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Atheist: Why not simply provide evidence that our Creator does not exist?

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Commonsense, void a crippling obsession with satiating one's pe-nis or vu-lva in aberrant pleasure, tells us that the supernatural Universe which encompasses us, permeates us, 24/7/365 possesses the divine earmarks of "design" and purpose - and - commonsense uninterrupted by the proclivities of self-righteousness, arrogance, hedonism, narcissism e.g, atheism/secular humanism tells us that this unfathomable "design" must be under girded by an omnipotent Designer who is most probably existing outside the constraints of Time and physics; therefore, commonsense tells us that if a Designer exists and the complexity of that design (the human genome for example) most likely emanates from a supernatural design that said Designer would be remiss if He, She, It, They, did not reveal them self, themselves, to those "created" and in conjunction with that revelation provide logical reasoning for having created the supernatural "creation" that engulfs us 24/7/365.

If one is honest and they perform a diligent search for that "Creator" there exists only ONE-SOURCE where a Creator has not only identified "Himself" but He has also thoroughly explained the who, what, where, when, why, concerning His creation; that source, the "Canon of Scripture." In fact, our Creator has told the atheist, the secular humanist, the unbeliever, that He exists and that their denial of His existence is foolish (Psalms 14:1) because He has clearly revealed Himself through what He has made in nature and placed before our eyes (Romans 1:20), a supernatural creation which cannot be duplicated by created beings constrained by Time and physics; furthermore, our Creator has entered the Realm of Time and walked among us for 33.5-years in the form of a man named Messiah Jesus and He has clearly proclaimed that Elohim is One, our Creator, and that anyone seeking peace and intimacy with Him must enter that relationship through "faith" in the Son, Jesus our Messiah who died for them as Messiah Jesus defeated the works of Satan at Golgotha (John 3; 1 John 3:8b)...our Creator exists.

If the atheist is so sure that our Creator does NOT exist, why not bring forth a valid explanation, causation, reasoning, for what confronts us daily in nature using a naturalistic explanation so that we can rid ourselves of "religion" and the much despised Christianity and the Church and pursue moral relativism void conscience with uninhibited pleasure? 

If our Creator does not exist, why not prove His, Her, Its, absence to a believing-faithful segment of the World so that their desires and efforts to constrain their behavior via conformity to sustainable morality might be proven irrelevant and let's all pursue moral relativism because "if it feels good, do it;" after all, tomorrow we die and nihilism is our deity and life really means nothing in summation of all things? 


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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 950 Pts   -  
    The burden of proof lies on the one making the claim.  Prove your sky daddy exists.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -   edited June 15

    Commonsense, void a crippling obsession with satiating one's pe-nis or vu-lva in aberrant pleasure, tells us

    Commonsense tells us the sun rises and sets but it don't. Ta Da! Just proved your god doesn't exist by your standards!!!

    The Top Four  Questions Christians Ask  Christian Pollution
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  
    Has anyone ever read/watched the Lord of the Rings and thought, "Hmm, Sauron is a scary being. We must prove that Sauron does not exist in our world, otherwise we are doomed"? That person better have a good whiskey and rethink his approach to life. ;)

    What you clowns fail to understand is that to someone not believing in your fairy tales, your "god" is much like Sauron. The book was cool, very nice read. Now on to the next fantasy. Just bought the first Oathbringer book by Brandon Sanderson; very excited!
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ; You, as an atheist, make the claim that a Creator does not exist....don't obfuscate your "claim"...prove it.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; Prove my Lord does not exist...prove that Nature, the World, exists by naturalistic means, a naturalistic genesis...waiting....
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ; Prove the Scriptures and our Creator are fairytales...
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; Prove my Lord does not exist...prove that Nature, the World, exists by naturalistic means, a naturalistic genesis...waiting....
    Kick a tree barefoot as hard as you can. That's nature, real pain. Now kick your elf god. It doesn't hurt because your elfy god isn't real, got it? Geez.

    Debunking Christianity Rampant Idiocy in Christian Belief
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;
    Waiting for naturalistic, atheistic, evidence that a Creator does not exist.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;
    Waiting for naturalistic, atheistic, evidence that a Creator does not exist.
    The fact that no evidence of you god exist is evidence it don't. Why do you think only imbeciles like you actually believe in it? 
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; Prove creation void our Creator...atheist...waiting?
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -   edited June 16
    @RickeyHoltsclaw So if I give you a gift box with nothing in it and and you open it then say Hay theres nothing in here. And then I say. Hay there num nuts prove it. So then how would you like that then?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  

    Prove creation with your creator, waiting.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Barnardot ; Stop obfuscating, look foolish. Just prove that our Earth emanates from a naturalistic genesis....stop the arrogance.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; There is no other explanation...and our Creator tells you this in His written words....our supernatural World requires a supernatural Creator....prove me wrong.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw ;Stop obfuscating, look foolish.

