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Does a Higher Being Exist?


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  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Thank you, I understand where you are coming from.
    It has been a fair discussion thus far, with everyone being equally able to share their point of view.
    Although I most certainly do not subscribe to your beliefs, I conclude by neither insisting that you are wrong nor that I am correct.

    Judaism said:

    Now that's a good sport! I wish everyone on here could be that respectful and polite. Thank you.

    How is "agreeing to disagree" respectful and polite??
    I don't care if you call me names, just please don't agree to disagree with me!? I mean how would I ever know if I was wrong?
    Or how would you ever know if you were wrong, you know what I mean?

    You can tell me: "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard", .. and then you tell me why, .. that's what I love about honest debating.
  • someone234someone234 647 Pts   -  
    Evidence said:
    Thank you, I understand where you are coming from.
    It has been a fair discussion thus far, with everyone being equally able to share their point of view.
    Although I most certainly do not subscribe to your beliefs, I conclude by neither insisting that you are wrong nor that I am correct.

    Judaism said:

    Now that's a good sport! I wish everyone on here could be that respectful and polite. Thank you.

    How is "agreeing to disagree" respectful and polite??
    I don't care if you call me names, just please don't agree to disagree with me!? I mean how would I ever know if I was wrong?
    Or how would you ever know if you were wrong, you know what I mean?

    You can tell me: "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard", .. and then you tell me why, .. that's what I love about honest debating.
    That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Let's agree to disagree.
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Guys, reread my correspondence with AlfredChan, you'll get the context as to what I'm saying. It's not what you think.

    Thank you

    P.S., cannot post later due to Shabbat.
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Evidence said:
    Thank you, I understand where you are coming from.
    It has been a fair discussion thus far, with everyone being equally able to share their point of view.
    Although I most certainly do not subscribe to your beliefs, I conclude by neither insisting that you are wrong nor that I am correct.

    Judaism said:

    Now that's a good sport! I wish everyone on here could be that respectful and polite. Thank you.

    How is "agreeing to disagree" respectful and polite??
    I don't care if you call me names, just please don't agree to disagree with me!? I mean how would I ever know if I was wrong?
    Or how would you ever know if you were wrong, you know what I mean?

    You can tell me: "That's the stupidest thing I ever heard", .. and then you tell me why, .. that's what I love about honest debating.
    That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Let's agree to disagree.

    NOOooooo I asked not to say that. I hope Debra sees this abuse I'm getting!?
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    BaconToes said:
    Does a Higher Being Exist?
    EDIT: Changing the title since it is a bit misleading
    Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this debate!

    OK, this is for everyone here that answered on this O.P. and who read any, or all of it. I believe we all expressed our sincere thoughts on this subject, and as we can see we all have some casually, and some extremely different views of gods, or his/her/their/it's existence, or non-existence, right? This explains why we have all these different Religions.

    Now please reason this out, and by all means correct me if and where my questions, assumptions, facts, are wrong (forgive me for not being able to express myself in a more intellectual manner, but I will do my best with what I got.)

    Our debating friend @BaconToes has laid the eternal question before us: Does God exist?

    First, let's observe our world and all of humanity living on this earth, and we see that the majority of us believe in some form of a "Higher Being" (as your O.P. stated), and no one passed first grade can truly say: "gods don't exist", because even if brought up in an atheist household, the child can see gods, and people who believe and worship these gods in their morning TV shows, to movies like DC and Marvel, .. idols when going on a science fare trip (Lord Shiva at CERN, etc.) at museums, there is gods and symbols of gods just about everywhere, including their shoes, t-shirts, and even the brand of car their parents drive.

    So we can freely say, not just one, but that: "gods exist", .. do we all agree?

    As for the question: "Does a Higher Being exist?", that too every child agrees that it does exist, starting with their parents, then their favorite superhero characters, and when they grow up, those Higher Beings can be anyone from the god/gods in the Religion they have chosen, like: there are the theistic gods like the Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc. and then there are the atheistic gods like Darwin, Dawkins, Hawking, George Lemaitre, Hubble, Einstein etc.

    OK, so do we all agree that god/gods exist, .. or not?
    Please explain your position?
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Reality is subjective. 
    What appears real to me, may not appear real to you.

    Religion revolves around faith in a perceived higher order being or "god".
    The proof of the existence of this perceived higher order being is usually not demanded by subscribers of the religion, because having the religious faith requires that the individual disregard necessity for tangible proof. 
    As such there is no religious literature (to the best of my knowledge) encouraging people to actively and critically challenge its exertions. 

    Human beings have a habit of visualizing patterns even-though they may not exist. ;
    As such, human beings tend to imagine correlations between religious faith exertions and reality. 

    Should I exert that "God Does Not Exist", I will be considered an atheist.
    Should I exert that "Perhaps God Does Not Exist", I will be considered an agnostic.
    The list goes on, considering all the nitty-gritty differences between the multitude of religious and non-religious people.

    @AlfredChan Reality is subjective. 
    What appears real to me, may not appear real to you.

    I marked your response as "informative" because these ideas are exactly what our demonically lead World Leaders are forcing upon humanity, just as you said here. Once people question their reality, you have them in the palm of your hands, and do with them as you wish (I mean "you" in general, nothing personal).
    No my friend, reality is exactly that; "reality", .. and I believe that's why it was named that.

    It is that alternate reality that is being presented to us from the Powers and Principalities of Darkness that has posessed and is leading or Leaders, who use the most powerful tool; the media (fake News, school shootings, moon landing, globe earth, Big-Bang and Evolution stories etc.) that is what's actually subjective, .. that may appear real to you, but is not real to me; Like Mormons believe that Joseph Smith is on a planet called Kolob with a bunch of women populating it creating little gods, .. now that is subjective, not when I show you a red rose, and everyone in the room including children agree that it is a red rose that is subjective here.

    My reality of God is NOT from a Religions-perspective, for all the gods created by religion is subjective, and are required by each individual religion to be taken on blind-faith, and cannot be questioned. That's exactly why we have hundreds of thousands of Religions.

    My God, the God of the Bible is real because He Is What He Is; Infinite,  as He told our Prophet Moses: "I Am Who I Am", and there can be no god besides Infinite, and that is a scientific reality, mathematically proven, .. in other words, it is "absolute Truth".

    AlfredChan - Human beings have a habit of visualizing patterns even-though they may not exist. ;
    As such, human beings tend to imagine correlations between religious faith exertions and reality.

    Do you realize what you just said here, how it conflicts with your initial statement that reality is subjective? If you say reality is subjective, then religious faith is no different than your reality! This is what the Bible calls: "living in darkness", .. I was there, .. and even with the flicker of light/truth, I can help you "see" enough of reality for you to at least be able to differentiate between the two, meaning between reality and imagined, because you cannot do that if you believe that reality is subjective.

    Just like @Erfisflat shone a light on our Flat Earth enough for me to see the truth, I can show you God. The problem is defined in the Bible:

    John 3:19 And this is the condemnation,
    that the light has come into the world,
    and men loved darkness rather than light,
    because their deeds were evil.
    20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light,
    lest his deeds should be exposed.
    21 But he who does the truth comes to the light,
    that his deeds may be clearly seen,
    that they have been done in God.”

    Now I'm not saying that your deeds are evil, but if you take pleasure in the great deception that is going on today in the name of equality, green, sustainable development, space exploration, one world ORDER etc.  it means that you love the darkness. And since you believe that reality is subjective, you have no reason to even seek the light.
    Light, darkness, truth, lies, good, evil etc. it's all the same then.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 361 Pts   -  
    As I always state.

    The existence of a god, is a proposition without proof.

    Therefore the existence of a god can only ever be regarded as a theory.

    Unless a god pops it's head from behind a cloud and introduces itself. 

    It is highly unlikely that the god theory will ever be proved correct.
  • ErfisflatErfisflat 1675 Pts   -  
    As I always state.

    The existence of a god, is a proposition without proof.

    Therefore the existence of a god can only ever be regarded as a theory.

    Unless a god pops it's head from behind a cloud and introduces itself. 

    It is highly unlikely that the god theory will ever be proved correct.
    Kind of like the ball earth theory.
    Pseudoscience: noun; a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

    Scientific method: noun; a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

    The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

    Wayne Dyer
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 361 Pts   -  
    @Erfisflat ;


    But the Ball Earth theory has been unequivocally proved.

