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Do you think 9 11 was an inside job?


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  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    I am pretty sure the planes came from outside and not inside
    Lol. What? Did you fall and bump your head?
  • @ZeusAres42
    I am pretty sure the planes came from outside and not inside
    Lol. What? Did you fall and bump your head?

    I am inebriated at the moment, and bored. I did just get muted on a discord server for calling someone a faggot. Did not mean any detriment to gays though.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    I am inebriated at the moment, and bored. I did just get muted on a discord server for calling someone a faggot. Did not mean any detriment to gays though.

    Lmao. I think you should remain inebriated indefinitely. You're a lot more more fun.

  • @ZeusAres42
    I am inebriated at the moment, and bored. I did just get muted on a discord server for calling someone a faggot. Did not mean any detriment to gays though.

    Lmao. I think you should remain inebriated indefinitely. You're a lot more more fun.

    thanks. i do think i am gonna pay for this tomorrow though!

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  

    Best cure is to sleep through it buddy. 

  • BarnardotBarnardot 557 Pts   -  
    @ZeusAres42 @Nomenclature
    Well at least I court mr big boy bully boss man out in the corner because he refuses to answer the damning questions so that also makes him a dishonest also.
    Because he said and I quote I don't avoid questions. Did you notice how the explosion on the bottom of the building was super imposed and no body actually said there was a bomb in the building. Even mr boss man refuses to stand by the total dum and fake evidence he posted so it shows that he has as much substance in him as flea p.
  • PepsiguyPepsiguy 109 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    Argument Topic: No

    I don't trust the US government but there is no way our government could get away with killing 3000 of its own residents. Yes, the government has engaged in actual conspiracies[1], but this is too much. Also, there were jihadists in each plane, and it was Bin Laden who committed it. Also, the twin towers were an important American symbol back then, this would be like if the federal government conspired to destroy the Statue of Liberty by hijacking planes.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    I don't trust the US government but there is no way our government could get away with killing 3000 of its own residents.

    "I don't believe it therefore it couldn't happen" isn't a valid form of argument. You're talking about the same government which got away with an illegal war in Iraq, in which thousands of Americans died, after repeatedly lying to the American people about everything from WMDs to non-existent links between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. Your government very much could get away with killing thousands of its own citizens, and the blind refusal of Americans to believe that is why the victims will never have justice.

    You guys live inside the biggest bubble of childlike naivety imaginable, where someone can lead you to absolute proof that your government lied continuously, and you still refuse to believe it.

    Also, there were jihadists in each plane, and it was Bin Laden who committed it

    Your government told you that!!! You're literally repeating the same horse crap your government told you and using it as an argument that the government told you the truth. It's the very definition of circular reasoning. There's no evidence whatsoever that bin Laden was involved. Zero. 

    This is what bin Laden said when he was asked whether he was involved:-

    I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle.

    Bin Laden offered to voluntarily surrender to house arrest in Pakistan and stand trial for the attacks. Does that sound like something a guilty man would do? Bush ignored him and invaded Afghanistan!! Your government lied about everything. It lied about everything and it exploited the media to print its version of events. It furthermore ruined the career of anybody who challenged that version of events. 

    To date, there has only ever been one single conviction in relation to the 9/11 attacks, Zacarias Moussaoui, and he took the stand in federal court and claimed to have proof that the US government knew about the attacks and let them happen!! Only guess what?? Surprise, surprise, the judge refused to let him submit it to the jury.

    I find it nothing short of reprehensible that people who believe climate change is a hoax or that Democrats are running a secret child sex trafficking ring from the basement of a pizzeria (without a basement), somehow cannot be convinced that the government lied to them about what happened on 9/11, despite a veritable smorgasbord of evidence suggesting that it did exactly that.

  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    @Barnardot @Nomenclature @Pepsiguy @ZeusAres42
    Well at least I court mr big boy bully boss man out in the corner because he refuses to answer the damning questions 

    Fortunately, I think you will find that there are not too many unsavory characters in this world who are so arrogant that they will only listen to the anarchistic voices spinning around their heads and nothing else. You have to realise that they are extremists and no doubt had extreme upbringings and take out their frustrations in trying to control and bully others through patronising abuse. Of course you beat him into a corner (which doesn't take much given the absurdity of the argument and the cringingly fake evidence) and of course he will never actually "state" anything or answer any questions that dare question his master's authority and he knows it which is why of course, he walked away since such people will go on to hunt down easier prey to manipulate. 

