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Why do Christians defend the immorality of the Christian god as depicted in the Bible ?


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  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    You say ......Birth certificate! Good one. Not true, though. I can tell you've never heard of a Sefer Yuchsin. My rabbi's related to King David, we've got the facts. Do you? 

    My reply is Sefer Yuchsin a venereal disease ......Your rabbit is related to king David ....I will send him a carrot .....

    Yeah I have facts the Torah is a contradictory pile of vile nonsense 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Ha! You just ripped that off somewhere! Isolating verses is always easy to pull off. I could just isolate something few things Hitler said and make him appear to be as good as your mother!

    First, try and debunk what the rabbi says, then, if interested, we'll move on to that other stuff.
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Ha, the kid doesn't know what Sefer Yuchsin is, he thinks its a "venereal disease," can never get enough of this guy!

    Sefer = book. Yuchsin = Yiddish for genealogy.

  • @Joeseph

    "So in your opinion, there was a better solution?"  
    • No, that was not the point I was trying to make, it is not for me judge God's actions.  I can accept them and seek to understand them (possibly) or reject them along with His grace.  
    • As a human being I do not have the right to kill people, however, God passed judgment on the people fo the land and instructed Moses to extinguish them.  It's not for me to agree or disagree with.  It is there as an example for me to understand how God views/feels about ungodly nations.
    "Ok, tell me the “best” context for killing kids?"
    • It is not for me to say, it was God's judgment upon unrighteous people, I highly recommend that you read the book of Hebrews and see to understand what it says about shadows for the things to come, or what is known as types and antitypes.  
    But you said above it wouldn’t be your solution?
    • Read my first statement above

    So is a judge immoral to sentence a person to be put to death as punishment for his/her crimes?  My reply......"Yes, we don’t do it in civilized nations"

    • So the USA is an uncivilized nation? What nation are you from Joeseph?

    "My reply .....You’re still justifying it "

    • No, I'm just telling you what is historically correct and the reality of what you've cheer-picked out of the Bible

    My reply .....I’m critiquing what I see as a deeply offensive, vile book, how does that belittle you? No criticism allowed is that it? 

    • It is one thing to not agree with what is written in the Bible, but you Sir are attacking individuals personally, which is usually an indication that you are losing the debate.  We can agree and disagree with one another and be civil about it.  Personal attacks detract from the purpose of your debate.  If you don't agree with the point the person is making, provide evidence to the contrary and try and leave personal opinion out of your arguments.  Do your research and let your counter-arguments stand on their own.  But saying things like..."You’re right, apologies to Mao, Hitler, and Stalin for the slur" is uncalled for.
    • I believe I have respected you...Correct? The one time you said I offended you I apologized correctly? Now, I'm not asking for an apology from you, I'm just trying to help you communicate your points in a more professional manner.

    My reply ......Read above , my opinion is formed by the very words  in your bible while you use the much loved go to defense as in “ they’re out of context “ please point out where the authors of the Bible said god instructed one to have  a panel of biblical experts available every time they read the Bible to explain it “ correctly “? 

    • On another debate page, I went in depth on the importance of context when reading and interpreting the Bible. Let me know if you can't find it

    Please also supply the “ correct “ context for slaughtering children? 

    Judaism already gave you the context of why Moses was upset for the men not killing everyone in the land.  If you can't find it I'll give you another response

  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Did you watch the film yet?
  • with_all_humilitywith_all_humility 222 Pts   -   edited August 2018

    Be considerate to Joseph, don't be calling him names (like an )...that gets us nowhere and you are above such behavior.   
  • @Judaism

    No, I was just about to...just making sure I was caught up on some other post.  Thanks for posting it again.

  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Bereshit 7:23, you don't know why HaShem sent the Mabul, do you? Whatever. It wasn't global, fool, it was local, and not everyone died. But you never read the Talmud, did ya? Nor Bereshit Rabbah.
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    You're welcome.
  • @Judaism

    I'm loving Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi's points on evidence...I'm going to have to break out my notebook and take some notes.

  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    Read what I posted instead of constantly ranting 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    I wouldn't have called him an "" had he not been a sick anti-Semite who mocks my family. I will try to do better, as HaShem told Cain in Bereshit 4:7, we can go beyond evil and hatred. 