    The fact that you choose to persistently attempt to refute the obvious, might make for fun debating but cannot deny the obvious.

    No one actually believes the Earth is flat.

    Anyway. This is a debate about the existence of a higher being.
  • WilliamSchulzWilliamSchulz 255 Pts   -  
    As I always state.

    The existence of a god, is a proposition without proof.

    Therefore the existence of a god can only ever be regarded as a theory.

    Unless a god pops it's head from behind a cloud and introduces itself. 

    It is highly unlikely that the god theory will ever be proved correct.
    This is where you must read the Bible and refer to the Gospels, where God sends his son Jesus, who is God himself, into the world in order to reconcile the world to God. This was 2000+ years ago, but it has still been present 2000 years later, which must say something about the nature of God, namely existence. 
    A good debate is not judged by bias, but in the context of the debate, where objectivity is key and rationale prevalent. 

  • someone234someone234 647 Pts   -  
    There is very little room for doubt that deities and higher beings exist. It's more a question of why the religions are all different. That's the mystery...

    Find the link between them all and you solve the puzzle.

  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    As I always state.

    The existence of a god, is a proposition without proof.

    Therefore the existence of a god can only ever be regarded as a theory.

    Unless a god pops it's head from behind a cloud and introduces itself. 

    It is highly unlikely that the god theory will ever be proved correct.
    There is very little room for doubt that deities and higher beings exist. It's more a question of why the religions are all different. That's the mystery...

    Find the link between them all and you solve the puzzle.

    @Fredsnephew didn't you read in the Bible how God saved His People by taking them out of Egypt where they've been slaves for 400 years, and after all that God did through Moses, after seeing how the mighty Egyptian army was reduced to nothing by drowning most of them in the sea, and everything else that God did, here they were standing in fear as the Mountain of God quaked and trembled, with a cloud of thunder and lightning covering it as God spoke to Moses, and while waiting for Moses, they built a god for themselves out of the gold they took from Egypt!?
    So no better example of a God popping His head out of a cloud than that, .. right? Yet look at the Jews of today, that's like 4,000 years later, proudly housing the LGBT capital of the world, and most Jews will happily tell you they are atheists, and only participate in some of the Jewish rituals because of tradition.

    But there is a way to come to KNOW God, and it's not by seeing some old bearded man pop his head out of a cloud either. I mean why would that make anyone believe in God, it was just an old guy popping his head out of the clouds!

    God appeared in miracles and wonders, then He finally sent His son Word into the world, and look what we did to him? Killed him, and after fulfilling his task, after understanding who he was the prophesied to come Messiah, the son of God, yet we made him into just another of the many gods, supernatural deities in the world, of which Christians made about 40,000 versions of him:

    Ravi Zacharias - Jesus Among Other gods

    This is why, my friend @someone234 that we have so many religions, they all worship "deities and higher beings" like you said, .. instead of our One and Only Possible Infinite and Eternal conscious Mind/Spirit "I Am" Creator.

    Why is this so hard to understand, the definition (true and unadulterated definition) of Infinite, which is: "without boarders, boundless"

    So we cannot have anything or anyone 'besides' Infinite, .. every "thing" and "everyone" is within Infinite. So there really is no competition with God, but what makes Him jealous is that we rather worship sticks and stones, and deified men and demons over Him.

    We were created in His image, yet here we are turning our back on Him, creating sci-fi stories of Big-Banged universes with imaginary planets, and aliens, and even reducing ourselves to an animal state, saying we are no different than the animals which just evolved by an accident from some muddy primordial soup. I mean how could God not be jealous of such cruel and evil act?

    Imagine, here you are a pretty good looking husband, who works hard to provide for you family, they have everything they need, plenty of food, you love your wife and kids with all your heart, and would risk your own life to save them should they face any danger, and you come home and see your wife in bed with that ugly, worthless neighbor who is out of work, too lazy to take a shower, and always borrowing things from you!?

    Well this is where we are, God has provided everything we would ever need for us to fill the earth with beautiful children, which was both for our, and for His enjoyment. But no, They shut us in, and even this would be more than enough for us, they push us in the cities, so it would seem as we're over populated!

    There is NO 'energy-crisis', we could easily create a car that would run on the energy that is out there in the air that we constantly create to entertain ourselves, let alone all the energy from the sun.
    There is NO food shortage, evil Religious men are starving half the world because they are the wrong color.
    There is no over population problem, again it's these evil men that keep forcing us to live in crowded cities, and now with this new Agenda 21 and 2030, they will cram us like sardines, just so they can justify eliminating 6.5 billion of us.

    God exists, He couldn't NOT exist, and creation is the evidence of the existence of Infinite.
    Our mind is of Infinite, the only thing that makes us individuals from God is our body, this extremely complex temple that God put His Spirit/Breath in. We have free will just as God has, even to the point of refusing our Creator.

    Observing the world around us (science) and the Bible explains all of this, from Genesis, then John 1 (whole chapters) to Revelations, everything that we need to figure out who God is, who his son Word aka Jesus Christ is, and who we are, how God started to create, .. everything!. We don't need Religions like Christianity, or Big-Bang Evolution Religions, we don't need any of them to tell us who we are and who our Creator God is?
    You don't have to have these confusing doctrines like the Trinity, or BB-Evolution stories! The Lord is calling you: "Get out of Religions my People, just get the hell out of her, leave them deities/demons and come before your Creator, for He will NEVER leave us!"

    Wake up, trim your lamp because I can hear the footsteps of the Groom, midnight is upon us! Don't be left outside the gates, because He said that once he closes the door, we can bang ands scream all we want, .. it will be too late!

  • someone234someone234 647 Pts   -   edited March 2018
    @Evidence No, I don't think that in the afterlife the selfish get treated worse than the giving. Rather, I think the ones who think most for themselves definitely are closer to god than the ones who let everything else influence them (including the religious who believe it due to being raised that way and don't question it).

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 361 Pts   -  
    @Evidence @WilliamSchulz ;

    The bible may or may not be a mythical tale, loosely based on real people and real places.

    Most mythical tales have a god like central character/characters.

    God like characters, tended to represent things which occurred beyond the knowledge and control of man.

    Of course, most things that were once considered to be beyond the knowledge and control of man, have now been understood and explained.

    Hanging on to the bible myth is just something that some people do. 

  • someone234someone234 647 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew Enjoy a worthless life. That is literally the atheist life (they cant deny it, it's their theory).
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    @Evidence No, I don't think that in the afterlife the selfish get treated worse than the giving. Rather, I think the ones who think most for themselves definitely are closer to god than the ones who let everything else influence them (including the religious who believe it due to being raised that way and don't question it).

    I agree with you @someone234 I had a really hard time stepping out of my Religious upbringing, and obviously, it was then when I found God. Not the Christian gods, but the One and Only Possible Infinite and Eternal God.

    But we have to be careful because Satan is an artist when it comes to deception, like making the Big-Bang Evolutionists believe that they are not an organized Religion just because they call their Religion science. I mean so does Scientology and many others like the Heavens Gate cult, .. they were all about "space travel" just as the people who run the "Church of NASA (SATAN)", especially the people who run 666CERN.

    Yes, .. question everything, that's what I keep saying, this is why people simply accept man made gods like the Pope as absolute truth, they don't question, just "believe".
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    @Evidence @WilliamSchulz ;

    The bible may or may not be a mythical tale, loosely based on real people and real places.

    Most mythical tales have a god like central character/characters.

    God like characters, tended to represent things which occurred beyond the knowledge and control of man.

    Of course, most things that were once considered to be beyond the knowledge and control of man, have now been understood and explained.

    Hanging on to the bible myth is just something that some people do. 

    @Fredsnephew said: The bible may or may not be a mythical tale, loosely based on real people and real places.

    lol, .. oh come on now Fred, "loosely", .. really?

    Fred: Most mythical tales have a god like central character/characters.

    Yes, I think that's the idea, remember what Satan said: "I will be like the Most High"

    Fred: God like characters, tended to represent things which occurred beyond the knowledge and control of man.

    I think everyone knows when it was God that did something, including atheists, and I've witnessed this many times over. But of course they can always deny later what they initially believed.

    Fred: Of course, most things that were once considered to be beyond the knowledge and control of man, have now been understood and explained.

