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Marijuana should be legal, change my mind.


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  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Your liberal attitude, is why there are some kids, children, and families, who are suffering because of their parents marijuana use?

    "Lighten up, take a joke. Grow up and get overit."

    Why don't you ask the illegal, and legalized marijuana smoking parents, to get over themselves?

    And get NORML, to do you arguing for you? 

  • TKDB said:

    You can justify your own experience.

    Is it possible, that by being raised around your parents drug use, that their influence over you, helped to create, the mindset that you have currently? 

    Do you view their influencing of you, when it came to their drug use, as being an equal, and fair, parental experience to you? 

    Do you know of other people, who were raised around, their parents drug use, and that their parents drug use, influenced their similar pro drug use, mindsets as well?

    "A probable safe and stable environment can be deduced when we realize that no adverse affects have been documented from children being raised by parents who use marijuana around them. If or when it is realized that a problem does arise from that, then and only then can the safety or stability of that environment be called into question. Still waiting on your demonstration on how it adversely effects children when their parents use marijuana around them."


     Last week another violent horror story made national news, and once again, there’s a marijuana connection. Dakota Theriot, a 21-year-old from Louisiana, allegedly killed his parents, his girlfriend and her father and brother. A sheriff called the Dakota Theriot case an “extremely horrific example of failed mental health system.” Five people died, but the violent outbreak follows a pattern of family murders linked to pot use and mental illness.

    Authorities tracked Theriot to his grandmother’s home in Virginia. It didn’t take one journalist long to find out that Theriot had used cannabis for many years.

    “Cory Flannery, a friend of Theriot’s from his time in Warsaw, a small town of about 1,500 in the Northern Neck of Virginia, said he remembers Theriot sitting on his couch eating cereal and smoking marijuana with him. While Flannery said Theriot had a temper, the shooting rampage on Saturday was still out of character for the person he knew.

    “Flannery said Theriot had smoked weed for years and was addicted to cigarettes as a middle-schooler but didn’t know him to use hard drugs at the time. Though he was often in trouble, Flannery said, Theriot didn’t seem violent or dangerous.” 

    When Keith Theriot, Dakota’s deceased father, called police in 2017, the home was in a cloud of marijuana smoke used by both father and son. He said that his son was diagnosed with “substance-induced mood swings.” However, Dakota’s ex-wife, who witnessed his violence and hallucinations, said he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Mental illness does not dictate homicidal violence, but it’s more likely to occur when enhanced by drugs like marijuana.

    Colorado Springs Tragedy in November 2017

    In October, 2017, Malik Murphy, aged 20, murdered his brother, Noah, 7 and his sister, Sophia, 5, as the family was sleeping. Murphy and his father Vinnie then got into a fight.  As Malik tried to stab his father, another brother called 911. 

    According to one of the first reports of his erratic behavior: “The parents pinpoint a specific day at school when Malik was 16. Melissa (the mother) says he found a cell phone and instead of returning it to the lost and found, he destroyed it. School authorities eventually caught wind.

    “Melissa and Vinnie say when school officials searched his backpack they found a kitchen steak knife, a little bit of marijuana, and a Bic writing pen he had taken to use to smoke the marijuana out of it.

    “That’s when years of intensive therapy, mental hospital visits and a trial of medications started. The parents say he admitted that he had killed animals and that he had thoughts of killing his family. Malik even went as far as calling police on himself last summer.”

    Pro-legalization advocates continually like to say that the legalization of marijuana in Colorado did not increase youth usage. The criminal evidence coming out of Colorado paints a different picture

    Murders in two Polish Immigrant Families

    The examples go on and on. In a Chicago suburb, 17-year-old John Granat and three friends murdered his parents back in 2011. Reports said that his parents grounded him after they found him growing marijuana in his room. The murder shocked everyone, including a neighbor who called them “the sweetest, most perfect family.”

    “[John] was just the sweetest, nicest kid in the world. Never, ever in a million years would I have thought that John could do something like that. They were like the role-model family of the area. It doesn’t make any sense.”

    “He was a pretty nice kid and I never would’ve expected that and I feel bad for him,” said a classmate. Appearances were deceiving, as trial and investigation showed much more trouble between father and son.

    In Great Britain, Kamil Dantes, the 29-year-old son of Polish immigrants also murdered his parents with a knife in 2015. At the sentencing, Justice Charles Haddon-Cave said: “Your deteriorating mental health had much to do with your history of drug use and in particular your cannabis habit.

    “This is another example of the danger of cannabis use and its ability to induce psychotic behaviour in young men.”  He said that Dantes had “an abnormality of mental functioning.”  More information on the murders can be found here.

    Ashton Sacks drove from Seattle to Orange County, California

    "Although cases above described working families of modest means, other murders describe the outcome of wealth and privilege.  Some may think of these perpetrators as “spoiled,” but spoiled doesn’t explain being murderous or psychotic.

    A stunning example was Ashton Sacks, who appeared to have everything and a family willing and ready to give him more.  A heavy marijuana user, he had made previous suicide attempts, but blamed his parents for messing up his life. He was supposed to be attending community college in Seattle. Instead of going to class, he smoked pot and played video games.

