. It is two adults choosing what to do with themselves in their own private lives, and it has NO VALID reason to be discriminated against and banned by society. ME breaking down your faulty logic is not ME making a declaration of why I believe in something.

    I am simply debunking your outdated claims on LGBT because you were scientifically incorrect, and I never said they were my arguments on why it be allowed. Leave it to you to put words in my mouth per usual about "choice" and whatnot. Is that the only way you can debate? Because it's terrible. 

    Your arguments against LGBT have consisted of:
    How about look at real harms instead of your made-up ones, pedophilia ACTUALLY hurts people. Sure, pedophilia may not be a choice and naturally occurs, but that does NOT automatically put it on the same plane as LGBT. I have given you my reasons why I don't accept pedophilia and now you go on another tantrum. Do you want to debate or just cry that the world doesn't apply to your faulty logic?

    I do not want all conservatives kicked off of this website. I want trolls kicked off of this website because they are ruining the healthy debate environment. As you have proven once again, you are one of them.
    why so serious?
  • You are the Trol who refuses to answer simple questions.

    I have told you over and over that I am speaking to pedophiles who do not abuse children, who do not act out on their attractions for children, and you keep bringing it back to pedophiles who act on their impulses.

    You are admitting defeat in this argument because you keep twisting what I am saying.

    Throwing out lies about Gay animals wastes our time. Stick to facts because you can not show me one Gay pet, or one Gay farm animals that is Gay. These are animals we are around every single day, and if Homosexuality was in all of nature, there would be Gay pets. THERE ARE NONE!

    These deceptive Leftwing Pro LGBT internet articles are pure propaganda, talking about so called Gay Geese who might pair up together because there were no Opposite sex geese to pair with. These Geese do not have sex, because they are not unnatural like humans choose to be.

    Do apes have sex with the same sex? Probably do because they would hump a fence post if they could. You will find no apes who only pair and have sex with same sex apes!

    Stop trolling!@smoothie
  • Funny how you did not show me where Biology teaches us about Gay sex or natural Gay attractions towards same sex.

    I'm afraid just telling me that your pre-conceived notions are correct and everyone else is wrong just doesn't do it for me.
    Do you actually think that just because you want Biology to agree with you, that it does? Please!@ZeusAres42
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    There is plenty of instances of dogs claimed by their owners to be homosexual; just do a quick Google search, and you will find hundreds links. In what woods do you live that you have never heard of that? I knew about homosexual dogs even when I was 10 and lived in one of the least LGBT-friendly countries on Earth.

    You keep referring to "Science of Biology" (whatever it is), while not knowing the most basic facts about even the everyday applications of biology. This demonstrates that your beliefs are based not on science, but on the media you are consuming.

    Turn off your TV (in my family we call TVs "zombie-boxes") and go buy some books. Will make a world of difference in your life, trust me.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @We_are_accountable We should not ostracize pedophiles who believe their pedophilia is wrong and do not act on it. This way they can get therapy for their paraphilia. You should not hate a person who has not committed a crime and knows it is wrong. Pedophiles who call themselves "non-acting" but still do not denounce their pedophilia or if they advocate for its legality should be ostracized because pedophilic actions are wrong for the reasons I have stated.

    It's not the case with LGBT, there is really nothing wrong when there is no harm and the world will remain the same whether it's allowed or not because LGBT is a small population and people will continue to be born. If your personal beliefs that it is "against nature, hurts culture" are the only reason why then it's not gonna cut it.

    There are animals in homosexual relationships. If the only viable proof is asking the animals if they are gay then you won't get it clearly. A famous case was a story of two penguins in which one was bisexual and raised an egg in a homosexual relationship, this has been observed. Homosexual animals are not just "getting off", they pair similarly to heterosexual relationships.

    why so serious?
  • You just made my point. When it comes to Pedophiles who do not abuse children, and admit their dysfunction, they can get therapy for their unnatural attractions.


    I'm saying that Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Bisexuality, etc. etc. are disorders and that those who have unnatural attractions should be getting therapy rather than indoctrinating our children to embrace it! Can you ever understand that simple point?

    You have separated Pedophiles from these other groups, because Pedophilia is against the law. Now listen closely...

    The legality of some unnatural attraction has no bearing on whether it should be embraced as normal, or treated as a disorder.

    Gay marriage was once against the law! Did the legality of that issue effect your support or non support for Homosexuality? Did the law change your feelings on the issue?

    If the age limits of children were changed to allow marriage to adults, it would now be legal for a man to have sex with consenting children. The legality of Pedophilia would change, but to most rational people would not make it natural or normal. It should not be embraced because of it's legality.

    All of these LGBT groups have some sort of disorder. I agree they should not be discriminated against for their unnatural attractions, but should have no right to conditioning our children to believe it is natural.