    Like raising the dead, healing a withered arm, pushing a log to a drowning child, leading a young 6 year old lost in endless acres of corn fields to safety, .. I could go on and on, and so can others, .. but yes, even someone coming up to your friend, put six bullets in his brain can be considered a coincidence, or just a freak accident, .. even suicide. It's called free will, we can even deny reality like Our Infinite Creator God!

    Fred: Hanging on to the bible myth is just something that some people do.

    Calling the 2,000 year old most read, taught and followed book in the history of mankind; "just a myth" is also just something that some people do. But hey, millions are working hard so they can get a planet of their own filled with beautiful girls they can have to populate other planets with gods. Or believe that an obvious Rover taking pictures of earth and earthly critters is actually on Mars, is also something that some people believe in, .. go figure!?

  • AlfredChanAlfredChan 35 Pts   -   edited March 2018
    Thank you for sharing about your beliefs.

    As quoted:
    "AlfredChan - Human beings have a habit of visualizing patterns even-though they may not exist. 
    As such, human beings tend to imagine correlations between religious faith exertions and reality. 
    Do you realize what you just said here, how it conflicts with your initial statement that reality is subjective? If you say reality is subjective, then religious faith is no different than your reality! This is what the Bible calls: "living in darkness", .. I was there, .. and even with the flicker of light/truth, I can help you "see" enough of reality for you to at least be able to differentiate between the two, meaning between reality and imagined, because you cannot do that if you believe that reality is subjective."

    In response to the above quote, I do believe that patternicity is a very good example of subjectivity. Whereby the pattern "observed" by an individual may not necessarily be replicated by another individual. In addition, by offering to "help me see enough of reality" makes it even more evident that reality is indeed subjective. In order for you to extend your help to guide my perceived reality in the same direction as yours, reality has to be subjective. 

    Once again, thank you for responding to my views. 
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 361 Pts   -  
    @Evidence ;

    There isn't anything logical in your response.

    You appear to be theistically conditioned and as a consequence of this you are somewhat deluded.

    Such is the human condition.

    I have not been theistically conditioned and so do not share your delusions.

    Such also is the human condition.
  • DeeDee 5396 Pts   -  
    To claim a higher being “exists “ is a rather strange claim as this being cannot be seen , heard or touched yet it exists  so how does it fill the criteria of existing things as we understand it ?

    The defence can be used that the being itself is “ supernatural “ but that statement is nonsense , we have never studied seen or encountered any such beings since the time the idea was first put forward , claims of such can be dismissed as mere wishful thinking 
  • stormyboistormyboi 13 Pts   -  
    Yes. It is up to your interpretation what or who this being is, but there has to be one. I personally believe in God.
  • PoguePogue 584 Pts   -  
    You could address a god that interacts with reality, for example. We know how to investigate whether a deity was to interact with stuff in reality, and we know what we'd expect, and we never see it happening.
    And if this deity doesn't interact with reality in any detectable fashion, it suffices to say that it doesn't "exist".
    Where we colloquially define existence as retaining some form of manifestation whereby the said object can interact with particles in our universe. 
    I could either have the future pass me or l could create it. 

    “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain .” - Benjamin Franklin  So flat Earthers, man-made climate change deniers, and just science deniers.

    I friended myself! 
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Thank you for sharing about your beliefs.

    As quoted:
    "AlfredChan - Human beings have a habit of visualizing patterns even-though they may not exist. 
    As such, human beings tend to imagine correlations between religious faith exertions and reality. 
    Do you realize what you just said here, how it conflicts with your initial statement that reality is subjective? If you say reality is subjective, then religious faith is no different than your reality! This is what the Bible calls: "living in darkness", .. I was there, .. and even with the flicker of light/truth, I can help you "see" enough of reality for you to at least be able to differentiate between the two, meaning between reality and imagined, because you cannot do that if you believe that reality is subjective."

    In response to the above quote, I do believe that patternicity is a very good example of subjectivity. Whereby the pattern "observed" by an individual may not necessarily be replicated by another individual. In addition, by offering to "help me see enough of reality" makes it even more evident that reality is indeed subjective. In order for you to extend your help to guide my perceived reality in the same direction as yours, reality has to be subjective. 

    Once again, thank you for responding to my views. 

    So, .. would you agree with this mans reality?

    Wouldn't you think it would be necessary to "help" this man see reality as it really is, or you just accept his reality as his?

    How about these PTB (powers that be) that are guiding humanities perceived reality the same direction as theirs?

    to total annihilation?
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    @Evidence ;

    There isn't anything logical in your response.

    You appear to be theistically conditioned and as a consequence of this you are somewhat deluded.

    Such is the human condition.

    I have not been theistically conditioned and so do not share your delusions.

    Such also is the human condition.

    Nothing logical in my response?
    Yes, and I'm sure Marshal Applewhite and his Heavens Gate cult cadets would have agreed with you, .. such is the human condition.

    You speak something like Hitchens, .. and his evolution by I.D. .. lost all his senses to reality, and went on trying to convince the world of his delusions. Now please explain to me what is logical in your response to my post, where I explained things in clear simple terms!? What do you mean that I was "theistically conditioned"? Theology is the study of man made gods, it has absolutely nothing to do with reality, especially our Infinite Creator.

    This is like me trying to explain to you about CNC Aircraft Machining, and you respond with: "Sorry Evidence, but there is nothing logical in your response, .. it shows how you know nothing about raising horses!"

  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Dee said:
    To claim a higher being “exists “ is a rather strange claim as this being cannot be seen , heard or touched yet it exists  so how does it fill the criteria of existing things as we understand it ?

    The defence can be used that the being itself is “ supernatural “ but that statement is nonsense , we have never studied seen or encountered any such beings since the time the idea was first put forward , claims of such can be dismissed as mere wishful thinking 

    Hello @Dee ;

    You are absolutely right, because God is not existence, or a 'being' like we know of beings; 

    John 1:18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.

    Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.

    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

    Genesis 1:3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.
    .. 6 Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.”
    .. 11 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.

    Paul Tillich had a good idea of God:
    Throughout most of his works Paul Tillich provides an apologetic and alternative ontological view of God. Traditional medieval philosophical theology in the work of figures such as St. Anselm, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham tended to understand God as the highest existing Being[citation needed], to which predicates such as omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, goodness, righteousness, holiness, etc. may be ascribed. Arguments for and against the existence of God presuppose such an understanding of God. Tillich is critical of this mode of discourse which he refers to as "theological theism," and argues that if God is Being [das Seiende], even if the highest Being, God cannot be properly called the source of all being, and the question can of course then be posed as to why God exists, who created God, when God's beginning is, and so on. To put the issue in traditional language: if God is 'being' [das Seiende], then God is a creature, even if the highest one, and thus cannot be the Creator.
    Rather, God must be understood as the "ground of Being-Itself" - Wikipedia

    To understand God, we must understand ourselves, who we are, and how we were created. But you see that is Taboo, since man has lost his "mind", .. his soul, who he really is!

    I could explain if your really interested!?
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 361 Pts   -  
    @Evidence ;

    The bottom line is.

    You were taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    I was not taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    Marshall Applewhite was a gentleman who developed mental health problems. 

    I cannot comment on his acolytes, as I have not had the time to find any information concerning these people.

    "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".  Nice one Christopher.

    The infinite creator may be real. 

    Who knows? 

    You certainly don't. 

    You can only accept without proof.

    As for CNC machining and raising horses.......................................
  • lets first look at the given topic:

     lets first define the important parts of the debate to know what the spirit of the topic is:
    1. in this argument, lets try to use the definition of "higher-being" as an unknown entity that is capable of materializing.