    Thanks for the advice :) 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    I read the first accusation, it was laughable. 
  • pocopoco 93 Pts   -  

    Nah ..... never knocked on doors for that reason, but looking at the other answers you get from folks, I do not have have to consider myself other than sane while in conversation w/you.

    Same answer as above re "sensible" comments.  Typical response from someone that has no real argument bc they do not have a grasp of the material discussed ....... only a bias they attempt to muddle thru, looking the unacknowledged "expert they actually are.  I just gotta laugh.
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    No defense ? Thought so 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Already made my defense for that one. What the heck do I need to defend again? G-d wiped out murders, rapists, and robbers.... is that wrong? If so, YOU go live with 'em! 

    Fuc**** retard will never understand simple logic 101. These people would be happy to KILL him, yet, he's their friend. This is why I happily call you a moron. Piss off.
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    Every one of you “ Christians “ are so predictable yous all leap to defend the immorality of a tyrant as in god , it’s excelent material for  me because I get to see first hand the appalling effect indoctrination has on the weak willed 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  
    poco's right, Joeseph here is a RETARD with a bias, he's NOT looking for answers, nor shifting to the other perspective per se. These kinds of people are best left at the water hole. 
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -   edited August 2018

    Still no defense for the vile Torah ? Come back again when you actually have a defense ...... You need to work on your anger issues .....remember .......Work will set you free ......You’re welcome 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  


    So what's your point? To piss people off? Show some respect, fool.
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  
    Sorry Joeseph, meant to say "NOT BOTHERING" to read the whole Torah. Told you I read it all in Hebrew, a language you will never understand, yet, you go on sounding more and more like you got you know what down your throat from ejaculating all over your bedroom. Good job, Goy! Mazel Tov!
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Silly boy, go on making Holocaust jokes, maybe someday you'll family will burn in Gehinnom and we'll laugh, then you'll know what it felt for us.
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -   edited August 2018

    I’ve forgotten more of the vile Torah than you’ve ever read you dummy , I don’t respect people like you who  try to act the big beak nosed tough guy ,you fired the first insult and now you whine like a child over being butt hurt go away you dummy 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    "You need to work on your anger issues" like he's free of that? Belloni. 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    You started this by being rude to others, anti-Semite. Go home and suck that little dickity .

    And answer the claims in the video, you're the kid in the closet. Get out of the darkness and see that blinding light, vampire. 
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    I’m actually amused at your antics and all because you’re in a rage over not having a defense for the vile Torah
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    Why would I go home to suck my when Jewish women do it for free if I fake a German accent ?
    You threw the first insult 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    You think I don't have a defense? Are you NUTS? I show your first accusation against the Torah and I laughed for ten minutes. 10 MINUTES! By your fuc**** stndards, Hitler must've been a good guy, after all, he raped, killed and stole land from other nations, but if G-d was wicked for killing those people of the generation of the Mabul, than so were the allies! You're a FUC**** NAZI! A SUPPORTER OF HITLER!

    I wonder, do you have ancestors in the War? I do, one was nearly killed at Stalingrad, but according to you, the US/Britain/and Russia were wrong for depriving Hitler and not letting him get away with it. According to you, the Shoah should have completed itself. DISGUSTING SOD! 

    Meshuggeneh! A chutzpah! A f****** shmuck!

    Oy vey! Can't believe I'm associated with this clumsy Nazi.

    Another point, dumbarse, don't give a list of a hundred things to debunk next time. Choose the top 5 maybe you'd get some answers then. Also, told you about Rashi. Here's a link, check him out and don't leave until you find everything you're looking for:
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    No Jewish woman would suck your harry for free, let alone payment. You're a Nazi. It's to be expected.
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    No Jewish woman would suck your hairy  for free, let alone payment. You're a Nazi. It's to be expected.
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    In fact, no woman at all, from any race!
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Debunk the video, only have to watch the first 60 minutes, that's all, I'm not asking you to make a V2 here. 

    Here's the film. Debunk it. Then we're done.... for good... if you want it.