    The best thing is to just ignore these Adolf wannabes instead of provoking them since, like a piece of dog excrement lying in the gutter, they will eventually dry up and blow away with all the rest of the unwanted filth, never to be heard of again and nobody could even give a toss.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    Fortunately, I think you will find that there are not too many unsavory characters in this world who are so arrogant that they will only listen to the anarchistic voices spinning around their heads and nothing else. You have to realise that they are extremists and no doubt had extreme upbringings and take out their frustrations in trying to control and bully others through patronising abuse.

    That's some fantastic Freudian projection there, buddy. If you scroll upwards through this thread you'll find a multitude of sources supporting my arguments, but of course you'll never do that because you're too arrogant to read anything which interferes with your delicate preconceptions about the world. It's much easier to avoid my arguments entirely and write a full paragraph worth of personal attacks, while staggeringly accusing me of arrogance. That way you can avoid the embarrassment of being schooled about the actual topic, and make yourself feel superior by putting me down in the traditional manner employed by all intellectual cowards.

    You know, I've read probably a dozen or so of your posts, and I've never once stumbled across an actual argument. You confine yourself to thinly veiled insults, snarky sniping and belittling other people because you're an unintelligent person with nothing constructive to actually say. 

  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -  
    accusing me of arrogance. 

    And quite rightly so. You made not one argument and even if you did, the "multitude of sources" are all completely extremist, fake stu-pidity. You are a supreme anarchistic, , nut case if you ever think that anyone with half a brain is going to believe your lunacy. And I certainly am no "buddy" of a dill-brained, extremist half-wit such as you. You are a pathetic joke.

  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -  
    accusing me of arrogance. 

    And quite rightly so. You may have convinced yourself of your "evidence" which I did read but to any sane person it is cringingly crude, contrived nonsense. 

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 867 Pts   -   edited January 2023

    First anarchist100 by saying inside job you are not including by excluding the Federal Government, maybe even the state government as well....

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    which I did read

    No you didn't. On top of all your other personality disorders you're also a brazen deceiver. If you'd read the evidence and believed it to be "contrived", then you were free to criticise it and we could have debated. Instead, you came into the thread and launched straight into a full paragraph of purposefully offensive personal remarks which you didn't even have the courage to address me with directly, just like the spineless coward we both know you are. You have nothing to offer this site except hate. Pathetic little toad that you are.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    even if you did, the "multitude of sources" are all completely extremist

    Oh, ABC News is "completely extremist", is it? The FEMA metallurgy report is "completely extremist"? Award-winning political scientist Nafeez Ahmed is "completely extremist"? Zip your mouth you absolute waste of carbon. 

  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -  
    Oh, ABC News is "completely extremist", is it? The FEMA metallurgy report is "completely extremist"? 

    No, Colbett is and he and his extremist cohorts doctored every one of the videos as you and a three year old child can clearly see. You can try as much as you like to put words in my mouth but extreme, conspiratorial views are what they are; totally blinkered, contrived and 100% wrong...there is not the slightest amount of evidence to come near suggesting what you want others to believe and linking a series of interviews out of context proves nothing and is an insult to decent intelligence.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023


  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    No, Colbett is 
    Oh, Ok. So we've gone from:-
    the "multitude of sources" are all completely extremist


     Colbett is an extremist. 

    Except no he isn't, and you're too thick to even spell his name correctly. None of the videos I have linked are doctored and you're not even worth responding to because you're an intellectually redundant, whining halfwit with nothing relevant to offer a conversation. Literally everything you write is false and 90 percent of it contradicts something else you've said previously. If pointless imbeciles had an international soccer team, you'd be the captain.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    9-11 Research provides abundant evidence and analysis concerning the total destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7. See this directory. We think that the evidence strongly supports the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by planned demolitions, and were not the result of plane crashes and fires. The following questions are frequently asked by people encountering the idea of the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings. Other questions are addressed in other FAQs.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  

    WTC Building 7 Could NOT Have Collapsed Due To Small Fires According to University Study

    The study concluded:

    “The findings thus far are that fire did not bring down this building. Building failure simulations show that, to match observation, the entire inner core of this building failed nearly simultaneously,” the website for the study noted.