    2. existence, in the topic, shall not mean that it can be seen, felt, or anything related to physical existence but simply the existence of it as an unknown entity that is not physical
    lemme proceed to my substantives:

    1st argument: it is impossible that something was created out of nothing
    1st level of analysis>>>we all know that the universe was created, one way or another. we cannot deny the fact that it was in fact that since it was created, there must have been a creator or a cause; and that if there was a cause, there must be something that caused it. 
    for example, an egg. it is common knowledge that eggs are conceived by an animal(ie, chickens, lizards, spiders, etc). we cant say that the egg just appeared out of nowhere like it materialized out of thin air. it is very obvious that there must have been a concessionary .
    the relevance of this argument is that we cant disprove the fact that if the universe was created, a "higher-being" must exist in order for the universe to be created; otherwise, it is impossible for the universe to have been created out of thin air.
    >>>even if you say that the universe was created out of matter and anti-matter, you cant deny the fact that matter and anti-matter must have existed out of nothing
    you cant say that matter and anti matter magically appeared out of nothing.
    it is very clear that no matter the cause of the creation of the universe, there is always something that prompts something to exist out of nothing.

    thats all my tired brain and fingers can type rn (jgh from volleyball practice)
  • with_all_humilitywith_all_humility 222 Pts   -   edited March 2018
    Strawman on using Ussher:  Not all Christians prescribe to Bishop James Ussher assessment of the dating of the Bible.  There are gaps in some of the genealogy and how Ussher dealt with these gaps was to claim an average gap of 40 years.  When exploring how the Jewish people recorded genealogy they would often skip several generations and only highlight significant patriarchs.  

    I'm not sure about the 4.5 billion yrs old, there are several recent discoveries that are showing many thing are much younger than previously thought. 

    As for human being 200,000 yrs old in a peer review journal Ann Gibbons published a paper in a peer review journal that  evidence for a "6,000-year-old" Mitochondrial Eve: genetic researchers have named the one woman from whom all humans have descended "Mitochondrial Eve." But in a scientific attempt to date her existence, they openly admit that they included chimpanzee DNA in their analysis in order to get what they viewed as a reasonably old date of 200,000 years ago (which is still surprisingly recent from their perspective, but old enough not to strain Darwinian theory too much). But then as widely reported including by Science magazine, when they dropped the chimp data and used only actual human mutation rates, that process determined that Eve lived only six thousand years ago! In Ann Gibbon's Science article, "Calibrating the Mitochondrial Clock," rather than again using circular reasoning by assuming their conclusion (that humans evolved from ape-like creatures), they performed their calculations using actual measured mutation rates. This peer-reviewed journal then reported that if these rates have been constant, "mitochondrial Eve… would be a mere 6000 years old." 

    The Scablands: The primary surface features of the Scablands, which cover thousands of square miles of eastern Washington, were long believed to have formed gradually. Yet, against the determined claims of uniformitarian geologists, there is now overwhelming evidence as presented even in a NOVA TV program that the primary features of the Scablands formed rapidly from a catastrophic breach of Lake Missoula causing a massive regional flood. Of course, evolutionary geologists still argue that the landscape was formed over tens of thousands of years, now by claiming there must have been a hundred Missoula floods. However, the evidence that there was Only One Lake Missoula Flood has been powerfully reinforced by a University of Colorado Ph.D. thesis. So the Scablands itself is no longer available to old-earth believer as de facto evidence for the passage of millions of years.

    Gold Precipitates in Veins in Less than a Second: After geologists submitted for decades to the assumption that each layer of gold would deposit at the alleged super slow rates of the geologic process, the journal Nature Geoscience reports that each layer of deposition can occur within a few tenths of a second. Meanwhile, at the Lihir gold deposit in Papua New Guinea, evolutionists assumed the more than 20 million ounces of gold in the Lihir reserve took millions of years to deposit, but as reported in the journal Science, geologists can now demonstrate that the deposit could have formed in thousands of years, or far more quickly!

    The World's #2 Journal, Science reports This: Evolutionists typically don't publicly admit the known gross failure of their theory until after they think they have an alternative. So, here's what Science magazine reported in 2013, that there's been:

    ...a century and a half of disagreement among zoologists proposing often wildly contradictory schemes of animal evolution. Clarity began to emerge with [a science paper references as] Field et al.'s landmark publication 25 years ago of an analysis of animal relationships based on ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences.

    However, the scientific discoveries reported above show the falsehood of the claim that rRNA sequences are resolving the Darwinian Tree of Life fiasco.

  • DeeDee 5396 Pts   -  

    Thank you for attempting to explain what you think god is and is not , but I’ve heard every possible explanation from every type of believer from most different religions and each and everyone attempts to explain what their ideation of a god is , most disagree with the others yet all claim the truth 

    “You are absolutely right, because God is not existence, or a 'being' like we know of beings “

    What  do you base this assertion on ?  Believers have told me the opposite as god actually is existence and can be known , so why should your claim be taken any more seriously ? 

    By mentioning Tillich that’s merely an appeal to authority and merely his opinion based on nothing but his idea of what god is and is not , there is only one way the claim stands up to scrutiny and that’s through verifiable evidence , since the dawn of time a myriad of gods  have been said to exist most are just memories now and in the thousands of years not one shred of bankable proof has been put forward to ensure the veracity of the claims , that’s goid enough for me as I’m a realist 

    I would be glad to continue our exchange maybe you can supply me with your best evidence of a god and we can continue 
  • EmeryPearsonEmeryPearson 151 Pts   -  
    There isn't enough context to answer this question. Which God are you referring to?
  • PoguePogue 584 Pts   -  
    There isn't enough context to answer this question. Which God are you referring to?
    Any god. Just any "higher being". 
    I could either have the future pass me or l could create it. 

    “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain .” - Benjamin Franklin  So flat Earthers, man-made climate change deniers, and just science deniers.

    I friended myself! 
  • EmeryPearsonEmeryPearson 151 Pts   -  

    That leaves 'God' undefined, and the awnser unknowable. There's not enough context to the question being asked.
  • BaconToesBaconToes 236 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew Enjoy a worthless life. That is literally the atheist life (they cant deny it, it's their theory).
    I would honestly live one life happily then believe I can have another life of eternal happiness
    People believe in certain religion seeking reassurance that they can live a life better than the one they are living right now.
    This is why poorer areas have more religious believers(and good education)*cough* science *cough*
    [Work Cited]
    i fart cows
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    @Evidence ;

    The bottom line is.

    You were taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    I was not taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    Marshall Applewhite was a gentleman who developed mental health problems. 

    I cannot comment on his acolytes, as I have not had the time to find any information concerning these people.

    "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".  Nice one Christopher.

    The infinite creator may be real. 

    Who knows? 

    You certainly don't. 

    You can only accept without proof.

    As for CNC machining and raising horses.......................................

    @Evidence ;
    The bottom line is.
    You were taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    So you don't believe you have a mind, but it's just your brain reacting/spasm/jerking your fingers to type all this?

    Fred- I was not taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    I was, .. until I got out of the confines of Religion. Now I seek evidence with substance for the existence of God. But I bet you still believe in mythical beings, like Globe earth, possible aliens, .. black holes in the Spacetime fabric which you can fly your USS-Enterprise ship through and come out in a parallel universe, etc. .. have you ever done the CERN-dance to their mythical beings? You can't deny the mysticism at CERN and NASA can you?

    Fred-Marshall Applewhite was a gentleman who developed mental health problems. 
    I cannot comment on his acolytes, as I have not had the time to find any information concerning these people.

    Really? Google; "Heavens Gate", .. here, just click and watch

    Does he look like he has mental health problems? What is the difference between him, and Richard Dawkins?

    I see absolutely no difference, actually "Do" seems more sane than Dawkins.

    Fred- "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".  Nice one Christopher.

    Poor Hitchens, .. yet he died believing in sci-fi fairytales of evolving monkeys flying in a vacuum, to the moon, .. lol.

    Fred-The infinite creator may be real. 
    Who knows? 
    You certainly don't. 
    You can only accept without proof.

    Denying all the evidence for God, is like denying yourself, .. which is exactly what BB-Evolutionists do. Accept the delusion that they are evolving amoeba, apes, animals who are the only ones who can read a sign on a business door saying: "Absolutely No Animals allowed in Store!" and guess which animal walks right in ignoring the sign? Explain to me how that can be seen as normal?
    8,000 species of animals, the Only One that can read, is the Only One who ignores it and just walks right on in!? So how can you, or anyone claim that someone actually believes that the BB-Evolution stories are true, or actual science?

    Fred - As for CNC machining and raising horses.......................................

    I know buddy, .. that comparison went right over your head, right? Makes me wonder as to how many BB-scientists and technicians eat Apple products? You know, unable to differentiate between the word apple and the real apple?
  • BaconToesBaconToes 236 Pts   -  
    @Evidence ;
    The bottom line is.
    You were taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    So you don't believe you have a mind, but it's just your brain reacting/spasm/jerking your fingers to type all this?