    Sacks, 19, drove from Seattle to southern California to murder his parents and succeeded. He tried to kill his 8-year-old brother, but left him badly injured and paralyzed. He fired a gun at a 17-year-old sister, but missed her. "

    I can’t debate you picks of citation they do not support the premises you make clearly. Fist any drug use is with the accused murder and not the people, parent, parents who are around the attackers. Second and I’m not sure if you even recognize all of the drug use went beyond tetrahydrocannabinol influence created by Marijuana smoking.

    The big lie the principle of marijuana holds as united state is illegal a complete status of illegal. The idea marijuana must be made legal by law is false. The idea itself that marijuana can be made illegal by law is false. The influence of marijuana is what is questioned may-be in a Nation which does not hold a United State in Constitution this practice is more appropriate.

  • @TKDB ;

    "One or more of the people in this debate seem like they're currently on Marijuana."

    Has the marijuana a stated always been legal to use?
    If something is legal does a person have a right to provide it for themselves as a part of their independence?
    Does a licensing process make something that is legal more legal or is it just a registration for right to distribute publicly? 
    Is this process also called incorporating?
  • @TKDB ;

    Your liberal attitude, is why there are some kids, children, and families, who are suffering because of their parents marijuana use?

    Air pollution all kids suffer because of this issue. Substance abuse all kids suffer because of this issue. Abandonment all kids suffer because of this issue. It looks like you can speak on behalf of all children yet refuse to do so. Did you check and see if any of the people you use as a citation had been a victim of poisoning by chemical additives being administer through marijuana? This line of questioning is proof TKDB.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Why not reachach out to this liberal website, and have them, do your arguments for you?

    Maybe you could mesh your ideology with theirs?
  • TKDB said:

    Why not reachach out to this liberal website, and have them, do your arguments for you?

    In basic  principle judging everyone on air quality by a pollution standard held in united state using legislation has a clear transparency.

    Maybe you could mesh your ideology with theirs? 

    The issue is more complex then blending ideologies. There is a state of the union issue of how unconstitutional law has effected the people and what would be the best course of action to address the mistakes without undermining the reasons behind drastic measure.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019





    So this is the apparent truth behind marijuana legalization?

    Liberalizing the country, to individually suit the very needs of the marijuana user?

    I see the courtesy towards the marijuana user, but what about the courtesies, towards, the kids, children, or the families, who have been affected either directly, or indirectly, by the parent, or parents marijuana use? 

    From NORML:

    "Campaigns to liberalize municipal marijuana possession penalties in states where cannabis remains criminalized have become increasingly popular in recent years.

    Since 2012, over 50 localities in a dozen states have enacted municipal laws or resolutions either fully or partially decriminalizing minor cannabis possession offenses. This total does not take into account citywide ordinances in jurisdictions that later moved to either decriminalize or legalizemarijuana statewide. "

    This liberal website, even has a section on available legal counsel? 

    But what I didn't see was any counseling for those kids, children, or the families, of the marijuana user, for those same family members, who have been living with, putting up with, or growing up around, a parent, or parents, illegal, or legalized recreational marijuana use, or medicinal marijuana use?

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019


    By BC, University of Texas   If you told me five years ago that my brother would end his life in such a degrading state following marijuana-induced psychosis, I would have called you crazy. Unfortunately, I have lived with this reality every day for the past 5 months.

    I am a business and pre-medical student at The University of Texas in Austin.  David was my little brother, my confidant, and my workout partner. I always thought David would become an architect; he was exceptionally gifted at math and art. His life spiraled down a dark path when he started smoking weed and, on December 5th, 2018, at the age of nineteen, he became the first member of my immediate family to die. He shot himself in the head while in the restroom; he did not leave a note or give any warning.  It happened four days after he left the hospital and started smoking weed, again.

    Last summer, I studied for my medical school admissions exam and took a psychology class. Consequently, I learned a great deal about neurotransmitters and how they are modulated by drugs, which David and I discussed frequently. He told me that he wanted to find happiness outside of drugs, but could not imagine how. He told me that he felt incapable of giving up the high. He told me that the relapse was too hard. He told me his brain was different– since using drugs, he felt utterly low and despondent when he was sober. Ultimately, this helplessness prompted him to end his life altogether.

    A whole family suffers, too

    Weed not only ruined David’s life; my entire family is suffering. I cannot convey how difficult it is to see my parents’ sleep-deprived faces and increasingly frail frames. I cannot express how heartbroken I feel for my two 17-year-old brothers, who whole-heartedly looked up to their older brother. My 23-year-old sister struggles financially as she has taken off work for depression-related fatigue. Each member of my family is experiencing trauma similar to my own.

    Now, when I sit in class, I constantly fight images of David’s brain exploding. I dread falling asleep each and every night because of the graphic, horrifying nightmares. It has been almost five months since David died, but the visions continue to haunt me. I wish I could say that my experience is unique; I wish I could say thousands of others have not experienced similar trauma. Unfortunately, marijuana-related suicides are on the rise.

