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  • Do Christians have a warrant to say they are the "true" religion?


    Jesus followers are eye witnesses.  It is beyond absurd to think that a trial judge would say something as like 'oh, you are a friend of the defendant, you can't be a witness'.

    Actually judges do that all the time. They don't usually disqualify someone from being a wittiness but depending on who's asking the questions they are deemed 'hostile witnesses' if there is a relationship and what ever they say is met with much more scrutiny. Especially bizarre supernatural claims.

    Eye witness accounts must be judged individually for their credibility.  The fact that many of the miracles are repeated by others gives increased credibility to the claims.

    The 'eye witnesses' you speak of are all asserted by religious texts which is nothing but dogmatic tripe and you know it. Deal with it.

    Jesus enemies freely admitted that Jesus performed miracles.  As I mentioned they even used this common fact against him by claiming it was sorcery (or by Demon association) that Jesus performed healings of the lame, the blind, and raising the dead. 

    Another nail in the coffin of your faith. Barely mentioning what was claimed by a cult almost 100 years later isn't affirmation of miracles; especially when you admit they assume it was a sorcerer's tricks. Why cling to a faith you're compelled to lie for?

    Mathew mentions the sky darkening and earthquakes.  It doesn't say hundreds.  And you are correct, that there does not appear to be any record of other people being raised from the dead, other than those that the enemies of Jesus claimed Jesus him self raised from the dead in the Jewish Toledot Yeshu.  However, sit down for this - Jesus' enemies (Phlegon and Thallus) confirm the darkness (an eclipse) and the earthquakes at the time of Jesus' death and resurrection.  It is very odd that if the events did not happen, as Mathew recorded, at Jesus' death and resurrection, that his enemies acknowledged an eclipse and an earthquake.. Why would they acknowledge them if they did not happen? 

    Bible verses are dogmatic and have no value. Eclipses and earthquakes happen, correlation does not mean causation.  Matthew says saints that had died before were raised when Jesus was in your same bible so are you saying he is in error? If Jesus's enemies were affirming the miracle why leave out this important fact?

    Your final point is without merit.  If I go to a concert and hear Bach played badly, I don't yell 'Bach is a bad composer'.  Instead, I recognize that the orchestra didn't represent his works well.  In the same way, it is unfair to judge Christ by what others do.  The most primary principle of Christianity is that all are sinful and flawed and in need of a savior.  The church is made up of flawed sinners who are growing int heir faith. 

    But we're not talking about concerts. We're talking about how Christianity claims to be the only way to heaven and to have the infallible word of god when in reality there is bitter discord and admitted 'corrections' to false translations or mistaken ones, same thing. You expect people to believe your all powerful god could do anything but it can't perfectly preserve its word or explain itself without confusing its parishioners to the point of bitter feuding. 

  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?

    MayCaesar said:

    We are arguing against dogma and doctrine. At what point should we question our own sanity for engaging them? 

    Well okay boredom is a pretty good reason. LOL
    Not really dogma, I would say, but dishonesty coupled with ignorance. These people never apply the same reasoning when it comes to things directly affecting their life. If (and I sincerely hope not) one of these posters gets cancer, what do you think their response will be? Well, I am not sure about Rickey - he is a true nutcase - but none of the other posters will say, "Well, we do not know everything about cancer, so I do not trust those doctors. Instead, I will pray to god!" No, they will go and get a treatment.
    That's always a good point. The religious always find renewed trust in the answers science provides when they find themselves needing a doctor. And arguing on the internet with their smart devices. ;)  
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    Haha, that's why the patriarchs of Judaism/Christianity had concubines! Oh, and it's not all puffy clouds and harps you know. You could be some kind of seven headed creature, heads of different species that is, and sing alleluia forever. Sound fun? LOL
    I love the devious stuff like this. In the Forgotten Realms universe there is goddess Lolth who is also called the "Spider Queen". She has many forms, the main one being a large spider, as the name suggests. She is an evil goddess, pitting her followers against each other and rewarding either those who survive, or those who amuse her in some way. Spending the afterlife with her is... a questionable pleasure at best, but there are... "perks" as well. They are what you can imagine they are, and beyond. :D

    I suppose the Christian marketers are failing at their job a little. They should emphasize that the heaven features a lot of diversity and weirdness. Maybe there is a gigantic horse with 20 tentacles at the end of each hoof, playing piano, singing with a horsy voice and putting a jazz spin on the ancient Greek songs? That would make it an interesting travel destination.
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    I reject anyone or anything calling itself "God" other than Elohim. Enjoy eternity.

    The creator of evil, why? So you can troll minority neighborhoods for victims like you bragged about? And that's while you spew vile lies and hatred instead of love and peace, to impress this evil god?

    Isaiah 45:7: 

     I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


     There is One-Elohim....without Jesus, you have no hope.