    So an other words you got snookered good and proper.

    So if you want me to prove the existence of nothing do you want me to get real technical and go in to space then put some nothing in a bottle then send it to you? Then I would prove the existence of nothing. And just so that you cant cry non sequencer about it the fact is that since we know that God is not some thing then I have proven that there for God is nothing and therefore he doesnt exist.

    So there for its all done and dusted for you Ricky. Just chuck a way all those crosses and the pictures of God (which are just blank canvases any way) and start living in realty. Its not to bad out here you know. Sure it does smack you in the face some times but believe me life is to short to miss out all the good stuff that goes on in the real world.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; There is no other explanation...and our Creator tells you this in His written words....our supernatural World requires a supernatural Creator....prove me wrong.
    So Aphrodite did it. Prove me wrong.

     Aphrodite the Goddess of Beauty by Romazeo on DeviantArt
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; Please provide Aphrodite's explanation of Creation and her eschatological renderings that have come to pass in comparison to that of Elohim?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; Please provide Aphrodite's explanation of Creation and her eschatological renderings that have come to pass in comparison to that of Elohim?
    Prove Elohim's to her.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; Elohim has explained in detail why He created...His eschatological purposes and every prophecy referencing Time up to this point in Time has come to pass in perfection and even today the prophetic warnings concerning Israel, Jerusalem, HAMAS, Iran, Russia, China, have all come to pass exactly as foretold...what has your god, Aphrodite, provided via the Spirit of Prophecy?

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ; Elohim has explained in detail why He created...His eschatological purposes and every prophecy referencing Time up to this point in Time has come to pass in perfection and even today the prophetic warnings concerning Israel, Jerusalem, HAMAS, Iran, Russia, China, have all come to pass exactly as foretold...what has your god, Aphrodite, provided via the Spirit of Prophecy?

    Aphrodite spelled out in detail how the love of pleasure and beauty banishes the false warring Abrahamic gods who only recruit insecure fools.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1129 Pts   -  

     THE burden of proof is on the person who brings a claim in a dispute. It is often
    associated with the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, a translation of which in this context is: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges."
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ; Prove the Scriptures and our Creator are fairytales...
    Not before you prove that the Lord of the Rings and Sauron are fairytales. Go.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ; My Lord has proven His reality through what He has made and placed before your prove to me that our Universe, our genome, emanates from naturalism so I can be a proud atheist like yourself? Stop your obfuscation and deceit...provide evidence of a naturalistic creation narrative.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited June 16
    @Joeseph ; There is no burden for the one who trusts in stop the atheistic obfuscation and claim that God does not exist...prove your claim via providing a naturalistic explanation for creation.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1129 Pts   -  

    I never claimed god doesn't exist you clot ,I've said I seen insufficient proof to justify the claim their is a god when you stop dodging and running offer up your best proof which I just bet is hilarious.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph're a proud can such a contradiction exist?
  • JoesephJoeseph 1129 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw ;

    You really are a very unintelligent person no wonder you got drummed out of force.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  

    I will repeat my request for your convenience:

    Prove that the Lord of the Rings and Sauron are fairytales.
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 445 Pts   -   edited June 16

    RickeyHoltsClaw, the "KING" of non-sequiturs, and the runaway from disturbing bible verses,

    In the same vein as MayCaesar in wanting you to actually address his question in the above post, other than for you
    to RUN AWAY from it again, and again, here is another rendition of that concept, PROVE WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, that Harry Potter
     doesn't exist as shown below, and where your infant and suckling baby killer Jesus as god does!  (1 Samuel 15:3)!



  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  

    To be fair, Hogwarts is a much more plausible place to exist, than Heaven. After all, we just need to assume that spellcasting is possible, and that there is a portal somewhere at a London train station that takes us to the train going there. Heck, we all know who Harry Potter is even: he is not some "resurrected prophet", but an actual actor that is still around (Daniel Radcliffe).
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 445 Pts   -  

    YOUR QUOTE RELATIVE TO HARRY POTTER:  "Heck, we all know who Harry Potter is even: he is not some "resurrected prophet", but an actual actor that is still around (Daniel Radcliffe)."