  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Just trust Snopes.

    There is not enough time in the world to jump down every rabbit hole to figure out there is no rabbit hole. This is why we trust experts who have done the work for us.

    Look up the hoax of the flesh eating bananas for a laugh. Or someone followed millions with the chocolate diet. The correlation between autism and organic produce, yes organic produce causes autism. :)
  • anarchist100anarchist100 782 Pts   -  
    Dreamer said:
    There is not enough time in the world to jump down every rabbit hole to figure out there is no rabbit hole. This is why we trust experts who have done the work for us.

    Look up the hoax of the flesh eating bananas for a laugh. Or someone followed millions with the chocolate diet. The correlation between autism and organic produce, yes organic produce causes autism. :)
    As I've told you in the past, experts can be subject to social, political, and financial pressures. The fact of things is, if you want to find out the plain truth of the matter, you're going to have to go down the rabbit hole as best you can. If you are thinking logically as you do it then you will inevitably come out with the best conclusion that one could have in terms of likelyhood. The examples of other ideas you brought up that are clearly crazy really have nothing to do with this matter, and of course if you where to go down any one of those rabbitholes thinking logically you would find out that it's all nonsense, what you have is people believing them without thinking logically about it.
  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: People tend to go deeper and deeper down rabit holes.

    Yes, of course there are social, political, and financial pressures. I've already been down a few rabbit holes and I rather not go again. People have a habit of going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. For example some qanon believers spend 16-18 hours a day watching qanon videos.

    Here's one of my favorite videos explaining how many rabbit holes there are. Mcgill The One True Cause of Every Disease Revealed (CS23).

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    For example some qanon believers spend 16-18 hours a day watching qanon videos.

    Comparing Qanon, which is a series of completely baseless claims made by an unknown troll, and which lack even an iota of evidential support, with the multitude of professionals and academics who are adamant the 9/11 official story is a farce, and who have a treasure trove of evidence to support their case, is about as absurd as it's possible to get.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    There is not enough time in the world to jump down every rabbit hole to figure out there is no rabbit hole. 

    I don't know what this even means, but it sounds like you're saying we should walk through life in ignorance and be happy about it. 

    This is why we trust experts who have done the work for us.

    Snopes are experts in literally nothing.

    I read through this link. As I expected, it's a series of straw man arguments which spectacularly avoids addressing any of the actual reasons people question the official narrative. I've personally been researching 9/11 for over 15 years and the only one on this "top ten" list I've even heard about is the last one. 

    Where does this article address the molten steel at Ground Zero which was reported by more than a dozen different sources? 

    Where does it address the litany of physicists, architects, engineers and demolitions experts who say the building collapses were the work of explosives? 

    Where does it address Professor Harrit's chemical analysis of the WTC dust? 

    Where does it address the dozens of eye-witnesses who claim there were bombs in the buildings? 

    Where does it address the fact that no government agency ever tested for any type of explosives residue?

    Where does it address the "very unusual" (Professor Barnett) condition of the WTC steel?

    Where does it address the complete absence of evidence bin Laden was in any way involved in the attacks?

    Where does it address the 5 Mossad agents arrested for celebrating and filming the attacks?

    Where does it address the explosives residue identified in the van of said Mossad agents?

    Where does it address the symmetry of collapse? Where does it address the perimeter of 47 core steel supports which would have had to all fail simultaneously in order to result in a symmetrical collapse?

    Where does it address the free fall speed of the collapse of WTC 7?

    Where does it address the 682 other hijackings in the last 30 years which the air force has managed to intercept?

    Where does it address the complete lack of air force support on that particular day?

    Where does it address Cheney's strange comments to Norman Mineta as Flight 77 was being tracked approaching the Pentagon?

    Where does it address the various media reports which show the government released the wrong identities of the supposed hijackers?

    Where does it address the 15 "incomplete" and "incomprehensible" visa application forms handed in by the alleged hijackers and why, despite these, they were all given visas?