    We have a brain, if you want to be educated on the parts of the brains and their functions, please visit

    Fred- I was not taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    I was, .. until I got out of the confines of Religion. Now I seek evidence with substance for the existence of God. But I bet you still believe in mythical beings, like Globe earth, possible aliens, .. black holes in the Spacetime fabric which you can fly your USS-Enterprise ship through and come out in a parallel universe, etc. .. have you ever done the CERN-dance to their mythical beings? You can't deny the mysticism at CERN and NASA can you?

    Globe Earth, provable by buying a weather balloon and flying it. Aliens are  possible, but still not proven(like God), and black holes have many pieces of evidence. 

    Fred-Marshall Applewhite was a gentleman who developed mental health problems. 
    I cannot comment on his acolytes, as I have not had the time to find any information concerning these people.

    Really? Google; "Heavens Gate", .. here, just click and watch

    ? Can't watch the video.

    Does he look like he has mental health problems? What is the difference between him, and Richard Dawkinwatch

    I see absolutely no difference, actually "Do" seems more sane than Dawkins.

    Organzing a mass-suicide is definitely not a mental health problem.

    Fred- "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".  Nice one Christopher.

    Poor Hitchens, .. yet he died believing in sci-fi fairytales of evolving monkeys flying in a vacuum, to the moon, .. lol.

    Yet the moon landing also has sufficient evidence.

    Fred-The infinite creator may be real. 
    Who knows? 
    You certainly don't. 
    You can only accept without proof.

    Denying all the evidence for God, is like denying yourself, .. which is exactly what BB-Evolutionists do. Accept the delusion that they are evolving amoeba, apes, animals who are the only ones who can read a sign on a business door saying: "Absolutely No Animals allowed in Store!" and guess which animal walks right in ignoring the sign? Explain to me how that can be seen as normal?
    8,000 species of animals, the Only One that can read, is the Only One who ignores it and just walks right on in!? So how can you, or anyone claim that someone actually believes that the BB-Evolution stories are true, or actual science?

    8000 species of animals? There are actually 8.7 million species of animals, all many of them have their own way of communicating

    Fred - As for CNC machining and raising horses.......................................

    I know buddy, .. that comparison went right over your head, right? Makes me wonder as to how many BB-scientists and technicians eat Apple products? You know, unable to differentiate between the word apple and the real apple?

    i fart cows
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    BaconToes said:
    @Evidence ;
    The bottom line is.
    You were taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    So you don't believe you have a mind, but it's just your brain reacting/spasm/jerking your fingers to type all this?

    We have a brain, if you want to be educated on the parts of the brains and their functions, please visit

    Fred- I was not taught to accept without proof, the existence of a mythical being.

    I was, .. until I got out of the confines of Religion. Now I seek evidence with substance for the existence of God. But I bet you still believe in mythical beings, like Globe earth, possible aliens, .. black holes in the Spacetime fabric which you can fly your USS-Enterprise ship through and come out in a parallel universe, etc. .. have you ever done the CERN-dance to their mythical beings? You can't deny the mysticism at CERN and NASA can you?

    Globe Earth, provable by buying a weather balloon and flying it. Aliens are  possible, but still not proven(like God), and black holes have many pieces of evidence. 

    Fred-Marshall Applewhite was a gentleman who developed mental health problems. 
    I cannot comment on his acolytes, as I have not had the time to find any information concerning these people.

    Really? Google; "Heavens Gate", .. here, just click and watch

    ? Can't watch the video.

    Does he look like he has mental health problems? What is the difference between him, and Richard Dawkinwatch

    I see absolutely no difference, actually "Do" seems more sane than Dawkins.

    Organzing a mass-suicide is definitely not a mental health problem.

    Fred- "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".  Nice one Christopher.

    Poor Hitchens, .. yet he died believing in sci-fi fairytales of evolving monkeys flying in a vacuum, to the moon, .. lol.

    Yet the moon landing also has sufficient evidence.

    Fred-The infinite creator may be real. 
    Who knows? 
    You certainly don't. 
    You can only accept without proof.

    Denying all the evidence for God, is like denying yourself, .. which is exactly what BB-Evolutionists do. Accept the delusion that they are evolving amoeba, apes, animals who are the only ones who can read a sign on a business door saying: "Absolutely No Animals allowed in Store!" and guess which animal walks right in ignoring the sign? Explain to me how that can be seen as normal?
    8,000 species of animals, the Only One that can read, is the Only One who ignores it and just walks right on in!? So how can you, or anyone claim that someone actually believes that the BB-Evolution stories are true, or actual science?

    8000 species of animals? There are actually 8.7 million species of animals, all many of them have their own way of communicating

    Fred - As for CNC machining and raising horses.......................................

    I know buddy, .. that comparison went right over your head, right? Makes me wonder as to how many BB-scientists and technicians eat Apple products? You know, unable to differentiate between the word apple and the real apple?

    Yes, we have a body and brain to which every one of the billions of neurons are connected. Like a perfectly created robot the body is there with the brainstem sending out signals to the lung for breathing, signals for heart rate, body temperature, wake and sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, swallowing etc. now all it needs is an operator to go in there and do things with it, build, farm, love, make children, go fishing, share ideas and learn.

    This is why God made it, to put us in there so we could pass on everything that we have achieved in the body, which is all recorded in the DNA, .. to our children, and they to theirs, till we fill the earth, the beautiful earth which our work has transformed into a Paradise, and where our children enjoy pure bliss, breathing in the pure air, drinking sparkling waters, enjoying life to the fullest as we go on inventing more amazing things to enjoy, and to grow by, sharing that knowledge with our children and the rest of humanity for ever and ever growing in wisdom, experiencing greater and greater love and joy of life.

    But no, we teach our children that this body does what it want's, they have no control over it, it is just reacting to its environment. War is necessary because it's evolution, survival of the fittest, so to survive and keep the little peace, the little food, the little shelter we have, we must protect it by going out and kill our neighbors, even family members in other countries.

    Don't worry about morals, its either them or you, so go to school where we will teach you to invent bigger, more powerful and more accurate weapons to kill a greater number of your neighbors, .. believe us, the more you kill, the greater peace you will enjoy, and the longer you will live to protect what's yours!

    God, .. what God? But wait, if it helps you better serve your country, go and worship your gods. Here, we will invent all the gods you want, build beautiful temples for you to gather in, everything as long as it will help you be a better patriot, where you can all come together as one, praise each others military accomplishments, give thanks to those who died in battle for you to have freedom.

    The problem they don't see is that every child, every man in every country is told the same thing; the bigger and more powerful guns you have, the more you kill, the safer you will be, the better life you will enjoy.
    In every country the army marches on proudly, convinced they can destroy their enemies, their neighbors and make them their slaves.

    BaconToes: Globe Earth, provable by buying a weather balloon and flying it. Aliens are  possible, but still not proven(like God), and black holes have many pieces of evidence.

    Done, it's flat. Aliens is where the Heavens Gate cult went to, .. it's possible right? Just like landing on the moon, you believe it don't you? Like you said; even black holes have many pieces of evidence, do you even hear yourself talking? What's next, a Rover on the star Mars?

    BaconToes: Organizing a mass-suicide is definitely not a mental health problem.

    Have you watched the historical movie of Dunkirk? Generals and Presidents decided to call all those well armed strong young solders on to the beaches of Dunkirk where 68,111 young men were slaughtered, Heavens Gate only had 39 dead, I mean went to Mars, or to the moon, or one of those places, you believe that don't you? You know, that people can go to the moon and Mars, and on meteors, right? So which one are you suggesting had mental illness, NASA employees that kept sending people to the moon, or Generals that ordered the execution of about 70,000 young well armed soldiers, or Marshall Applewhite? I could give you more examples, but I think that is enough to prove my point that without acknowledging a Higher Being like our Creator, life is meaningless and can be hell on earth.

    BaconToes- 8000 species of animals? There are actually 8.7 million species of animals, 

    Oh yeah, .. I forgot to count the humans. All of them have their own way of communicating too, yes, think I've seen a monkey using an I-phone;

    Image result for pic of monkey with an iphone

    I guess this is proof we did evolve from monkeys, .. I mean it explains why we are all apes, what more proof do we need, right?
    We landed on the moon, on Mars, and all of us animals evolved brains and our own way of communicating, .. proof that God doesn't exist.