    I spent my spring break in California, where marijuana is already legal. I saw and smelled it everywhere. My friend took me to a Sacramento Kings game, and the entire row sitting behind us looked stoned and reeked of weed while a six- or seven-year old boy sat in front of us. Throughout the entire game, I could not stop thinking about what open marijuana consumption might do to the child and all of the children placed in harm’s way.

    Texas must not allow this

    I do not want weed to become the new normal in my state. Unless we master the science behind a substance and ensure that it has NO psychotic effects (as we have observed with marijuana), we should NOT signal that it is acceptable in any way, shape, or form by legalizing or decriminalizing it.  

    From a business standpoint, I used to sympathize with economic benefits of taxing marijuana and the safety benefits from its legal regulation. Now that my family has been traumatized by its effects, I can say confidently that the financial incentives and regulatory benefits are not worth the tragedies associated with making this drug any more accessible than it already is.

    I am not trying to claim that my story is always the outcome of consuming weed. Rather, I am saying that it is sometimes, and arguably not infrequentlythe outcome. I would do anything to go back in time and plead on my knees for David to give up his marijuana addiction. Since I can no longer do that, advocating for higher barriers to use seems a next-best option.

    With that, I implore you not to decriminalize or legalize weed; I beg you to stay mindful of the individuals, families, and communities that might be demolished by its psychotic and traumatic effects. 

    (In a few days, we will publish David’s story from another family member’s perspective, his father.  Subscribe by email to read the father’s testimony: ; ) 

    The words above, a real world.






    Do you, maybe have a counter argument, for the above article? 


  • Can you just remind me what your own argument is as to why Marijuana use should be illegal?

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019





    My argument:

    I'm against the liberalization of the U.S., via the legalization of marijuana route.

    The education that I have learned from via your mindset, along with the other pro marijuana liberal individuals, is some of the below: 

    The apparent truth behind marijuana legalization, is this:

    The country is being liberalized to individually suit the very needs of the marijuana user?

    What about the needs of the kids, children, and the families, who have been affected, directly, and indirectly, by their parent, or parents, marijuana use? 

    On NORML's website, 
    I see the courtesy towards the marijuana user, but what about the courtesies, towards, the kids, children, or the families, who have been affected either directly, or indirectly, by the parent, or parents marijuana use? %1$s&ampshare=


    Cory Booker Makes Federal Marijuana Legalization a Central Campaign Push

    Democrats approached the issue carefully in 2016. Now six presidential candidates are all-in for complete reform.

    Cory Booker, I guess is pro marijuana? 

    And isn't he, campaigning to become the next POTUS? 

    So because he's pro marijuana, I believe, that he would hurt the rest of the country, while appealling, to the marijuana user's, and the pro marijuana crowd?

    The kids, children, and the families, of the U.S., deserve better, than to have his individual liberal philosophies, running the country?

    Along with Bernie Sanders, and Kamala Harris. 

    The country, as a whole deserves better, than those liberal minded individuals, running the country.

    Apparently because, the marijuana user's, would gain, like they have already gained, through the legalization of weed, in the states, where recreational weed, is already legal? 

    I'm pro kid, children, family, law abiding, and pro public.

    I wonder, when someone might ask someone from the marijuana industry, or from the pro marijuana crowd in general, if they are pro kid, children, family, and pro public, as well? 

  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  

    Can you just remind me what your own argument is as to why Marijuana use should be illegal?


    Please trust me, you DO NOT wanna get dragged into this. From one friend to another, RUN NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN. RUN NOW, AND NEVER EVER STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :#
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  


    No, don't run.

    It's educational to have a conversation over "Principles," verses the principals of the marijuana user? 

    "Please trust me, you DO NOT wanna get dragged into this. From one friend to another, RUN NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN. RUN NOW, AND NEVER EVER STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

    I'm a friend of Principles.
  • TKDB said:

    My argument:

    I'm against the liberalization of the US via the legalization of marijuana route.
    So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?

    The education that I have learned from via your mindset, along with the other pro marijuana liberal individuals, is some of the below: 

    The apparent truth behind marijuana legalization, is this:

    The country is being liberalized to individually suit the very needs of the marijuana user?
    No, our argument is not suggesting that the reason for the legalization of weed is because the US Government wants to reflect liberation; that's your argument by use of your very own words.

    What about the needs of the kids, children, and the families, who have been affected, directly, and indirectly, by their parent, or parents, marijuana use?
    What gives you the indication that because the legalization has occurred the needs of those affected by addictions haven't been taken into account? Your argument in a formal fashion is as follows:

    Premise: "The legalization of Marijuana has occurred."
    Conclusion: Therefore the needs of those affected by addiction issues are being neglected.

    Are you not seeing the errors in your reasoning yet?

    On NORML's website, 
    I see the courtesy towards the marijuana user, but what about the courtesies, towards, the kids, children, or the families, who have been affected either directly, or indirectly, by the parent, or parents marijuana use? 

    Cory Booker, I guess is pro marijuana? 

    And isn't he, campaigning to become the next POTUS?

    So because he's pro marijuana, I believe, that he would hurt the country, while appeasing, the marijuana user's, and the pro marijuana crowd?