  • YeshuaBoughtYeshuaBought 669 Pts   -  
    You have been fed a false narrative, my debating friend. We are immoral, not Jesus the God of the Bible. Romans 3:23 says "for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" and 10:9 makes salvation as simple as confessing that Jesus is Lord, and believing in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. He came into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. You confession of Jesus as Lord and repentance is the only thing you jave to do to spend eternity safe with Him. I used to hate Him, then I saw how nasty I was to Him. I should be dead, but Jesus gives me time to repent. He loves you so much that He was tortured to death for all repentant sinners to be saved. Where were we when Jesus created everything? Answer me that.
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    We Jews don't usually look for converts, but the film linked below has the truth. Rabbi Yosi Mizrachi spends the first 60 minutes of the film proving how Judaism, and the Torah, is divine. How does he do that? How can you prove G-d? Investigate. The Rambam, a 12th century sage, demanded we do it. Truth won't be in a book, it'll be in the stars which CONFIRM the book. 

    In the film, you will see how the sages knew great scientific advancements centuries before modern science. Judaism must be true, how else could the rabbis - other than revelation, which they claimed - could have known such stirring and astonishing facts, such as the world being round, or the number of stars in the universe, or the fact that the world spins on its axis, evolution, the age of the universe, etc.

    Please give it a watch, just the first 60 minutes if you want, that will suffice. Than please let me know your thoughts. One last point: there is nothing like it anywhere else. Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., all major religions of the world - all born AFTER Judaism, of course - claim, for instance that there is only 6-7 stars in the Pleiades star cluster, but it was the Talmud, and later, Rashi, who said no. There are more like hundreds of stars! What, if Muhammad had revelation, did Allah lie and say there were less stars in that one little cluster than he really created, and for what, to deceive the masses and let them burn in hell? What kind of a god is that? The prophet Yeshayahu said that HaShem doesn't play games, that He - or it, the Ein Sof - won't hide in darkness to the seed of Jacob. And the Ein Sof wouldn't lie. All we have to do is look at the evidence, these things atheists can never except, they're blinded. Again, any other faith, like Christianity, has science against it (take creationism for instance), not supporting it. This is not so with Judaism.

    Good luck, let me know your thoughts.
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    What a hate filled little brute you are and you accuse those who disagree with your nonsense as Nazis , go on play the victim card you sleazeball as you’ve nothing else have you? 

    You’re the result of a wet dream  your mother rolled into 
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -   edited August 2018

    I beg to differ your mother willingly fell to her kness to relieve me and thanked me after for the honour  I bestowed on her low life family  
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    You know that’s not true I’m quiet the catch , you see I don’t have a pointed head , beak  eyes and a beak nose like you 
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    I’m not remotely interested in the vile Torah , I’ve given you just a sample of the filth contained within it a few you have no defence except to fly into a rage and dream NAZI , NAZI ,, when you have an catalog argument ge back to me may get help if you wish from the local rabbit 
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    You say .....You have been fed a false narrative, my debating friend. We are immoral, not Jesus the God of the Bible. Romans 3:23 says "for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" and 10:9 makes salvation as simple as confessing that Jesus is Lord, and believing in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. He came into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. You confession of Jesus as Lord and repentance is the only thing you jave to do to spend eternity safe with Him. I used to hate Him, then I saw how nasty I was to Him. I should be dead, but Jesus gives me time to repent. He loves you so much that He was tortured to death for all repentant sinners to be saved. Where were we when Jesus created everything? Answer me that.

    My reply ....who fed me a narrative ? I’m not immoral , god certainly is as I’ve demonstrated using his words from his book . 

    Thanks for the preaching but I’ve heard all this rubbish before , prove Jesus created everything ? 
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    You say ..... No, that was not the point I was trying to make, it is not for me judge God's actions.  I can accept them and seek to understand them (possibly) or reject them along with His grace.  

    My reply ..... So have you ever rejected any and what do you mean with his grace 

    You say......As a human being I do not have the right to kill people, however, God passed judgment on the people fo the land and instructed Moses to extinguish them.  It's not for me to agree or disagree with.  

    My reply ...... But if you disagree with them you disagree with your god ? 

    So tell me do you have no opinion on the slaughter of the children if so you’re morally bankrupt, if not please explain why ?

    I asked .....

    "Ok, tell me the “best” context for killing kids?"

    You say .......

    It is not for me to say, it was God's judgment upon unrighteous people, 

    My reply .... So forgetting “unrighteous people “ what about the children ? 

    You say .....I highly recommend that you read the book of Hebrews and see to understand what it says about shadows for the things to come, or what is known as types and antitypes.  

