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If you believe you were born with sexual attractions to corpses, should we embrace your diversity?

Debate Information

Once you sanction one group's claim to normalcy, how do you pick and choose which ones to deny? The sane adults in the room understood that society should teach our impressionable children the natural order of life through the Science of Biology, not climbing into the weeds of political correctness, embracing the loudest most powerful activist groups in our nation. No need wasting our children's time trying to decide whose fetish is treated as a disorder and whose is embraced!

With all this LGBTQRSUVWXYZ hysteria, the Big Brother Left will take you to court, boycott you, demonize you, if you refuse to embrace each new unnatural sexual orientations added to their LGBT alphabet.

So if we actually buy into this lunacy, we must continue down this slippery slope. Any person claiming to be born a certain way, will lay claim to yet one more unnatural sexual orientation.

We must start accepting Necrophilia, Bestiality, non coerced Pedophilia, etc. as being yet one more letter added to this Left wing alphabet.

You laugh? People used to laugh at the notion of Gay marriage being forced on every single State, against the people's will.

People used to laugh at the thought of public schools being forced to allow so called Transgender boys into our daughter's bathrooms.

People laughed at the thought of boys who dress up like girls being allowed to play in public school Girl's sports programs.

People told us that thse LGBT activists would not force states to change their history books to give special mention to a person's LGBT sexual orientation.

It's funny how the Left will decide which groups get special mention and addition to their new extreme alphabet, and which ones don't.

At the moment, they have declared that their LGBT identity politics only applies to two consenting adults with no multiple spouses. Therefore, if you were born with attractions to animals, corpses, consenting children, having 30 wives, etc., and you declare that this is who you are, and that you have no choice in the matter, then you will not be embraced and cheer leaded in every Democrat speech or entertainment program.

You will be treated as abnormal people for your unnatural attractions. These same Progressives will become Beastiphobic, Nechrophobic, Pedophobic because they refuse to embrace your diversity. So who gets to decide what our children learn in schools? Do you want your children learning what activist groups, with the biggest donations to political Parties, decide?
How about keeping politics OUT OF OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, and teaching the basics?

People once laughed when those of us on the Right said that the Left wanted to force Pro life people to pay for abortions. Every Democrat Presidential candidate now wants to end the Hyde amendment!

When you go down this slippery slope, who can stop it? It no longer matters what you or I think. It only matters what Big Brother LGBT activists think. They absolutely control the Democrat Party and our Liberal media.

We as a compassionate, loving, tolerant, inclusive society can teach respect and tolerance for diversity, for those who look different, or sound different, etc. etc. WITHOUT giving special mentions to their individual identity or latest LGBT letter added to the Progressive alphabet.

Stop electing these extremists completely controlled by activist groups with the most money and power! We the people will weed out the bullies, the hate groups, and teach our children respect for all. No need for identity politicis, or affirmative actions. Government goes too far with most things it touches, and this LGBT acivism is one more example.

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  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  
    Joke is on you: I have a vampire fetish. You are free to embrace me at any point; just please ask in advance if you want to take the hug to the next level and bite my neck in the process.

    I promise not to bite your children, although I certainly will share some stories with them, with all the juicy details. Maybe they will grow into cute vampires? We need more of those in this world!
  • @MayCaesar

    I guess when shown the truth to the Left's cherry picked LGBT groups, and those they ignore, your answer is always a joke. Get back to me when you can address the double standards of this LGBT hysteria, and why only they get to decide which groups get a letter in the Political correct alphabet.
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  

    I know someone has corrected you on this before, you have no excuse for this kind of ignorance.

    The difference here is that one is the difference between sexual orientation and phillia.

    Think about sexual orientation like direction on a map (north or south), or magnetic charge. It has a one dimensional charge associated with it, or both, or no charge at all.

    phillia on the other hand, you could think of like location on a map, or variety of particle.

    You can easily tell which is which because most are already labeled appropriately:

    Notice how the words all end the same:
    • heterosexual
    • homosexual
    • bisexual
    • asexual
    Now look at these:
    • necrophile
    • pedophile
    • oenophile
    • objectophile
    • zoophile
    These are all paraphillias, they are not sexual orientations. To further beat this point home, all I need to do is point out how someone can have a sexual orientation and a paraphillia, but having any paraphillia is insufficient information to determine someone's sexual orientation.

    For example, if you know that someone is a somnophile (attracted to sleeping people) and I tell you they are female, can you know if they are straight, lesbian, or both? You can't! because they are distinct things.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • @We_are_accountable

    ****So if we actually buy into this lunacy, we must continue down this slippery slope. Any person claiming to be born a certain way, will lay claim to yet one more unnatural sexual orientation.

    ****We must start accepting Necrophilia, Bestiality, non coerced Pedophilia, etc. as being yet one more letter added to this Left wing alphabet.

    Nonsense. LGBT is about consent between those who can legally give consent. This is not the case with Necrophilia, Bestiality, Pedophilia, etc. There is no slope from LGBTQ to any of these things.
    A supreme being is just like a normal being...but with sour cream and black olives.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    Your argument is so disjointed, there is nothing really to address. I am addressing your question instead.

    Regarding the LBGTQblablabla, I dislike identity politics of all kinds and obviously do not endorse all the related stuff, including 70+ genders and so on; I think that the way to move forward is to acknowledge the individual uniqueness, rather than put people into groups.
    However, I dislike identity politics of the kind you promote about as much.
  • @SkepticalOne

    Gay marriage was against the law a few years ago... your point?

    How about admitting the simple point and addressing it. All of these things could become legal if some activist group got politically powerful enough. The debate is about who decides?

    Who makes Democrats or LGBT activists the all knowing Gods who will tell our children which disorders are ok and which ones are not? Who are you to be phobic against sex with dead people? Who are you to say sex with animals is unnatural and abnormal?

    If you refuse to address the point of a debate, then ignore it.
  • @Happy_Killbot

    Yes, there are more pedophiles who are Gay, so what! That has nothing to do with the debate.

    How about admitting the simple point and addressing it. All of these things could become legal if some activist group got politically powerful enough. The debate is about who decides?

    Who makes Democrats or LGBT activists the all knowing Gods who will tell our children which disorders are ok and which ones are not? Who are you to be phobic against sex with dead people? Who are you to say sex with animals is unnatural and abnormal?

    If you refuse to address the point of a debate, then ignore it.
  • @SkepticalOne

    Gay marriage was against the law a few years ago... your point?

    How about admitting the simple point and addressing it. All of these things could become legal if some activist group got politically powerful enough. The debate is about who decides?