    The kids, children, and the families, of the U.S., deserve better, than to have his individual liberal philosophy, in charge of the country?

    And what conclusion are you forming based on looking at this website what people on it are saying? 


  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  

     Do you have an OFF button?
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Are you pro kid, children, family, and pro public overall?

    Or are you primarily liberal, and you support the needs of the marijuana user, and that's your primary argument? 

    The voice of liberalism: 

    "No, our argument, or "We?"

    It's odd how some arguments, are tethered to the words, us, our, or we?

    The root of your argument is liberalism, that panders to the marijuana user.

    "So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?"

    "No, our argument is not suggesting that the reason for the legalization of weed is because the US Government wants to reflect liberation"

    The liberation of the marijuana user, the illegal marijuana user, and the legalized user, right?

    Pander to those user's, for those probable donations, and for those future votes, right?

    Nevermind those kids, children, and those families, who have been living with, putting up with, and growing up around the drug user's drug abuse, and drug user lifestyle right, because the drug users liberation is just an important as that family life is right?

    There's a difference between Democracy and liberalism.

    1. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

    1. the holding of liberal views.
      "one of the basic tenets of liberalism is tolerance" "

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Have you been to NORML's website?

    The below argument, speaks for itself.

    On NORML's website, 
    I see the courtesy towards the marijuana user, but what about the courtesies, towards, the kids, children, or the families, who have been affected either directly, or indirectly, by the parent, or parents marijuana use?  

    This argument is self explanatory:

     Cory Booker, I guess is pro marijuana? 

    And isn't he, campaigning to become the next POTUS?

    So because he's pro marijuana, I believe, that he would hurt the country, while appeasing, the marijuana user's, and the pro marijuana crowd?

    And this argument, is self explanatory as well.

    The kids, children, and the families, of the U.S., deserve better, than to have his individual liberal philosophy, in charge of the country?

    And your concluding statement:

    "And what conclusion are you forming based on looking at this website what people on it are saying?"

    My argument is self explanatory, they all speak for themselves.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019


    Why, would it make your, non arguments, easier to make?

    "Do you have an OFF button?"

  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • @TKDB ;

    Do you, maybe have a counter argument, for the above article

    Yes, There is a argument in defending the united state constitution granting liberty through independence for each presentation you are making.

  • The argument is simple and independent as a state of the union address, at one period of time the restriction on marijuana may have been the (easiest and quickest) way to monitor influence of tetrahydrocannabinol and chemical contamination of marijuana by those set on creating a chemical dependency to insure profits or so called safety.

    The United state constitutional obligation is to correct the improper structure of legislation formed around the substance marijuana. You are simply not making any argument as to why a restriction and limitations, that being even a complete zero tolerance can not be made on tetrahydrocannabinol directly.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Are you pro kid, children, family, and pro public overall?

    Or are you primarily liberal, and you support the needs of the marijuana user, and that's your primary argument?  

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Are you pro kid, children, family, and pro public overall?

    Or are you primarily liberal, and you support the needs of the marijuana user, and that's your primary argument? 
  • Are you pro kid, children, family, and pro public overall?


    I do not use children as an excuse for poor state of the union made between and on matters of legislation.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    The kids, children, and those families, who are dealing with a marijuana users, drug use, and abuse is against the very principles, of those kids, children, and families.

    Being liberal oriented, means that a Democracy, is being asked, or pushed, in a sense, to tolerate a marijuana users drug use, regardless of how the rest of the country, or this countries Democracy as a whole, disagrees with your liberal opinion? 

    Or the individual liberal opinions, of these other liberal minded actors?




    And so on? 

    I asked you an adult question, and this from you, is your liberal scapegoat counter argument? 

    Are you pro kid, children, family, and pro public overall?


    I do not use children as an excuse for poor state of the union made between and on matters of legislation."

    I'm not using them either, I'm asking a Democracy based question.

    Here's the obvious differences between Democracy and Liberalism, via their own definitions:

    There's a difference between Democracy and liberalism. 

    1. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

    1. the holding of liberal views.
      "one of the basic tenets of liberalism is tolerance" "

  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  

    A majority of american approve legalization... So your nonsense about "regardless of how the rest of the country as a whole disagrees" is false...  
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Where's your factual evidence to support your claim, that isn't pro marijuana oriented based?

    Not from NORML, or the Marijuana Majority websites either.

    Or from, any other liberal oriented website, or websites as well.

    "A majority of american approve legalization... So your nonsense about "regardless of how the rest of the country as a whole disagrees" is false..."

  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019

    From your link:

    "About six-in-ten Americans (62%) say the use of marijuana should be legalized, reflecting a steady increase over the past decade, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. The share of U.S. adults who support marijuana legalization is little changed from about a year ago – when 61% favored it – but it is double what it was in 2000 (31%).

    As in the past, there are wide generational and partisan differences in views of marijuana legalization. Majorities of Millennials (74%), Gen Xers (63%) and Baby Boomers (54%) say the use of marijuana should be legal. Members of the Silent Generation continue to be the least supportive of legalization (39%), but they have become more supportive in the past year.

    Nearly seven-in-ten Democrats (69%) say marijuana use should be legal, as do 75% of independents who lean toward the Democratic Party.