    My reply ......You keep tip toeing around what I keep asking why’s that , if you disagree with god killing children fine if you don’t well that’s something you need to honestly evaluate and ask why you justify it 

    You say .....

    So the USA is an uncivilized nation? 

    My reply .....Yes fairly uncivilized in my opinion , the measure of a civilization is how it treats its citizens , where I live we do not put people to death , we do not allow our citizens to carry guns Americans bury there heads in the sand regards gun deaths and violence which is still an appalling 33,000 average yearly and that’s not taking accidents into account .

    I do not pay for medical care , I’m guaranteed a state pension because every citizen is entitled to one under our constitution , I’ve free travel when I’m a pensioner , free TV and reduced bills ......That’s a fairly civilized nation , the needy and destitute are entitled to the same rights once they’re a citizen , Americans including you resist the idea of free medical care yet most call yourselves Christian , I’m an Atheist yet I think such things a human right .

    I asked you before if Jesus walked the earth would he approve of Americans carrying guns ? You never answered this 

    Most American Christians bizarrely think so , most American Christians including you would deny others free medical aid and the various necessities of life I mentioned why’s that ? 

    You actually seem to think Jesus would agree with your stance on these matters don’t you ? 

    You say .....

    No, I'm just telling you what is historically correct and the reality of what you've cheer-picked out of the Bible

    My reply .....

    You cannot use the “ cherry picked “ excuse as the Bible verse is plain enough as well you know , it’s amazing the way you criticize me for doing what you constantly do as in pick and choose verse to suit your narrative hardly  fair is it ?

    You say......

    It is one thing to not agree with what is written in the Bible, but you Sir are attacking individuals personally, which is usually an indication that you are losing the debate.  

    My reply..... No need for the “ sir “ , if I attack anyone I do so always after being attacked bet you cannot prove otherwise , American Christians on here ( except you ) are a disgrace and I’ve never seen a worse example of so called Christians they attack like rabid dogs and always in groups , since my first day here Christians have called me a retard , a facist , a Nazi , slagged off my mother and family and I’m meant to remain mute ?

    I’m married to a Christian and mist my community are Christians most I have to say are decent gentle kind people , American’s I’ve met here are hostile , vicious , arrogant and a disgrace to the teachings they constantly preach at others but ignore themselves .

    You say ....

    We can agree and disagree with one another and be civil about it.  Personal attacks detract from the purpose of your debate.  If you don't agree with the point the person is making, provide evidence to the contrary and try and leave personal opinion out of your arguments.  Do your research and let your counter-arguments stand on their own.  But saying things like..."You’re right, apologies to Mao, Hitler, and Stalin for the slur" is uncalled for.

    My reply ..... I’ve never  attacked you , actually I was quiet serious about my reference to Mao , Hitler and Stalin , your god instructed others to rip infants from mothers bellies and dash them against the rocks ..... That’s demonic 

    you say......

    I believe I have respected you...Correct? The one time you said I offended you I apologized correctly? Now, I'm not asking for an apology from you, I'm just trying to help you communicate your points in a more professional manner.

    My reply ......

    You don’t like me criticizing your Bible and you’re offended at me pointing out how deeply immoral it is , I’m using your book with the words of your god stated as written and you’ve no plausible defence ......maybe you need to honestly evaluate your views instead of attempting to  justify the unjustifiable 

    You say .....

    On another debate page, I went in depth on the importance of context when reading and interpreting the Bible. Let me know if you can't find it

    Please also supply the “ correct “ context for slaughtering children? 

    Judaism already gave you the context of why Moses was upset for the men not killing everyone in the land.  If you can't find it I'll give you another response

    My reply ..... So you still refuse to answers as in  are you ok with kids being slaughtered ? It seems your answer is yes ........What’s  truly frightening if your god came to earth and told you to slaughter your child you would gladly do it or if he told you and all Americans to wipe out Atheists and their families you would willingly do so , or would you indeed refuse......If you cannot honestly answer these questions that’s fine as blind faith may be the best option for those too terrified to question their beliefs 

  • pocopoco 93 Pts   -  
    you:  Every one of you “ Christians “ are so predictable yous all leap to defend the immorality of a tyrant as in god , it’s excelent material for  me because I get to see first hand the appalling effect indoctrination has on the weak willed 

    me:  None of my answers are in accordance with what you believe as depicted above.  I have defended what the bible's message is from knowing the interpretation & contextual meaning of additional verses that apply to the ones you have used to vent your obvious bias & hate.