    Who makes Democrats or LGBT activists the all knowing Gods who will tell our children which disorders are ok and which ones are not? Who are you to be phobic against sex with dead people? Who are you to say sex with animals is unnatural and abnormal?

    If you refuse to address the point of a debate, then ignore it.
    My point had nothing to do with gay marriage. That being the case, your rebuttal is nonsensical. Take your own advice: "if you refuse to address the point of debate, then ignore it".

    Your question "who makes democrats or LGBT the all knowing Gods who will tell our children which disorders are ok and which are not" seems like a distorted projection to me. You are the one who wants to define LGBT as a disorder. What are your qualifications? None? Ahhh, well, then maybe you should accept your ignorance and defer to people who know what theyre talking about: mental health experts.
    A supreme being is just like a normal being...but with sour cream and black olives.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  

    Yes, there are more pedophiles who are Gay, so what! That has nothing to do with the debate.
    @We_are_accountable I love how you took your time to write an irrelevant and incorrect stereotype and then say it has nothing to do with the debate (then don't say it?, Killbot never mentioned that). You only mentioned this to further provoke, put words in other people's mouths, and be snarky (more troll points for you). Fun fact: if you actually believe this you are in a huge minority, a 1999 survey showed only 19% of heterosexual men believing this, much less nowadays.

    "Using the fixated-regressed distinction, Groth and Birnbaum (1978) studied 175 adult males who were convicted in Massachusetts of sexual assault against a child. None of the men had an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation. 83 (47%) were classified as "fixated;" 70 others (40%) were classified as regressed adult heterosexuals; the remaining 22 (13%) were classified as regressed adult bisexuals. Of the last group, Groth and Birnbaum observed that "in their adult relationships they engaged in sex on occasion with men as well as with women. However, in no case did this attraction to men exceed their preference for women...There were no men who were primarily sexually attracted to other adult males... (p.180)."

    "Other researchers have taken different approaches, but have similarly failed to find a connection between homosexuality and child molestation. Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% of cases in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases (Jenny et al., 1994)"

    How about admitting the simple point and addressing it. All of these things could become legal if some activist group got politically powerful enough. The debate is about who decides?

    Gay marriage was against the law a few years ago... your point?
    Any activist group can gain traction in a free country. Imagine that. There are actually pedophile activist groups right now separate from LGBT obviously. Who decides which prevails? The people who agree with their stance. The general population decides whether to approach the stance to decide that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Similar to the government, a majority opinion on who the president should be will become president (most cases). If you are uncomfortable with a majority opinion and wish to remain in an echo chamber you are free to do so. The tides have turned in favor of homosexuality, especially in regards to a major political party now supporting their rights (it used to just be the libertarians).

    Who makes Democrats or LGBT activists the all knowing Gods who will tell our children which disorders are ok and which ones are not? Who are you to be phobic against sex with dead people? Who are you to say sex with animals is unnatural and abnormal?
    Nobody is an all-knowing god about anything in the entire existence of humanity. The only people who are "correct" in politics is what gains more popularity and votes. Politics are not a match of who is factually correct, it is a match of opinions and personal views. So to decide if a political topic is "correct" in society the only way to do so would be to look at the views of the general population (noted above). Homosexuality is in favor and disapproval has dropped for homosexuality. Take that as you will. Our current Republican president is in favor of same-sex marriage. You may remain politically incorrect but remember that there is no factually correct political opinion (which is why there are multiple stances)

    Why should you be phobic against sex with dead people? Well, first you must look at a necrophilic relationship, an unconsenting dead body with an active partner who is having intercourse with a rotting corpse, not much room for growth is there? Now can you justify these relationships? I have not seen any necrophile activist groups recently so I assume it is not the popular opinion that it should be allowed. The same goes for beastiality.

    Heres how it went for homosexuality for the law. The arguments against it were broken down, turned out to be mostly religious opinions and not factual arguments, so those arguments were void (first amendment). Activists noted it was two consenting adults similar to a heterosexual relationship. Anti-gays countered spouting AIDS and tried to make the pedophile stereotype. The pedophile connection was disproven pretty quickly and AIDS only affected those who shared blood with a carrier or had sex with them. No real danger to anybody else as they run tests for every blood donation. The public was swayed in favor of homosexuality which led to same-sex marriage legalization.

    Homosexuality will remain factually abnormal as it is less than 10% of the population. There is nothing wrong with being abnormal. Why do these labels have any meaning in the realm of politics and laws anyhow? Are you so caught up in normality that it runs your life and you cannot think for yourself? Sounds pretty authoritarian to me.

    I could make the argument that homosexuality is natural, but naturality is also such an opinionated stance it is a fallacy because something being natural does not automatically make it "better". Not worth my time.
    5_1.png 17.2K
    why so serious?
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  


    Yes, there are more pedophiles who are Gay, so what! That has nothing to do with the debate.

    How about admitting the simple point and addressing it. All of these things could become legal if some activist group got politically powerful enough. The debate is about who decides?

    Who makes Democrats or LGBT activists the all knowing Gods who will tell our children which disorders are ok and which ones are not? Who are you to be phobic against sex with dead people? Who are you to say sex with animals is unnatural and abnormal?

    If you refuse to address the point of a debate, then ignore it.
    Hey, thanks for the straw man.

    Now try this on for size:

    Image result for child marriage religion statistics

    Post image

    Image result for states where bestiality is legal

    These are already are legal some places! Homosexuality was late to the game! 

    Who gets to decide is who has the most power. In the US, the power lies with voters. More voters means more power, and as @smoothie demonstrates above, homosexual rights has majority support. This means that they have the power. If you live in America and graduated from a US school, you should know that this is how it works. You vote for people who have the policies you support the most, and they enact those policies. Why should this even be a debate unless you were unaware of how voting works?
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  
    To add to the point, legality of something does not imply that that something is going to be widespread. In Spain, public sexual intercourse is completely legal, albeit people have to stop it in case someone asks them to - yet nobody ever actually partakes in it. There are many countries in which public nudity is legal, such as Australia, New Zealand and the UK, and countries in which it is somewhat illegal, but never enforced, such as Japan - yet, aside from a few stunts here and there, nobody actually takes their clothes off in the middle of a busy street. People also do not particularly mind it: one guy did an experiment in Sydney where he walked around naked and talked to people, and although many people were very surprised, there were no negative remarks.

    Accepting something does not mean normalising it; these are different things. Accepting transsexuals, for example, does not make them normal, given how, by the most exaggerated estimates, they form no more than 0.5% of the total population. In fact, even if you absolutely cannot stand transsexual people, chances are you will never meet them in real life in a way that will allow you to tell that they are transsexual. Or necrophilia; do you think that the society becoming accepting of it will suddenly cause millions people to go to graveyards naked at night? No, these things are very marginal.
  • @MayCaesar

    Thanks for that irrelevant information. Someday you might try addressing the actual debate instead of strawmen and going off on tangents.