    As always, with every animal or bird that LGBT activists push as being Gay, it always comes down to so called Bisexuality!
    Like I said, animals will hump my leg when aroused, and you would call that Bisexual. Please stop trying to deny reality. You will never be able to show me a Gay animal that refuses to have sex with the opposite sex.@smoothie
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    You keep throwing this word over and over with no explanation, as if it is some obvious truth - yet there is no such scientific term as "natural". What do you mean exactly when you say that "homosexuality is unnatural"? What hard facts is it based on, and what practical repercussions does it have?

    You also have yet to demonstrate that homosexuality is harmful to anyone in any way. Assuming even that it is unnatural (whatever that means), what exactly is wrong with it? What is wrong with two homosexual people having a romantic relationship, for example?
  • @We_are_accountable

    And your response is to copy me and then come up with a strawman argument?

    Are you actually here to debate?

  • You can not be that ignorant to my simple point over and over again.

    I have told you every time that I do not care what people do! I do not care how they live their lives, UNLESS, they try to teach our children that their LGBT lifestlyes are nartural and normal.

    If these LGBT activist groups stop conditioning our children in public schools, stop forcing their pro LGBT commercials on family programming, etc. etc. I will ignore them!
    They are a huge powerful political force in the Democrat Party, and they want to influence our children to embrace their agendas.

    THAT'S IT!
    Now stop wondering why I'm so outspoken on these issues.

    The word natural stems from nature and the basic roles of humans and animals. It speaks to our natural design.

    Obviously the natural design of our bodies and gender is the union between a man and woman! OBVIOUSLY.

    Are there people who go against this natural design? Yes, there will always be people who do not follow the norms. This does not mean we embrace it as normal! Two men having sex and coming together in a relationship goes against nature and our natural design. OBVIOUSLY!

    No one is trying to deny them the freedom of living how they choose, but this should never mean we allow these groups to teach our children that Heterosexuality is not the only natural design for our lives. Yes it is the natural design for our lives. Science teaches us this simple obvious fact.@MayCaesar
  • Yes, I'm here to debate people who do not deny Science and the natural design of our bodies. To debate someone who tries to deny that the natural role for men and women is Heterosexuality, is paramount to beating our heads against the wall. To have an intelligent debate with deniers of that obvious fact, waste all our time.@ZeusAres42
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6169 Pts   -  

    I do not know how children are "conditioned" by LGBT groups. Saying that it is okay to be an LGBT member is not a conditioning; the opposite - saying that it is not okay to be an LGBT member - would be. Showing children more possibilities than they knew about before is the opposite of conditioning.

    You are employing a tautology in your explanation. What is the "natural design"? Is the Internet which you are currently using to debate this topic a part of the natural design?

    Who "we"? You do not speak for all the parents of the world, or all the parents of the US; you speak for yourself. If someone wants to teach their children that heterosexuality is not the only natural choice (whatever "natural" means), then why is their opinion less relevant than yours?
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @We_are_accountable Pedophiles can get therapy with a mild success rate (eliminating the paraphilia).

    BUT LGB cannot just switch back to heterosexuality, that is not backed by any scientific evidence... trust me conservatives have pushed it in the past but now most have given up because IT DOESN'T EVER WORK. It's sexuality (not paraphilia) that cannot be "cured" and when people try to cure it, suicide rates increase and real mental illness appears (which homosexuality is not one). Conversion therapy is already being banned in states for minors because all reputable psychologists say it is DANGEROUS.

    Why should they get therapy in the first place? What are the real harms of LGBT? You yet to bring up one real harm and I have debated many people on this and they attempt to bring up things like "AIDS" but you have not yet which leads me to believe you can't think of any.

    LGBT legality should not be ignored as an argument because lawmakers decided it does no harm and won't deny them rights because of that. That is the argument. Pedophilia has real harm to children and is still banned, yet you are trying to equate that to LGBT which is ridiculous. Did you know there is a reason why things are legal and illegal? The supreme court also decided it was unconstitutional to ban gay marriage because the only actual argument conservatives had against it was that it went against your religion, which is an unconstitutional reason to ban something.

    How is it unnatural when it naturally occurs? Humans weren't designed to drive cars or leave the planet but guess what... we do, is that unnatural and should be discriminated against?

    I brought up the bisexual penguin case because it proved bisexuality in one penguin and homosexuality in the other. Seems you forgot how the other penguin, Roy, never went after females and only went to enjoy the company of other males after they separated. You can keep denying homosexual animals all you want but they have been observed, you can also keep denying scientific evidence for homosexuality again and again. I can lead a horse to water but I can't make him drink.
    why so serious?
  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    Yes, I'm here to debate people who do not deny Science and the natural design of our bodies. To debate someone who tries to deny that the natural role for men and women is Heterosexuality, is paramount to beating our heads against the wall. To have an intelligent debate with deniers of that obvious fact, waste all our time.@ZeusAres42

    Well, that answers my question from before:

    "And your response is to copy me and then come up with a strawman argument?

    Are you actually here to debate"

    I see you have also resorted to attacking the person rather than making any decent argument. This is where I say goodbye. Tip: There are people here that are very smart and very informed about many subjects. Be prepared!

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