    It's so funny that you & some others use only the literal words for your rants on them, rather than pursuing what is the overall teaching & message.  I bet when an instructor in school in your past asked you to give an analysis of a book that had a hidden message, like "Animal Farm" by Orwell, you wrote your report saying it was only about a bunch of disgruntled animals that were upset with the farmer/owner.  &, as in the case with your interpretation of the bible here, your instructor would have given you a failing grade bc you only read the story as far s the literal words led you.  You have not/do not study the hidden message contained w/in.  One misses out so very much living in a literal only world.  So sad.

  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    They say that believing is delusion. . . oh, really? I don't think so. Einstein believed in some sort of G-d, even though it wasn't exactly the Torah's HaShem. Newton believed in a G-d, he studied the Book of Revelation as much as his physics. So did Lincoln. Even Hitler - though he wasn't exactly Catholic, he was more along the lines of borderline paganism - believed in some sort of god. Though the guy should burn in hell for all eternity, it would be dishonest to say he had a low IQ, I mean, he did upstarted a whole nation which was worse than the depression going on in America. That's something, no wonder FDR admired him before the War. What about Bill Maher? Famous, right? Funny, and an atheist. Certainly, he's too bright to be dupped into this delusion called religion, right? Well, think again. Before Bill was an atheist, he was a firm believer in G-d, for forty years, if memory serves me right. What does that tell you? Did he suddenly wake up all the wiser one day at 40? Ridiculous. That's not how IQ works, either you're born bright or you never have it. It doesn't grow. Therefore, Bill must have always been this bright since birth. So what is it? 

    Another case in point.

    Chris Hitchens. A great mind, nonetheless. One to aspire after. No one would say he was dumb by far. But what did he say of people of faith? That they were fools. Really? Does that count his own brother, Peter Hitchens, a firm believer in Christianity? Nah. Their IQs must be around the same. Statistics, if they're right, tell us that the intelligence of brothers (or sisters too) can only be separated by 12 points at the most. So, fine, let's say Chris was smarter than Peter. It's only by 12 points. If, let's say for argument's sake, Chris' IQ was 160, than Peter's must be 148. That's still Mensa. End of story.

    So what is it? My theory of perspective. It has nothing to do much with the environment, as the two Hitchens brothers obviously grew up together, yet, each going his own path of belief in life. Therefore, it must be perspective. That entails with science. Science tells us that each human brain, from the beginning of the universe to the end of time, is unique. No one is alike, we all think different, and that's a good thing! Point is, it's a lie to say that religion is a delusion, or that people of faith must be dumber for following an ancient book of laws, such as the Torah. Everyone follows laws. We have a modern book of laws, yes, it developed over time, but the premise is the same. We follow what someone else tells us. It's not mocking our intelligence, the great philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, if memory serves me right, once said that man had to break out from the darkness of the survival instinct by introducing himself laws. They chose a king, and he made a contract of laws with the people all are to follow for all time in peace to preserve peace. Dah, that's exactly the same thing the Torah's doing when Moshe Rabbeinu came down with what Christians call the 10 commandments, and more. Without laws, we'd kill each other, without American laws banning slavery, how many dumb Whites out there, down south, do you think would justify slavery with anything they could think up of? The US is a Capitalist nation, anything would happen as long as it made money. What about text books in High School, Collage, etc.? Some of that stuff in there is ancient, everyone studies the philosophies of Aristotle, and modern thinkers base themselves off of the past, I think it was Newton who once said that we stand on the backs of giants. What does that tell ya? That we CAN learn some wisdom from the past.

    But is the Torah relevant? Is the Magna and US Constitution reverent? All three are relevant. So are Plato's writings of old. . . . So yes, you're only cheated yourself if you think the Torah isn't relevant. 

    In the end, we all have now seen the truth, at least as I see it. Men, from any age, no matter how smart, can choose to believe or suspend that belief until they get old and fearful of death. It doesn't matter. We've seen that there are countless individuals, both past and present, who were geniuses in one field or another, take Francis Sellers Collins for instance, who believe in G-d. They don't think for a second that a house can build itself without an architect, how much more creation? Therefore, it's all just a matter of perspective. Chris and Peter Hitchens prove it. One can't be too much smarter than the other; Bill Maher proves it, he didn't get smart one day at forty, after having been a dummy all his life; Lincoln and Einstein prove it, having followed on god or another. 