    Homosexuality is a very small percentage of our population, but when they have become a powerful political force, and the Democrat Party constantly pandering to their agendas  every chance they can, then we have a problem!

    Government should not being pushing the agendas of actvist groups into our public schools! PERIOD!

    This is no different then a Federal Government forcing religion in our schools! The hypocrisy from the Left is unbelievable.

    For you not to get this is truly pathetic!
  • @smoothie

    Thanks for showig the slippery slope of all this LGBT hysteria in action. Yes, I could show you graphs of support for Abortion, Homosexuality, Transgenderism, drug legalization, Transgenders in girl's sports, Transgenders talking to our kindergartners, ending the Hyde Amendment, free College, free healthcare for illegal immigrants, sanctuary cites, etc. etc. etc. and guess what?

    The graphs would all show an upward trend for all these Leftwing biases. Do you know why? The Left has the Liberal biased media on their side. They have the Liberal biased Teacher's unions.They have the power of the bully pulpit pushing their agendas, Socialism, brainwashing the electorate to accept the extremism. 
    They have Hollywood and most entertanment programming pushing Liberal ideology.

    Yes, you are proving my point of the slippery slope. My debates are telling you that it will only get worse until our nation falls into bankrupcy and anarchy. Remember my words when our culture gets too extreme for even you.

    As the voice of Christians and Conservatives are silenced through Political correct brainwashing, our culture and families are falling apart.

    P.S., I agree that I should not have made the remark of how there are more Pedophiles who are also Gay. I have no facts to back that statement up, just observence of Gay Priests and child abuse scandals, etc.
    I retract that statement. 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    What I get or do not get is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

    I addressed your title question in each of my comments, unlike yourself. You asked a question in the original post about corpses and necrophilia and not a single time mentioned them since.

    You have been one of the most active posters here recently, yet have barely said anything of substance in the process. Your whole narrative can be summarised in a few sentences: "Democrats bad. Trump good. Abortions bad. Religion good. LGBT bad. Conservatism good." That is about it; you have not said much beyond these simplistic things. Endless unfounded quality judgements, no facts or logical arguments.
  • @We_are_accountable ;

    Attention! Attention! Please step down from your soapbox. ( dramatic pause by reader.) It appears to have a screw or two loose. The basic argument is can women create all men as equal without prejudice. In general welfare, a common term all women might try to create all men as equal her is Binivir. 
  • @MayCaesar

    Yes, everything I have said is the truth. I have given you example after example of the Democrat Party's extremism, and if you don't like it. TOO BAD! I will never stop saying it like it is!

    I am speaking out against a Government forcing their ideology on all Americans against their will, and since you agree with their extremism, you do not care. That about sums up every Democrat or Leftist I debate.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    The graphs would all show an upward trend for all these Leftwing biases. Do you know why? The Left has the Liberal biased media on their side. They have the Liberal biased Teacher's unions.They have the power of the bully pulpit pushing their agendas, Socialism, brainwashing the electorate to accept the extremism. 
    They have Hollywood and most entertanment programming pushing Liberal ideology.
    @We_are_accountable That is a pretty bold conclusion. The only reason why there is homosexual acceptance is because of party bias? I find that hard to believe when the largest voter pool is independents. Remember that Democrats did not care for LGBT until very recently and before they began to accept it, there was still a rise in acceptance of homosexuality gradually overtime in our developed world. I also still find it hard to believe that watching one show of CNN or Fox News will change all of your political views and make you vote for a party. Am I being too unrealistic in saying that individual people can develop their own opinions regardless of political influence?

    Here is a more unbiased conclusion in my opinion, what humanity accepts changes over time because civilization develops. The individual thoughts and minds of civilization change. People notice what is going on around them and pay close attention. This has happened with homosexuality acceptance in many developed nations because people are less angry when they are more wealthy. They take a look at why they think certain ways and what is just in a developed world. With their pockets and bellies full, ask themselves what really is right? They have the time to think, and look at the treatment of the mistreated and wonder how we got there?

    They see the bias against homosexuals as unjust. Have you noticed that most poor countries are extremely more likely to be authoritarian and criminalize homosexuality? Why these countries have a deep hatred for difference? They want to vent their anger and take it out on the defenseless. I find this a bit more extreme than loving people to be honest.

    why so serious?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    It is not about whether I like it or not; it is about lack of substance in your posts. It is not enough to just give one example and say, "See, this proves everything!" You have to explain how this example illustrates a larger trend, and while it indeed does, you have completely failed to show it.

    You are speaking for the government forcing your will on abortion on everyone, so do not claim a higher ground here.

    I agree with what? , I have told you many times that I advocate for a system that has no government. Obviously I am against the government forcing anything on people.

    You need to grow up a bit and realise that the world is a bit more complicated than "Everyone who agrees with me is in my camp, and everyone who does not agree with me on something is in their camp".
  • @smoothie

    I said that the biased Democrat Party with the help of the bully pulpit of the media is what changed public opinion, remember? What do you think changes public opinion? If the media does not have a HUGE impact, then why do Politicians spend so much money to get their message across the media.

    Why are Democrats screaming that Bloomberg is trying to buy the election with all of his money buying TV adds?

    Of course the media changes public opinon!

    It's no coincedence that when the Progressive Left declared war on our Christian freedoms and censored freedom of religious expression on public land, our nation started sliding in this Liberal direction. Politics has a huge bearing on a nation's values.
    If the Political Left had not embraced LGBT agendas, we would not be seeing any of this hysteria.

    You said that people from wealthy nations see the bias against Homosexuals as unjust. How come they do not see the brutality of our unborn lives as unjust?
    You said poor nations take their anger out on the defenseless. Who is putting their convenience ahead of the defenseless?

    Until you comes to grips with the inhumanity of abortion on demand, your words ring hollow and will never be taken seriously. True compassion cares for all innocent lives, not just the ones who help get politicians elected.
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -  
    @We_are_accountable So now you talk about abortion to shift the conversation why? You want me to declare my own opinion with something you agree with or I will be never taken seriously? I didn't know you were so against individual thought. Why must I forcefully submit myself to your views? That is a fairly terrible argument and a fairly troll stance.

    Do you think that homosexuality would be despised if a major political party did not endorse it? That's pretty funny considering homosexuality itself was legalized with no "agenda" from either party. You are making your own enemies on this issue.