    Where does it address the fact that the laws of physics themselves would have to be wrong in order for the collapses to have happened the way the government claimed?

    Where does it address the fact that bin Laden's family was flown out of the country on the orders of George W Bush?

    Where does it address the fact that bin Laden volunteered to stand trial and clear his own name?

    Where does it address Mohammed Atta's magic passport, which supposedly flew out of a burning plane and landed on the ground completely intact?

  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I am glad we agree that Qanon is baseless and lacks an iota of evidence.

    There are differences between the two conspiracy theories. The analogy is still useful to show how people believe in absurdities. How much patience can a person have for conspiracies? 
  • anarchist100anarchist100 782 Pts   -  
    Dreamer said:

    Yes, of course there are social, political, and financial pressures. I've already been down a few rabbit holes and I rather not go again. People have a habit of going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. For example some qanon believers spend 16-18 hours a day watching qanon videos.

    Here's one of my favorite videos explaining how many rabbit holes there are. Mcgill The One True Cause of Every Disease Revealed (CS23).

    If you don't have the time to go into these things then you should not be commenting, since you are in no position to assert whether they are true or not.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    I am glad we agree that Qanon is baseless and lacks an iota of evidence.

    We certainly agree on that. What we don't agree on is you using it as a reason to reject everything else someone in government has labelled a conspiracy theory. 

    How much patience can a person have for conspiracies? 

    You are being manipulated by pseudo-language. The term "conspiracy theory" is a pejorative and, as such, when it is used as a label to describe anything, it functions as a form of propaganda to dissuade the public from taking it seriously enough to actually find out if it's true. It works as a derivative of "the emperor has no clothes" fallacy. In the specific instance of 9/11, the public has been conned so enormously that it believes questioning an impossible conspiracy of foreign Jihadis who, armed with nothing but boxcutters, killed over 3,000 people and collapsed three buildings into dust, makes a person a conspiracy theorist! Somehow, the average person has been persuaded to believe that the exact opposite of the truth is true.

    Your mistake is to blindly assume that people in authority, many of whom identify as -- or might even be -- experts, never have any other motive than telling the public the complete unbridled truth.

  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    Argument Topic: Wow, 15 years studying this event.

    Fifteen years is a long time. Yet, that much effort if anything helps prove the rabbit hole idea. That people just keep going deeper.

    Rabbit holes analogy comes from Alice in Wonderland. Alice falls asleep and then jumps down a rabbit hole, goes on a long adventure, finally in the end she wakes up finds no rabbit hole and realizes it was all a dream.

    This metaphor explains what being a conspiracy theorist is like. Whether it be anti-vaxx, chem-trails, and many many more. You find endless links via conformation bias and artificial intelligence algorithms read through them all. Watch the videos and finally if you are lucky wake up to realize that it was all a dream and there was no conspiracy.

    I cannot debunk your list on the spot. Q from Qanon uses a list similar to yours. Your list is a gish gallop of just asking questions.

     I haven't even heard of most of these. Again, there are many conspiracy theories and theorists many who only believe a few and laugh at the rest. I cannot possibly keep up. Just look at the disinformation dozen spewing massive amounts of disinformation. Or Russian troll factories.

  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -  
    Except no he isn't, and you're too thick to even spell his name correctly.

    I think that perhaps you may need to just slow down a bit, take a few deep breaths and stop throwing your Ritalin in the pot plants; there is a reason why they're giving it to you and it will make you better. At best, since you are so keen to let others know what you think you could at least reciprocate and extend the courtesy to listen to what others have to say. The facts are Corbett is an extremist and a self-confessed anarchist, so is Robert Rodriguez, the videos are heavily doctored and the websites you provided links to are very amateurish, sensationalist and extreme, therefore they are all very wrong. Jumping up and down like an excited little girl and repeating over and over that they are true will not ever change those facts. The evidence has been presented to you by everyone else on this thread and if you choose to poo poo it, ridicule and belittle others, that's your business but it still will not change the facts either. The likes of Corbett make plenty of money by promulgating bizarre conspiracy theories because they know they have a ready market of goggle-eyed nit-wits out there who love getting sucked in by all that crap so they can shove up the authorities.