    Republicans are divided, with 45% in favor of legalizing marijuana and 51% opposed. Still, the share of Republicans saying marijuana should be legal has increased from 39% in 2015. Independents who lean toward the Republican Party are far more likely than Republicans to favor marijuana legalization (59% vs. 45%).  "


    I wonder when the Pew Organisation, might reach to to the Parents Opposed to Pot website, or the CALM (Citizens Against the Legalization of Marijuana) website? 

    And ask them to conduct a Poll, with the very participants of their respective websites, and do a study, and a similar article, reflecting the outcomes of those same polls?

    My guess is that the polling numbers, would likely reflect the opposite response, that is reflected in the polling article, that you provided? 

    Was this Poll presented to the entire legal voting age of the public?

    Out of 325 million U.S. citizens, that would be around 269 million citizens, who are of the legal voting age.

    And its sad, that yourself, would go and look for some Polling data, and an article to match to bolster your liberal, pro marijuana opinion?

    Your poll, doesn't speak for the entire country, but it does reflect the opinion, of the participants who solely participated in the said poll, right? 

    That's the reality behind your Pew Poll argument. 

  • TKDB said:

    Are you pro kid, children, family, and pro public overall?

    Or are you primarily liberal, and you support the needs of the marijuana user, and that's your primary argument? 

    The voice of liberalism: 

    "No, our argument, or "We?"

    It's odd how some arguments, are tethered to the words, us, our, or we?

    Just from this little bit here you appear to have gone off on a tangent and have not answered/responded to what I've said. Once you've responded to what I said in a clear and concise manner I'll be happy to return the favor. Just to remind you here you go:

    TKDB said:

    My argument:

    I'm against the liberalization of the US via the legalization of marijuana route.
    So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?

    The education that I have learned from via your mindset, along with the other pro marijuana liberal individuals, is some of the below: 

    The apparent truth behind marijuana legalization, is this:

    The country is being liberalized to individually suit the very needs of the marijuana user?
    No, our argument is not suggesting that the reason for the legalization of weed is because the US Government wants to reflect liberation; that's your argument by use of your very own words.

    What about the needs of the kids, children, and the families, who have been affected, directly, and indirectly, by their parent, or parents, marijuana use?
    What gives you the indication that because the legalization has occurred the needs of those affected by addictions haven't been taken into account? Your argument in a formal fashion is as follows:

    Premise: "The legalization of Marijuana has occurred."
    Conclusion: Therefore the needs of those affected by addiction issues are being neglected.

    Are you not seeing the errors in your reasoning yet?

    On NORML's website, 
    I see the courtesy towards the marijuana user, but what about the courtesies, towards, the kids, children, or the families, who have been affected either directly, or indirectly, by the parent, or parents marijuana use? 

    Cory Booker, I guess is pro marijuana? 

    And isn't he, campaigning to become the next POTUS?

    So because he's pro marijuana, I believe, that he would hurt the country, while appeasing, the marijuana user's, and the pro marijuana crowd?

    The kids, children, and the families, of the U.S., deserve better, than to have his individual liberal philosophy, in charge of the country?

    And what conclusion are you forming based on looking at this website what people on it are saying? 


  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Here's a suggestion.

    Email NORML, and ask one of their pro marijuana representatives to help you with your counter arguments?

    Your present argument, suffers from your own non argument making efforts.

    "Just from this little bit here you appear to have gone off on a tangent and have not answered/responded to what I've said. Once you've responded to what I said in a clear and concise manner I'll be happy to return the favor. Just to remind you here you go"

    "So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?"

    "What gives you the indication that because the legalization has occurred the needs of those affected by addictions haven't been taken into account? Your argument in a formal fashion is as follows:

    Premise: "The legalization of Marijuana has occurred." 
    Conclusion: Therefore the needs of those affected by addiction issues are being neglected. 

    Are you not seeing the errors in your reasoning yet? "

    "And what conclusion are you forming based on looking at this website what people on it are saying?"

    Here's the Contact Information:

    Contact Us

    Please contact us!

    We welcome your questions, comments, and most importantly your support.

    Mailing Address

    NORML and the NORML Foundation
    1100 H Street, NW
    Suite 830
    Washington, DC 20005
    Phone: (202) 483-5500

    Email NORML

    General Inquiries:
    The NORML Foundation:
    Media Requests:
    Chapter Inquiries:
    Membership/Donation/Product Questions:
    Legal Questions:
    NORML Director:
    Website Questions: 

  •   @TKDB

    I'm not using them either, I'm asking a Democracy based question.

    The United States of America is a Republic. Did you know you are following what Russian describes as a Federation Constitution? Republic 1a(1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government b(1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law (2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government c : a usually specified republican government of a political unit the French Fourth Republic 2 : a body of persons freely engaged in a specified activity the republic of letters 3 : a constituent political and territorial unit of the former nations of Czechoslovakia, the U.S.S.R., or Yugoslavia
  • TKDB said:

    Here's a suggestion.

    Email NORML, and ask one of their pro marijuana representatives to help you with your counter arguments?