    You underestimate the power of free will and individual thought. The general public is watching how you partisans will function and will note it.
    why so serious?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -  

    I think honestly, at this point, that he simply divides people into friends (those who agree with him on everything) and enemies (those who disagree with him, at least, on something). You can even agree with him fully on the LGBT issue, but if you disagree with him on abortions, then you are automatically "Democrat", "socialist", "left" and all the other labels.

    Perhaps I am wrong, and I realise that my claim is too big to be supported by sufficient evidence - but that is, at least, the impression he gives off.
  • @MayCaesar

    Who do you think you are kidding? GET REAL!

    If you truly hated Government telling people how to think, then you would be outraged at this LGBT hysteria being pushed into our public schools by Government.

    Let me remind you yet ONCE MORE!

    The Democrat Party tried to push through a Bill FORCING every public school to allow boys who think they are girls into our daughter's sports! Start speaking out if you truly care.
    State Governments are forcing their public schools to change their history books to talk about Transgenders and gays! Start speaking out if you care about Big Brother Government indoctrinating our children to embrace unnatural sexual orientations.
    Public schools are allowing Transgenders into kindergartner classes, conditioning our impressionable children.
    Speak out!

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    I do not hate anything, ; I have neither time nor desire to do so. I certainly do not get "outraged" over anything. I view all societal problems same way as I view cancer: something to be acknowledged and treated, but something getting upset over which is not going to do anyone any good.

    There are far more serious issues the government causes than "LGBT hysteria", some of which are promoted by your favorite party.
    You have never lived in a third world country, so you do not know what a real problem is. If "LGBT hysteria" is what makes you have trouble falling asleep, then you would not last a week in that world.

    I have made it clear on multiple occasions that I am of a much lower opinion of the current state of the Democratic party, than that of the Republican party. I simply do not care much about the strange issues you are discussing.

    Regardless, this website is not about expressing one's outrage; it is about debating. You created a thread to discuss something, and now you are going to ignore people who do discuss that something? Sounds reasonable...
  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  
    Once you sanction one group's claim to normalcy, how do you pick and choose which ones to deny? The sane adults in the room understood that society should teach our impressionable children the natural order of life through the Science of Biology, not climbing into the weeds of political correctness, embracing the loudest most powerful activist groups in our nation. No need wasting our children's time trying to decide whose fetish is treated as a disorder and whose is embraced!

    With all this LGBTQRSUVWXYZ hysteria, the Big Brother Left will take you to court, boycott you, demonize you, if you refuse to embrace each new unnatural sexual orientations added to their LGBT alphabet.

    So if we actually buy into this lunacy, we must continue down this slippery slope. Any person claiming to be born a certain way, will lay claim to yet one more unnatural sexual orientation.

    We must start accepting Necrophilia, Bestiality, non coerced Pedophilia, etc. as being yet one more letter added to this Left wing alphabet.

    You laugh? People used to laugh at the notion of Gay marriage being forced on every single State, against the people's will.

    People used to laugh at the thought of public schools being forced to allow so called Transgender boys into our daughter's bathrooms.

    People laughed at the thought of boys who dress up like girls being allowed to play in public school Girl's sports programs.

    People told us that thse LGBT activists would not force states to change their history books to give special mention to a person's LGBT sexual orientation.

    It's funny how the Left will decide which groups get special mention and addition to their new extreme alphabet, and which ones don't.

    At the moment, they have declared that their LGBT identity politics only applies to two consenting adults with no multiple spouses. Therefore, if you were born with attractions to animals, corpses, consenting children, having 30 wives, etc., and you declare that this is who you are, and that you have no choice in the matter, then you will not be embraced and cheer leaded in every Democrat speech or entertainment program.

    You will be treated as abnormal people for your unnatural attractions. These same Progressives will become Beastiphobic, Nechrophobic, Pedophobic because they refuse to embrace your diversity. So who gets to decide what our children learn in schools? Do you want your children learning what activist groups, with the biggest donations to political Parties, decide?
    How about keeping politics OUT OF OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, and teaching the basics?

    People once laughed when those of us on the Right said that the Left wanted to force Pro life people to pay for abortions. Every Democrat Presidential candidate now wants to end the Hyde amendment!

    When you go down this slippery slope, who can stop it? It no longer matters what you or I think. It only matters what Big Brother LGBT activists think. They absolutely control the Democrat Party and our Liberal media.

    We as a compassionate, loving, tolerant, inclusive society can teach respect and tolerance for diversity, for those who look different, or sound different, etc. etc. WITHOUT giving special mentions to their individual identity or latest LGBT letter added to the Progressive alphabet.

    Stop electing these extremists completely controlled by activist groups with the most money and power! We the people will weed out the bullies, the hate groups, and teach our children respect for all. No need for identity politicis, or affirmative actions. Government goes too far with most things it touches, and this LGBT acivism is one more example.
    I think we should embrace diversity in all its forms. Some people have unusual sexual fetishes, but there is nothing wrong with that. I think we should accept necrophilia, bestiality, non coerced pedophilia, etc... but regard them as fetishes rather than complete sexual systems of attraction.
  • @xlJ_dolphin_473

    There is absolutely no reason to embrace fetishes. Our children deserve to be riased learning basic biological sexuality. To embrace all these fetishes will destroy our culture and our children, as we are starting to see with all the broken homes.

    People have right to live how they choose, but they have no right to tell MY CHILDREN that it is a normal thing to experiment with.
  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    There is absolutely no reason to embrace fetishes. Our children deserve to be riased learning basic biological sexuality. To embrace all these fetishes will destroy our culture and our children, as we are starting to see with all the broken homes.

    People have right to live how they choose, but they have no right to tell MY CHILDREN that it is a normal thing to experiment with.
    All right, if you want to hide the real world from your children, then feel free to try, but you are unlikely to succeed. Fetishes are a normal thing to experiment with, and if you want to tell your children otherwise, that is fine, but other people will most likely not.
  • If you believe you were born with sexual attractions to corpses, should we embrace your diversity?

    Been there, done that, safety first can be united with capitalism just as easy as law. Only innocence in removed to protect no-one.

     An inflatable doll has all the feelings of corpses with all the abilities to turn this fetish into a surgical operation by a participant. (In sarcasm) we are to start giving out blowup sex toys to prevent the spread of disease immediately. Prevent Coronavirus screw the condom. (Is this joke too soon?)

  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  

    Who do you think you are kidding? GET REAL!

    If you truly hated Government telling people how to think, then you would be outraged at this LGBT hysteria being pushed into our public schools by Government.

    Let me remind you yet ONCE MORE!

    The Democrat Party tried to push through a Bill FORCING every public school to allow boys who think they are girls into our daughter's sports! Start speaking out if you truly care.
    State Governments are forcing their public schools to change their history books to talk about Transgenders and gays! Start speaking out if you care about Big Brother Government indoctrinating our children to embrace unnatural sexual orientations.
    Public schools are allowing Transgenders into kindergartner classes, conditioning our impressionable children.
    Speak out!