    Don't you just love as the world is turning away from believing in their Creator? Look where we came from Eden to our dark, stinking, deadly skies, with wars and rumors of wars, and oh yeah, rumors of peace and safety too! I heard all our Presidents promise us that! I can't wait till they turn on the 5G Microwave network, it will be a great compliment to our alumina-chem trailed brains. Post human 2.0 here we come! or should I say 'human past 2.0'?

    Take care Kevin-BaconToes (crazy name buddy, very inventive, I like it. I like smelling Bacon, .. lol

    God bless you
  • BaconToesBaconToes 236 Pts   -  
    Yes, we have a body and brain to which every one of the billions of neurons are connected. Like a perfectly created robot the body is there with the brainstem sending out signals to the lung for breathing, signals for heart rate, body temperature, wake and sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, swallowing etc. now all it needs is an operator to go in there and do things with it, build, farm, love, make children, go fishing, share ideas and learn.

    True, evolution made us this way. No, the body isn't a robot. We aren't "programmed" to do things, out body does it itself. 
    Since you don't really understand how evolution works, I have a simple website for you to learn how it works.

    This is why God made it, to put us in there so we could pass on everything that we have achieved in the body, which is all recorded in the DNA, .. to our children, and they to theirs, till we fill the earth, the beautiful earth which our work has transformed into a Paradise, and where our children enjoy pure bliss, breathing in the pure air, drinking sparkling waters, enjoying life to the fullest as we go on inventing more amazing things to enjoy, and to grow by, sharing that knowledge with our children and the rest of humanity for ever and ever growing in wisdom, experiencing greater and greater love and joy of life.

    Not everything is recorded in the DNA, only traits are. Such traits are eye color, skin color, hair color, etc. 
    Beautiful Earth huh.
    Image result for homeless
    Image result for hungry african
    Kids getting cancer, dying prematurely, etc. must all be part of your God's wonderful plan.

    But no, we teach  children that this body does what it want's, they have no control over it, it is just reacting to its environment. War is necessary because it's evolution, survival of the fittest, so to survive and keep the little peace, the little food, the little shelter we have, we must protect it by going out and kill our neighbors, even family members in other countries.

    Disagree, survival of the fittest isn't the only way to live. It doesn't always have to be competition. cooperation is also considered "fittest." In today's society, those together together achieves more.

    Don't worry about morals, its either them or you, so go to school where we will teach you to invent bigger, more powerful and more accurate weapons to kill a greater number of your neighbors, .. believe us, the more you kill, the greater peace you will enjoy, and the longer you will live to protect what's yours!

    The school system is far from perfect, though I believe they should teach more about cooperation than competition

    God, .. what God? But wait, if it helps you better serve your country, go and worship your gods. Here, we will invent all the gods you want, build beautiful temples for you to gather in, everything as long as it will help you be a better patriot, where you can all come together as one, praise each others military accomplishments, give thanks to those who died in battle for you to have freedom.


    The problem they don't see is that every child, every man in every country is told the same thing; the bigger and more powerful guns you have, the more you kill, the safer you will be, the better life you will enjoy.
    In every country the army marches on proudly, convinced they can destroy their enemies, their neighbors and make them their slaves.

    No comment.

    BaconToes: Globe Earth, provable by buying a weather balloon and flying it. Aliens are  possible, but still not proven(like God), and black holes have many pieces of evidence.

    Done, it's flat. Aliens is where the Heavens Gate cult went to, .. it's possible right? Just like landing on the moon, you believe it don't you? Like you said; even black holes have many pieces of evidence, do you even hear yourself talking? What's next, a Rover on the star Mars?

    I do believe in the moon landing.

    BaconToes: Organizing a mass-suicide is definitely not a mental health problem.

    Have you watched the historical movie of Dunkirk? Generals and Presidents decided to call all those well armed strong young solders on to the beaches of Dunkirk where 68,111 young men were slaughtered, Heavens Gate only had 39 dead, I mean went to Mars, or to the moon, or one of those places, you believe that don't you? You know, that people can go to the moon and Mars, and on meteors, right? So which one are you suggesting had mental illness, NASA employees that kept sending people to the moon, or Generals that ordered the execution of about 70,000 young well armed soldiers, or Marshall Applewhite? I could give you more examples, but I think that is enough to prove my point that without acknowledging a Higher Being like our Creator, life is meaningless and can be hell on earth.

    BaconToes- 8000 species of animals? There are actually 8.7 million species of animals, 

    Oh yeah, .. I forgot to count the humans. All of them have their own way of communicating too, yes, think I've seen a monkey using an I-phone;

    Image result for pic of monkey with an iphone

    So humans count as more than 8.6 million species. lmao. "Their own way of communication." Yes, an iPhone(terrible taste of phones) is a form of communication, but other animals have their own form of communication.

    I guess this is proof we did evolve from monkeys, .. I mean it explains why we are all apes, what more proof do we need, right?
    We landed on the moon, on Mars, and all of us animals evolved brains and our own way of communicating, .. proof that God doesn't exist.

    No, we did not evolve from "monkeys." We are part of the Great Apes
    Want proof? Fossil, Genetics, Carbon dating, Family Relations

    Don't you just love as the world is turning away from believing in their Creator? Look where we came from Eden to our dark, stinking, deadly skies, with wars and rumors of wars, and oh yeah, rumors of peace and safety too! I heard all our Presidents promise us that! I can't wait till they turn on the 5G Microwave network, it will be a great compliment to our alumina-chem trailed brains. Post human 2.0 here we come! or should I say 'human past 2.0'?

    I love how the world is turning the science and education. :)

    Take care Kevin-BaconToes (crazy name buddy, very inventive, I like it. I like smelling Bacon, .. lol

    Same, bacon is the best. Who's Kevin?
    (why am I doing dis)

    God bless you

    Science bless you
    i fart cows
  • BaconToesBaconToes 236 Pts   -  

    ^more reasons I hate Debra, you can't just send images...
    i fart cows
  • with_all_humilitywith_all_humility 222 Pts   -  

    Carbon 14 dating would almost date 50,000 years, no way would you find 14C in something billions of years old.  That's a big debate because a group of scientist has found 14C in dino fossils soft tissue inferring the fossil record is not as old as claimed, as well as coal and diamonds. ;

  • cdog1950cdog1950 27 Pts   -  
    Wow, so much to digest. First, the paper above by Paul Giem does not merit the time to read it.  You might as well let me lecture you on brain surgery. Mr. Giem may be an MD (I do not know - it is just what he claims) but he is not a scientist. Simply put he does not even understand the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.  Radiocarbon dating is not used for dating past 50-60,000 years. Past that argon or some other method will be used. If C14 is found in a sample purported to be several millions of years old, that is not surprising, and is likely due to contamination or a false reading. Disregarding that, I fail to see how that would prove or disprove some god creature.
    Another fun argument is that something cannot be created out of nothing, therefore, something must have done the creating. This tautology boggles my poor brain. On the one side, you have the who (or what) created the creator, ad infinitum. On the other hand if you accept the Big Bang theory which places the universe at about 14 B years old, was there a prior Big Bang, and a prior one to that? This is not exactly something out of nothing  (a singularity), although it is something out of considerably less than "thin air" as some previous writer complained. 
    The fault seems to me to be in the human need to find a "why," and our fear of non-existence. The universe was not created for, nor does it exist for humans. 

  • with_all_humilitywith_all_humility 222 Pts   -  
    cdog1950 said:
    Wow, so much to digest. First, the paper above by Paul Giem does not merit the time to read it.  You might as well let me lecture you on brain surgery. Mr. Giem may be an MD (I do not know - it is just what he claims) but he is not a scientist. Simply put he does not even understand the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.  Radiocarbon dating is not used for dating past 50-60,000 years. Past that argon or some other method will be used. If C14 is found in a sample purported to be several millions of years old, that is not surprising, and is likely due to contamination or a false reading. Disregarding that, I fail to see how that would prove or disprove some god creature.
    Another fun argument is that something cannot be created out of nothing, therefore, something must have done the creating. This tautology boggles my poor brain. On the one side, you have the who (or what) created the creator, ad infinitum. On the other hand if you accept the Big Bang theory which places the universe at about 14 B years old, was there a prior Big Bang, and a prior one to that? This is not exactly something out of nothing  (a singularity), although it is something out of considerably less than "thin air" as some previous writer complained. 
    The fault seems to me to be in the human need to find a "why," and our fear of non-existence. The universe was not created for, nor does it exist for humans. 