    Your present argument, suffers from your own non argument making efforts.

    "Just from this little bit here you appear to have gone off on a tangent and have not answered/responded to what I've said. Once you've responded to what I said in a clear and concise manner I'll be happy to return the favor. Just to remind you here you go"

    "So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?"

    "What gives you the indication that because the legalization has occurred the needs of those affected by addictions haven't been taken into account? Your argument in a formal fashion is as follows:

    Premise: "The legalization of Marijuana has occurred." 
    Conclusion: Therefore the needs of those affected by addiction issues are being neglected. 

    Are you not seeing the errors in your reasoning yet? "

    "And what conclusion are you forming based on looking at this website what people on it are saying?"

    Here's the Contact Information:

    Contact Us

    Please contact us!

    We welcome your questions, comments, and most importantly your support.

    Mailing Address

    NORML and the NORML Foundation
    1100 H Street, NW
    Suite 830
    Washington, DC 20005
    Phone: (202) 483-5500

    Email NORML

    General Inquiries:
    The NORML Foundation:
    Media Requests:
    Chapter Inquiries:
    Membership/Donation/Product Questions:
    Legal Questions:
    NORML Director:
    Website Questions: 

    TKDB said:

    Are you pro kid, children, family, and pro public overall?

    Or are you primarily liberal, and you support the needs of the marijuana user, and that's your primary argument? 

    The voice of liberalism: 

    "No, our argument, or "We?"

    It's odd how some arguments, are tethered to the words, us, our, or we?

    Just from this little bit here you appear to have gone off on a tangent and have not answered/responded to what I've said. Once you've responded to what I said in a clear and concise manner I'll be happy to return the favor. Just to remind you here you go:

    TKDB said:

    My argument:

    I'm against the liberalization of the US via the legalization of marijuana route.
    So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?

    The education that I have learned from via your mindset, along with the other pro marijuana liberal individuals, is some of the below: 

    The apparent truth behind marijuana legalization, is this:

    The country is being liberalized to individually suit the very needs of the marijuana user?
    No, our argument is not suggesting that the reason for the legalization of weed is because the US Government wants to reflect liberation; that's your argument by use of your very own words.

    What about the needs of the kids, children, and the families, who have been affected, directly, and indirectly, by their parent, or parents, marijuana use?
    What gives you the indication that because the legalization has occurred the needs of those affected by addictions haven't been taken into account? Your argument in a formal fashion is as follows:

    Premise: "The legalization of Marijuana has occurred."
    Conclusion: Therefore the needs of those affected by addiction issues are being neglected.

    Are you not seeing the errors in your reasoning yet?

    On NORML's website, 
    I see the courtesy towards the marijuana user, but what about the courtesies, towards, the kids, children, or the families, who have been affected either directly, or indirectly, by the parent, or parents marijuana use? 

    Cory Booker, I guess is pro marijuana? 

    And isn't he, campaigning to become the next POTUS?

    So because he's pro marijuana, I believe, that he would hurt the country, while appeasing, the marijuana user's, and the pro marijuana crowd?

    The kids, children, and the families, of the U.S., deserve better, than to have his individual liberal philosophy, in charge of the country?

    And what conclusion are you forming based on looking at this website what people on it are saying? 

    Note: I am going to keep on doing this until you stop trying to lead the topic elsewhere and eventually respond to what I said. 


  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  

    Why not help your friend out?


  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019

    Here's the topic:

    Marijuana should be legal, change my mind.

    The theme is in regards to Medical Marijuana, isn't it?

    The pro marijuana users, and the talking heads on the streets, have been pushing the (gimmick, angle, or mentality tactic) of Hyping the heck out of Medical Marijuana for years? 

    And the truth, to that street talk, (it's a trojan horse con job,) being exploited behind the scenes for by some, of the same recreational marijuana user's, illegal and legal wise, especially in the states where recreational weed hasn't been pandered out to those illegal recreational weed user's yet, via the act of legalizing their still illegal recreational weed.

    Let's not leave out, these other liberal pro marijuana talking points, the rest of the public, deserves to see what kind of a con job, that they're being asked to tolerate, and buy off on, because the illegal weed user's want their drug, now? 

    Nevermind the fact, that they're getting high, before going to work, while at work, and while driving home after work, to smoke another joint, prior to going to bed, while their kid, children, and families, are putting up with, and growing up with a parent, or parents who can't decide between a drug user life, or a family life?

    So just make their kid, children, and families, tolerate their drug addiction, and abuse issues? 

    Because, some states, are just hurting for taxation, and revenue, their state wide budgets are terrible?

    Before marijuana legalization, what taxation, and revenue coffers, were being used to fund schools, and education needs?

    And not one news anchor, via interviewing a pro marijuana talking head, has yet to ask that same talking head, that very question?

    Or maybe what taxation, and revenue coffers, being used to fund schools, and education, are irrelevant, to the pro marijuana talking heads mindset?

    And the PC answer, via the pro marijuana talking heads very own mouth, is the taxation, and revenue that going to be made via the legalization of that weed? 

    Let's not forget these other issues, the marijuana using citizen's, who got incarcerated for their illegal marijuana use, and possession crimes? 