    Correct, but at the same time Harry Potter is a MYTH of a character, and the Bible Dunce RickeyHoltsClaw still has to prove he doesn't exist. 


  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ;THE burden of proof is on the person who brings a claim in a dispute.

    Yes but what if that person brings a claim that is totally ridiculous and that person makes up false proof like made up names and illegal websites? We should just ignore trolls like that because there argument looks totally suss and unbelievable in the first place. Usually people like that cant control them selves and end up getting baned. But wait for it. Some of them dont have any screw balls at all and have the nerve to come back under an other name. 

  • JoesephJoeseph 1129 Pts   -  

    Then you have people on here like you who everyone mocks as all you ever do is fire off accusations that you can never back up making you the very same as whackos like Rickey.

    How's your Pakistani made Nikes doing?
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ;How's your Pakistani made Nikes doing?

    I dont have any because I have more brains in my noodle than to go shopping on el cheepo spam shopping sites.

    So how are you getting on being sprayed with guiness in the pub when they all burst out laughing when you pay with an actual credit card than is kept in a crummy plastic wallet?

  • JoesephJoeseph 1129 Pts   -   edited June 18


    Nike, Inc. has been accused of using sweatshops and worker abuse to produce footwear and apparel in East Asia. After rising prices and the increasing cost of labor in Korean and Taiwanese factories, Nike began contracting in countries elsewhere in Asia, which includes parts of India, Pakistan, and Indonesia.


    I dont have any because I have more brains in my noodle than to go shopping on el cheepo spam shopping sites.

    Yet your Nike are made by Pakistani slave labour. 

    So how are you getting on being sprayed with guiness in the pub when they all burst out laughing when you pay with an actual credit card than is kept in a crummy plastic wallet?

    But I never had a plastic wallet is that an American trend like Pakistani made Nikes?

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited June 18
    @21CenturyIconoclast ; @Joeseph ; @MayCaesar ; Where has Harry Potter made a claim as Creator and what eschatology, fulfilled prophecy, has Harry provided to substantiate his omniscience? Please provide Harry's claim to be a Creator, a us his works of omniscience...provide me evidence of his creation like my Creator has so vividly done?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  

    I think Harry was a little smarter than this Jesus guy, so he did not make claims that he could not substantiate. Your job therefore is easier: you do not need to prove that Harry is not a Creator. You just need to prove that he and Hogwarts do not exist.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  That's one problem with atheism and the don't think nor can you are enslaved to your flesh, Satan, this World, naturalism....your own arrogance and foolishness....Hell is most fitting. Prove our Creator does not can't yet you deny in vain and hypocrisy.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  

    I could not care less about anything else you have to say before you prove that Sauron does not exist.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;  Atheistic obfuscation...Hell is most fitting.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -   edited June 18

    Oh? Requesting a proof that something from a book does not exist is obfuscation? Who would have thought. :D
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  

    Rickey's like a scab, you just have to pick at it. :D
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  

    I noticed that the best way to win an argument against a religious fundamentalist is to keep silent and let them talk. They will always defeat their own argument eventually.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ; @Factfinder You are dying in sin and know nothing of substance or lasting value. You have made yourself irrelevant via the insanity of atheism.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  

    Prove Sauron does not exist.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -   edited June 19

    Pretty bad for you then, since you do not believe in Sauron or Harry Potter, filthy atheist.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ; I can deal with that...I'm good...Jesus is my Messiah and my Creator...You, on the other hand, are perishing by the second in unbelief...

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ; I can deal with that...I'm good...Jesus is my Messiah and my Creator...You, on the other hand, are perishing by the second in unbelief...

    Prove Sauron doesn't exist, prove your invisible friend does exist. No more obfuscation worthless theist, produce.

    So if you have an invisible friend named Jesus-your aChristian If you  have an invisible friend by any other name your Crazy   Cry For Help  Ecard
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -   edited June 19

    So what is this thread about? You do not believe that proving that something does not exist is necessary or important to be able to assume that it is a fictional entity. Congratulations, you won an argument against yourself.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -   edited June 20
    @MayCaesar ; Explain the origin of life void a Creator...use your naturalistic instincts and provide a plausible explanation for the human genome apart from a Creator and design; in other words, prove the absence of a Creator through naturalistic means and STOP with the atheistic obfuscation?
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