    Therefore, the conclusion some hold, that religion is a delusion designed for idiots, can be nothing short of a lie
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Guys, there's a reason why I HATE to have to do all this. There's a reason. Because I have to wake up early in the morning and defend the religion - in fact, all religions, don't fall for Islamophobia - which preaches peace, love, and turn the other cheek (Judaism is similar to that), instead of kicking the other guy, the little atheist, in the crutch. 
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    HaShem told the prophet Iyov that he wasn't there when G-d laid down the foundations of the universe. The sad truth is that neither of us where there. . . the argument for or against G-d is only a matter of choice. None of us have the faintness clue what happened in the beginning because we weren't there. Simple enough to understand, right? So why do atheists believe what they wish to believe? Why do they believe that the universe is a cold, dark place with no purpose in it; that loved ones are lost at the moment of death, or that there could never be any hope for peace and justice, that everything's just relative, meaning, Hitler could be right - its his opinion to exterminate 6 million people. Why? Because in truth, these people, these atheists. . . they want the universe to serve no purpose; they wanted loved one's to be dead and buried; they want to have no immediate consequence for their actions when they pass on; they want no peace nor justice. Why they want all this, you'd have to take it up with them. I don't know their thoughts, like the Rambam once said, if I knew Him, I'd be Him, right? I don't know. 

    And THAT should be the real discussion. Not this mockery we people of faith face each living day. It seems that atheists are nasty people because they DON'T have G-d in their lives. No wonder. Really? No wonder. Why? Because they choose to live in sin, and G-d is against their immoral character, so they'd want none of it. So what are they left with? To treat others as dirt. They're upset because they think they've found that there's no G-d, and are very hurt by this fact, and that others can live with hope after death. That's all there really is to it. Amazing, isn't it? These people live in a society where they believe the lower class worships idols, but if no one believed in G-d, what kind of a civilization would be left, if we all really did just come from an animal with no supervisor (Judaism has always promoted evolution)? Everyone would rape and kill each other, that doesn't sound too nice, does it? These people take the morals of Judaism, and apply it to civilization without paying the dues. 

    This is why these people run from the question why they DON'T want a G-d. I'm glad I've given them a very good Jewish kicking to the shin!
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    I said ..... Every one of you “ Christians “ are so predictable yous all leap to defend the immorality of a tyrant as in god , it’s excelent material for  me because I get to see first hand the appalling effect indoctrination has on the weak willed  

    You replied .......None of my answers are in accordance with what you believe as depicted above.  I have defended what the bible's message is from knowing the interpretation & contextual meaning of additional verses that apply to the ones you have used to vent your obvious bias & hate.

    My reply ......Ah right your “interpretation”  and “ contextual “ meaning , absolute nonsense , so there  is a “ good “ context for slaughtering women and CHILDREN do tell please .......I’m using your book with your gods words so yes I hate child murderer tragically you and your buddies worship a .....child murderer that’s not bias it’s fact ? 

    You say .....

    It's so funny that you & some others use only the literal words for your rants on them, rather than pursuing what is the overall teaching & message.

    My reply .....It’s so funny that previous generations accepted the Bible as written and now Christians are so embarrassed by it they cannot even stand by it 

    You say .......I bet when an instructor in school in your past asked you to give an analysis of a book that had a hidden message, like "Animal Farm" by Orwell, you wrote your report saying it was only about a bunch of disgruntled animals that were upset with the farmer/owner.  &, as in the case with your interpretation of the bible here, your instructor would have given you a failing grade bc you only read the story as far s the literal words led you. 

    My reply .....I bet when you were handed “Animal Farm “ you thought it was a book about space exploration because you set up a group of so called experts to re - define what Orwell was really saying 

    You say .....You have not/do not study the hidden message contained w/in.  One misses out so very much living in a literal only world.  So sad.