    Because, they being incarcerated kept them away from their families, right?

    They didn't have anything to do with they being busted, placed in jail, and then getting their day in court, and then getting a jail sentence, right? 

    Its the laws fault, the police officers fault, the handcuffs fault, the squad cars fault, its the neighborhoods fault, the prosecutors fault, and the judges fault, right?

    Pay attention kids, children, and the families, who are tolerating your parents illegal marijuana use, and abuse.

    "Note: I am going to keep on doing this until you stop trying to lead the topic elsewhere and eventually respond to what I said."

    Legalizing weed, is how some of the liberals, and the socialist liberals want to liberalize, the Democracy, that is the United States.

    By pushing for the liberal toleration of the illegal marijuana user, via the legalization of weed, and making their weed legal?

    The country, and its kids, children, and families, deserve better, than to have marijuana pushed unto them, by the illegal, and legalized marijuana users?

    So, think about this, the alcoholics, abuse alcohol every day, and so in a sense, some of the alcohol sellers are profitting off of their alcohol addiction then, right?

    Tobacco, gets smoked everyday, by the 2-5 pack a day cigarette smokers?

    So aren't, some of the tobacco sellers as well, profitting off of their tobacco addiction as well?

    So can't the same, maybe be said, about some of the marijuana sellers, profitting off of their marijuana addiction also? 

    Because some of the pro marijuana crowd, has the tendency to pull alcohol, and tobacco revenue, and taxation, into the reasons why marijuana should be so casually legalized as well?

    The legalization of marijuana, is a trojan horse con job.

    And those kids, children, and families, putting up with their parents nonsense, is an amplification of that same con job.

    My mind, is pro kid, children, family, and pro Democracy.

    The legalization of recreational marijuana, is just the opposite of that, being that it's a pro liberal only mindset, pushing for the very toleration of the recreational marijuana user, yes, or no? 

  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited May 2019

    So I take it your not ready to respond to what I said yet? You're an avoidance of the questions and leading the topic in another direction is not answering the questions relevant to what I said or this debate.

    Once you've answered me I'll be happy to reciprocate.

  • TKDB said:

    Pay attention kids, children, and the families, who are tolerating your parents illegal marijuana use, and abuse.

    "Note: I am going to keep on doing this until you stop trying to lead the topic elsewhere and eventually respond to what I said."

    Are you scared of NORML?

    All I want is you to do is answer me first before I answere you. That couldn't be any simpler. This is what you're doing:

    Person 1 asks you question "A".

    You avoid question "A" by person 1 and ask another type of question "A" to person 1.

  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  

     Are you afraid of @ZeusAres42 question? It seems like that's why you're avoiding it.
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    TKDB said:

    Why not help your friend out?
    He obviously doesn't need it...
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019



    The mindsets, of the liberal pro marijuana trio? 

    "He obviously doesn't need it..."

    "Are you afraid of @ZeusAres42 question? It seems like that's why you're avoiding it."

    "So I take it your not ready to respond to what I said yet? You're an avoidance of the questions and leading the topic in another direction is not answering the questions relevant to what I said or this debate. 

    Once you've answered me I'll be happy to reciprocate."

    Here's the topic:

    Marijuana should be legal, change my mind.

    The theme is in regards to Medical Marijuana, isn't it?

    The pro marijuana users, and the talking heads on the streets, have been pushing the (gimmick, angle, or mentality tactic) of Hyping the heck out of Medical Marijuana for years? 

    And the truth, to that street talk, (it's a trojan horse con job,) being exploited behind the scenes for by some, of the same recreational marijuana user's, illegal and legal wise, especially in the states where recreational weed hasn't been pandered out to those illegal recreational weed user's yet, via the act of legalizing their still illegal recreational weed.

    Let's not leave out, these other liberal pro marijuana talking points, the rest of the public, deserves to see what kind of a con job, that they're being asked to tolerate, and buy off on, because the illegal weed user's want their drug, now? 

    Nevermind the fact, that they're getting high, before going to work, while at work, and while driving home after work, to smoke another joint, prior to going to bed, while their kid, children, and families, are putting up with, and growing up with a parent, or parents who can't decide between a drug user life, or a family life?

    So just make their kid, children, and families, tolerate their drug addiction, and abuse issues? 

    Because, some states, are just hurting for taxation, and revenue, their state wide budgets are terrible?

    Before marijuana legalization, what taxation, and revenue coffers, were being used to fund schools, and education needs?

    And not one news anchor, via interviewing a pro marijuana talking head, has yet to ask that same talking head, that very question?

    Or maybe what taxation, and revenue coffers, being used to fund schools, and education, are irrelevant, to the pro marijuana talking heads mindset?

    And the PC answer, via the pro marijuana talking heads very own mouth, is the taxation, and revenue that going to be made via the legalization of that weed? 

    Let's not forget these other issues, the marijuana using citizen's, who got incarcerated for their illegal marijuana use, and possession crimes? 

    Because, they being incarcerated kept them away from their families, right?

    They didn't have anything to do with they being busted, placed in jail, and then getting their day in court, and then getting a jail sentence, right? 