    Sure. So that means you're atheist to the god Thor? Atheist, to it? Or do you believe?
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    The Vikings had one of the most badass religions ever. The afterlife for warriors is basically endless exercise and combat practice, in preparation for the biggest war in all eternity against wild monsters. Maybe it is my youthful spirit talking, but this sounds so cool to me. If there really was afterlife, I would rather it be packed with action, with struggle, with discomfort - than with cushy clouds and proud angels.

    In the Dungeons & Dragons universe I always felt an uncanny attraction towards the Abyss. The place is wicked beyond human imagination, but no one can say that it is stale or boring. And if you can charm an influential succubus, then your life can be very-very interesting.

    One of the things that I always found lacking with modern religions is how orderly and stiff they are. No room for playing around, joking, experimenting: just be a serious and boring monk and follow a thick book. This is not how humans are supposed to live.
    The Greek and Roman religions were much more interesting. Gods there tricked the mortals, played complicated politics, backstabbed each other, engaged in orgies... That is what human spirit is about: dynamism, motion, adventure, with a slightly unhealthy mix of depravity. It is not about being a robot in grey rags mumbling Latin verses.
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    Atheism is a destroyer of the soul and mind and body of our posterity...atheism is an evil that is ever present among us...I glory to see the day that atheism burns in Hell.

    So you believe in Thor? Or are you atheistic toward greek gods therefore by your own words headed for hell for being atheist?
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?

    @Jweishuhn ; All evidence points to design and an omnipotent Designer.

    Obviously the evidence points to Brahma the Hindu god of creation. How did you know ricky? Thought your elf god book told you another myth all together???
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    Yes, I love peeling the layers of the intellectual onion and seeing what is underneath - and being pleasantly (or unpleasantly, which is rarer) surprised. Simple, superficial answers never satisfy me. It seems incredibly sad to me to live a life full of simple and superficial answers. It is like existing in two dimensions instead of three.
    My parents did many things right, and one of them was making me into a devil's advocate junkie. A critical reaction to virtually anything I hear is almost hardwired in me, and that has gotten me into a lot of trouble in life in the past. I cannot imagine though what it would be like living without this instinct, to hear a statement and just accept it. Especially your own statements should be subjected to the harshest criticism: you should hold yourself to much higher standards than anyone else.

    Perhaps that is what many ideologies, including religious ones, come down to: promoting mediocrity? When you just follow what others believe and do not form your own opinion independently, your opportunities in life are going to be severely limited - but you will be a perfect ideological pawn. Some people, like you, break out of it eventually: they are not satisfied with this state of affairs. Others do not. I know that many Soviet people in the late 80-s had serious issues with the Soviet ideology, but the fear of their suspicions turning out to be true was so great, they kept clinging to it, to the last moment, when the whole construct started going down. Brainwashing there was much greater than the religious brainwashing in Western countries: you were lied about everything, down to whether the current leader of the country is dead or alive. Soviet people accepted absolutely insane claims such as "There is no sex in the Soviet Union" (actual popular believe in the USSR; what it said was that the Soviet people were above filthy capitalist pleasures and only partook in activities in the bedroom to procreate), claims that their personal daily experience contradicted. It is not like it was that hard to see that this sex that "there was none" of there happened just last evening in one's own bedroom - but fully acknowledging the scope of the lies was so painful, people employed mental tricks similar to those @just_sayin and @RickeyHoltsclaw do, just plain denying what their eyes see and bodies feel and replacing it with their fantasies.

    As for freedom, to me it is more about your mental state, than the environment you find yourself in. Sure, in a certain sense, there is a lot more freedom in the US than in North Korea: you are not going to go to jail here for forgetting to bow to your dear leader's statue. Yet if you are, say, one of the "woke" ones, constantly walking on eggshells, letting others tell you what to think, et cetera - then are you really freer than a North Korean who follows his dear leader in public, but in private curses at him? I do not think that there is a less free state than not thinking for yourself. You can live in a very comfortable environment, but if your brain is inert and just follows its programming induced by others, then you are barely more free than an ant in a hive.
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?

    @Factfinder ; Atheism is a destroyer of the soul and mind and body of our posterity...atheism is an evil that is ever present among us...I glory to see the day that atheism burns in Hell.

    So your response on a debate site to this question..."So the golden rule in your faith means showing how vile and repulsive Christians really are only the atheists?" is what you just posted above? Keep in mind I asked that question because you posted this: "Atheists are narcissistic fools...arrogant, insolent, useless." You do not show the love of the savior you pretend to follow. And....Matthew 5:22

    ... but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

    Your master ordered you to not call people fools yet you do. Perhaps people don't believe you because the power of god doesn't emanate from you? Ever think of that? Don't worry, I'll remind you. You sure don't act Christian.

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