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Communities is the largest online debate website globally where anyone can anonymously and easily debate online, casually or formally, while connecting with their friends and others. Users, regardless of debating skill level, can civilly debate just about anything online in a text-based online debate website that supports five easy-to-use and fun debating formats ranging from Casual, to Formalish, to Lincoln-Douglas Formal. In addition, people can improve their debating skills with the help of revolutionary artificial intelligence-powered technology on our debate website. DebateIsland is totally free and provides the best online debate experience of any debate website.

"Persuade Me" Debating's "Persuade Me" online debating format enables anyone to debate online with an unlimited number of other debaters and arguments, no time restrictions, no minimum word count, and the ability to improve their debating and writing skills with the help of our Debra Artifical Intelligence Argument Analytics, with the goal of persuading the debate poster to change their opinion on the topic of the debate.
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  •   4

    Convince me Hawaiian Pizza is bad

    in Products

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  •   0

    George Harrison was the best solo beatle

    in Art And Design

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  •   1

    minnimum wage

    in Politics

    Persuade Me

  •   1

    minnimum wage

    in Politics

    Persuade Me

  •   1

    minnimum wage

    in Politics

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  •   23


    in United States

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  •   0

    Oakland A's

    in Sports

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  •   109       Top Debate

    Ten-Reasons Atheism is Destroying America

    in Religion

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  •   75

    Persuade me: Free will is possible

    in Philosophy

    Persuade Me

  •   31

    God is pro-abortion. Change my mind.

    in Religion

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  •   20

    Cherry picking religious texts

    in Religion

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  •   0

    proposal: catastrophic health insurance for all, with other american principles

    in Politics

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  •   247       Top Debate

    Atheism/materialism doesn't justify morality

    in Religion

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  •   0

    This a real Christian.

    in Religion

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  •   21

    Is hegemony the true danger?

    in Politics

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  •   0

    republicans aren't Nazi's

    in Politics

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  •   0

    Beto is anti-Christian bigot.

    in Politics

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