    Its the laws fault, the police officers fault, the handcuffs fault, the squad cars fault, its the neighborhoods fault, the prosecutors fault, and the judges fault, right?

    Pay attention kids, children, and the families, who are tolerating your parents illegal marijuana use, and abuse.

    "Note: I am going to keep on doing this until you stop trying to lead the topic elsewhere and eventually respond to what I said."

    Legalizing weed, is how some of the liberals, and the socialist liberals want to liberalize, the Democracy, that is the United States.

    By pushing for the liberal toleration of the illegal marijuana user, via the legalization of weed, and making their weed legal?

    The country, and its kids, children, and families, deserve better, than to have marijuana pushed unto them, by the illegal, and legalized marijuana users?

    So, think about this, the alcoholics, abuse alcohol every day, and so in a sense, some of the alcohol sellers are profitting off of their alcohol addiction then, right?

    Tobacco, gets smoked everyday, by the 2-5 pack a day cigarette smokers?

    So aren't, some of the tobacco sellers as well, profitting off of their tobacco addiction as well?

    So can't the same, maybe be said, about some of the marijuana sellers, profitting off of their marijuana addiction also? 

    Because some of the pro marijuana crowd, has the tendency to pull alcohol, and tobacco revenue, and taxation, into the reasons why marijuana should be so casually legalized as well?

    The legalization of marijuana, is a trojan horse con job.

    And those kids, children, and families, putting up with their parents nonsense, is an amplification of that same con job.

    My mind, is pro kid, children, family, and pro Democracy.

    The legalization of recreational marijuana, is just the opposite of that, being that it's a pro liberal only mindset, pushing for the very toleration of the recreational marijuana user, yes, or no? 

    Please, continue to educate the public, with your pro marijuana toleration ideologies? 

  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited May 2019

    Ok, let's break this down into steps.  Please can you answer me the following:

    TKDB said:

    My argument:

    I'm against the liberalization of the US via the legalization of marijuana route.
    So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?

    Give me a yes or no and then please elaborate on that yes or no in simple straightforward answers.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019

    Go get NORML, to do your street arguments for you?

    I'm not pandering to you.
  • TKDB said:

    Man up, and go get NORML, to do your street arguments for you?
    I'm asking you; not NORML.

    Ok, let's break this down into steps.  Please can you answer me the following:

    TKDB said:

    My argument:

    I'm against the liberalization of the US via the legalization of marijuana route.
    So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?

    Give me a yes or no and then please elaborate on that yes or no in simple straightforward answers.

  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  
    Hey NORML, your pro marijuana actors, need your arguments, assistance.
  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited May 2019
    TKDB said:
    Hey NORML, your pro marijuana actors, need your arguments, assistance.
    I haven't presented any arguments to you yet lol. I'm simply asking you a question:

    Ok, let's break this down into steps.  Please can you answer me the following:

    TKDB said:

    My argument:

    I'm against the liberalization of the US via the legalization of marijuana route.
    So you think the reason for the legalization is to reflect liberty on the US? So in other words, the US government have decided to reflect liberty/freedom of the US by introducing the legalization of weed?

    Give me a yes or no and then please elaborate on that yes or no in simple straightforward answers.


  • piloteerpiloteer 1577 Pts   -  


    Please trust me, you DO NOT wanna get dragged into this. From one friend to another, RUN NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN. RUN NOW, AND NEVER EVER STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :#
    I hate to say I told you so, but.........................................................................I told you so!
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  
    Hey NORML, can you please, help these individuals out, with their pro marijuana arguments? 




    I've asked them this very simple questions:

    Are you pro kid, children, family, and pro public overall?

    Or are you primarily liberal, and you support the needs of the marijuana user, and that's your primary argument?  

    And thus far, no fair or equal answers, are apparently to be had yet?

  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  

    And now he's talking to an imaginary participant... So sad....
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -  


    "And now he's talking to an imaginary participant... So sad...."

    NORML, has a real world website, that has it's causes, while the two of you, are anonymous names on a website?
  • PlaffelvohfenPlaffelvohfen 3985 Pts   -  
    TKDB said:


    "And now he's talking to an imaginary participant... So sad...."

    NORML, has a real world website, that has it's causes, while the two of you, are anonymous names on a website?
    Is NORML a member of Debate Island? Is NORML participating in this thread? 

    You actually called on them, here............... Please seek help, you need therapy...
    " Adversus absurdum, contumaciter ac ridens! "
  • TKDBTKDB 694 Pts   -   edited May 2019

    Here's the Contact Information:

    Contact Us

    Please contact us!

    We welcome your questions, comments, and most importantly your support.

    Mailing Address

    NORML and the NORML Foundation
    1100 H Street, NW
    Suite 830
    Washington, DC 20005
    Phone: (202) 483-5500

    Email NORML

    General Inquiries:
    The NORML Foundation:
    Media Requests:
    Chapter Inquiries:
    Membership/Donation/Product Questions:
    Legal Questions:
    NORML Director:
    Website Questions: 


    Why don't you personally reach out to NORML, invite them to this forum?

    Being that your individual pro marijuana arguments, need help, don't they? 

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