    I have done some research however and found out a few things that may interest you. Did you know that there is a website that has listed (among others) your DebateIsland Avatar profile with your real name and comments beside it and that it is monitored by a government agency?

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    I think that perhaps you may need to just slow down a bit, take a few deep breaths and stop throwing your Ritalin in the pot plants
    If you can give me the name of the person who suggested that anybody in the world cares what you think, I'll make sure they are reprimanded appropriately and retrained. They've clearly misled you, and I apologise for that.
    The facts are Corbett is an extremist
    No, the fact is that you are a moron. I'm afraid it's a lifelong condition caused by not having sufficient intelligence to comprehend that there's a problem with your intelligence. You're not alone, so don't worry. There are plenty of others who suffer from this same problem, although you do appear to be in the advanced stages. Does your tongue often slip out of your mouth and hang loosely when you are talking to people? Have you noticed a preponderance of saliva on the ground when you stand still in the same position for extended periods? Do people frequently raise their eyebrows when you say things to them?

    On a more serious note, nobody is interested in you because you are a pointless troll who comes here only to antagonise other people. Your last debate had literally zero participants. Zero. Were you not such a sneering halfwit, you would probably ascertain -- correctly -- that nobody here thinks your comments are even worth reading. Now go be a good little troll and find some traffic to play in while the rest of us debate.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    This metaphor explains what being a conspiracy theorist is like
    I have already explained to you once that calling someone a conspiracy theorist simply because they do not agree with you is nothing more than an ad hominem fallacy. It says nothing about me, and everything about your refusal to examine the facts with an open mind. People who accept whatever they are told without ever asking questions are simply not very intelligent people. You want to smear my character with a generic label of "conspiracy theorist" without actually knowing my views on any topic other than 9/11, and that is absolutely ridiculous. 

    You are in a small minority of people who believe the official version of events regarding 9/11, as I have already demonstrated by linking an appropriate study conducted by the University of Kent. Quite frankly, I find your opinions to be unintelligent to the point that they are borderline offensive. You are not interested in examining facts or evidence, only with attacking what you arbitrarily interpret as "conspiracy theories". The official narrative of 9/11 is a theory about a conspiracy of Muslims who flew halfway around the world and attacked America. There is little to no reliable evidence it is true and indeed large portions of the official narrative are contradicted by the known facts. Hence, for you to accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist for being sceptical about the validity of that conspiracy theory almost beggars belief. 

    Do you also believe it to be a conspiracy theory that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction? Or that Saddam Hussein had no ties to al Qaeda? Because those false claims were made repeatedly by the exact same administration you seem prepared to believe without question about 9/11.

    I simply find you to be naive to the point that it is almost childlike. Instead of actually addressing the topic, or assessing the multitude of evidence I have posted in this very thread which casts doubt on the 9/11 narrative, instead you're telling me the plot of Alice in Wonderland. 
  • SwolliwSwolliw 1530 Pts   -  
    you stand still in the same position for extended periods?

    That's not true. I get some paper towels.

    Did you manage to find the website I mentioned?

  • BarnardotBarnardot 557 Pts   -  
    @Nomenclature ; I haven't even heard of most of these. Again, there are many conspiracy theories and theorists many who only believe a few and laugh at the rest. I cannot possibly keep up. Just look at the disinformation dozen spewing massive amounts of disinformation. Or Russian troll factories.

    I reckon he knows that its all made up dog mess because there cant be any body who would ever believe that baloney any way. Hes just a sissy boy trying to look big because whenyou look at it what has he actually said. he says totally nothing and he refuses to answer questions and he is a big also because I caught him out big time lying and posting fake videos and links. So if he really does debate like he says he does why does he just swear and diss every body. Its because he cant even argue his way out of a paper bag thats been popped so thats why he lies and carries on like that all the time. So thats all right because sissy boys like that make every one else here look better any way.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  

    You are very literally one of the thickest people I've ever encountered. Go away you absolutely pointless piece of gutter trash.
  • DeeDee 5396 Pts   -  

    You are very literally one of the thickest people I've ever encountered

    I find that remark very offensive to the thickest people on the planet they as they are gifted compared to Barndoor
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    I cannot debunk your list on the spot. Q from Qanon uses a list similar to yours. 