    OK: Biologically, a trans-woman (man who has changed gender) is not a woman.
    But socially, she is. 
    So I do care, but I care that this Bill gets passed, in order for transgenderism to become more socially accepted. Transgenderism may be unnatural, but if someone feels that they want to change gender, why should we stop them? They harm no one else by changing gender.
  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    You just hit on the main differences between people on the Left and people on the Right.

    You actually believe this LGBT hysteria has to do with discrimination and equal rights. In the beginning you would have been correct. Not today!

    These groups have won their non discrimination laws, etc. but as you noticed they have not stopped. They have become a powerful politcal movement bent on FORCING us all to embrace their fetishes or unnatural sexual orientations as being natural and normal.

    People have the right to disagree with these groups, and we sure have the right to protect our impressionable children from their LGBT brainwashing.

    You just repeated the Left's never ending distortion of the truth. You implied that those of us against this LGBT activism, are tryiing to stop them from changing their gender, or being who they supposedly are. That is a complete lie and distortion of what we want. 

    I have many times clearly stated my concerns. These groups have no right to condition our kids to believe their disorders are something to be accepted as normal. THAT'S OUR CONCERN! NOTHING ELSE!

    No group gets to indoctrinate our children to embrace their fetishes as normal. That would be akin to some Jim Jone's cult getting access to our children in schools, and teaching them his fetish is the one true fetish.

    It matters not if you think these disorders are normal or not. People will never agree on all these controversial issues, AND EXACTLY WHY we must keep them out of our schools! Schools are a place to teach the basics! If you want your child to embrace LGBT agendas, do so at home.

    What I want is for our society to teach all children to love one another, without insults or bullying. This means respecting ALL children... no need for identity politics. No need for special mention to LGBT groups. Our children should be taught tolerance for everyone, no special mention of particular political active groups.

    Keep controversial politics out of our schools and familly programming.
  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  

    You just hit on the main differences between people on the Left and people on the Right.

    You actually believe this LGBT hysteria has to do with discrimination and equal rights. In the beginning you would have been correct. Not today!

    These groups have won their non discrimination laws, etc. but as you noticed they have not stopped. They have become a powerful politcal movement bent on FORCING us all to embrace their fetishes or unnatural sexual orientations as being natural and normal.

    People have the right to disagree with these groups, and we sure have the right to protect our impressionable children from their LGBT brainwashing.

    You just repeated the Left's never ending distortion of the truth. You implied that those of us against this LGBT activism, are trying to stop them from changing their gender, or being who they supposedly are. That is a complete lie and distortion of what we want. 

    I have many times clearly stated my concerns. These groups have no right to condition our kids to believe their disorders are something to be accepted as normal. THAT'S OUR CONCERN! NOTHING ELSE!

    No group gets to indoctrinate our children to embrace their fetishes as normal. That would be akin to some Jim Jone's cult getting access to our children in schools, and teaching them his fetish is the one true fetish.

    It matters not if you think these disorders are normal or not. People will never agree on all these controversial issues, AND EXACTLY WHY we must keep them out of our schools! Schools are a place to teach the basics! If you want your child to embrace LGBT agendas, do so at home.

    What I want is for our society to teach all children to love one another, without insults or bullying. This means respecting ALL children... no need for identity politics. No need for special mention to LGBT groups. Our children should be taught tolerance for everyone, no special mention of particular political active groups.

    Keep controversial politics out of our schools and family programming.
    You say they are disorders. Why is this so? Variations would be a better word. Would you hide the real world from our children? I presume not. And yet, fetishes are a normal thing to experiment with, and should not be portrayed as abnormal and unusual. Why would you want to prevent these groups for teaching your children to embrace diversity. 40 years ago, your position might have made sense. 20 years ago, maybe. But in this modern world of increasing acceptance and diversity, fetishes should be something to be celebrated, not shunned.
  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    You just reinforced my main concerns with all this political correctness. The slippery slope!

    You just admitted that maybe my concerns made sense 40 years ago, or even 20 years ago, but in this modern world of acceptance of so called diversity (dysfuntion to many people), we should all just embrace any group that gets added to the LGBT alphabet.

    Can you grasp how dangerous that can be to any nation? Who decides which fetishes get embraced? Do you want consenting children marrying adult pedophiles? You say no? Why not? What about "diversity"? You say kids are not mature enough to decide marriage, but they are old enough to experiment with fetishes?
    Do you want your kids experimenting with Nechrophilia? How about Beastiality? No? Why not, they are diverse people don't you know?

    Diversity is this all incompassing word whereby anyone not embracing every fetish are labeled phobic!

    The slippery slope of this LGBT hysteria will destroy our world if embraced as normal..

    Our children deserve to be taught the basics, not the agendas of every activist group. You can't be serious can you?
  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  

    You just hit on the main differences between people on the Left and people on the Right.

    You actually believe this LGBT hysteria has to do with discrimination and equal rights. In the beginning you would have been correct. Not today!

    These groups have won their non discrimination laws, etc. but as you noticed they have not stopped. They have become a powerful politcal movement bent on FORCING us all to embrace their fetishes or unnatural sexual orientations as being natural and normal.

    People have the right to disagree with these groups, and we sure have the right to protect our impressionable children from their LGBT brainwashing.

    You just repeated the Left's never ending distortion of the truth. You implied that those of us against this LGBT activism, are tryiing to stop them from changing their gender, or being who they supposedly are. That is a complete lie and distortion of what we want. 

    I have many times clearly stated my concerns. These groups have no right to condition our kids to believe their disorders are something to be accepted as normal. THAT'S OUR CONCERN! NOTHING ELSE!

    No group gets to indoctrinate our children to embrace their fetishes as normal. That would be akin to some Jim Jone's cult getting access to our children in schools, and teaching them his fetish is the one true fetish.

    It matters not if you think these disorders are normal or not. People will never agree on all these controversial issues, AND EXACTLY WHY we must keep them out of our schools! Schools are a place to teach the basics! If you want your child to embrace LGBT agendas, do so at home.

    What I want is for our society to teach all children to love one another, without insults or bullying. This means respecting ALL children... no need for identity politics. No need for special mention to LGBT groups. Our children should be taught tolerance for everyone, no special mention of particular political active groups.

