But we don't live in the youngest part of the universe as we observe younger parts when we look through telescopes, and your bible doesn't say that god "fine tuned" only the younger part of an old universe of approximately 14 billion years in its narrative at all. Your bible says it created it all in six literal day periods and no more than 6000 years ago or so going by biblical genealogy. So that explanation doesn't help you anymore than it did Lee Strobel. Your bible says god spoke creation into existence and it was, so sorry, deflecting isn't helping you. You see, I do not forget your past arguments. Science absolutely does not in any way lead to supporting your god as the creator and neither does nature...just_sayin said:@Factfinder
How is a universe so hostile to life, fine tuned for life when there is so little of it, only in one tiny insignificant spot? And for such an immense universe, still no sign of life anywhere else yet?
An argument that I've hear before is that our universe isn't finely tuned for life because there is so much of it that in in hospitable for life. I'm just going to quote Michael G Strauss, PHD - Experimental High Energy Physics (From interview in "Is God Real" by Lee Strobel). I think he addresses it well:"Actually, the universe is the smallest it could possibly be and still have life...If you start with a big bang and your goal is to make solar system like ours, you have to go through two previous generations of stars. The first generation left behind some of the elements of the periodic table, but lacked the right amounts of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen to make rocky planets and complex life. Then the second generation of stars formed from the debris of the first generation. When these burned out, they made more heavy elements and scattered them throughout the universe. Our sun coalesced from that debris. Now here's my point: this third generation of stars is the first possibility for a solar system like ours to exist. So if you start with the big bang, it takes nine billion years to create a solar system like ours - which is approximately when our solar system formed, 4.5 billion years ago. So if you're God and your purpose is to create Earth suitable for people and you use these processes, it would take about 13.5 billion years. And during that time, what is the universe doing? Expanding. Right it's getting bigger and bigger. So even though it's incredibly large, this is the youngest, and therefore the smallest that the universe can be if you want to create one planet that's hospitable for life."
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
Sorry, going back in time to a smaller universe when your bible specifically says it was created the instant your elf god spoke it into existence just reveals your blind faith in having faith rather than reason.
just_sayin said:I think you are making a mistake in missing the 1,000 executioners firing their loaded guns and all missing, by focusing exclusively on the reaction of the observer. You seem to be missing the obvious. While it is true that the guy who pulls off his blindfold can say he is still alive, and therefore everyone missed, he has failed to explain why everyone missed. Given the astronomical odds of everyone missing, it seems that something more is going on, and if everyone missed, he should suspect that the reason is because, their shots were not accidental, but that they all deliberately missed. While he can conclude he lives in world where the odds worked out in his favor and he is alive, he has failed to recognize that their was some intelligence and intentionality that was behind that, that tinkered with things to bring about that outcome..
just_sayin said:Nobel Prize winner, Roger Penrose pointed out that the initial conditions of low entropy in the universe were incredibly unlikely and that the odds of them happening randomly were 1 in 10 ^10 ^ 123rd power. Since there is no known reason in physics why these numbers must be this low, it demands an explanation, as he argued. Your argument seems to be - 'since we are alive, let's forget about the explanation altogether about how we have such an improbable universe.' That seems like the opposite of the scientific approach to me. Mind you that Penrose is an atheist. and that Penrose also posited the notion of consciousness being the result of the collapse of the wave function whereby there is time travel into a brief moment in the past (just a side note since you went off topic onto consciousness). A key difference I see in his response, is that he knows, something is off and it demands more than 'Let's just forget about it and go on'.
The fact is, there are a limited number of scenarios where a life permitting universe is generated - I'm not talking about one that fits just our type of life right now, but just one where the universe doesn't immediately collapse upon itself, or where the fundamental forces aren't too weak and thereby no atoms can form. A parameter that I did not mention was the amount of matter in the universe. If there was too much matter, then the universe would collapse on itself before stars and planets could form. If there was too little matter then the stars and planets couldn't form. This number must be finely tuned to 1 part in 10 ^60th power. That means that a dimes worth of difference in the matter in the universe and it would not exist. Go outside and take a look at the sky - if you added or removed 1 millimeter from what you see in the sky - your universe wouldn't exist. Again, please look up above at my initial post for many other examples. The odds are not just astronomical they are impossibly improbable. To claim that since we live in an environment that permits life, then we shouldn't concern ourselves with the odds - is naive and unscientific.
@Stephen Only it wasn't "false". Both parties "enabled" these Pakistani rape gangs to operate over decades.
That isn't the issue. We are talking here about a specific gang rape case and there is no evidence anywhere that the defendants were Muslim immigrants or a Pakastani rape gang.