    Your guilt-by-association fallacies are ridiculous. Qanon has got absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 and you will not find any university professors backing Qanon with peer-reviewed research. Frankly, you are a complete and total imbecile.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 557 Pts   -  
    @Nomenclature @Dee ;You are very literally one of the thickest people I've ever encountered. Go away you absolutely pointless piece of gutter trash.

    Well thats all right because you say worse things to every body else like

     like you are a 9 year old child in a Pick 'n Mix store.
    you are very evidently suffering from some type of delusional mental health problem.
    Stop pulling numbers out of your sphincter you deeply unhinged lunatic.
    You are every bit as petty, snide and drunk on your own self-importance as the most uncivilised cretins in history.
    You might want to take a reading comprehension course
    Don't talk absolute rubbish you delusional robot. 
    You are the most dumbed down population the world has ever born fruit
    before opening your rather unintelligent mouth
    you are a textbook example of an American halfwit. 
    You don't have any intelligent input to offer any argument
    I'm finished with this discussion
    you really are this much of a tool.
     just don't even want to talk to you
    I'm not wrong 
    you dope
    This is a pointless conversation because you lack the basic intelligence to understand
    it makes you a danger to the rest of us
    no way am I interested in going back and forth with an obvious lunatic
     you're not bright enough to figure out how to use it
    You're insane. I shudder to think that people like you get a vote.
    Are you maybe just thick
    There is no point debating this halfwit about anything. 
    If there was an international committee for dumb, you would be chairman of the board.
    If there was an international committee for dumb, you would be chairman of the board.
     Get help. You have mental health issues.
    Your low IQ really holds me back in life.
    You are one of these guys who is too dumb to comprehend how dumb you are, aren't you? 
    You should probably get back to playing with your toys.
     you are not aware of how unintelligent you are
    You are ill and need treatment for whichever psychotic disorder you are suffering from.
    I refused to engage you because you are a child. You think like a child and act like a child. Nothing is to be gained by arguing with someone as ignorant and proud of it as you are.
    You're inventing complete lies like the sad little man you are. 
    You are truly a pathetic individual. 
    A bit like an angry seven year old.
    pathetic, lowlife trolls such as yourself
     Go away and grow up.
    that hive of scum and villainy
    don't know how they manage to tie their own shoelaces without assistance.
    the intellectual maturity of a four year old
    How about you apologise to me 
    I'm still waiting for my apology.
    You owe me an apology 
    admit that what you wrote initially was nonsense
    One of approximately three intelligent contributors on the entire site
    someone of your low intellectual calibre

    And thats just for starters. You said that to everyone on this site except 2 Yes every one because I checked  when they say something you don't like.

     So, this is from some one who talks down to every one and whose much better then every one and insults instead of debating. when you are going to leave this site then we will all celebrate and debate without having this plastered all over the place.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  

    Thanks for producing that amusing highlight reel of my best insults, although quite what any of that has to do with the topic is a mystery. 

    Perhaps you should come back if you ever develop enough intelligence to have a debate.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    This metaphor explains what being a conspiracy theorist is like. Whether it be anti-vaxx, chem-trails, and many many more

    You have invested in an astonishing guilt-by-association fallacy. If chemtrails aren't real, that says nothing about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. If vaxx conspiracies aren't real, that says nothing about the assassination of JFK. I'm at a complete loss for words as to why you would draw invisible dots between completely unrelated events and judge one hypothesis about one event on the basis of another hypothesis about another event. That's literally absurd. 

  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: There is not enough time to thoroughly investigate every rabbit hole. Therefore your list is gish gallop.

    Yes, association fallacy is a real fallacy, but people misuse fallacies all the time. For example, casually dismissing the scientific consensus on climate change as an appeal to authority.  The reason I list the other conspiracy theories is to prove there is not enough time to dive deep into each.