    Keep controversial politics out of our schools and familly programming.
    Since when were schools about "teaching the basics". Schools are about teaching EVERYTHING. Just because you ate lead paint chips and don't understand anything outside of the basics, it doesn't mean all the rest of society now must be as dysfunctional as you. You commies and your,-"I'm not as privileged as others, so we should all not be taught what I don't understand"- attitude is what is actually wrong with this country. If you don't want your kids to learn more than you can understand, then take them out of school. I don't pay taxes for my children to only learn what you understand. We shouldn't even have to pay for that. I pay taxes for my children to be much smarter than you.          
  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    What kind of arrogance do people such as yourself possess? You do not want our children learning all view points on controversial issues. YOU WANT THEM LEARNING THE LEFT'S POLITICAL CORRECT DOGMA! PERIOD!

    The Left doesn not want prayer being a choice in public schools. They have censored whatever religious expression they do not agree with. But arrogant people like you scream when we want to prevent activist groups from indoctrinating our children with unnatural sexual orientations and fetishes. GET REAL and stop being such hypocrites. You can't have it all your way! This Big Brother arrogance is  unbelievable!

    Do yhou actually think we have time to be teaching children about all the controversial issues of our land? They bearly are learning the basics of Math, English and Science.

  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  

    What kind of arrogance do people such as yourself possess? You do not want our children learning all view points on controversial issues. YOU WANT THEM LEARNING THE LEFT'S POLITICAL CORRECT DOGMA! PERIOD!

    The Left doesn not want prayer being a choice in public schools. They have censored whatever religious expression they do not agree with. But arrogant people like you scream when we want to prevent activist groups from indoctrinating our children with unnatural sexual orientations and fetishes. GET REAL and stop being such hypocrites. You can't have it all your way! This Big Brother arrogance is  unbelievable!

    Do yhou actually think we have time to be teaching children about all the controversial issues of our land? They bearly are learning the basics of Math, English and Science.

    How the fu€k do you know what I do and do not want our children learning? Did I not already say that I want our children to learn EVERYTHING? Since "THE LEFT'S POLITICAL DOGMA", is a thing, then yes, I do want them to learn that. I pay taxes for my children to learn EVERYTHING they can about anything. I want my children to understand all topics on the political spectrum and make an informed opinion. Since the only way to be informed is to be taught of the information in question, it would be safe to say that I believe it should be taught. I pay taxes for my children to be smart. I do not pay taxes for my children to be like your children.   

  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  

    You just reinforced my main concerns with all this political correctness. The slippery slope!

    You just admitted that maybe my concerns made sense 40 years ago, or even 20 years ago, but in this modern world of acceptance of so called diversity (dysfuntion to many people), we should all just embrace any group that gets added to the LGBT alphabet.

    Can you grasp how dangerous that can be to any nation? Who decides which fetishes get embraced? Do you want consenting children marrying adult pedophiles? You say no? Why not? What about "diversity"? You say kids are not mature enough to decide marriage, but they are old enough to experiment with fetishes?
    Do you want your kids experimenting with Nechrophilia? How about Beastiality? No? Why not, they are diverse people don't you know?

    Diversity is this all incompassing word whereby anyone not embracing every fetish are labeled phobic!

    The slippery slope of this LGBT hysteria will destroy our world if embraced as normal..

    Our children deserve to be taught the basics, not the agendas of every activist group. You can't be serious can you?
    Basically, you have just restated all my points and then said I’m wrong.
    This is not how a debate works.
    You wrote:
    You just admitted that maybe my concerns made sense 40 years ago, or even 20 years ago, but in this modern world of acceptance of so called diversity (dysfuntion to many people), we should all just embrace any group that gets added to the LGBT alphabet.
    Yes! That’s exactly what I’m trying to say!
    (Note my refusal to use shouty caps at this moment of facepalming).
    Also, about necrophilia, if my children chose to experiment with that in their teenage years, I would accept that, and provide them with the knowledge they need to do so.
    Bestiality is illegal, so I would not allow my children to experiment with that. 
    Of course I am serious. I am a democratic UK citizen, not the kind of guy to be a joker about such serious matters.
  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    You realize that Necrophilia is having sex with DEAD PEOPLE? You have no problem with your teens having sex with dead people? Are you sitting in mommy's basement smoking weed? Are you to be taken serious?  GET REAL!

    Most of the LGBT hysteria was illegal in the past. Your point about beastiality being illegal in some States?

    The slippery slope of depravity will soon make it legal.

    Sorry, I can't bebate someone who actually thinks it is ok for our teens to have sex with dead people.

  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    You need to speak english if you want a response.
  • @John_C_87

    You need to speak english if you want a response.

    Are you sure?

    I look at rap music and have noted very large responses to what might be said is questionable English, there are even documented by tax returns in many support this view.

  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  

    You realize that Necrophilia is having sex with DEAD PEOPLE? You have no problem with your teens having sex with dead people? Are you sitting in mommy's basement smoking weed? Are you to be taken serious?  GET REAL!

    Most of the LGBT hysteria was illegal in the past. Your point about beastiality being illegal in some States?

    The slippery slope of depravity will soon make it legal.

    Sorry, I can't bebate someone who actually thinks it is ok for our teens to have sex with dead people.

    OK. All I'm saying is that it's not a parent's job to interfere with a teenager's sex life. If a teenager was nechrophiliac, I would be totally chill about that. Why do you type ignore at the end of your posts? I do not understand what it means/
  • GrafixGrafix 248 Pts   -   edited March 2020
    Without responding to any one individually, this single statement in the OP, which I quote below, says it all and is the crux of the argument for the necessity of standards of normalcy in any society.  If we go beyond these boundaries of normalcy, then we venture into creating a debauched, licentious, degenerate and unbalanced community, which history has shown, repeatedly, destroys civilizations from within.  The pagan Roman Empire is the quintessential example of that, on account of its unbridled licentiousness.  Quoting the OP ...
    "The sane adults in the room understood that society should teach our impressionable children the natural order of life through the Science of Biology, not climbing into the weeds of political correctness, embracing the loudest most powerful activist groups in our nation. No need wasting our children's time trying to decide whose fetish is treated as a disorder and whose is embraced!"
    The further back we look, the greater forward insight we can have. History speaks.
  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    You of course are correct.
  • We_are_accountableWe_are_accountable 1147 Pts   -  

    It means I do not want to waste any more time debating someone who is ok with their kids having sex with dead people. I require a samll amount of active brain cells in those I debate.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6141 Pts   -   edited March 2020

    Roman Empire started falling apart soon after it officially embraced Christianity. Its pagan days, from approximately 250 BC to 200 AD, were the pinnacle of the ancient civilization, with the pagan period of "Four Good Emperors" widely recognized as the most prosperous society to exist for over a 1,000 years to come. I do not need to elaborate on how sexually devious Romans were in this period; suffice to say that Nero had a personal eunuch boy who he castrated with the sole purpose of having wild nights with him.