    That's a "genetic" fallacy - Judging something good or bad base upon where it comes from.

    " Radiocarbon dating is not used for dating past 50-60,000 years." (I understand, and common knowledge, the premise was could 14C be found in fossil bone/tissue, diamonds, and coal) according to their published work, they account for contamination and false readings, and still found 14C within the material. )

     "I fail to see how that would prove or disprove some god creature" (I never said it did, nor does your mocking of the existence of God prove or disprove)
  • cdog1950cdog1950 27 Pts   -  

    It would be a genetic fallacy only if the author had some knowledge of the subject of which s/he writes. When one purports to be an expert on a subject (in this case science) but does not understand the basic tenets of science, then a reader has to assume that the author has an ulterior motive or is simply a crackpot. Life is too short to deal with all the crackpots.                             "Radiocarbon dating doesn't work well on objects much older than twenty thousand years, because such objects have so little C-14 left that their beta radiation is swamped out by the background radiation of cosmic rays and potassium-40 (K-40) decay. Younger objects can easily be dated, because they still emit plenty of beta radiation, enough to be measured after the background radiation has been subtracted out of the total beta radiation. However, in either case, the background beta radiation has to be compensated for, and, in the older objects, the amount of C-14 they have left is less than the margin of error in measuring background radiation. As Hurley points out:

        Without rather special developmental work, it is not generally practicable to measure ages in excess of about twenty thousand years, because the radioactivity of the carbon becomes so slight that it is difficult to get an accurate measurement above background radiation. (p. 108)

    Cosmic rays form beta radiation all the time; this is the radiation that turns N-14 to C-14 in the first place. K-40 decay also forms plenty of beta radiation. Stearns, Carroll, and Clark point out that ". . . this isotope [K-40] accounts for a large part of the normal background radiation that can be detected on the earth's surface" (p. 84). This radiation cannot be totally eliminated from the laboratory, so one could probably get a "radiocarbon" date of fifty thousand years from a pure carbon-free piece of tin. However, you now know why this fact doesn't at all invalidate radiocarbon dates of objects younger than twenty thousand years and is certainly no evidence for the notion that coals and oils might be no older than fifty thousand years."
    Answers to Creationist Attacks on Carbon-14 Dating
    Christopher Gregory Weber
    Volume: 3
    Number: 2
    Quarter: Spring
    Page(s): 23–29
    Year: 1982
    Hurley, Patrick M. 1959. How Old Is the Earth? New York: Doubleday & Co

    The implied argument is that the Earth is only "X" number of years old (usually 6,000); that dinosaurs and humans may have co-existed; and that there is some great secret agreement among scientists to create a false narrative about the universe and perhaps in that narrative disprove a god. Somehow I missed that class in graduate school.
  • with_all_humilitywith_all_humility 222 Pts   -  

    They were getting dates well over 6,000 yrs, some 60,000+, so it doesn't meet your standard.  
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    BaconToes said:

    ^more reasons I hate Debra, you can't just send images...

    @BaconToes love you , love bacon, love your sense of humor, loved Hitchens on Religion, loved George Carlin on Religion too, if only they would have stepped out of Religion to take another look at the Bible through real science, .. Flat Earth-real science, oh what brilliant Disciples of Christ they would have made. But nooo, they made too much money "bashing Religion and their gods", while the Pastors of their sister-churches the theists, were selling them.
    Oh well like I always say: Religion is a two sided coin, theist/atheist, the idea behind both is the same: "to make money by keeping people in ignorance!"

    On "Christianity" poster about the celestial Jewish baby who is also his own father, .. lol, don't you just love Religion? How the ignorant atheists are feeding off of the ignorance of the theists?

    As for the rest of the comment there, "Born of a virgin mother", .. have you heard of IVF and Cloning? Yes, God can do that too, through His surgeon the holy Spirit who turned His son Word into DNA, and planted it inside a fresh egg of a Jewish virgin, nine months later: "The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. Was named Jesus" (John 1:1-) the rest of it is close, only I would remove "magical", because man does magic, sometimes by the power that comes from the supernatural realm. God does real miracles cause He is the Creator.

    Next you have George Carlin's famous "Invisible man living in the sky who needs money". Poor guy could never leave the Catholic Schools indoctrinations, he died a Religious man, mocking Religions. Now that's really funny.

    Next the "You have offended me" poster, .. did you know that every AD war was created by the rich and powerful to get richer? Most people today know that, especially with the last major false flag operation of 9-11,

    yet look how many people proudly sent their kids into the army so they could sacrifice them to this corrupt system, to the god of this world; Lucifer. Did God ask them to do that? No. Yet they line up their kids to be sworn in, and so proud of it!
    So I would not be making fun of Gods Mercy, when millions of people like you sacrifice your own children for this corrupt system that don't care about the Ten Commandments, but will fill you full of lead for not holding still while they got their Tasers electrocuting you!
    "FREEZE! Stop Moving or we'll shoot! Stop Moving!"

    Next the DNA and carbon dating, .. yeah, dug up skull & bones from the grave, proof of evolution. If that's not proof, they got millions of fossils, which, .. lined up just right, .. you can almost see the species evolving into other species, lol. Oh the great Missionary Carl Sagan, what does God have over him, right? Carl and Richard have almost single handedly taken man who was the apple of Gods eyes, and in less than 100 years reduced us down to bumbling idiots, evolving apes,  who actually believe their cousins and ancestors are rats.
    Created us from dust and ribs, .. what else do you think we are made out of, .. just skull and bones? Because that's all that evolution is based on, skull and bones mixed well in a cauldron, mix in a few fossils, sprinkled with a few bosons and cleptons, a dash of pixy-dust and whala; a humanus-apus who believe their gods at NASA landed on the moon!

    And as for "Gods favorite planet, star, galaxy, .. please tell me you don't believe in those drawings, because I can get you much better ones outside ASU where college kids paint them on the sidewalk in less than 2 minutes for $10 a pop. Much better ones that include all the solar system-gods, Mars, Venus, Saturn, .. including ones they discovered during filming Star Wars, like planet Tatooine.
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    cdog1950 said:
    Wow, so much to digest. First, the paper above by Paul Giem does not merit the time to read it.  You might as well let me lecture you on brain surgery. Mr. Giem may be an MD (I do not know - it is just what he claims) but he is not a scientist. Simply put he does not even understand the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.  Radiocarbon dating is not used for dating past 50-60,000 years. Past that argon or some other method will be used. If C14 is found in a sample purported to be several millions of years old, that is not surprising, and is likely due to contamination or a false reading. Disregarding that, I fail to see how that would prove or disprove some god creature.
    Another fun argument is that something cannot be created out of nothing, therefore, something must have done the creating. This tautology boggles my poor brain. On the one side, you have the who (or what) created the creator, ad infinitum. On the other hand if you accept the Big Bang theory which places the universe at about 14 B years old, was there a prior Big Bang, and a prior one to that? This is not exactly something out of nothing  (a singularity), although it is something out of considerably less than "thin air" as some previous writer complained. 
    The fault seems to me to be in the human need to find a "why," and our fear of non-existence. The universe was not created for, nor does it exist for humans. 

    @cdog1950 said: Another fun argument is that something cannot be created out of nothing, therefore, something must have done the creating. This tautology boggles my poor brain.

    Is it me, or Memorex? (remember that old commercial?)

    How about this, the true definition of "Infinite" is without boarders, correct?

    Let's see now, .. we can create infinity by starting with 1, 2, 3, 4, .. - infinitum  and we get infinity

    Image result

    But how do you make, or create "Infinite", .. not infinity, but Infinite?
    Where would you even start?

    Next question, .. does Infinite exist?