    Effectively democracy is under attack by "flooding the zone" as Bannon once said.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 557 Pts   -  
    @Nomenclature ;Perhaps you should come back if you ever develop enough intelligence to have a debate.
    Which I have done and so have others in this thread but who is it that refuses to debate Girlie boy thats who. For example you refused to answer any questions and when you were presented with evidence that your sauces were false and extreme you refused to reply. All you did was say how dum every body else was but you never made one statement and you refused to state whether or not you believe that there were bombs. Your links and references were so off the planet they were past being funny like professor Harrit who is a known loony toons and was laughed out of court. You refused to address the fake videos which were pointed out to you that they had fake explosions. So thats debating is it. Yeah sure you like to tell others that they can't debate and how dum every one else is but guess whose good at mass debating mr girlie boy big boss wanabee thats who.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    Yes, association fallacy is a real fallacy, but people misuse fallacies all the time.

    You're using a double negative (another fallacy). A fallacy is a misuse. It's a distortion of logic.

    For example, casually dismissing the scientific consensus on climate change as an appeal to authority.

    That would be an appeal to a consensus of authority, which would not be a fallacy. You're extraordinarily confused and are attempting to compare something which you just admitted is a real fallacy, with a false accusation of fallacy. That is something commonly referred to as a false equivalence and -- predictably -- it's another fallacy.

    An appeal to authority isn't really a fallacy in and of itself, since sourcing credible information is simply a logical thing to do in order to support your own argument. It only becomes a fallacy if there are alternative credible perspectives which you willfully ignore, the expert you quote doesn't actually agree with what you say, or you attempt to confuse someone with highly technical language which only an expert in the relative field of study could possibly comprehend. 

    The reason I list the other conspiracy theories is to prove there is not enough time to dive deep into each.

    I don't know what that even means, buddy. This topic isn't about conspiracy theories. It's about 9/11 and whether you believe it was an inside job.

    Effectively democracy is under attack by "flooding the zone" as Bannon once said.

    Just bizarre. Nobody is flooding the zone except you. You've taken a very specific topic and tried to change it into a general discussion about conspiracy theories.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -  
    Which I have done
    Clearly you have not. You have not developed the intelligence to have a debate, and that is abundantly well-evidenced by your trash posts.
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 876 Pts   -  
    Which I have done
    Clearly you have not. You have not developed the intelligence to have a debate, and that is abundantly well-evidenced by your trash posts.
    Says a pathologically antagonistic conspiracy nut.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    Says a pathologically antagonistic conspiracy nut.

    Oh, the guy who pops into the debate just to call me names says I'm pathologically antagonistic? That's nice. 

    Your smear tactics illustrate poignantly what you are: an absolute sneering coward. Since it's patently obvious you're never going to overcome the litany of facts I'm armed with, you choose instead to resort to name-calling and dirty psychological tricks like encouraging mockery and abuse. You haven't even attempted to construct an argument. You've simply come in here to call me names.

    The cold, hard truth of the matter is that you're a monstrously evil toad who literally supports apartheid and genocide. I've caught you telling barefaced lies three times in only the last 24 hours. You're accusing me of being a "conspiracy nut" on the solitary basis that I'm not foolish enough to believe your 9/11 conspiracy theory, and the reason I'm not foolish enough to believe your 9/11 conspiracy theory is because it contradicts all of the known facts. That has been abundantly well-established by every independent journalist, scientist and researcher unaffiliated with the US government who has ever looked into the matter. Your conspiracy theory was manufactured by an administration of neo-fascist, Zionist crooks who lied America into two wars that killed millions, and I am not a "conspiracy nut" for having enough common sense to see it as the outrageous pack of lies it so self-evidently is.

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 876 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Keep Babbling and Ranting

    It's very amusing.  You get triggered because deep down you know you're full of it.
  • DeeDee 5396 Pts   -  

    It's very amusing.  You get triggered because deep down you know you're full of it.

    It's very amusing.  You get triggered because a photo of a Palestinian child getting carried to his funeral has you babbling about shopping malls as your best response to such atrocities 
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1245 Pts   -   edited January 2023
    It's very amusing.  You get triggered because deep down you know you're full of it.

    Deep down I know you're a gutless coward who is too frightened to debate the facts. All you know is deception and fallacy. You want to win the argument but you know that isn't possible if you debate the facts, so instead you employ a textbook "emperor has no clothes" approach and mock anybody who dares state the obvious. Frankly, I just think you're a pathetic and horrible individual. 

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 876 Pts   -  
    @Nomenclature said:  I just think you're a pathetic and horrible individual. 
    Aw.  I wasn't gonna ask you for a date.
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