    When conversion to a monotheistic religion had begun, freedom-loving Romans became confused and started drinking endlessly, pursuing worthless endeavors, dropping the ethical standards, etc., and ultimately the system fell under its own weight, splitting into two authoritarian Christian states. The West became a theocratic hellscape for over a 1,000 years, while the East became a battle arena of warlords, with a short period of relative prosperity - when, you guessed it, rigid religious norms were temporarily substituted for social and ideological pluralism.

    There is a very strong correlation between social freedom and prosperity, observed across all societies, in all periods of time, in all regions of Earth. The "Rome fell because of deviants" notion is a common myth based on a very poor knowledge and understanding of history.
  • GrafixGrafix 248 Pts   -   edited March 2020
    @smoothie - You wrote ...
    Nobody is an all-knowing god about anything in the entire existence of humanity. The only people who are "correct" in politics is what gains more popularity and votes. Politics are not a match of who is factually correct, it is a match of opinions and personal views.   So to decide if a political topic is "correct" in society the only way to do so would be to look at the views of the general population (noted above).
    Yes, that is how it all works, but that is not to say it is foolproof, let alone necessarily the way to build a moral and decent society.  It is far from it.  History shows it is the road to perdition. Then you wrote ...
    Homosexuality is in favor and disapproval has dropped for homosexuality. Take that as you will. Our current Republican president is in favor of same-sex marriage. You may remain politically incorrect but remember that there is no factually correct political opinion (which is why there are multiple stances)
    Do you see the oxymoron here in the last sentence of your own text above? You wrote  ".. there is no factually correct political opinion".  If you accept that statement, then how can one be politically correct or politically incorrect at all, assuming there is no factually correct political opinion?  For that reason "political correctness" is a double blind.  I also reject it because it is nothing more than a ruse to gag opinion opposed to the leftist paradigm - just more left-wing bullying from the pulpit. As @We_are_accountable ;points out, the left-wing lobbyists are blind to their own arrogance, seeking to control everything, even our opinions.  
    The whole of that specific paragraph of yours reveals  exactly why the question of morality - knowing right from wrong - cannot be left up to the feeble judgements of mankind and is precisely why a greater wisdom and understanding of morality must be consulted.  Amazing you cannot see that, when your own words actually acknowledge it, indirectly.  A greater and wiser head than our own heads collectively, which can provide a far more judicious set or laws, laws mankind can never presume to better, are therefore needed.  We have them already in the Ten Commandments, together with other Christian doctrines as well.  Without these for our foundation, our society is bound to go off the rails to self-destruction and that is precisely what we are witnessing by slow degrees.  The increasing and pervasive rejection of the original underlying Western values, upon which our Western culture was founded, is certain to bring about that self-destruction from within.  It always does and the proof is in history repeating itself through the same old demon - ignorance.  Satan preys on ignorance.  He always has, always will and will never give up, because ignorance is easy prey for deceptions, misconceptions and misinformation, which have led, every time throughout history, to mankind's downfall. 
    The further back we look, the greater forward insight we can have. History speaks.
  • GrafixGrafix 248 Pts   -   edited March 2020
    @MayCaesar - You wrote ...
    Roman Empire started falling apart soon after it officially embraced Christianity. Its pagan days, from approximately 250 BC to 200 AD, were the pinnacle of the ancient civilization, with the pagan period of "Four Good Emperors" widely recognized as the most prosperous society to exist for over a 1,000 years to come. I do not need to elaborate on how sexually devious Romans were in this period; suffice to say that Nero had a personal eunuch boy who he castrated with the sole purpose of having wild nights with him.
    Very true.  However, you miss God's wisdom, the pointy end of his sword of words, every time.  God destroys his enemies in an identical way. It never changes. He allows them to fall on their own sword. That's exactly what happened to the Western half of the Roman Empire.  Its fate was unwittingly sealed by Emperor Diocletian when he divided the Empire in two, the Western half seated in Milan and the Eastern half seated in Christian Constantinople, also known as Byzantium.  The Eastern half rejected the Western Roman lifestyle of licentiousness debauchery and its slave labor, due to the very influence of that Christianity, which you too eagerly snigger at. The Eastern half successfully grew stronger and stronger, able to defend itself, unlike its Western half.  It was able to successfully ward off the marauding and barbarian invasions.  They were, by default, then forced to invade the Western half, which was already weakened by constant war abroad, draining its coffers.  It fell on its own sword, in other words.  The Eastern half endured a further 1,000 years after the collapse of the Western half.

    The rejection of slavery in the Eastern Byzantine Roman Empire also seeped into the Western Roman Empire and grew in strength, strongly denounced by those who had converted to Christianity, a steadily growing force.  As a consequence of that, the Western half of the Empire fell into a labor shortage, as it was 100% dependent upon slave labor, unlike its Eastern counterpart.  That saw a savage decline in both its agricultural production and commercial enterprise.  Taxes subsequently, became burdensome causing a great many in the wealthy class to flee to rural regions where they themselves set up fiefdoms, which competed with the central government for labor and taxes. Couple that with Vandals claiming nearby North Africa, setting an "army" of pirates afloat prowling the Mediterranean. They significantly disrupted Rome's merchant trade and robbed it of its war booty being shipped home. With a faltering economy, its trade routes in flux, agricultural production in decline and a shortage of labor, the Western Empire could not finance itself and collapsed from within, losing its power to control its conquered States.  They ultimately rebelled and prevailed.  That's an extremely short overview but an accurate one of the bloody and imperial Western Roman Empire. Well done.  You backed the wrong cavalry.
    The further back we look, the greater forward insight we can have. History speaks.
  • GrafixGrafix 248 Pts   -   edited March 2020
    @xlJ_dolphin_473 - You wrote ...
    OK. All I'm saying is that it's not a parent's job to interfere with a teenager's sex life. If a teenager was nechrophiliac, I would be totally chill about that. Why do you type ignore at the end of your posts? I do not understand what it means/
    Oh! How far we have fallen - members of our very own society seeing no shame in such an admission, let alone being OK with one's own child  poking a human corpse.  What exactly do you think the role of parenting is about then??  Seriously, if you are a parent and genuinely hold such attitudes, then you are unfit to be one, IMHO and are part of the  problem.  A parental duty  and obligation  is to mould, to guide, to teach and be a role model of moral conscience, to lead by example, thereby teaching a moral construct, which ultimately provides a moral compass for our children to take with them through life, able to properly discern right from wrong.  It appears your parents failed abysmally  Not only do you excuse necrophilia from condemnation, but you demonstrate a further collapse of moral fibre in condoning fornication - sex outside marriage. 