    Well if Infinite didn't exist, we would not be able to talk about it, or have a general definition of it.
    Here is the definition of Infinite, even though there are discrepancies in the definition:

    Infinite: limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate.
    "the infinite mercy of God"
    synonyms:boundless, unbounded, unlimited, limitless, never-ending, interminable;
    immeasurable, fathomless, imponderable;
    extensive, vast;
    immense, great, huge, enormous
    "the universe is infinite"
    countless, uncountable, inestimable, innumerable, numberless, immeasurable, incalculable, untold, myriad

    Now watch this:
    1. a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.
      "a table took up much of the space"
      synonyms:room, capacity, area, volume, expanse, extent, scope, latitude, margin, leeway, play, clearance More
      "there was not enough space"
      gap, interval, opening, aperture, cavity, cranny, fissure, crack, interstice, lacuna
      "the space between the timbers"

    Infinite is NOT space, for it has no boarders or boundaries, which you need for space.

    cdog1950 - On the one side, you have the who (or what) created the creator, ad infinitum.

    That's only if the Creator was infinity, not if the Creator is Infinite. Infinite IS and He is conscious as in "I Am", not a being, but the Ground of being.

    cdog1950 - On the other hand if you accept the Big Bang theory which places the universe at about 14 B years old, was there a prior Big Bang, and a prior one to that? This is not exactly something out of nothing  (a singularity), although it is something out of considerably less than "thin air" as some previous writer complained.

    I agree that the BB-story can only be imagined by multiple BB's and it has no basis for a singularity, if it did, why would CERN be looking for a 'particle', and not create this huge machine like the LHC to compress things, not break them apart, to create dense mass=gravity and see if it will "suddenly expand" creating a vacuum!? An expanding vacuum, .. lol.

    cdog1950 - The fault seems to me to be in the human need to find a "why," and our fear of non-existence. The universe was not created for, nor does it exist for humans.

    Why would that be a fault, inventors, creators are always asking why?
    Not created for humans? Maybe not the Heaven and the Original earth, but after God cleaned up the chaotic mess on earth (Genesis 1:2 -), and created the two other heavens like the air and the space/place where the stars are, it was all for us humans, that is us man created in Gods image.
  • with_all_humilitywith_all_humility 222 Pts   -  
    Medic said:
    Unicorns are corporeal things. We, with our corporeal senses have never seen or observed one. Therefore, they do not exist.

    God is different. There's no rational basis for belief in or not in God, given it is impossible to prove either way. 
    Actually unicorns do exist, they were thought to have been like an Ibex or wild Ox. Ref Psalms 98.10 (KVJ)

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 361 Pts   -  
    @Evidence ;

    Your assumption is based only on theory.

    Space does not necessarily require boundaries.

    Only humans desire to give Space boundaries.

    Similarly it is silly to suggest that an infinite state has to exist, merely based on the existence of the concept and a verbal definition.

    If you wish to regard definition as evidence.

    Then it would also be inaccurate to suggest that Space is a vacuum.
  • with_all_humilitywith_all_humility 222 Pts   -  
    cdog1950 said:

    It would be a genetic fallacy only if the author had some knowledge of the subject of which s/he writes. When one purports to be an expert on a subject (in this case science) but does not understand the basic tenets of science, then a reader has to assume that the author has an ulterior motive or is simply a crackpot. Life is too short to deal with all the crackpots.                             "Radiocarbon dating doesn't work well on objects much older than twenty thousand years, because such objects have so little C-14 left that their beta radiation is swamped out by the background radiation of cosmic rays and potassium-40 (K-40) decay. Younger objects can easily be dated, because they still emit plenty of beta radiation, enough to be measured after the background radiation has been subtracted out of the total beta radiation. However, in either case, the background beta radiation has to be compensated for, and, in the older objects, the amount of C-14 they have left is less than the margin of error in measuring background radiation. As Hurley points out:

        Without rather special developmental work, it is not generally practicable to measure ages in excess of about twenty thousand years, because the radioactivity of the carbon becomes so slight that it is difficult to get an accurate measurement above background radiation. (p. 108)

    Cosmic rays form beta radiation all the time; this is the radiation that turns N-14 to C-14 in the first place. K-40 decay also forms plenty of beta radiation. Stearns, Carroll, and Clark point out that ". . . this isotope [K-40] accounts for a large part of the normal background radiation that can be detected on the earth's surface" (p. 84). This radiation cannot be totally eliminated from the laboratory, so one could probably get a "radiocarbon" date of fifty thousand years from a pure carbon-free piece of tin. However, you now know why this fact doesn't at all invalidate radiocarbon dates of objects younger than twenty thousand years and is certainly no evidence for the notion that coals and oils might be no older than fifty thousand years."
    Answers to Creationist Attacks on Carbon-14 Dating
    Christopher Gregory Weber
    Volume: 3
    Number: 2
    Quarter: Spring
    Page(s): 23–29
    Year: 1982
    Hurley, Patrick M. 1959. How Old Is the Earth? New York: Doubleday & Co

    The implied argument is that the Earth is only "X" number of years old (usually 6,000); that dinosaurs and humans may have co-existed; and that there is some great secret agreement among scientists to create a false narrative about the universe and perhaps in that narrative disprove a god. Somehow I missed that class in graduate school.

    "Radiocarbon dating doesn't work well on objects much older than twenty thousand years, because such objects have so little C-14 left that their beta radiation is swamped out by the background radiation of cosmic rays and potassium-40 (K-40) decay." (This was not the point of the articles, the issue being presented is 14C being found in items, that evolutionist say there should be zero 14C)

    Your reference, it did not address why 14C in amount far higher than what can be ruled out as contamination are found in dinosaur bone/soft tissue, in coal and diamonds

    The Lund University in Sweden tested Cretaceous Bone Proteins

    14C analysis

    "In order to remove absorbed carbonates and humic acids, a small bone sample (2 g) was pre-treated according to the acid- alkali-acid method; i.e., it was washed in 2% HCl solution at 80uC for 12 h, then in 5% NaOH solution at 80uC for 5 h, followed by a final wash in 2% HCl. After this procedure, the dried residues (258 mg) were combusted to CO2 using CuO as oxidizing agent. The CO2 was then mixed with H2 gas and reduced to elemental carbon before being analyzed at Lund University Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory using single stage accelerator mass spectrom- etry. Approximately 5 mg of carbon was produced, of which 3 mg was use…the amount of finite carbon was corresponding to 4.68% +/- 0.1 of modern 14C activity (yielding an age of 24 600 BP), and most likely reflect bacterial activity near the outer surface of the bone (although no bacterial proteins or hopanoids were detected, one bacterial DNA sequence was amplified by PCR…)" [1]

    A team of researchers gave a presentation at the 2012 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Singapore, August 13–17, at which they gave 14C dating results from many bone samples from eight dinosaur specimens. All gave dates ranging from 22,000 to 39,000 years, right in the ‘ballpark’ predicted by creationists.[2] But if dinosaurs really were millions of years old, there should not be one atom of 14C left in them.


    [2] A sample purporting to be from the Flood era would not be expected to give a ‘radiocarbon age’ of about 5,000 years, but rather 20,000–50,000 years. Indeed, that is consistently what one obtains from specimens of oil, gas and fossil wood from layers allegedly ‘millions of years’ old. The reason is: radiocarbon dating assumes that the current 14C/12C ratio of about 1 in a trillion (after adjusting for the Industrial Revolution) was the starting ratio for the objects dated. But this ratio would have been much smaller before the Flood, which removed virtually all living carbon from the biosphere through burial. Because pre-and para-Flood objects would have started with a much lower initial 14C/12C ratio, the measured amount today would also be smaller, and be (mis-)interpreted as much older.                                   

  • CYDdhartaCYDdharta 1833 Pts   -  
    BaconToes said:
    @Fredsnephew Enjoy a worthless life. That is literally the atheist life (they cant deny it, it's their theory).
    I would honestly live one life happily then believe I can have another life of eternal happiness
    People believe in certain religion seeking reassurance that they can live a life better than the one they are living right now.
    This is why poorer areas have more religious believers(and good education)*cough* science *cough*
    [Work Cited]

    That's an interesting train of thought.  Do you believe in it enough to act upon it?  If you really believe it, you would agree that federal and state funding of religious areas of the US need to be increased at the expense of the most irreligious areas of the country.
  • wmostrom18wmostrom18 3 Pts   -  
    Yes, a higher being must exist. There is an abundance of evidence that proves that there is a higher being. Science and religion go hand in hand regarding many topics like the big bang theory. If there isn't a higher being that exists then how would you explain this, there was a building that burned to the ground. There was nothing left in the building beside a painting that Jesus made contact with. This is one of many things that have happened like this. Because of all of this evidence, how can you claim that a higher being does not exist. 
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