    My reply ..... Ah there’s hidden messages now which of course only you and your sect know sad 

  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  
    @Judaism @poco @YeshuaBought @with_all_humility

    You’re once again incorrect and spectacularly so , Einstein like me dismissed the Bible as nonsense you see he actually engaged his mind , also why wouldn’t Newton be religious everyone else was to not to be in his day carried heavy penalties ......Youre welcome 

    Albert Einstein 

    . . . I came—though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents—to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression. Mistrust of every kind of authority grew out of this experience, a skeptical attitude toward the convictions that were alive in any specific social environment—an attitude that has never again left me, even though, later on, it has been tempered by a better insight into the causal connections.

    It is quite clear to me that the religious paradise of youth, which was thus lost, was a first attempt to free myself from the chains of the 'merely personal,' from an existence dominated by wishes, hopes, and primitive feelings. Out yonder there was this huge world, which exists independently of us human beings and which stands before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partially accessible to our inspection and thinking. The contemplation of this world beckoned as a liberation, and I soon noticed that many a man whom I had learned to esteem and to admire had found inner freedom and security in its pursuit. The mental grasp of this extra-personal world within the frame of our capabilities presented itself to my mind, half consciously, half unconsciously, as a supreme goal. Similarly motivated men of the present and of the past, as well as the insights they had achieved, were the friends who could not be lost. The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has shown itself reliable, and I have never regretted having chosen it.

  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  

    Yes that’s it physically attack someone who disagrees with you 
  • JoesephJoeseph 802 Pts   -  
    @Judaism @poco @YeshuaBought @with_all_humility

    Remarkable rant and you’re making little or no sense , every one of yous have defended god for killing children in my other debate on gods immorality and no doubt if god came to earth and asked yous to kill your kids yous would gladly comply , I’m painted as the bad guy for using the words in your Bible which has your god commanding the slaughter of women and children and yous all totally support it because “ hey there’s a good context to it “ none of yous deny god killed kids yet every one of yous support it .....Now that’s sick 

    This make every one of yous morally bankrupt,  ISIS do the very same as is written in the filthy Quran as in slay the infidels and yet yous condem them no doubt .
  • JudaismJudaism 180 Pts   -  

    Yes, there was a Christian woman who did take the story of Avraham and Yitzchak literally, and murdered her children in a bath tub. But does Mr. Atheist here think people of faith are that dumb? That we'd just kill our children for no reason? There cannot be a contradiction in a holy book, if HaShem banishes or slays those pagans who burn their children, why would He - It - command us to do the same, such a thing which He abhors? It makes no sense. 

    But this is all simply because Joeseph has again failed to understand the story about Avraham, why? Because he just chose to gloss over an isolated verse or two, without reading the whole chapter, let alone book of Bereshit, in context. How sad, this poor fella. 

    The story of Avraham is NOT about murdering your own children. That's hogwash. It's about a test: would you do anything for G-d? Of course HaShem doesn't want us to kill our offspring, any first grader can figure that out - it's actually sad that this mentally delayed person named Joeseph, an adult, can't, but that's beside the point - G-d's test, which we can always overcome, is simple. How far will you go to prove your love for your Creator?

    Avraham passed the test, hence why HaShem sent melech to stop him. Avraham proved that he loved G-d more than his only child. That was the point. Now that G-d is at the front, go love others, learn, and grow to love life.

    Onto some other remarks.....

    Ya, Einstein also said this: "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Later, he said this, "In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for support of such views. . . . I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know his thoughts. The rest are details." Yes, he didn't believe in the Torah, as he once said in a letter written in January of 1954, "The Bible. . . a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me." Einstein further said that science has its roots in religion, "Science. . . can only ascertain what is, but not what should be," while religion "deals only with evaluations of human thought and action." This is because "Science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding," which is, undoubtedly, religion.

    What about Newton? Was he forced to believe in G-d? Only an would believe that. In fact, he had to study Revelation secretly, by himself! Have you read what the man wrote? Of course not. He loved the Bible. Einstein and others believed in some form of G-d, even if it was just a metaphor, as the Rambam taught, per se.

    Joeseph has again failed to debunk our claims. Will he ever take the chance to answer the film I sent him? Again, philosophy won't leave religion behind for me, you have to debunk the film first. When will you get out of the closet, Joeseph, you never know when it'll be too late, any one of us could die tomorrow by cancer, we have to investigate now. What is 60 minutes to your life? Spend some time and learn from the rabbi, than decide if religion is a farce or not. Until then, don't expect any of us to be converted to your sad, blind little faith called Atheism. A-theism. 

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