    These are the very sins  which saw the tower of Babel destroyed, the Great Flood of Noah destroy all of mankind in the Middle East bar eight souls, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire and brimstone, the banishment of the Hebrews into slavery in Egypt, then a second time defeated and taken into slavery by Babylonia, then the conquest of their lands with the destruction of their Temple by the Romans, etc. etc.  ALL  of these punishments were permitted by God to be wrought against His people by their enemies, not by His hand, except for two, the Great Flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

    Those two were  wrought by His own hand against his own people for the reason their sins were such great abominations, thus God utterly wiped out every vestige of such wickedness, a people grown out of the debauchery of unbridled sodomy and fornication.  Toward these, including bestiality, paedophilia, adultery and necrophilia God shows no mercy.  The  evidence remains for all to see, to this day, beside the Dead Sea in the remains of Sodom and  Gomorrah.  Balls of brimstone, (perfectly spherical sulphur balls), can be seen on the ground and embedded in the ruins still standing, now ghostly spectres of frozen ash on a barren landscape, on the plains of which God vowed no blade of grass would ever grow again and it hasn't for scores of square miles along that very valley.  You can ignore the evidence, my friend, if that is your choice. So be it.  We lie on our own bed of nails.

    As a parting reminder, dereliction of duty is the embryo of every slippery slope, the very slippery slope you would create were you to have a child who engaged in necrophilia and fail to correct this debauched and degenerate depravity, for without that correction, your child would lead with the same example to his children and they to theirs and thus the slippery slope is well under way.  Perfidy, debauchery, degeneracy and licentiousness are like viral contagions.  Once one does it, then another feels comfortable with it, then another, and another and so on -  the slippery slope all the way to the very bottom by a morally bankrupt society. You take first prize.
    The further back we look, the greater forward insight we can have. History speaks.
  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  

    It means I do not want to waste any more time debating someone who is ok with their kids having sex with dead people. I require a samll amount of active brain cells in those I debate.
    This is a debate website. You come here to debate, and then when you find people you disagree with, you ignore them. If that is your agenda, then why are you using this website?
  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  
    Grafix said:
    @xlJ_dolphin_473 - You wrote ...
    OK. All I'm saying is that it's not a parent's job to interfere with a teenager's sex life. If a teenager was nechrophiliac, I would be totally chill about that. Why do you type ignore at the end of your posts? I do not understand what it means/
    Oh! How far we have fallen - members of our very own society seeing no shame in such an admission, let alone being OK with one's own child  poking a human corpse.  What exactly do you think the role of parenting is about then??  Seriously, if you are a parent and genuinely hold such attitudes, then you are unfit to be one, IMHO and are part of the  problem.  A parental duty  and obligation  is to mould, to guide, to teach and be a role model of moral conscience, to lead by example, thereby teaching a moral construct, which ultimately provides a moral compass for our children to take with them through life, able to properly discern right from wrong.  It appears your parents failed abysmally  Not only do you excuse necrophilia from condemnation, but you demonstrate a further collapse of moral fibre in condoning fornication - sex outside marriage. 

    These are the very sins  which saw the tower of Babel destroyed, the Great Flood of Noah destroy all of mankind in the Middle East bar eight souls, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire and brimstone, the banishment of the Hebrews into slavery in Egypt, then a second time defeated and taken into slavery by Babylonia, then the conquest of their lands with the destruction of their Temple by the Romans, etc. etc.  ALL  of these punishments were permitted by God to be wrought against His people by their enemies, not by His hand, except for two, the Great Flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

    Those two were  wrought by His own hand against his own people for the reason their sins were such great abominations, thus God utterly wiped out every vestige of such wickedness, a people grown out of the debauchery of unbridled sodomy and fornication.  Toward these, including bestiality, paedophilia, adultery and necrophilia God shows no mercy.  The  evidence remains for all to see, to this day, beside the Dead Sea in the remains of Sodom and  Gomorrah.  Balls of brimstone, (perfectly spherical sulphur balls), can be seen on the ground and embedded in the ruins still standing, now ghostly spectres of frozen ash on a barren landscape, on the plains of which God vowed no blade of grass would ever grow again and it hasn't for scores of square miles along that very valley.  You can ignore the evidence, my friend, if that is your choice. So be it.  We lie on our own bed of nails.

    As a parting reminder, dereliction of duty is the embryo of every slippery slope, the very slippery slope you would create were you to have a child who engaged in necrophilia and fail to correct this debauched and degenerate depravity, for without that correction, your child would lead with the same example to his children and they to theirs and thus the slippery slope is well under way.  Perfidy, debauchery, degeneracy and licentiousness are like viral contagions.  Once one does it, then another feels comfortable with it, then another, and another and so on -  the slippery slope all the way to the very bottom by a morally bankrupt society. You take first prize.
    Teenagers need privacy and independence in their sex life. It is a sensitive time of life, no place for parents to interfere.
    My parents taught me to be accepting of all world views. Not to follow any specific one.
  • GrafixGrafix 248 Pts   -   edited March 2020
    CAW - Teenagers shouldn't even be having any sex life.  Did you read my post on that point?  It's fornication and you are approving it, then if a pregnancy occurs, more than likely we the people have to fund an abortion or the board and keep of mother and baby and so it goes. Meanwhile a teenager has missed a heap of valuable schooling, not to say anything of the future for the child and the moral dilemma. Your parents are irresponsible.

    There are world views and there are immorality, destitute moral bankruptcy, adultery, degeneracy, debauchery, criminality, rape, murder, perfidy, corruption, theft, extortion, etc. etc.  Did your parents tell you to tolerate all of those "world views" too?  Don't be an a*s*s hat.

    .... and quit bullying others to debate you.  They don't have to.  Where's your world view now?  Everyone has the prerogative to ignore others.  I ignore certain people in this forum.  Replying to their arguments is wasted energy. 
    The further back we look, the greater forward insight we can have. History speaks.
  • xlJ_dolphin_473xlJ_dolphin_473 1718 Pts   -  
    Grafix said:
    CAW - Teenagers shouldn't even be having any sex life.  Did you read my post on that point?  It's fornication and you are approving it.

    There are world views and there are immorality, destitute moral bankruptcy, degeneracy, debauchery, criminality, rape, murder, perfidy, corruption, theft, extortion, etc. etc.  Did your parents tell you to tolerate all of those "world views" too?  Don't be an a*s*s hat.

    .... and quit bullying others to debate you.  They don't have to.  Where's your world view now?  Everyone has the prerogative to ignore others.  I ignore certain people in this forum.  Replying to their arguments is wasted energy. 
    Sex is legal at age 16 in most countries.
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