frame | Tournaments

July 2020 Private Tournament

-1460 days and -4 hours remaining

07/29/2020 3:25:00

  • Status: Semifinals

  • Description: It's's July 2020 private tournament! The tournament will consist of 4 debaters who will debate a range of topics.

    Semi-Finals - Traditional Formal Debate (24 hours per round | 3 rounds)
    Finals - Traditional Formal Debate (1 hour per round | 3 rounds)

    Topics for Debates will be chosen prior to each debate.

    Votes will be cast by users.

    If a tie takes place, then the deciding vote will be cast by @aarong (administrator/founder of If a debate is forfeited, then the user who forfeited the debate will be eliminated from the tournament.

  • Participants: xlJ_dolphin_473, JGXdebatePRO, RS_master, TGMasterX

  • Rules: General Rules

  • Prize: 200 Points, "Tournament Winner" Badge, 6 Months Free Premium Membership

  • Show Bracket

July 2018 Tournament


  • Winner:    WhiteFlame

  • Status: Finished

  • Description: It's's third tournament! The tournament will consist of 8 Debaters who will Debate a range of topics.

    Round 1 - Traditional Formal Debate (24 hours per round | 3 rounds)
    Semi-Finals - Lincoln-Douglas Formal Debate (24 hours per round)
    Finals - Traditional Formal Debate (48 hour per round | 3 rounds)

    Votes will be cast by users. All voting periods are 48 hours.

    If a tie takes place, then the deciding vote will be cast by @aarong (administrator/founder of If a Debate is forfeited, then the user who forfeited the Debate will be eliminated from the tournament.

  • Participants: SomeOne234, BlaMonkey, YeshuaBought, WhiteFlame, Evidence, Joecavalry, Yolostide, comey_testify

  • Rules: General Rules

  • Prize: 50 Points, "Tournament Winner" Badge, 2 Months Free Premium Membership

  • Show Bracket

March 2018 Tournament


  • Winner:    WhiteFlame

  • Status: Finished

  • Description: It's's second tournament! The tournament will consist of 8 Debaters who will Debate a range of topics.

    Round 1 - Traditional Formal Debate (24 hours per round | 3 rounds)
    Semi-Finals - Lincoln-Douglas Formal Debate (24 hours per round)
    Finals - Traditional Formal Debate (24 hour per round | 3 rounds)

    Topics will be chosen by each debate bracket pair. @aarong will message each pair with Debate topic options to agree on both topic and sides.  If users can't agree on a topic/side within allotted time then @aarong will select a topic at random.

    Votes will be cast by users.

    If a tie takes place, then the deciding vote will be cast by @aarong (administrator/founder of If a Debate is forfeited, then the user who forfeited the Debate will be eliminated from the tournament.

  • Participants: StrangeQuarkMatter, SomeOne234, AmericanFurryBoy, dee, ShadowCorbin, Fascism, WilliamShulz, WhiteFlame

  • Rules: General Rules
    All votes require a valid explanation of why the user voted the way he did.

  • Prize: 50 Points, "Tournament Winner" Badge, 2 Months Free Premium Membership

  • Show Bracket

February 2018 Tournament


  • Winner:    SomeOne234

  • Status: Finished

  • Description: It's's first tournament! The tournament will consist of 8 Debaters who will Debate a range of topics.

    Round 1 - Traditional Formal Debate (24 hours per round | 3 rounds)
    Semi-Finals - Lincoln-Douglas Formal Debate (24 hours per round)
    Finals - Traditional Formal Debate (1 hour per round | 3 rounds)

    Topics for Debates will be randomly chosen.

    Votes will be cast by users.

    If a tie takes place, then the deciding vote will be cast by @aarong (administrator/founder of If a Debate is forfeited, then the user who forfeited the Debate will be eliminated from the tournament.

  • Participants: SomeOne234, Pogue, Islander507, Ampersand, WilliamShulz, Eyes2See, Fascism, agsr

  • Rules: General Rules

  • Prize: 50 Points, "Tournament Winner" Badge, 2 Months Free Premium Membership

  • Show Bracket

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